Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68(1) of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T63067/2002 passed by LEGOMAS HOLDINGS (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED, Reg No. 1967/013269/07
Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68(1) of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T22102/1994 passed by Town Council of the Borough of Richards Bay in favour of Shell South Africa Proprietary Limited, Reg No. 61/0645/07, now known as SHELL DOWNSTREAM SOUTH AFRICA
PROPRIETARY LIMITED Reg No: 2007/016255/07 in respect of certain LOT 9023 RICHARDS BAY Registration Division G.V Province Of Kwazulu-Natal In Extent 4200 (Four Thousand Two Hundred) Square Metres which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds:
PIETERMARITZBURG, at 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice.
Dated at Sandton this 15 November 2022
Applicant: c/o Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc.
Email: Fatima.essa@ cdhlegal.com Tel: 011 562 1740 02RJQR
(VA5074/2017) passed by Busy Street Properties (Proprietary) Limited, Reg No. 1997/001745/07 in favour of SHELL SOUTH AFRICA (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED Reg No.: 1961/000645/07 now known as SHELL DOWNSTREAM SOUTH AFRICA PROPRIETARY LIMITED, Reg No, 2007/016255/07 in respect of certain ERF 893 DURBAN Registration Division FU Province Of Kwazulu-Natal In Extent 1045 (One Thousand And Forty Five) Square Metres which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds: PIETERMARITZBURG, at 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Sandton this 15 November 2022 Applicant c/o Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc. Email: Fatima.essa@ cdhlegal.com Tel: 011 562 1740 02RJQW
MITCHELLS PLAIN In The City Of Cape Town, Cape Division, Western Cape Province, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at CAPE TOWN, Room 1216, 12th Floor, 90 Plein Street, Cape Town, within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at BELLVILLE this 21st day of NOVEMBER 2022 GERRIT MöLLER ATTORNEYS 11B Canal Edge Four, Tyger Waterfront, Bellville Email: gerritmoller@ mweb.co.za Tel: 021-9148575 / 0827723934 02RKBD
7 BusinessDay www.businessday.co.za Friday 25 November 2022 TO PLACE YOUR LEGAL NOTICES Call: Gauteng Vasie 011 280 5553 or KZN Nontobeko 031 250 8640 LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of the regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number ST22311/2018 passed by JAZZ SPIRIT 1096 CC Reg No: 2003/004046/23 In favour of KASAVAN SIVA SATHIAH ID No: 691020 5005 08 9 And ASHIKA SATHIAH ID No: 690914 0171 08 9 Married in community of property to each other In respect of certain A Unit consisting of(a) Section No. 7 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No. SS93/2014 in the scheme known as CHEZ VALLEY in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at QUEENSBURGH IN THE ETHEKWINI MUNICIPALITY AREA of which section the floor area, according to the said sectional plan, is 185 (ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY FIVE) SQUARE METRES in extent; and (b) an undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan. Which has been lost or destroyed All persons having an objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg, at 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 within two weeks after date of the publication of this notice. hereby certify that, this application was signed by the applicant mentioned herein and after due enquiry has been made the identity and legal capacity of the applicant has been verified and is correctly reflected. ATTORNEY/ COMMISSIONER OF OATHS 2nd Floor, 10 Melrose Boulevard, Melrose Arch, Johannesburg, South Africa PO Box 87249, 2041 Houghton DOCEX, 41 Johannesburg Email Address: aisha@ psilver.net Tel: 010 446 7590 02RJT9 NOTICE Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer No TF8548/1938UMT passed by Thomas Knott Wilfred Sparks in favour of The National Government of the Republic of South Africa in respect of the following properties: THE REMAINDER OF THE FARM WOODLANDS NO. 18199 Registration Division ES Province Of Kwazulu Natal Measuring 1378,5968 (One Thousand Three Hundred And Seventy Eight Comma Five Nine Six Eight) Hectares Held by Deed of Transfer TF8548/1938UMT which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objections to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Sandton on this 04 day of November 2022 NORTON ROSE FULBRIGHT SA INC 15 Alice Lane, Sandton 2146 Tel: 011 685 8697 Email: elam.matthews@ nortonrosefulbright.com 02RH5K LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68(1) of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T34464/2002
Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer No T93253/2004 registered Passed by LEE JONATHAN PETERSEN, ID
5217 08 2, Unmarried in favour of SAMSON
5710 08 8 and NOMSOBO
0730 08 7, Married in community of property to each other in respect
certain ERF
No: 630120
No: 590707
No: 691218
of certain PORTION 1 OF ERF 1113 DURBAN Registration Division FU Province Of Kwazulu Natal In Extent 761 (Seven Hundred And Sixty One) Square Metres which has been lost or destroyed.
interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with
Reg No.: 1961/000645/07
the Registrar of Deeds:
Pietermaritzburg, within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Sandton this 15 November 2022 Applicant c/o Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc. Email: Fatima.essa@ cdhlegal.com Tel: 011 562 1740 02RJQP LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68(1) of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Certificate of Consolidated Title T72682/2002 in favour of SHELL SOUTH AFRICA MARKETING (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED Reg No.: 1961/000645/07 in respect of certain PORTION 85 OF ERF 426 BRICKFIELD , Registration Division FT Province Of Kwazulu Natal In Extent 3655 (Three Thousand Six Hundred And Fifty Five) Square Metres which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds: PIETERMARITZBURG, at 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Sandton this 15 November 2022 Applicant c/o Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc. Email: Fatima.essa@ cdhlegal.com Tel: 011 562 1740 02RJQU LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number T 649/2012 in favour of NATAL DEEP SEA ANGLING ASSOCIATION in respect of certain immovable property described as: Portion 21 of ERF 7980 Durban, Registration Division FU Province of KwaZuluNatal. In extent 483 (Four hundred and eighty three) Square Metres which has been lost. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg, High Court Building, 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at DURBAN on 17 November 2022 SHEPSTONE & WYLIE ATTORNEYS Zimkhitha Kia-kia 24 Richefond Circle, Ridgeside Office Park, Umhlanga 4319 Email: Zimkhitha.Kia-Kia@ wylie.co.za Tel: 031 575 7131 02RJTA LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68(1) of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Certificate of Consolidated Title T20610/2003 (VA4803/2021) in favour of SHELL SOUTH AFRICA MARKETING PROPRIETARY LIMITED Reg No: 1961/000645/07 in respect of certain ERF 30653 PINETOWN, REGISTRATION DIVISION FT Province Of Kwazulu-Natal In Extent 7889 (Seven Thousand Eight Hundred And Eighty Nine) Square Metres which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds: PIETERMARITZBURG, at 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Sandton this 15 November 2022 Applicant c/o Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc. Email: Fatima.essa@ cdhlegal.com Tel: 011 562 1740 02RJQS LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68(1) of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T5218/1981 passed by COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD in favour of SHELL SOUTH AFRICA (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED Reg No,: 1961/000645/07 in respect of certain ERF 22 MANGROVE PARK Registration Division FU Province Of Kwazulu-Natal In Extent 3969 (Three Thousand Nine Hundred And Sixty Nine) Square Metres which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds: PIETERMARITZBURG, at 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Sandton this 15 November 2022 Applicant c/o Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc. Email: Fatima.essa@ cdhlegal.com Tel: 011 562 1740 02RJQV LOST DEEDS LOST DEEDS LOST DEEDS
PIETERMARITZBURG, at 300 Pietermaritz Street,
8 BusinessDay www.businessday.co.za Friday 25 November 2022
The following information is furnished but not guaranteed: single storey, freestanding, brick walls, tiled roof,tiled floors, lounge and dining room combined, 2 x kitchen, 6 x bedrooms with ensuite,verandah on first floor changed to office,outbuilding: single storey, freestanding, brick walls, tiled roof, tiled floors, lounge,1 x bedroom, toilet and shower.other: fenced boundry and swimming pool.(the nature, extent, condition and existence of the improvements are not guaranteed, and are sold "voetstoots")The Purchaser shall in addition to the Auctioneer's commission, pay a deposit of 10% of the purchase price in cash or EFT on the day of the sale immediately on the fall of the hammer, immediately into Bank Trust account and immediately provide proof thereof to the satisfaction of the Sheriff. The balance against transfer which shall be secured by a Bank or Building Society guarantee in a form acceptable to Plaintiff's conveyancers, which guarantee shall be delivered by the Purchaser to the Sheriff within TwentyOne (21) days from the date of the sale and shall provide for the payment of the full balance and any such interest payable as provided for hereunder. The Rules of this auction and a full advertisement is available 24 hours before the auction at the office of the Sheriff for Sheriff Port Shepstone Acting Sheriff High/Lower Court situated at No 17A Mgazi Avenue, Umtentweni, Port Shepstone. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia:
(a) Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008.(URLhttp://www.info.go v.za/view/DownloadFileActio n?id=99961) (b)FICA legislation i.r.o proof of identity and address particulars. (c) Payment of a Registration fee of R 15 000.00 in cash. (d)Registration conditions. The office of the Sheriff for Port Shepstone will conduct the sale with auctioneers T Hlope or his deputy. Advertising costs at current publication rates and sale costs according to court rules, apply. Rules of the auction and conditions of sale may office, Sheriff Port Shepstone Acting Sheriff High/Lower Court situated at No 17A Mgazi Avenue, Umtentweni,
http://www.info.gov.za/ view/DownloadFileAction?id= 99961) b) FICA legislation iro Proof of Identity and address particulars. c) Payment of a Registration Fee of R15, 000.00 in cash. d) Registration conditions. e) Individuals wanting to attend the auction must arrive for registration before 10h00 and that no person is allowed to enter the auction room after 10h00. 4) The conditions shall lie for inspection at the office of the Sheriff Pinetown, 18 Suzuka Road, Westmead, Pinetown, for 15 days prior to the date of sale.
