Business Day Legal Notices (May 17 2024)

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Page 6 www businessday co za Friday 17 May 2024 CONTACT VASIE NAIDOO TEL: 011 280 5553 FAX: 086 206 0954 EMAIL: legals@arena africa CONTACT (in KZN) NONTO NTOMBELA ● TEL: 031 250 8640 ● ● EMAIL: legalskzn@arena africa To see the last month s legal advertising please access: www businesslive co za/bdlegals FOR ALL YOUR LEGAL ADVERTISING Contact: KZN: Nontobeko Ntombela 031 250 8640 Email: ntombelan@arena africa GAUTENG: Vasie Naidoo 011 280 5553 Email: naidoovas@arena africa LEGAL ADVERTISING • TENDERS • NOTICES TO CREDITOR • LOST DEEDS • LIQUIDATIONS • NOTICES TO DEBTORS • BUSINESSES FOR SALE • AND MORE We have you covered AUC TION NOT CE OF S ALE IN THE HIGH CO UR T OF SOUTH AFRIC A KW AZ ULU-N AT AL LO C AL DIVISION DURB AN C ASE NUMBER : D3163 /2019, ABS A B AN K LIM I TED NO 86/004794/06 PH LISIWE OSL NE SH ANG AS E : IDEN T TY NUMBE R 580402 0816 08 8 This is a sa e n execut on pursuant to a udgement obta ned in he above Honourab e Court in terms of wh ch the fol owin g prop erty wi l be so d n execu i on on 30 May 202 4 at 12h00 or as soon here after as con venent y possible at the Ac ting Sheriff Durban South, Unit 1/2 E ation House 350/352 Stamfordhil Ro ad (Mathew s Meyiw a) Morningside Durb an Name y certa n: ERF 2411 IS P N GO (EXTENSION 17), Registrat on D v s on FT Prov nce of Kwa Zu u-Na a In Exten 1318 (one housand three hundred and eigh een) sq uare me res Held b y Deed of Tran sfer Numb er T26015 2010 SUBJECT TO T HE CONDITIONS T HEREIN CONTAINED The property s mproved wi hout anything warran ted by: a dwe ing consis i ng o a doub e storey w th br ck wa ls i ed roof t ed floors 1 ounge 1 d n n g room 5 bedrooms 2 en sui e 1 k tchen 1 scu lery 2 b athrooms 3 toi e s o ther b asement garage outbu d ng: s ngle storey 1 lounge 2 bedrooms 1 k tchen 1 bathroom and 1 to let and fenced w th co ncrete Phys ca addres s s 58 P ARD Y RO AD S P NGO ZONING : RESIDE N TI AL (NOTH NG GUA RANTEED) The mater al erms are 10% depos t o he pu rchase pr ce n cash or EFT on he da y of the sale balance paya b e on transfer guar antees wi thin 21 days of sa e The rules of th s auct on and a u l a dvert sement s avai abl e 24h ours before the a uct on at the Un t 1/2 Elat o n House 350/352 Stamfordh i Road (Ma hews Mey w a) Mornings de Durban The sale w l be conduc ed by the Sher ff Al a n Murug an or h s Deputy Ad vert sing cos s at curren publ cat on rates and sale cos s accord ng to court rules app y Reg s rat on as a buyer s a pre -requ s te sub ect o cond t ons nter al a A) D rect ve of th e Cons umer Pro ect on Act 68 of 200 8 (URLht p: /www nfo gov z a/ v ew/DownloadF leAc ion? d 99961 B) FICA - Requiremen pr oof of ID and res d en ial addr ess C)A b dders ph ys ca ly attending the auct on are required to pa y R15000 00 (refundab e) reg s ra t on fee prior to the commencement of he auct on n ord er to D)A on ine b dders are required to pay R40000 00 (refundab e) reg s ra t on fee prior to the commencement of he auct on n ord er to aforesa d sal e sha be subect to the Condi ions o Sale wh ch may be inspected at the off ce of the Sher ff o the High Court Act ng Sheri f Durban South Uni 1/2 E at on House 350/ 352 Stamfordh l R oad (Ma h ews Mey wa) Morn n gs de Durban 15 days pr or to date of s a e P a n if s A