Summerville Post Volume 34, No. 1
Winter 2010
The Newsletter of the Summerville Neighborhood Association
The Historic Partridge Inn Celebrates Centennial Anniversary in 2010 The Partridge Inn, a landmark of Southern style and hospitality, will celebrate a century of service in 2010. This historic hotel has stood the testament of time and continues to be a Summerville landmark, drawing visitors from around the globe and serving as a central gathering place for Augustans. The Partridge Inn began as a two-story house, the home of the Walton family, one of whose members, George Walton, was a Georgia signer of the Declaration of Independence. In the 19th century, New York hotelier Morris Partridge acquired the property late and began a small boarding house for his Northern visitors. Within two years of opening his establishment, Mr. Partridge was already adding the first of what would be five expansions to his burgeoning venture. After extensive renovations, 60 rooms were added enabling The Partridge Inn to open as an ‘official hostelry’ on January 8, 1910. On January 9, 1910, The Augusta Chronicle reported that “Partridge Inn Opened Saturday: New Sixty Room Hostelry in Summerville Finished – Several Parties of People Expected During Week.” In its early days, a U.S. Post Office, Summerville Drug Store, Flower Shop, News and Book Shop, Barber Shop, Ladies’ Hairdressing and Manicure Parlor were all conveniently located in the lobby of The Partridge Inn. The ballroom was a primary gathering area and has served as the setting for a number of Augusta’s high society events. Most notably, in 1923, the hotel’s magnificent ballroom was the site of a dinner for President Warren Harding, an event the Augusta Chronicle described as “the grandest in the history of the city.”
Letter from the President Joe Neal, Jr., 2010 Summerville Neighborhood Association President Dear Neighbors, The Summerville Neighborhood Association has hit the ground running in 2010. I have appointed key chairpersons to vital committees to strengthen and enhance our neighborhood. We are developing a high tech crime watch alert system to notify members of when, where, and what kind of crimes are occurring in Summerville, with a “real time” crime blog. We are also revamping our website to both promote Summerville to the outside world and to give SNA members quick and useful access to Summerville information. Membership will focus on recruitment, renewal, and social events to bring camaraderie and good cheer to our village. Our 2009 Tour of Homes was the most financially successful Tour in the past 15 years, and we hope to make 2010 the best Summerville Tour of Homes ever. The planning has already begun, as we have already anchored this year’s Tour of Homes with the Partridge Inn, which is celebrating its 100th year as a hotel. On January 8, 2010, I, along with Mayor Copenhaver and other city leaders, spoke at the PI’s centennial kick-off and deposited into a time capsule (that will be buried in front of the hotel and not be opened until the year 2110) a 2009 Tour of Homes ticket booklet along with this poem I penned:
The Centennial Celebration The gateway to Summerville stands perched atop a Hill Overlooking with Majesty the grandeur of Augusta city For a century she has stood the test of Time, and served the very finest of wines Presidents have roamed her halls, and Fair Ladies have danced in her Balls So it is with deep appreciation, the Summerville Neighborhood Association Honors the Partridge Inn, in the year 2010 And as a token of our appreciation, we dedicate this year’s Tour of Homes celebration By making the Partridge Inn, our good neighbor and fair friend The featured home, and the first stop, of the Summerville Tour in 2010. My goal as your President is to make the Summerville Neighborhood Association a model for other neighborhood associations in Augusta, Georgia and a force for good in our greater community. Come join us! Summerville needs you! Joe Neal, Jr., President, SNA 706-829-6229
The annual Neal Christmas party was held on December 19, 2009, at our home on Kings Way. In the spirit of Christmas, our family and party guests collected and donated toys to children of families staying at the Ronald McDonald house in downtown Augusta. The Neal children were very blessed to be a part of the Summerville spirit of giving back at Christmas to those most in need.