5) The office of the Sheriff of Pinetown will conduct the sale with auctioneers N.B. Nxumalo and/or Mrs S Raghoo.
6) Advertising costs at current publication rates and sale cost according to court rules apply.
7) The purchaser shall pay a deposit of 10% of the purchase price and auctioneers commission plus VAT thereon, in cash or by way of electronic funds transfer immediately on the fall of the hammer. The balance shall be paid against transfer and shall be secured by a guarantee issued by a financial institution approved by the execution creditor or his/her attorney and shall be furnished to the sheriff within twenty one (21) days after the date of the sale. The property may be taken possession of after signature of the conditions of sale, payment of the deposit and upon the balance of the purchase price being secured to the conditions of sale. Should the purchaser receive possession of the property, the purchaser shall be liable for occupational rental at the rate of 1% pm on the purchase price, from date of occupation to date of transfer. Dated at Kloof on this 13th day of October 2022.
GEYSER DU TOIT LOUW & KITCHING INC, Manor House, Braehead Office Park, 1 Old Main Road, Kloof Tel: 031-7020331/2 Fax: 087 220 4757 (Ref: ATK/sa/T4100)
15 BusinessDay www.businessday.co.za Friday 25 November 2022 FOR LEGAL ADVERTISING CONTACT: VASIE NAIDOO (011) 280 5553 (GAUTENG) NONTOBEKO NTOMBELA (031) 250 8640 (KZN) THE PAPER OF CHOICE FOR ALL YOUR LEGAL ADVERTISING AUCTION Case No: 1673/2021P IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA KWAZULU-NATAL DIVISION, PIETERMARITZBURG. In the matter between: RAND MERCHANT PRIVATE BANK.A division of FIRSTRAND BANK LIMITED REGISTRATION NO: 1929/001225/08 Applicant And SHOWTIME TRADING 6 CC. (REGISTRATION NO: 2005/159320/23) First Respondent PAULINE COERTZEN (IDENTITY NUMBER: 720906 0140 08 4) Second Respondent PAULINE COERTZEN N.O In her capacity as Trustee for the time being of The Pauline Coertzen Trust, with IT NO: 773/2008PMB Third Respondent PATRICK HILTON BLOULT N.O In his capacity as Trustee for the time being of The Pauline Coertzen Trust, with IT NO: 773/2008PMB Fourth Respondent RAY NKONYENI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Fifth Respondent MPOFANA MUNICIPALITY Sixth Respondent NOTICE OF SALE. This is a sale in execution in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 as amended, in pursuant of an order granted against the First Respondent for money owing to the Applicant in the above Honourable Court in terms of which the following property will be sold in execution on 5th of December 2022 at 10h00 (registrations closes at 10h00) at the Sheriff of the Court Port Shepstone Acting Sheriff High/Lower Court situated at No 17A Mgazi Avenue, Umtentweni Port Shepstone ERF 1070 MARGATE (EXTENSION N.O 3) Registration Division ET Province of KwaZuluNatal. In Extent 1108 (one thousand one hundred and eight square meters) HELD BY DEED OF TRANSFER NUMBER T41307/2008 SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS THEREIN CONTAINED Physical Address of the Property: 9 JOHNNY RALPH CRESENT, MARGATE, SOUTH COAST, KWAZULU-NATAL. ZONING: GENERAL RESIDENTIAL (Nothing Guaranteed) Residential
Port Shepstone 24 hours prior to the auction. The purchaser shall pay to the Sheriff a deposit of 10 % ( per cent) of the purchase price in cash or by EFT on the day of the sale. The balance shall be paid against transfer and shall be secured by a guarantee issued by a financial institution approved by the execution creditor or his or her attorney and shall be furnished to the sheriff within 21 days after the sale. Should the purchaser receive possession of the property, the purchaser shall be liable for occupational rental at the rate of 1 % of the purchase price per month from date of occupation to date of transfer. Only Registered Bidders will be allowed into the Auction Room. Strict Covid-19 Government Regulations Apply. We have the right to disallow persons that do not adhere to Regulations. The sale will be conducted strictly in adherence with COVID 19 regulations together with the directives as signed by the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services, Honourable Lamola on the 23 July 2020. STRAUSS DALY INC 9th Floor Strauss Daly Place, 41 Richefond Circle, Ridgeside Office Park, Umhlanga, 4320 RAN178/0120/SS
