Curriculum vitae english Claudia Lanteri

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Curriculum Vitae


Lanteri Claudia

Claudia Lanteri Via C. Battisti 12 a 39100 Bolzano 0471/263965

0039 328 6368782 Skype: claudialanteri Sex female | Date of bitrth 30/09/1967| Nationality italian


From 2014 Responsible of educational Needs (FSE) for South Tyrol Metaphora

From 2015 Responsible for European Project Fondazione Paolo di Tarso

President Slow Tourism Alto Adige

From 29/7/2011 to now Director Cooperativa sociale C.S.I. TRE ( CSI stands for "Cluster and social innovation," The purpose of the cooperative is to create business opportunity for profit and non-profit organization with a 'perspective of social innovation and territorial marketing 16/4/2009 - 31/10/2010 Volksbank - Project Manager "optimization of processes" In 2009 Volksbank decided to give primary importance to the “process –vision”. My group has introduced a banking software, one of the world's leading program and has revolutionized the way of introducing new products / services in the Bank. Full process control from A to Z (especially with regard to the costs and risks associated with the process) has already given its first results in the rationalization of time spent by people in the branches and will give the desired results in 2011 in the field of productstandardization. 14/01/2008 - 15/04/2009: Volksbank - Head of Virtual Banking Office My Office was responsible for the business of credit and debit cards, website, internet banking, mobile banking and pda banking 01/09/1996 - 31/12/1998 Sparkasse (BZ) – Head of Home – Banking (produced by Quercia Software) Office Sparkasse Bozen wanted to move from a passive attitude towards customers to a proactive approach, providing customers with the assistance of qualified experts in the area that had to be coordinated by a professional and competent person. For this reason they proposed me to move to Bolzano to become responsible of that office.

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Curriculum Vitae

Lanteri Claudia

01 /01/1999 - 13/01/2008: Sparkasse (BZ) - Marketing Service

1999 - 2001: development of bank-strategy in the new sales channels: phone banking, internet banking, e-commerce and self service and coordination of their birth and growth. 2002: project leader of the project “from a static to a dynamic web-site” .2004 - 2008: analysis of the target, benchmark and introduction of new services for customers with traditional marketing tools (advertising, events, sponsoring ...) and innovative (web marketing), putting into practice the new techniques learned in the ' University of Bolzano. 01/01/1990 - 30/07/1996 Quercia Software SpA - (Vr) Installation of home-banking and cash management programms, training and courses for companies, telemarketing experience. 01/01/1987 - 31/12/1990 Cassa di Risparmio di Vr.Vi.Bl.An August '95: Sparkasse Wien collaboration with Spardat (software house Sparkasse Wien) testing their new home-banking program: a good opportunity to compare the Italian situation with the international one. EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2000 - 2005 Master “ Management and International Markets” - University Bolzano. March 1995 Degree in Economy University of Verona July 1986 Scientific Degree - Liceo Scientifico Statale Galileo Galilei, Verona European Project Planning Milan 07 -11 May 2013 Master Project Planning with specialization on topics of 2020 organized by Eurogiovani with certificate. Creation of a European project to be included in the list of European Project managers Marketing and Internet • • • • • • •

Telemarketing - Studio Romiti / 1990 - Florence Corso Internet Marketing - Sole 24 ore –1999 – MI Pubblicità in Internet - Systech 4-5 Aprile 2000 – MI Manager in rete (corso intensivo su E-commerce)– 2000 – MI E-commerce Forum and Workshop (19 99 - 2000) -MI On-line Marketing Forum – 2006 e 2007 – Muenchen Forum Digital Comunication – 2012 - MI

Pianification, Comunication, Human Resources Management • • • • • • • •

TIME Management and Project Management – 1999 - BZ “How to develop managerial ability” ’Akros -1999 - MI Comunication customer oriented LBC (Luigi Bergamo Consulting) – 2000 Pianification and Control LBC (Luigi Bergamo Consulting) – 2001 Project management and Problem Solving - Galgano associati – 2003 -MI Comunication” Hagen Kasslatter – 20-21 Aprile 2007 -BZ “How to solve critical situation” D.ssa Lintner- 21-22 aprile 2008 -BZ Different style of leadership D.ssa Lintner- 17-18 Novembre 2008 –BZ

Innovation, social and cooperative field • • • • • • •

What is Innovation? – Top Management forum – 2010 -MI Social Capital as future re source - 2011 - MI IX Edition Workshop social corporate – 2011- Riva Garda ONG 2.0 New way for using web in no profit field (online) - 2011 PA 2.0 – PA and social network (online) - 2011 Work with emotional intelligence – 2011 -BZ Frauen in Wirtschaft – Management for women –WIFI- (BZ) 2011-2012•

