Newsletter December 2014

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SUMNER ALUMNI NEWS Newsletter of the Sumner High School Alumni Association of Kansas City, Kansas, Inc.

Vol. 4 Issue 3 Summer 2014

Purpose of The A

PRESIDENT PINKARD’S PROLOGUE Dear Sumnerites and Friends, This last quarter of 2014 has been a whirlwind of positive activities for our alumni. In addition to all of these past events that I want YOU to know about, there is Dr. Deloris Pinkard lots of information about our upcoming 2015 ALL-SUMNER Convention in September and this is my final “President’s Prologue” to you. My term of office ends at the end of this year. However, I am going to try to share my thoughts with you as briefly as I can. You all know that I have never been accused of being “a person of few words”, so I have selected several photos of our members and events from this last quarter to share these experiences with you. If “a picture is worth a thousand words”, then I have done you a big favor. :) So, let’s get started... At our final quarterly meeting on November 22, Joanne Mitchell Collins and Debra Jones Norman presented our slate of new officers and conducted the election and installation. Sincere thanks are offered to ALL who have committed to serve our Sumner High School Alumni Association. Your new SHSAA officers are:

President—Rev. Chauncey R. Black Vice President—Thomas Gordon Recording Secretary—Sandra Wayne Campbell Corresponding & Ass’t. Recording Secretary—Debra Jones Norman

Treasurer—Robert D. Brady, Jr. Financial Secretary—Shirley Webster Howard Chaplain—Joanne Gipson Johnson Sgt. At Arms—Captola Taylor Harris Executive Members-at-Large: Dr. Deloris Strickland Pinkard Morris N. Campbell, Sr. Marie Williams Morris

Newly Installed Officers for SHSAA - at the Nov. 22, 2014 General Meeting

My personal and sincere appreciation is also extended to our past officers, committee chairpersons, and dedicated alumni whose competent commitment to your Alumni Association made the last four years productive and pleasant. Some of you are pictured in the photo gallery here, and most of you are listed on the back page of the newsletter. I am taking the liberty to thank two additional members for their untiring support. Special thanks are sent to Mr. Roy Robinson and to Mr. Ron Harland (and son, Eric) for the many ways in which they have blessed this Association. I am confident that our Sumner HS Alumni Association is in competent and dedicated new hands, and that we will continue our upward trend in terms of growth, community visibility, cooperative reclamation of our place in the halls of our Alma Mater (now called Sumner Academy), and of our enhanced love and positive relationships with our alumni, our Foundation, our school district, and other friends.

To those of you who have not yet chosen to re-connect with your Alumni Association, please consider this opportunity in 2015 as we move toward our 2015 Convention, Sept. 24, 25, 26, and 27 at The DoubleTree by Hilton in Overland Park, KS. See registration forms, schedule of events, payment options, DVD order options, etc. in this newsletter. Go online to our website after the first of the new year to register, order, make payments, etc. or just use the enclosed forms and mail to us at our P.O. Box 17-2013, K.C. KS 66117. As you view these photos and captions, you will note that for two major events, we are in the Sumner building. Sumner Academy Principal Jonathan Richard stated in a nationally televised interview last year that Sumner Academy stands on the foundation of excellence that was Sumner High School. Embracing that sentiment, during Homecoming, VP Jennifer Hornback and Academy staff and students reached out to our Sumner alumni with an invitation to “COME HOME”. For the first time in 36 years, more than 100 Sumner High School alumni and former faculty filled the halls and felt welcomed. The second event was the re-dedication of the refurbished “old” gym to our Sumner alumni. Do view the photos included here. Also view photos from our third annual JAZZ in the AFTERNOON and SILENT AUCTION scholarship fun/fundraiser which is fast becoming “the place to be” on Saturday afternoon in early October. Also note that our own, Dr. Lee Roy Pitts received the school district’s Reasons to Believe Award. He was nominated by Mrs. Bettye Maddox and a special SHSAA Award was provided by Mr. Eugene Williams, now of Washington D.C. Special thanks go to the many alumni and others who came out to honor him. I hope you enjoy the photos here. I thank Mr. Clifford Liggins, Mr. Elmer Jackson, and Mr. Ron Hopkins for sharing

2 these with us. Well, about now, you are probably questioning that “photo equaling thousand words” thing. :) So, I will wind this prologue down. Just TWO more thoughts... 1) Plan to take advantage of the Early Payment discount for the 2015 ALLSUMNER CONVENTION by completing your registration and payment by the July 31, 2015 deadline. If you want to pay in installments, send just $32 per month starting in January, 2015 and your Convention assessment will be completed by the July deadline. The assessment includes your annual dues for 2016. # 2) We still need your annual dues in the amount of $25 per person for the 2015 year. Please send those as soon as possible. At your earliest convenience. Musical Alumni, please sign up to help provide music for worship via our Worship Music Coordinator, Frances Bradley Robinson at We look forward to this worship service. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sumner High School AND Sumner Academy Alumni Events SEASONS GREETINGS! We are pleased to announce a few ALUMNI Special Events and opportunities!