SummervilleN.A. 2010-2011 Officers and Board of Directors
Front row (left to right): Kathleen Barnhart (Secretary), Rob Dennis, Ray Doumar, Anthony Farkas, Joe Neal, Jr. (President), Lisa McCollum (Vice President), John Williams, Martha Brown Back row (left to right): Meredith Newman, Mary Howard, Jack Evans, Stuart Rayburn (Treasurer), David Dunagan
SNA Officers and Committee Chairs President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joe Neal, Jr.
Communications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jack Evans Post Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joe Neal, Jr.
Vice President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lisa McCollum
Tour of Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lisa McCollum
Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stuart Rayburn
Membership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Martha Brown
Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kathleen Barnhart
Crime Watch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David Dunagan
Directors: Greg Boulis, Martha Brown, David Claffey, David Dunagan, Rob Dennis, Ray Doumar, Jack Evans, Anthony Farkas, Mary Howard, Meredith Newman, Mike Osbon, John Williams
Social Events/New Neighbor . . . . . . . Meredith Newman Historic Preservation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Williams Code Enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ray Doumar
Crime Watch
A new crime watch alert service is being developed by David Dunagan, Anthony Farkas and Jack Evans. This service will notify all Summerville Neighborhood Association members about certain crime events via text message, e-mail or calling post. This rapid alert system David Dunagan will make all member residents instantly aware of a crime Crime Watch Chair shortly after it happens. A BOLO (Be On the Lookout) message will also be sent out if the suspect(s) has not 706-294-7360 been apprehended. Members will also be able to log on to a running blog page to view or post comments regarding crime watch or other events. Be sure to have your dues up to date so you will be part of this new system. Also include with your check, how you would like to be notified (E-mail, text or calling post).
SNA Rejoins WAA Group Following the leadership and vision of our past President, Stewart Flanagin, SNA has rejoined, as a dues paying member, the West Augusta Alliance, a non-profit organization of 16 west Augusta neighborhoods that seeks to have a greater impact as a group on local and state issues. The WAA’s goal is to make West Augusta a better place for its citizens to live, work, and play. SNA President, Joe Neal, Jr., will represent Summerville by serving on the Board of Directors of the WAA.
Election Update
Augusta Commission District 1 “The Little District that Could” The whole city is talking about the major election victory for challenger Matt Aitken for District 1 in the November 2009 Augusta Commission District 1 race. District 1 is a very interesting district with a diverse population that sprawls from east and south Augusta into the eastern portion of Summerville, including Kings Way and streets nearby. Mr. Aitken made it to a run-off after a four way race failed to produce a majority vote for any one candidate. The run-off election occurred on December 2, 2009, and resulted in Mr. Aitken’s victory with over 52% of the vote. SNA hosted a candidate’s forum on November 19, 2009, at the Partridge Inn in this election. Summerville residents who live in District 1 now have a new Commissioner representing their interests. Mr. Aitken has pledged to support the Chronic Nuisance Property Ordinance sought by Harrisburg residents and supported by SNA. He also supports a new Tee Center and progress for downtown Augusta. Summerville is now represented by Joe Bowles in District 3, and Matt Aitken in District 1. Let your voices be heard by contacting SNA and your District 1 and 3 commissioners if you have an issue of vital community interest. We are here to serve you.
Board Endorses CNPO The Summerville Board of Directors unanimously voted at our General Meeting on November 19, 2009, to endorse the effort of our sister neighborhood, Harrisburg, in its petition to the Augusta Com mission to enact a Chronic Nuisance Property Ordinance (CNPO). This ordinance is necessary to eradi cate gang warfare, drug dealing, prostitution, and other negative social behaviors that have become a spreading cancer in historic Harris burg, and is spawning criminal behavior that is reaching into Summerville. The CNPO will allow affected citizens to petition the Magistrate Court to evict criminal tenants who are destroying the quality of life in their neighborhood after a landlord knowingly refuses to take corrective action. The SNA Board is committed to putting a stop to crime in our neighborhood and we feel that supporting the passage of a CNPO is another positive step in that direction. Please call your Commissioners: Joe Bowles, District 3; Matt Aiken, District 1; Don Grantham, Super District 10; and Mayor Copenhaver to express your support for a CNPO for all of Augusta.