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Curriculum Vitae

Lanteri Claudia

EUROPEAN PROJECTS I’ve written and been PM of the following projects: Title: Stain of Mediterranean Codex: EUROPEAID/134491/C/ACT/MULTI Year: 2013 Countries involved: Italy, Spain, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia Objectives: give opportunity for young potential entrepreneurs living in Morocco Tunisia and Algeria to create a start-up or a branch of an Italian or Spanish, create relationships between stakeholders of the four countries, improve the skills of young entrepreneurs Title: African democracy 2.0 Codex: EUROPEAID/135-333/DH/ACT/MULTI Year: 2014 Countries involved: Italy, Lebanon, Libya Tunisia Morocco Objectives: 1) strengthen dialogue between young people and decision-makers in politics 2) use the euro -Mediterranean partnership for the transition to the "real" democracy in North African countries 3) Strengthen the formal participation of young people in elections 4) develop skills related to the promotion of dialogue and political campaigns 5) strengthen the presence of women in the electoral process and the integration of marginalized young people in the electoral process Title: AD VILLAGE - ADOPT A VILLAGE Codex: COS-TFLOWS-2014-3-15 Year: 2014 Countries involved: Italy, Ciprus, Spain, Greek, Slovenia Objectives: 1) To support the extension of the tourist season, thus helping to improve the competitiveness of SMEs and employment growth. 2) promoting transnational cooperation between the largest possible number of stakeholders along the value chain of tourism 3) Facilitate public-private European Titolo : MDR (Mediterranean Diet Route) Codex: 127-gent-pa-7722 Year: 2014 Countries involved: ITALY SPAIN PORTUGAL GREEK CYPRUS SLOVENIA CROATIA Objectives: M.D.R. is an innovative response in the field of tourism because it starts from the creation of a “route” that is a traditional way of promoting local tourism but move the attention of the project from the tourist (customer) to the “local village” with its producers of food, citizen, schools and touristic SMEs. The main objective of M.D.R is to promote European cooperation, designing innovative transnational products, capitalising European shared cultural heritage contributing to diversify European tourism offer and creating job and opportunity for less developed regions/countries. Title : E.M.IO: Euro Mediterranean Intermediary Organisation K: COS –WP2014-4-05 Year: 2014 Countries involved: Italy, Spain, Morocco, German, Jourdan Objective : In the light of the above, E.M.IO is an innovative response to the dual challenge of stimulating entrepreneurship and encouraging cross-border trade in Europe. By means of learning with an experienced entrepreneur in another country, start-up entrepreneurs and would-be entrepreneurs will gain competences and perspectives that will be invaluable during their business start-up phase. Such new entrepreneurs will use their fresh entrepreneurial spirit, their different perspective, and their knowledge of their home market and culture as a source of new ideas and a sounding board for the HE. Title : M.D.R Mediterranean Diet Route Codice : COS TOUR 2015 -3-04 Year: 2015 Countries involved : ITALY, SPAIN, GREEK, CYPRUS, CROATIA, SLOVENIA Objectives : The transnational tourism product is a cultural Route (Mediterranean Diet Route), a route of all the places around Mediterranean See where there are similar traditions. In these countries a dish is not only a plate with something to eat but it is an occasion to stay together, to enjoy food and to converse.. a strong and ancient tradition. Title : AD VILLAGE - Adopt a village Codex: COS TOUR 2015 -3-04 Year : 2015 Countries involved : Italy Spain Slovenia Objective: AD VILLAGE is a) an innovative “touristic mobility scheme” b) it involves all the stakeholders of a municipality ( associations, schools, government, corporates, citizens) c) it isn’t a “hit and run” or “stop and go tourism “ but it creates a kind of “love” relation between

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Curriculum Vitae

Lanteri Claudia

PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongue(s)


Other language(s)








Spoken interaction

Spoken production





Replace with name of language certificate. Enter level if known.







Replace with name of language certificate. Enter level if known. Levels: A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Communication skills

Excellent interpersonal and communication skills gained in multicultural environment (South Tyrol, Austria, England and America ) Excellent abilities in customers’ satisfaction acquired through daily contact with them in Marketing office and while I was responsible for online banking for my Bank Excellent ability in writing texts, translating a text from a complex to a simple form (for a web use) . Good ability to transform a concept in an infographic or powerpoint, graphic image or video. Last but not least, my students say that “I’m a also a good teacher “

Organisational / managerial skills

Good problem solving skills in project work and teamwork due to many big projects that I’ve coordinate (organisation of marketing campaign, exhibition, launch of new products...). Good ability to coordinate and motivate people (when I was team leader). Good ability to understand the dynamic of a group and to place my professionalism in the right place to reach goals. Good organizational and strategic skills achieved as team leader collaborating to the strategic decision of the strategic Board of my Bank

Job-related skills

In my experience with social corporate, I’ve acquired the sensibility to work with disabled and problematic people and to understand strength and weakness of single person or a group. Three years of analysis of banking process and the ERP course has given me an analytical mind to be able to approach the analysis of a “whole” corporate. The bank has given me a financial approach to the world, the social corporate has given me an “ethical” approach and the experience and study in marketing fields has given me a commercial approach to life. The three aspect together give me the “key” for problem solving.

