a guide to giving and getting involved
Educating a child requires an exceptional faculty, a curriculum that develops fluency, creativity and competency, and the generous involvement of parents. Summit School encourages parents, grandparents and alumni to actively participate in the daily life at Summit and provide financial support beyond tuition. Since its founding in 1933, each Summit School family has played an active role in the school community. Summit parents share the responsibilities of meeting the school’s educational goals and ensuring a soundly governed and financially healthy institution. Summit relies on the support and involvement of our entire community – including current and past parents, grandparents, trustees, alumni, faculty and staff. Through volunteer opportunities, special events and fundraising efforts, the school provides a variety of ways to become involved.
A Generous Community Supports Summit’s Mission Financial Support We ask all parents and other constituents to contribute to the Annual Fund at the beginning of every school year and to participate in campaigns that support new facilities, endowment and other capital needs. Parents are also invited to support fundraising events and activities sponsored by our Parents’ Association. We understand that within a school year you will be given many opportunities to give. Occasionally, a specific class, team or grade might sponsor a fundraiser. We hope the following timeline helps you navigate the major fundraising projects at Summit: PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION ACTIVITIES Year-round Who: All Families Why: Supports Parents’ Association and special funding areas Approximate $ Raised: $25,000 ANNUAL FUND Fall Who: All Families Why: Supports operating budget Approximate $ Raised: $300,000 from parents; $600,000 overall PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION AUCTION Spring 2017 (held every other year) Who: All Families Why: Supports Parents’ Association and special funding areas Approximate $ Raised: $100,000
Financial Overview Summit is committed to prudent financial planning. As an independent school, Summit receives no financial support from federal, state or local governments. The sole sources of revenue are tuition, charitable gifts, income from invested reserves and proceeds from special activities. Like all independent schools, Summit must raise additional funds beyond tuition revenue to balance the budget and provide for the future.
VOLU N T EER OPPORT U NITIES Annual Fund The Annual Fund is the most important and largest fundraising activity on campus each year. We are proud that in most years, 95-100% of our parents participate in the Annual Fund. Summit relies on parent volunteers to reach out to fellow parents to encourage participation in the Annual Fund. We also appreciate assistance with two phonathon nights each year, when volunteers come to Summit for a two-hour window to call on other parents for participation. Parents partner with trustees and development staff to raise additional funds for major capital projects like new construction and endowment. No fundraising experience is necessary. The only requirement is that you are willing and enthusiastic about helping Summit achieve our goals. We provide full volunteer training and orientation. To help with Summit’s fundraising efforts, please contact the Development Office at (336) 724-5811.
Parents’ Association The Parents’ Association, an organization of parent volunteers, coordinates activities to benefit our students. The Association, led by officers and committee chairs, enlists other parents’ help and organizes fundraising activities to underwrite special projects for the school.
Committees Back to School Bash Book Fair Costume Room Development Ea$y Money Gardening
Graduation Grandparent Valentine Gratitude Gift Hospitality Library May Frolics
More information can be found at: www.summitschool.com > Parents > Parents’ Association
Parents’ Association Officers 2015-2016 President............................Kristie Blanco President-Elect.................Kate Michalek Secretary.............................Katie Grubbs Treasurer...............................Terra Snider Asst. Treasurer....................Tonya Deem Nominating...................Clare Quadland sspa@summitmail.org
New Families Parents’ Advisory PA Office Support School Pictures School Store US Athletic Liaisons
GIVING OPPORTUNITIES The Annual Fund Summit relies on the Annual Fund to bridge the gap between the actual cost of a Summit education and tuition, which provides approximately 85% of the cost of each child’s education. The Annual Fund provides about 4%. Annual Fund gifts vary in size, and all gifts are important. Every gift will be recognized in our annual report, Summit Support, and in a giving club. Of course, we respect all wishes for anonymity. We ask every family to make Summit a philanthropic priority. In the fall, parent volunteers contact Summit families by telephone, mail or in person to request an Annual Fund gift. Pledges are payable by June 30; however, many contribute before December 31 to take advantage of a tax deduction for the current year. Many parents and friends step forward with gifts at the leadership level of $1,000 or more. These leadership gifts are essential to help the school meet the educational needs of the entire community. Summit has several gift clubs to recognize our donors’ generosity. Gift Clubs 1933 Council Founders’ Society Head’s Circle Scholar Society Honor Society Pioneer Circle
$10,000+ $5,000-$9,999 $3,000-$4,999 $2,000-$2,999 $1,500-$1,999 $1,000-$1,499
Futrell Friends $500-$999 Lewis Legends $250-$499 Adams Architects $100-$249 Summit Supporters Other gifts Bridge the Gap Team $2,300 (cost per student above tuition)
Invested Reserves (Endowment) Invested Reserves, also called endowment, help fund the costs of school programs. These funds enable Summit to respond quickly to needs and keep the school innovative. Started in 1959, the endowment has been built by gifts from parents, grandparents, teachers and alums. Summit has the largest per student endowment of NCAIS (North Carolina Association of Independent Schools) schools. The Board’s policy is to spend 5% of a three year rolling average of the value of the endowment for operations. This year endowment income provides $1,146 per child that is not covered by tuition. Gifts to the general endowment fund are always welcome. If you are interested in establishing a permanent, named endowment, please contact the Development Office.