New Neighbors? If you know of someone new to the Summerville neighborhood, please let our new neighbor coordinator, Meredith Newman (meredith.newman@comcast. net or 706-799-0582), know so we can welcome them and extend Summerville’s southern hospitality!
Renew Your Dues
Left to right: S tuart Rayburn (Treasurer), Meredith Newman (New Neighbor/ Socials), Joe Neal, Jr. (President) and Lisa McCollum (Vice President)
A Terrific Tour! With the support of Summerville businesses and restaurants, as well as our neighboring communities, the 2009 Summerville Tour of Homes was extremely successful! The Tour showcased six lovely homes, all of which had their own style, décor and flare to attract patrons not only from the CSRA but also from Atlanta, Savannah, Charleston and Macon. The committee also resurrected the elegant candlelight tour, accompanied with a kick-off party held the Friday of Tour weekend at the Partridge Inn. With the excitement of success still fresh on our minds, we are not wasting any time in preparing for an even greater 2010 Summerville Tour of Homes. With the Partridge Inn as the cornerstone of this year’s tour, don’t miss the chance to have your home on what is sure to be one of the most memorable Lisa McCollum Summerville Tour of Homes ever as we join the Vice President and Partridge Inn with their centennial celebration. We Tour Chair are constructing committees and recruiting volunteers and sponsors now. If you would like to help play a part in your neighborhoods largest fundraiser, or to share the hard work that you have poured into your home by showcasing your house on the Tour this year, please contact me as soon as possible. Looking forward to October! Lisa McCollum Vice President, SNA 2010 Summerville Tour Chair 706.364.8438
A lot of Summerville residents at some time in the past have joined SNA, but have not renewed their membership. Please check your records to see if you have not renewed your membership dues within the past year, and if not, fill out the attached membership application form, update your contact information, and send in your dues to get onboard. We need you!
Merchandise Available Show pride in your neighborhood and support our neighborhood association with your purchase of Summerville merchandise. Flags – $30 Sweatshirts – $30 Dinner Napkins – $5 a pack 12 oz. cups – $2.50 per cup T-Shirts – $25 Coffee Mugs – $5 Ball Caps – $10 Please call Jennifer Neal at 706-829-0233 or email if you would like to purchase Summerville merchandise.
Membership Center Is your household a member of the Summerville Neighborhood Association? If not, join today! Voted ‘Best Neighborhood’ by the readers of The Metro Spirit, Summerville is ‘all that’ with designs to grow! Our current board is excited about advancing membership so everyone can get into the action! We have already seen unprecedented growth in our Crime Watch initiative. We continue to hit home runs with our highly-attended and very popular Tour of Homes event. And our recent involvement with ASU and the Lighting of the Christmas Tree showed great attendance and community involvement. This year’s endeavors include the following: Martha Brown Membership Chair • Upgraded website with user enhancements • Cutting-edge and precedent-setting Crime Watch initiatives • Regular socials for more neighborly interaction and community growth • Continued community/neighborhood projects for beautification and renovation Director Anthony Farkas is the Information Technology expert on the Membership Committee and is converting our old membership database system into a modern system that is easier to use and access. We plan to come up with a new dues renewal system that will notify members when to renew their dues, a feature that has been lacking in SNA’s membership program in the past. With an unbelievably reasonable fee of $35 per household, why not join today? We are committed to advancing neighborliness and safety in our wonderful neighborhood but cannot do this without your involvement and support. Send in the attached form today and look for more communication in the future for our upcoming events! Let’s keep the momentum going! Help us keep Summerville the Best Neighborhood now and in the future! If you have any questions I can answer with regard to joining, feel free to call or email me. All the best to you and yours in this new year, Martha Brown Membership Chair 706.831.3859
Summerville Gives Back
2009 ASU and SNA Christmas Tree Lighting
SNA President Joe Neal, Jr. (center), delivers a check to SNA Treasurer, Stuart Rayburn (left), along with Vice President Lisa McCollum (right) in support of SNA’s adoption of 10 needy children for Christmas through Augusta Urban Ministries, a local non-profit outreach group.