torney STR AU SS D AL Y I NC 9th Floor S rau ss Daly P a ce 41 R che ond C irc e Ridgeside Off c e Park Umh anga Ref MRS CHET TY/ A0038/3363 N Z 02 UOIX-27 AUC TION S ALE N EXECU TION N THE HIGH CO UR T OF SOUTH AFRIC A KW AZ ULU-N AT AL LO C AL DIVISION, DURB AN, C ASE NUMBER : D1182 0/2022 NEDB ANK LIMI TE D BE ATRICE S BON GILE LETJ APE dent t y Nu mber : 841211 0579 08 2 Th s is a sa e in execu ion pursuant o a udgement ob a ned n the above Honourab e Court n terms of h ch the fol o n g prop erty l be sold n e ecut on 3rd day of June 2024 at 9h00 at 32 MELBOU RNE R O AD ENTR ANCE I N B ANS HEE L ANE UMBIL O DUR B AN KW AZ ULU-N AT AL t o the cons st ng o (a)Sect on N o 3 as sh own and more fu y descr b ed on Sect ona Plan No SS50/1981 n the scheme known as BEVE RLEY HEIGHTS in respec o th e and and bu ld ng or bu ldi ngs s tuate at Durban EThek w ni Mun cipa ty o wh ch sec ion he f oor area according o he said sectiona plan s 80 (eighty) square metres n e tent and (b) An und vided sh are n the common property n the scheme ap port oned to the said sect on n accordance w th the part cipa ion qu o a as endorsed on the sa d sect ona p an He d b y Deed of Tran sfer Numb er S T490 5/2015 SUBJECT TO S UCH CONDIT ONS AS SET OUT N THE AFORESAID DEED Physical Addres s: SECTION 3 DOO R NUMBER 2 BEV ERLE Y HEIGH TS 79 PR OSPEC T RO AD UMBIL O DUR B AN KW AZ ULU-N AT AL ZONING : RES DE N T AL (NOTHING GUA RANTEED) MPROVEMEN TS The fol ow ng inf ormat on is urnished bu t no guarante ed: Main Bu d n g: block of fl ats brick wa ls t le d f oors bui t n k tchen 3x bedrooms pantry sho wer to et ou nge has been converte d nto a bedroom ba cony fen ced w re mesh boun dary (The nature extent condi ion and exis en ce of he mprovements are n ot gua raneed and are so d voets oots ) The Purch aser sha n add tion o the Aucioneer s com m ssion p ay a depos t of 10% o the purchase pr ce n cash or b ank guarantee che que on the day of the sale and the ba ance aga nst ra ns er wh ch s ha l be secured by a Bank or Bui ding Soc e y gu arantee n a orm accep able to P a ni f s convey ancers w h ch guarantee sha l b e del v ered by the Purch aser o the Sher ff wi h n twenty one (21) days from the date o f the sale and s ha l prov de or the payment o the f ul ba a nce and any such interest p ayab e as pr ov ded for her eunder The rules of th s auc ion and u l advert sement is ava able 24 hours before the auc ion at he o fice of the Sher ff or Durban We st No 1 Rhodes Aven ue Glenwood D urban The of f ce of the Sher ff for Durban West w l conduct the sa e w th auct oneer N Adams Advert sing costs a current pub ication ra es and sa e costs accord ng o court rules app y Reg stra ion as a buyer s a pre -requ si e sub ec to condi ions nter a ia: A) Direc ive of th e Cons umer Protec ion Act 68 o 200 8 (URLh tp //www info gov z a/ v ew/Down oadF eAct on? d 99961) B) F CA - egis a ion r o proof o dent ty and add ress par iculars C) Payment o a Reg stra ion Fee o R20000 00 n cas h D) Regis rat on cond t ons The aforesa d sa e shal be sub ec to the Condit ons of Sale wh ch may be nspec ted at the off ce of the Sher ff of he H gh Court No 1 Rhodes Avenue G enwood Durb an STR AU SS D AL Y I NC 9th F oor S rauss Da y Pl ace 41 R chefond C rc e R dges de Off c e Park Umh anga MRS ADAMS RR B1/0164 02 UP2 Y-33 AUC TION S ALE IN EXECU T ON IN THE