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President’s Message

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Happy New Year! Welcome 2023, we are ready for you and excited to begin new adventures this year. With COVID-19 seemingly in the rear-view mirror, I am sure that many residents are either beginning to or will be increasing their outside activities including traveling (for pleasure or visiting friends and family), attending more and more inside activities such as plays, concerts or just card playing to name a few. This would be a good time to remind the residents that if you are away from your home that it is a good idea to have a friend and/or neighbor keep an eye on your house while you are gone. There are at least three ways that you can do that: First, just go talk to that friend or neighbor and ask for their help. Second, arrange with the Security Patrol to do “house checks”. And third, let your Neighborhood Watch Captain know. Our crime prevention activities in the community have been very helpful in the last several months. I, again, encourage everyone to consider starting a Neighborhood Watch on your street. Information on how to do this is available at Monitor Stations, Administration Offices and Information Centers. Please take the time to consider this program for your street.

This year my annual resolution to lose weight has been made and I am going to try very hard to not break it for at least a week. My other resolution is to help others more. There are so many ways in which we can do things to help others. Security Patrol, Sunshine Club, Charities/Volunteers, hospitals, churches or just helping a friend or neighbor that has a need. We are a strong community and can all share a little time to help someone else. I don’t think that I have done this before but here goes: Ken Caroccia is retiring from Security Patrol after nearly 20 years of service. He was also a Board member for over 10 years and a member of ARC for over 15 years. Thank you, Ken for your years of service. Happy Birthday to a dear friend and fellow poker player. Annie Werfel turned 100 years old on December 29th.

Most new club officers will begin their terms this month. Be supportive of them. They have volunteered to help make your club activity more enjoyable for you. It takes work to be a club leader. I try to thank those who have those jobs in the clubs that I belong to and would encourage you to do the same. Being a leader of anything can be challenging. I think that being positive may be the most important trait of a good leader. Elections for your Board of Directors takes place next month and I encourage you to do two things. VOTE and look for “positive” people to lead our community.

I want to thank the Musicmakers, the Silvertones, and the Dance Company for their festive holiday programs that were put on at the Starbright Theatre over the holidays. It makes the Board very happy to see so many of our residents not only participating in these productions but to see how many other residents support the Arts in our community by buying tickets to the performances. There is so much talent in our community. If you would like to participate please look in the Link for contact information and consider joining one of these clubs. Thanks to the Model Builders Club for opening their doors so that residents and their guests could enjoy the trains and other models on display last month. I cannot help myself; I just enjoy watching the trains go around the tracks. Still a little boy left in there, somewhere. No Matter how good last year was or was not for you, The Board wishes all residents a safe, happy, and better new year. Dick Clark, President, Be Safe. Be Happy. Be Kind and Keep those Sun City Summerlin Board of Directors Resolutions longer than I do.

Edition 384 Published monthly by Sun City

Summerlin Community Association, Inc. 9107 Del Webb Boulevard Las Vegas, Nevada 89134 (702) 966-1401 · www.Suncitysummerlin.com Staff

Mitzi Mills, Editor, MitziM@suncitylv.com Gail Abrams, Magazine Coordinator GailA@suncitylv.com · (702) 966-1436

Eileen Dorchak, Administrative Coordinator EileenD@suncitylv.com · (702) 966-1435

Advertising, Website, Marketing

Kelly-Mae Mahoney, Advertising Coordinator KellyM@suncitylv.com · (702) 966-1434 Stacie Coppens, Website & Marketing Coordinator · StacieC@suncitylv.com Editorial Board

Richard Becker, Ken Caroccia, Tammy Collins, Stu

Gershon, Molly Sher, Alan Spector, Patti Tripp,

Norman Wright and BOD Liaison, Leo Crawford. Mission

The Link is the official record of Sun City

Summerlin Community Association, Inc. The primary mission of the magazine is to provide residents with information on official Association business. In addition, the Link provides unbiased communications to residents on community news, events and services. The Association provides this publication for informational purposes only and neither endorses nor promotes any of the products or services advertised herein and assumes no responsibility or liability for the statements made in this publication. We reserve the right to edit, condense and verify all articles. Classified Advertisements

February deadline is January 3. Advertise your items for sale at $2 per line based on the required

Classified Advertisement Form. This service is restricted to residents only and if space is available. No business advertisements are allowed. Classified ad forms are available at

Mountain Shadows Community Center and on the website www.suncitylink.com. Credits

Link layout: Jeffrey Young Design. Cover photos courtesy of Richard Becker, Gail Abrams and the

SCSCAI Golf Department. Notice All advertisers are required to provide the Link with an up-to-date copy of their business license. The license must be from the State of Nevada, Clark County, or the City of Las Vegas. © Copyright 2023, Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc. This publication may not be duplicated in whole or in part without the express written consent of the Sun City Summerlin Community Association.

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