Merry Christmas to ALL -- and Blessings to You and Yours Now and HOLIDAY GIFTS: Always, For your favorite Spartan or Sabre. Demonstrate the

Dr. Deloris Strickland Pinkard – C- ‘62 Dr. Deloris Strickland Pinkard SHSAA President, 2011-2014


SAVE THE DATE! We have just received word that our Sumner HS alumnus, Dorothy Hodge Davis-Johnson has been selected as an Awardee of UMKC's Inaugural Class of the Bloch Business School's "Women's Hall of Fame". The event is scheduled for March 13, 2015. Her nomination was facilitated and supported by Dr. Nolen Ellison, Mr. Elmer Jackson, and Dr. Deloris Strickland Pinkard, all of whom are long-standing members of the SHSAA. Dorothy Johnson is the daughter of John Hodge, Sumner's first -and 35-year principal. (This honor is being awarded to Dorothy posthumously.)


STRENGTH of the SUMNER name and purchase your very own Family Tree shirt. Junior Board is also selling handmade scarves in ORANGE/Blue/and other colors! Attached is the order form. Make your order NOW in time for the holidays! MARK YOUR CALENDARS: January 13: Sumner Boys Basketball Alumni Night 5:30 (jv)/7:00 (v) – BE BLUE, be loud, and be proud! January 16: The Sound of Music, presented by the Sumner Theatre and Music departments 7pm – Alumni reception at 6:00 to meet cast, crew, and light refreshments. Ticket information available from Sumner Academy office (627-7200) February 3: Sumner Girls Basketball Alumni Night & PINK OUT Night 5:30 (jv)/7:00 (v) – join us as we SLAM CANCER! WEAR BLUE & PINK! February 17: SPARTAN Night with Girls & Boys Basketball 5:30 (g)/7:00 (b) – join us as we THROWBACK to the days and wear our AWESOME ORANGE and recognize Spartans past.

Thank you to the many Sumner alumni who have volunteered to assist with this 2015 ALL-SUMNER CONVENTION. As a reminder, all volunteers must have your $25 membership dues for 2015 paid on or before March 24, 2015. We do need and greatly appreciate your willingness to serve!

We need your HELP & EXPERTIESE! Do you have a talent? Are you interested in giving back? Would you like to share your experiences with our current students? Contact Mrs. Hornback to see how to get “plugged in” to the ELECTRIC things happening around campus!


FEBRUARY IS BLACK HISTORY MONTH If you are interested in visiting with our students throughout the week of February 9 – 13, please contact Mrs. Hornback or Granvile O’Neal by January 9, 2015. We will be conducting tours of the facility, alumni room, and creating small group setting for the Sumner story/legacy/tradition to be remembered for years to come!

CALLING ALL ALUMNI MINISTERS, VOCALISTS, MUSICIANS, USHERS, AND SALVATION COUNSELORS/EVANGELISTS! Our 2015 CONVENTION Sunday Morning Worship will be held from 10 AM - Noon (followed immediately by our Farewell Reception in the Convention Hotel.) At your request, all ministers will be seated in a Reserved Section, and a number of you will be able to offer various aspects of Prayer, Scripture reading, the Invitation, etc. - and only ONE Respectfully, sermon. If you are interested, please let Worship Mrs. JP Hornback, Assistant Principal Coordinator, Deloris Pinkard know via e-mail at Sumner Academy

The Academy Re-dedicates the Old Gym to the SHS Alumni Re-furbished Gym with Spartan Mascot; Sumnerites John Rice and Marie Williams Morris Welcoming Alumni to the Re-Dedication; Speakers Gerald Hall and Granvile O’Neal with Academy VP JP Hornback in the background; and Spartan Mascot and Sabre Mascot in Banner hanging in Gymnasium. Sumner Academy Says, ‘Welcome Home’ With Academy Band Ensemble to the Enjoyment of Sumner High School Alumni during Homecoming Events in Early October, 2014.

SHSAA ‘Jazz in the Afternoon and Silent Auction” at KCKCC on October 4. Association VP and Event Chair Morris Campbell and President and Event Committee Member Deloris Strickland Pinkard Welcome a Record Crowd at the 3rd Annual Jazz Event. Lady D and “Round Midnight” provide unsurpassed Entertainment. The Sumner Class of 1955 Chose to Spend their Annual Event at SHSAA's "JAZZ in the Afternoon and Silent Auction" THANKS, '55-ers!"; and Crowd acknowledges Thomas Rhone.