H GH CO UR T OF SOUTH AFR C A KW AZ ULU-N AT AL LO C AL D V SION DU RB AN C ASE NUMBER : D7108 /2022 NEDB ANK LIMI TED R AJH M AN SINGH Ide ntit y Numb er 781 028 50 22 08 8 This s a sa e n execut on pursuant to a udgmen obtained n the above Honourable Cour in terms o which the fo ow n g prop erty w l be so d n execut on on the 5th da y of Jun e 2024 at 10h00 at the Pinetow n 18 Suzuka Road West mead Pinet ow n Subject o a reserve pr ce o R600 000 00: consist ng of (a)Sec ion No 29 as sh own and more ful y descr b ed on Sect ona P an No SS260/1987 n he sch eme known as SHAN NON GARDENS n r espect of he land and bui d ng or bui d ngs si uate at Reservoir Hi ls EThekw n Mu n cipa i y o which sec ion he f oor area accord ng o the sa d sect ona plan s 76 (sev enty six) square metres in ext en and (b) an und vided share in he co o p ope y he scheme ap por ioned to he sa d sect on n accordance th the pa ic pat o qu ota as endorsed on he said Held b y Deed of Tran sfer No S T63347/07 AND SUBJECT TO SUCH COND TIONS AS SET OUT THEREIN Phys ca Addres s SECTION 29 DO OR NUMBER 29 SH AN NON G ARD ENS 9 P AM P ALL Y W AY RESERVOI R H LLS KW AZ ULU-N AT AL ZONING RES D EN T AL (NOTHING GUA RANTEED) IMPROVEMEN TS The o low ng n ormat on s f rn shed b not g arante ed be ow stree e vel -a du plex br ck/b ock wal s i ed floor 3x bedroom 1x ful b athroom 1x ounge 1x k tchen w th bui t n cupboards fenced w th electr onic g ates 2x a rcon (The nature exten cond t on and ex sten ce of the mprovements are n o gua ranteed and are so d voetstoots ) The Purch aser shal in add t on to he Auct oneer s com miss on p ay a deposi o 10% of he purchase pr ce n cash o n he day of the s ale and he ba ance aga nst tran sfer which sha l be secured by a Bank guaran ee n a form acceptab e to Plaint ff s conveyancers wh ch gua rantee sha be del vered by he Purchaser to th e Sheri f w thin Twenty one (21) days from he da e of th e sa e and shal provide for t he paym en o the ful ba ance and any such nterest payable as provided for hereu nder The ru es of h s auction and a fu advert sement s av a able 24 hours before t he auct on a the off ce of he Sheri f for Pine own 18 Suz uka R o ad Wes mead Pi ne own The o f ce o the Sherif for Pnetown w l conduct the sale w th auct oneer s N B Nxuma o and/or Mrs S Raghoo A dvert s ng cos s a current pub icat on ra es and sa e costs accord ng to cour ru es apply Regi strat on as a buyer is a pre -requi s te subject to cond t ons inter a a: A) D rect ve o th e Cons umer Protect on Act 68 of 200 8 (URLhttp:/ www nfo gov z a/ view DownloadF i eAct on? id 99961) B)FICA - egis a ion i r o proo of denti y and add ress part cu ars C)Payment of a Registra t on Fee of R15000 00 in cas h D) Reg s rat on condit ons The aforesai d sale sha l be subject to the Cond ti ons o Sa e wh ch may be inspec ed a the of ice o the Sher f o the H gh Court (15 days pr or o he date of s ale) Pine own 18 Suz uka Ro ad Wes mead P n etown STR AU SS D AL Y NC 9 h F oor Strauss Daly P ace 41 Richefond C irc e R dges de O fic e Park Umhlanga MRS ADAMS/RR B1 0155 02 UP2Z-34 AUC TION IN TH E HIGH COU R T OF SOUTH AFRIC A KW AZ ULU-N AT AL LOC AL D V S ON DURB AN Case No D379 4/2022 In the matter b etween: THE S TAN D ARD B ANK OF S A L IMI TED Pla nt ff And UMDLO TI CIVILS CC First De endan PRESHEN UDHO Secon d Defenda n NOTI CE OF S ALE