AUCTION IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT FOR DISTRICT OF UMGUNGUNDLOVU HELD AT PIETERMARITZBURG CASE NO: 12016/2021 In the matter between: PETOMAR BODY CORPORATE Applicant AND SIPHO MAXWELL BUKHOSIMI ID NO 561002 5485 088 First Respondent ANNA THOLANI BUKHOSIMI ID NO 580714 0582 084) Second Respondent MSUNDUZI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Third Respondent NOTICE OF SALE (The sale shall be subject to the terms and conditions of No. 32 of 1944 and the Consumer Protection Act No. 68 of 2008 as Amended, pursuant of an order granted against the First Respondent and Second Respondent for money owing to the Applicant) Take notice that in execution of the judgment in the above court, a sale in execution, will be held by the Sheriff of the Lower Court, Pietermaritzburg, at the Sheriff Lower Courts Pietermaritzburg offices, 397 Langalibalele Street, Pietermaritzburg on the 9th day of December 2022, of the following immovable property, with the conditions of sale to be read out by the auctioneer at the time of the sale: 1. Section Number 10, as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan Number SS 121/1980 in the scheme known as PETOMAR in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at Pietermaritzburg, in the Msunduzi Municipality, of which section the floor area, according to the said sectional plan is 110 (One Hundred and Ten) square metres in extent, and 2. An undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan. The following information is furnished regarding the property, though in this respect, nothing is guaranteed: 1 The property's physical address is: Unit 10 Petomar, 145 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; 2 The improvements consist of: 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, 1 Lounge, 1 Kitchen and a veranda enclosed with burglar guards. 3 The town planning zoning of the property is: General Residential Take further notice that: 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a udgment obtained in the above Honourable Court. 2. The Rules of the auction and a full advertisement is available 24 hours before the auction at the office of the Sheriff Lower Court, Pietermaritzburg, 397 Langalibalele Street, Pietermaritzburg; 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite, subject to specific conditions, inter alia: a) Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (http://www.info.gov.za/view/ downloadfileAction?id=99961) b) FICA-legislation in respect of proof of identity and address particulars. c) Payment of a registration fee of R10,000.00 in cash. d) Registration conditions. 4. The office of the Sheriff Lower Court for Pietermaritzburg will conduct the sale with auctioneers Mr S R Zondi/Mrs T Du Preez; 5. Advertising costs at current publication rates and sale costs, according to court rules, apply; 8. Conditions of sale may be inspected at the office of the Sheriff Lower Court, Pietermaritzburg, 397 Langalibalele Street, Pietermaritzburg; Dated at Pietermaritzburg on this day of 2022. TALBOT ATTORNEYS Plaintiff's Attorneys Suite 1 02 Shackleford Road Pelham Pietermaritzburg Ref: CEN2/0215 Telephone No.: 033 3865499 E-mail: collections @talbotlaw.co.za 02RHKB-00 AUCTION Case No: D544/2019 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA KWA-ZULU NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN In the matter between: FIRSTRAND BANK LIMITED (REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1929/001225/06) Plaintiff And KAZ DENEKI PAPE (IDENTITY NUMBER: 700512 0787 18 1) Defendant NOTICE OF SALE This is a sale in execution in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 as amended, in pursuant of an order granted against the First Respondent for money owing to the Applicant in the above Honourable Court in terms of which the following property will be sold in execution on 5th of December 2022 at 10h00 (registrations closes at 10h00) at the office of Sheriff Port Shepstone Acting Sheriff High/Lower Court situated at No 17A Mgazi Avenue, Umtentweni, Port Shepstone. ERF 739 SOUTHBROOM EXTENSION 6 Registration Division ET. Province of KwaZulu-Natal. In extent 2700 (two thousand seven hundred square metres; HELD BY DEED OF TRANSFER 29815/06) SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS THEREIN CONTAINED. Physical Address of the Property: 5 EYLES ROAD, SOUTH BROOM. Zoning: General Residential (Nothing Guaranteed) Residential IMPROVEMENTS: The following information is furnished but not guaranteed: a vacant land. (The nature, extent, condition and existence of the improvements are not guaranteed, and are sold "voetstoots")The Purchaser shall in addition to the Auctioneer's commission, pay a deposit of 10% of the purchase price in cash or EFT on the day of the sale immediately on the fall of the hammer, immediately into Bank Trust account and immediately provide proof thereof to the satisfaction of the Sheriff. The balance against transfer which shall be secured by a Bank or Building Society guarantee in a form acceptable to Plaintiff's conveyancers, which guarantee shall be delivered by the Purchaser to the Sheriff within Twenty-One (21) days from the date of the sale and shall provide for the payment of the full balance and any such interest payable as provided for hereunder. The Rules of this auction and a full advertisement is available 24 hours before the auction at the office of the Sheriff for Sheriff Port Shepstone Acting Sheriff High/Lower Court situated at No 17A Mgazi