Matching Gifts Make your gift go twice as far! Matching gifts from your employer are a great way to leverage additional dollars to support Summit. Please check with your company to see if they offer matching gifts, or let us know if we can assist you with this process. Remember that gifts from spouses and retirees may also be eligible.
Active Participation Parents are encouraged to take an active part in their children’s education. There are many ways to be involved! Parents volunteer in classrooms; attend Parent-Teacher conferences, athletic events, plays and musicals; join the Annual Fund team; take part in Parents’ Association activities and serve as Parent Athletic Liaisons. You’ll want to attend the following events: OCTOBER 27: INSPIRING LEARNING Screening of film Most Likely to Succeed 7:00 pm Loma Hopkins Theatre NOVEMBER 3, 10, 17, 24: MINDFUL PARENTING SERIES (JRK - 3RD GRADERS) 9:30 am Center for Excellence and Innovation DECEMBER 3: TRICIA SHEEHAN Getting Your Kids to Eat Healthy - Now and for a Lifetime 8:30 am Center for Excellence and Innovation JANUARY 12, 19, 26 AND FEBRUARY 2: MINDFUL PARENTING FOR TWEENS SERIES (3RD - 5TH GRADERS) 8:30 am Center for Excellence and Innovation APRIL 19: INSPIRING LEARNING 7:00 pm Loma Hopkins Theatre APRIL 26: LOWER SCHOOL COFFEE 8:15 am Dining Hall Meeting Room
To make a gift, volunteer or get more information, please contact the development office at (336) 724-5811 or development@ summitmail.org, or visit www.summitschool.com/give.
Development Office Frequently Asked Questions and Answers Q: Why does the school ask for a contribution in addition to tuition? A: Summit strives to make tuition competitive but also affordable. The board sets tuition fees to cover approximately 85% of the educational costs. The gap is closed through gifts, income from invested reserves (endowment) and other sources. This year the gap figure is $2,300. An independent school education requires families to invest in both tuition and philanthropy. Q: Why doesn’t the Board set tuitions to cover all costs? A: If Summit charged enough in tuitions to operate without an Annual Fund, we’d lose many of our current families and have a less diverse student body. Like all good independent schools, Summit must get extra financial support from its families. The Annual Fund is the best method to attract donations for annual operations. Also, only in the U.S. are the tax laws designed to encourage voluntary support of independent institutions like Summit. No independent school or college can survive on tuition revenue alone. Summit is an incorporated not-for-profit, allowing Annual Fund gifts to be tax deductible. Tuitions, of course, are not tax deductible. Q: Are Summit’s tuitions high? A: Comparatively speaking, they are not. Comparison of Summit to other major North Carolina independent schools (Charlotte Country Day, Charlotte Latin, Durham Academy, Forsyth Country Day, Providence Day in Charlotte, and Ravenscroft in Raleigh) shows our tuitions are among the lowest in our peer group. Q: May I direct my gift to Financial Aid or other specific need? A: Yes. However, unrestricted Annual Fund gifts provide Summit the most financial flexibility. Many generous donors have established endowment funds to provide financial assistance and support special initiatives at Summit. Please contact the Development Office if you are interested in funding financial aid or a special project.