This sale s a sale n ex ecut on pursuant t o a judgm en gran ed in the H gh Cour o South A r ca Kwazu u Natal Durban under Wri o Execu ion ssued hereaf ter the mmova ble pro perty s ed hereunder w l be s o d to he h ghes b dder at the o fice of the Sher ff Of New Hannover / Maphu mulo / Kranskop at 2 ROSS S TREE T D AL TON AT 11 0 0 AM ON THUR SD AY 6TH JUNE 2024 DESCRIP TION : ERF 79 ALBER T F AL LS Reg stra ion D vis on FT Prov nce O KwaZu u -Na tal in extent 4047 ( four thous and and for y-se ven) sq uare metres he d under deed o transfer T4172 4 07 PHYSIC AL ADDR ESS : 79 Alexzan dra S r ee A ber Fal s (Magis er a dis r ct o Umgungundlov u) ZONING Special Res den i al The property c onsis s of he fol owing Vaca nt Land Nothing n this reg ard s guaran eed 1 The sa e sha l be sub ect to the terms and cond t ons o the H gh Court Ac and he Rules made the reunder 2 The purchas er shal p ay a deposi of 10% (ten per cen ) o the purchase price and he auct oneer s commiss o n n cash or EFT mmed a e y a ter he sa e and th e baance aga nst transf er to be secured by a Bank Guarantee o be urnished t o he Plaint ff s att orneys w th n 21 (twenty one) days af er he date of sale o be appro ved by he Pla nt ff s At or neys 3 Transfer sha be e fec ted by the a torneys for he Plaint ff an d the purch aser shal pay a l rans er d ues includ ng transfer d uty current and/or arrear levies/rates an d or Va ue Ad ded Tax and other necessary charges to effect transfer upon request by th e sa e a torneys 4 The fu c ond t ons of sale shal e or ns pect on at he 2 Ross Street Da to n for 15 days pr or to the dat e of sa e 5 The Rules of h s auct on and ful adver isemen s avai ab e 24 hours pr or to the auction a t he Office 2 Ross St reet Dalton 6 Reg stration as a buyer s a pre-requ si e subject to specif c condit o ns n er a a: 6 1 D rect ve o the Consumer Protectio n Ac 68 of 2 008 (URL http: www n o gov za/ view DownloadF i eAct on?i d 99961) 6 2 F ca leg slat on i r o proo of den i y and add ress part cu ars; 6 3 Paymen o re gistrat on o R10 000 00 in cash; 6 4 Registrat on o condt ons The offic e of the Sheriff of the H gh Court New Ha nnover Maphumu o / Krans kop w l conduct t he sal e w th auct oneers DP Liebenberg ( Sheriff) Adver is ng costs at curren pub cat on rates and sa e costs according to court r ules app y Dated at Umh anga this 18th day of Apri 2024 Plaint ff s At torney G ARL ICKE & BOUSFIELD IN C Plaint ff s At torneys 7 Torsva e Cresc en La Luc a Ridge Off ce Es ate La Lucia (Ref: BM/s c) (L0 355/22) 02UNQ5-00 SALE IN EXECUTION SALE IN EXECUTION SALE IN EXECUTION SALE IN EXECUTION SALE IN EXECUTION SALE IN EXECUTION SALE IN EXECUTION SALE IN EXECUTION SALE IN EXECUTION SALE IN EXECUTION
12 BusinessDay www bus nessday co za Fr day 17 May 2024 Notice to Debtors Notice to Creditors Sale in Execution Deceased Estates Court Orders Insolvencies Town Planning & More CONTACT: Gauteng: Vasie legals@arena africa KZN: Poonam Nontobeko egalskzn@arena africa N TH E H GH COU R T OF SOUTH AFRIC A KW AZ ULU-N AT AL LOC AL DIVISION DURB AN Case Number: D 8357/202 3 Before The Ho nourable Jus ice Steyn a t Durban o n 30th Apr 2024 In the mat er b etween DISCOVER Y LIFE L TD App cant And MET AND ASSOCI ATES (PTY) L TD REGIS TR ATION N UMBER : 2016/474245/ 07 Respondent Upon he Mo io n of Coun sel for the App ca n and up on