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Curriculum Vitae

Computer skills


Lanteri Claudia

Good knowledge of the last operative systems ( how to manage a computer in order to keep it survive as long as possible, antivirus and cleaning system, protection, spyware…) Good knowledge of system of elaborating data (excel and acess), Word and system for presentation (powerpoint, video builder like picasa or videomaker, sequence of image to create a video, special effects …) Nesletter system like rapidmail or mailup or sendblaster Creation of web site with google site, winx, aruba Creation of surveys with google o quicksurveys Knowledge of the most important social media (facebook, linkedin, twitter…) in their business use Use of statistics with google analitycs Use of microsoft project Knowledge of the general function of an ERP system Creation of blog with wordpress or overblog Partecipation as responsible of the group Valgreen – Epralima - Portugal 4/11 March 2017 Erasmus + KA2 Project – 2016 – ES01-KA202 - 024575 Objective: training future professionals who are responsible for the sustainable management of the environment

Progetto Innoyouth – Saragoza – SP – 12/20 Aprile 2018 Objective: improve skills for young for job empowerment

Progetto Youthworkers Academy – Dublin – IR + Georgia ( 5 / 12 Giugno 2018 19/26 Agosto) Objective: implement skills of Youth workers

Partecipation as an expert 2016 Partner in APInno (European project Erasmus+ Project № 2014-1-BG01-KA203001561) as consultant of IXL 2016 Expert in the project Visconti ( VISConti is a Strategic Partnership for Vocational Schools. The partnership is made up of 17 organisations including universities, schools, education authorities and other organisations from 9 countries 2016 Organize and tutor at the The International Conference “Innovation in science education” ( The TTTNet Conference in Verona, Italy on 7th and 8th October 2016 with key-note speeches, workshops, presentations, discussions, all dedicated to innovation in science education in school context)

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Curriculum Vitae

Lanteri Claudia

ASD Project – a tool for helping autistic people to speak with the computer Turchia – 22 -29 Febbraio 2017

2011/12 - LAVORARE TUTTI CONVIENE A TUTTI (EUROPEAN PROJECT): The project had as its primary target the people and disadvantaged workers not employed with the aim of understanding the cost of these people at the PA and the benefits of 'placement in a cooperative and as a cost savings for the PA both as enhancement of the person 2012 - FEDER 2.0: The project wanted to optimize communication processes inside Federsolidarietà (the corporation of social ONG) and between Federsolidarietà and the cooperatives with the presence on social networks and the restructuring of intranets and extranets.

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Curriculum Vitae

Lanteri Claudia


2012 - SOCIAL and innovation consulting for the company VEGA SRl (Bolzano) Teacher at professional Courses

September 2015 – June 2016 Teacher and tutor in the project Camp for Company (IDM – BZ) The crisis as leverage for marketing cooperatives date: October 2011 3 hours of group training on web marketing 3 hours of training for each cooperative (total 40 hours) on social networks, webdevelopment web marketing + The Social Network in Public Administration date: January 2012 Target: Province - Department of Innovation (BZ) 3 hours of training Use of social network and creation of curriculum for women Date: May and October 2012, Marz 2013 3 groups of 15 person each for a total of 32 hours of lessons 2002 - 2005: teacher of 2 children with "difficulties" with the goal of obtaining the license school From 2007 until now I have focused myself on my son that I’ve adopted in Russia 2013 Tutor of a Pakistan girl (16 years old) with earrings’ problems 2013 Teaching to a student (10 years old) – Italian and Math

April-June 2012: tutoring a disabled boy of 22 years on web-marketing and websites. I helped the boy that had not finished the school, to attend a course to become an expert of web, accompanied by volunteers from the cooperative for 6 months June-August 2012: tutoring a 18 year old girl of Turkish origin on the topics of email marketing and websites Settembre - Oct 2012 tutoring a boy of 33 years on the issue ebook November-December 2012 tutoring an Albanian girl of 26 years on the social budget I collaborate to the preparation of the Laboratory of internazionalisation at the University of Trento held by prof. Lanteri (my father) (

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Curriculum Vitae

Lanteri Claudia


My activities on social network and blogs:

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