specific conditions,
(a) Directive
(b) FICA legislation i.r.o proof of identity and address particulars. (c) Payment of a Registration fee of R 15
in cash. (d)Registration conditions (e) Registration to take place
from 08h00 to 09h00.The office of the Sheriff for Sheriff Port Shepstone will conduct the sale with auctioneers T Hlophe or his deputy. Advertising costs at current publication rates and sale costs according to court rules, apply. Rules of the auction and conditions of sale may office, No 17A Mgazi Avenue, Umtentweni, Port Shepstone 24 hours prior to the auction. The purchaser shall pay to the Sheriff a deposit of 10 % (per cent) of the purchase price in cash or by EFT on the day of the sale. The balance shall be paid against transfer and shall be secured by a guarantee issued by a financial institution approved by the execution creditor or his or her attorney and shall be furnished to the sheriff within 21 days after the sale. Should the purchaser receive possession of the property, the purchaser shall be liable for occupational rental at the rate of 1 % of the purchase price per month from date of occupation to date of transfer. Only Registered Bidders will be allowed into the Auction Room. Strict Covid-19 Government Regulations Apply. We have the right to disallow persons that do not adhere to Regulations. The sale will be conducted strictly in adherence with COVID 19 regulations together with the directives as signed by the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services, Lamola on the 23 July 2020. STRAUSS DALY INC 9th Floor Strauss Daly Place, 41 Richefond Circle, Ridgeside Office Park, Umhlanga, 4320 FRW0037/SS 02RJTU-42 AUCTION IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA KWAZULU-NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN Case No: D7850/2021 In the matter between: ABSA HOME LOANS GUARANTEE COMPANY (RF) PROPRIETARY LIMITED, 1st Execution Creditor ABSA BANK LIMITED 2nd Execution Creditor And T M MASALLA (ID 940903 5229 081) Judgment Debtor SALE NOTICE The following property will be sold in execution to the highest bidder on the 14 December 2022 at 10h00 at 18 Suzuka Road, Westmead Pinetown Subject to a court reserve price of R500, 000.00: A Unit Consisting Of: a) Section Number 10 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No.SS183/2008, in the scheme known as Mariann Dales in respect of the land and building or buildings situate at Pinetown, in the EThekwini Municipality of which section the floor area, according to the said Sectional Plan is 91 (ninety one) square metres in extent; and b) an undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said Sectional Plan. Held by Deed of Transfer ST15062/2019 and SUBJECT TO SUCH CONDITIONS AS SET OUT IN THE AFORESAID DEED OF TRANSFER. IMPROVEMENTS: The following information is furnished but not guaranteed: A simplex unit, under tile and brick consisting of: 1 lounge, 1 kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 balcony/patio. Well managed gated complex (the nature, extent, condition and existence of the improvements are not guaranteed and are sold Physical Address is: UNIT 10 MARIANN DALES, 1 AMAND PLACE, MARIANHILL PARK, PINETOWN, KWAZULU-NATAL (Magisterial District: Pinetown). ZONING: Residential (Nothing guaranteed). Take further note that:1) This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to judgment granted in the above court. 2) The Rules of his auction and a full advertisement is available 24 hours before the auction at the offices of the Sheriff of Pinetown, 18 Suzuka Road, Westmead, Pinetown. 3) Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to conditions, inter alia: a) Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008. (URL
Avenue, Umtentweni Port Shepstone.
as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to
inter alia:
of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008.
iew/DownloadFileAction?id= 99961).
at No.1
Avenue Glenwood, Durban