reading the NO TICE OF MOTION and o ther documen s f led of record IT IS ORDERED TH AT: 1 The ru e nis iss ued by the Honourable Act ng Jus t ce Hlatshwayo on 10 October 2023 s hereby rev ved 2 The Rule N si ca ing u pon the Respondent or any other n eres ed persons to s how cause f any to th s Court why the Respond ent sh ould not be ina ly wound u p s extended to 0 5 Ju y 202 4 3 Copies o th e order granted on 10 October 2 02 3 and th s order are o be publ shed once n the Governmen Gazet e and once n a dai y newspaper c rcu at ng n KwaZulu -N a a on or before 1 7 May 202 4 4 Copies o th e order granted on 10 October 2 023 and th s order are o be served upon: 4 1 The Resp ondent a ts reg stered of ic e emp oyees at t s pr nc pa place of bus ne ss 4 3 The reg ste red rade emp oyee if an y 4 4 The South Afr can Revenue Serv c es Durban 4 5 The Mas er of the H g h Court Durban 5 The costs of th s appl ca ion are to be costs in the l quidate d estat e o the Respondent BY ORDER OF THE COUR T CH AP M AN D YER INCORPOR ATED 7th F oor 300 An on Le mbede Stre et Durban Tel : 031 3197 800 Ema : haze @cd co za 02UQFI-00 NOTI CE IN RESP EC T OF A L CENSE APPL C ATION IN TE RMS OF THE PETR OLEUM PR ODUC TS AC T 1977 ( AC T NO 120 OF 1977) Th s notice serves to inform par ies that ma y be nterested or a fected th at MGUMBEZ A THUB A here nafter referre d to as the app icant" has sub m t ed an app ication for a WHOLES ALE l ce nse app ication num ber E 2024/04/25/0 002 47 B AYV EW AV ENUE 1205 SOU TH BE ACH AVE B AYVIEW DURB AN The purpose of he app ication is or he app icant to be gran ed a cense to unde rtake petro eum who esale act vit es as de a led in th e app ication Arrangements or v ewing t he app ication doc umentatio n can be made b y contac in g he Contro ler o Pe ro eu m produc s by: Te ephone: (03 1) 335 96 35 Emai : Mapho sa Tshis khawe@ dmre gov za Any ob ect ons to the ssu ng of a icense n r espec o this app ication wh ch mus c early quote th e app icat on number above must be odged w th th e Control er of Petro eum Prod ucts w th n a per od of went y (20) work ng days rom the d ate of pub ication o t h s not ce Such ob ec ion must be odged a the o low ng phys ca or post a address: Phys cal addre ss : The Con ro ler o Petro eu m Products Depar men Min eral Resources & En ergy 333 Anton Le mbede Stre et Durban Bay Ho use Durba n Posta address : The Con ro ler o Petro eu m Products Depar men o Energy Pr vate Bag X 5 4375 Durban 4000 02UQGW-00 NOTI CE IN RESP EC T OF A L CENSE APPL C ATION IN TERM S OF THE PETR OLEUM PR ODUC T AC T, 1977 ( AC T NO 120 OF 1977 ) Th s notice serves to inform par ies that ma y be nterested or a fected th at MP AY ENERG Y SOLU TIONS here nafter referre d to as the app icant ha s subm tte d an app ication for a WHOLES ALE l ce nse app ication num ber E 2024/04/09/0 003 4 Z NNI A RO AD NORTHD ALE P ETERM ARI TZBU RG The purpose of he app ication is or he app icant to be gran ed a cense to unde r-take petro eum who esale act vit es as de a led in th e app ication Arr angemen s for v ew ng the ap pl ca ion documenta ion can be ma de by contact ng t he Contro er of Petroleum Pr oducts by: -Te ephone: (0 31) 335 96 35 -Ema : Mapho swa Tsh sh khawe@ dmre gov za Any ob ect ons to the ssu ng of a icense n r espec o this app ication wh ch mus c early quote th e app icat on number