Sumner Alumni Bowling League contributes another $500 to the SHSAA Scholarship Funds

Reasons to Believe

Sumner Alumni Bowling

Jazz and Blues in the Afternoon

Welcome Home

Rededication of Gymnasium


2014 Reasons to Believe Honoree Dr. Leroy Pitts, Sr. presented in Nov. by the Kansas City Ks. School District

2015 Sumner High School Alumni Association National Convention Registration Materials

2015 Sumner High School Alumni Association National Convention Registration Materials

2015 Sumner High School Alumni Association National Convention Registration Materials

SUMNER HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION PAST CONVENTIONS DVDs ORDER FORM Many have expressed the desire to have the past ALL-SUMNER CONVENTIONS activities on DVD. If you missed the Conventions or did not take advantage of purchasing them during the Conventions, this is your opportunity. The 1995 Convention was recorded on VCR but has now been placed on DVD. No recording of the 2005 Convention has been located. If YOU have a copy, consider letting us know – and sharing it for reproduction. Complete payment must accompany all orders. Complete delivery information at bottom, please. THANK YOU.

SUMNER CONVENTION DVD ORDERS ALL-SUMNER CONVENTION 1995 3- DVD Package $30.00 + 3.50 S/H- No. of Sets Ordered _________ $-Amount Enclosed _________ ALL-SUMNER CONVENTION 2000 6- DVD Package $54.00 + 3.50 S/H- No. of Sets Ordered _________ $-Amount Enclosed _________ ALL-SUMNER CONVENTION 2010 5- DVD Package $45.00 + 3.50 S/H- No. of Sets Ordered _________ $-Amount Enclosed __________ TOTAL- All Orders Above $___________________________ SEND ALL PAYMENTS FOR ABOVE ORDERS TO: SHSAA P.O. Box 17-2013 Kansas City, KS 66117 OR Online at SPECIAL DVD OFFER – “Sumner High School- The Best Kept Secret” THE DOCUMENTARY $25.00 (+$3.50 S/H) No. Ordered ________ Total $-Amount __________ Send this order and payment to: Dignified Digital P.O. Box 4474 Overland Park, KS 66204 OR Online at Your Name _____________________________________________ Delivery Address _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 2015 Sumner High School Alumni Association National Convention Registration Materials


Sumner High School Alumni Association, Inc. P.O. Box 17-2013 Kansas City, Kansas 66117



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Photo Credits Ronald E. Hopkins Clifford Liggans Elmer Jackson Gerri-Ann J. Hopkins SUMNER HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION LEADERSHIP 2013-2014 EXECUTIVE BOARD Dr. Deloris Strickland-Pinkard President Morris N. Campbell, Sr. Vice-President Carolyn Mitchell Recording Secretary Debra Jones-Norman Corresponding Secretary Robert D. Brady, Jr. Treasurer Shirley Webster-Howard Financial Secretary Tiel Sanders Parliamentarian Rev. Chauncey R. Black Chaplain Clifford Liggins Sergeant-at-Arms ~~Members-at-Large~~ Dr. Hargest Shumate Dr. Lee Roy Pitts Gloria Franklin-Watson

STANDING COMMITTEES’ CO-CHAIRPERSONS Executive Dr. Deloris Strickland-Pinkard Morris N. Campbell, Sr. Budget/Finance Robert D. Brady, Jr. - Shirley Webster-Howard Constitution and Bylaws Tiel Sanders - Rev. Chauncey R. Black Membership and Communications Naomi Baker-Evans - Edith Turnipseed History, Archival and Alumni Room Granvile O’Neal - Carolyn Mitchell Chester C. Owens, Consultant

Scholarship and Awards Robert D. Brady, Jr., Beverly Hooks-Scott Program and Special Projects Marie Williams-Morris - Georgia Thomas-Taylor Social Action Brenda C. Jones - Howard Berry Courtesy and Hospitality Joyce Jones-Hanna - Wayne Hanna Nominating Debra Jones-Norman - Mike Rogers Memorial Marker Adrienne Williams-Patterson-Roselyn Elmore Bailey

Alumni History and Archives Betty Maddox and Patricia Baker

2015 MEETING SCHEDULE Association Meetings will be scheduled for the 5th Saturday in the months containing 5th Saturdays except as noted due to holiday periods. Meeting time is from 1:00 p.m—3:00 p.m. unless otherwise announced. Executive Committee will meet prior to each Association meeting—as scheduled by the Association president. Executive Committee Meetings will be anticipated to be called as needed to conduct Association business between general Association meetings. Location of all meetings for 2015, unless required by external circumstances and announced by the president, will be at the K-State Wildcat Room, 1200 N. 79th Street, Kansas City, KS. .

2015 January 31 May 30 August 29 October 31 Sumner Alumni News is distributed by email when email addresses are available. Active members without email addresses receive newsletter via U.S. Mail. CONTACTS Dr. Deloris Strickland-Pinkard …………..913-334-6476 President Debra Jones-Norman ……..…………………913-544-4199 Corresponding Secretary Shirley Webster Howard …...……………...913-788-7765 Financial Secretary Geraldine A. J. Hopkins………..……………..816-522-7872 Editor

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