Everyone wants to know what SNA fundraising money goes towards. In addition to community enhancement projects, the Summerville Board deems it worthy to support community outreach projects. After a very successful 2009 Tour of Homes, the Board agreed to give back to our neighborhood and neighboring communities during the Christmas season of giving to enhance our neighborly relations with the greater Augusta community. In 2010, SNA will invest funds to digitally archive and preserve Summerville’s historic Post newsletters, Tour programs, and other vital Summerville records, and will replace, repair, and/or install Summerville’s historic sign markers located on the boundaries of our village.
Summerville Citizen Spotlight Interview with Frank Christian By Joe Neal, Jr. Summerville resident Frank Christian was the official photographer of the Augusta National and the PGA for a 52-year span, having travelled the world and befriended presidents, golfers, godfathers, kings, movie stars, and musicians. As I looked and marveled at the pictorial wall of fame in Frank’s office studio on 8th St. in downtown Augusta, I wondered why someone as famous as Frank would choose to live in Summerville the vast majority of his life. So I asked Frank the question, and this is what he told me. “Anywhere you go in the world it would be hard to find the same tempo of life that you have in Summerville. There is more hospitality in Summerville than most places in the world,” said Frank. And I admit, I have to agree with him. Frank Christian was raised on Northview Avenue in 1938, just behind Henry Street. Before World War II, Northview Avenue was a dirt street with only a couple of houses and woods around it and the Mt. Auburn grocery store was just down the street. Frank remembers going to school on William St. at William Robinson in the first grade. Frank began boxing at the age of 16 and won the Golden Glove Champion ship at the Bell Auditorium in the late 1940s, with a record of 36-1-1. Frank joined the United States Air Force in 1955 and in 1957, he married his wife, Jackie, a native of England. In 1964, the Christians moved to Littleton Steet, which was a dirt road with a tree in the middle of the street. Frank says it was like living in the country, just off Walton Way. Frank and Jackie raised three children on Littleton Street, Laura, Edward, and Amy, and have lived there for the past 46 years. To Frank, Summerville in 1964 was essentially like it is today, with the houses and buildings having retained the same ambience, character, and charm over the past half century. Frank believes the Summerville Neighborhood Association has been instrumental in helping to preserve the architectural
SNA Social Events Be on the lookout for infor mation coming soon about neighborhood social events! The SNA board is working hard to create fun, exciting opportunities for you to meet your neighbors and give back to the community as we come together for socialization and relaxation! Details to come...
Meredith Newman Social Events/New Neighbor Chair 706-799-0582
Frank Christian integrity of our neighborhood and in fact says SNA was formed because of a nonhistorical looking daycare that was built on Walton Way in the 1970’s as a result of “spot zoning.” Frank, a photographic historian and avid collector of fine arts, takes pride in the fact that many houses in Summerville have been restored to keep the historic character of the neighborhood intact. Instead of dirt, Littleton Street now has impressed concrete resembling cobblestone and replica gas lanterns. Frank says that good leadership has helped Summerville maintain its ambience, citing Mayor Devaney’s help with Littleton Street’s beautification. Frank is also a firm believer in citizens being good neighborhood advocates, as this also has helped protect and preserve the quality of life in Summerville. To Frank, Summerville residents are not looking for change in their neighborhood so much as they are looking to keep what they have and to work towards beautification. However, Frank feels other historic neighborhoods, like Harrisburg and Old Town, need change and good leaders, and cites the efforts of Butch Palmer and Lori Davis, two citizen advocates who have brought the fight against crime to the consciousness and forefront of historic neighborhood revitalization efforts.
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