above must be odged w th th e Control er of Petro eum Prod ucts w th n a per od of went y (20) work ng days rom the d ate of pub ication o t h s not ce Such ob ec ion must be odged a the o low ng phys ca or post a address Phys cal Addre ss : The Con ro ler o Petro eu m Products Depar men Min eral Resources & En ergy 333 Anton Le mbede Stre et Durban Bay Ho use Durba n Posta Address : The Con ro ler o Petro eu m Products Depar men Min eral Resources & En ergy Pr vate Bag X 5 4375 Durban 4000 02UP1 A NOTI CE IN RESP EC T OF A LICENSE APPLIC AT ON N TERM S OF THE PETR OLEUM PR ODUC T AC T 1977 ( AC T NO 120 OF 1977) This not ce serves to n orm part es that ma y be n eres ed or af fected h at SP PROJEC TS AN D TOGE THERNESS P TY L TD hereina ter referre d o as the appl cant ha s submi te d an appl ca ion or a WHOLES ALE ce nse appl ca ion num ber E/2024 05/09/0 002 5 R VERHORSE CLOSE RIVERHORSE V AL LE Y DURB AN The purpose of the appl ca ion s f or the appl cant to be grante d a icense to unde rtake petro eum who esa e activ t es as d eta ed in the appl ca ion Arrange ments for v ewing the ap p cat on documen at on can be m ade by contac i ng the Contr o er of Petro eum Pr oducts by: -Telephone (0 31) 335 96 35 -Ema l Mapho iswa Tshi shikhawe@ dmre gov za Any ob ect ons o the ssu ng of a icense n resp ect of th s appl ca ion wh ch must c early quo e the appl ca t on number above must be odged w th the Contro er of Petro eum Products w th n a per od of twenty ( 20) wor k ng days from he date of publcation of h s no ice S uch ob ect on mus be lodge at the fo low ng physical or postal address Phys ca addres s: The Contro ler of Petrol eum Produc s Department M n era Resources & En ergy 333 Anton Lembe de S r ee Durban Bay Ho use Durba n Pos a address: The Control er of Petroleu m Produc s Department M n era Resources & En ergy Pr vate Bag X 5 4375 Durban 4000 02UQZ1 NOTI CE IN RESP EC T OF A L CENSE APPL C ATION IN TE RMS OF THE PETR OLEUM PR ODUC TS AC T 1977 ( AC T NO 120 OF 1977) Th s notice serves to inform par ies that ma y be nterested or a fected th at C ARL W LLI AM GL OB AL (PTY) L TD herein a ter referred o as the app icant has subm tted an appl ca ion or a WHOLES AL E l cense app ication num ber E 2024/04/29/0 002 22/24 RUSSOM S TREE T VERUL AM VERUL AM The purpose of he app ication is or he app icant to be gran ed a cense to unde rtake petro eum who esale act vit es as de a led in th e app ication Arrangements or v ewing t he app ication doc umentatio n can be made b y contac in g he Contro ler o Pe ro eu m produc s by: Te ephone: (03 1) 335 96 35 Emai : Mapho sa Tshis khawe@ dmre gov za Any ob ect ons to the ssu ng of a icense n r espec o this app ication wh ch mus c early quote th e app icat on number above must be odged w th th e Control er of Petro eum Prod ucts w th n a per od of went y (20) work ng days rom the d ate of pub ication of t h s not ce Such ob ec ion must be odged a the o low ng phys ca or post a address: Phys cal addre ss : The Con ro ler o Petro eu m Products Depar men Min eral Resources & En ergy 333 Anton Le mbede Stre et Durban Bay Ho use Durba n Posta address : The Con ro ler o Petro eu m Products Depar men Min eral Resources & En ergy Pr vate Bag X 5 4375 Durban 4000 02UQQI-00 BUSINESS LICENCE LEGALS BUSINESS LICENCE

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