BusinessDay11 Friday 28 October 2022
AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the Liquidation and Distribution Accounts (First and Final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: Western Cape Estate No.: 017774/2021 Surname: VELDSMAN First Names: JETSKE HINKE ID No.: 3707080100081 Last Address: 8 Rorke Road, Plumstead Spouse: ESTATE LATE MAURICE GORDON VELDSMAN ID No: 3602135075083 Description of Account: First and Final Magistrate's Office: Wynberg Master's Office: Cape Town Advertiser Name and Address: OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LTD Nedbank ClockTower, V & A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8000 Email: Tel: 010 216 7505 02RCAY-00 LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the Liquidation and Distribution Accounts (First and Final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 008752/2020 Surname: PALTERMAN First Names: GORDON DAVID ID No: 5309235226081 Last Address: 5 Falcon Road, Sunridge, Milnerton Description of Account: Amended First and Final Magistrate's Office: Cape Town Master's Office: Cape town Advertiser Name and Address: STANDARD TRUST LIMITED P.O Box 1125, Umhlanga Rocks 4320 Email: jayshree.pillay Tel: 031 502 6699 02RCCO-00 LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the Liquidation and Distribution Accounts (First and Final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: Western Cape Estate No.: 8430/2022 Surname: CADMAN First Names: JOHN ANTHONY ID No.: 5312105119089 Last Address: 13 Heritage Close, St Pierre crescent, Tijgerhof, 7441 Spouse: BRIDGET LARA BENCINI-CADMAN ID No: 7305270019082 Description of Account: First and Final Magistrate's Office: Cape Town Magistrate Court Master's Office: Master of the High Court Cape Town Advertiser Name and Address: NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: A Zondi PO Box 86, Cape Town 8000 Email: Tel: 010 227 2435 02RCAV-00 LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the Liquidation and Distribution Accounts (First and Final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: Western Cape Estate No.: 003950/2022 Surname: MAFILIKA First Names: COLLEN MZWEKHAYA ID No.: 6008165878080 Last Address: Silvermine, Tokai, 7966 Spouse: NTOMBENCINCI PRINCESS MAFILIKA ID No: 7606090282085 Description of Account: First and Final Magistrate's Office: Wynberg Magistrate Court Master's Office: Master of the High Court Cape Town Advertiser Name and Address: NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: A Zondi PO Box 86, Cape Town 8000 Email: Tel: 010 227 2435 02RCAX-00 LIDUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act No. 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of The liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof whichever may be the later and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 011919/2019/DBN Surname: CHATURI First Names: DAYANUND ID No: 501025 5097 08 5 Address: No.88A, 27th Avenue, Umhlatuzana Township, Chatsworth, Durban Spouse: LALITHA DEVI CHATURI ID No: 520725 0134 08 3 Description of Account: First and Final Magistrate Office: CHATSWORTH Masters Office: DURBAN Advertiser name SHUN PILLAY ATTORNEYS Address: No. 5 Basela Cut, Kindlewood Estate, Mount Edgecombe, 4302 Email: shunpillayattorneys Tel: 031 3062 981 02RBL2-33 LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the Liquidation and Distribution Accounts (First and Final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No.: 3509/2020 Surname: FERGUSON First Names: NATALIE CATHERINE ID No.: 2403010040081 Last Address: Quill Hall Haven, 3 Quill Hall Road, Kloof Description of Account: First and Final Magistrate's Office: Pinetown Master's Office: Durban Advertiser Name and Address: FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD PO Box 13527, Cascades, 3202 Email: annie.padayachee Tel: 087 335 0914 02RC99-00 LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the Liquidation and Distribution Accounts (First and Final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: Western Cape Estate No.: 005765/2022 Surname: HORN First Names: CHRISNA VAN EEDEN ID No.: 3507030020086 Last Address: 30 P' Odorata Straat Danabaai Mosselbaai Magistrate's Office: Mossel Bay Master's Office: Cape Town Advertiser Name and Address: Romy Tao Strauss on behalf of OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LTD PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000 Email: Tel: 010 221 5998 02RCK8-00 LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 003676/2022 Surname: GENGAN First Names: JOHN ID No: 440108 5151 08 8 Last Address: 38 Maharaj Road, Ottawa, KwaZulu-Natal Spouse: CHARMAINE GENGAN ID No: 500729 0185 08 1 Description of Account: First and Final VERULAM Masters office: DURBAN Advertiser Name: ATTORNEYS PILLAY NAIR, SRINEEVASSAN & PILLAY Suite U20, Citi Mall (Adams Mall), 69 Wick Street, Verulam, 4340 Email: pnspattorneys Tel: 032 5339 869 02R9QR-00 LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the Liquidation and Distribution Accounts (First and Final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: Western Cape Estate No.: 022056/2021 Surname: BROUGHAM-COOK First Names: PATRICIA MARY ID No.: 3803170087088 Last Address: 7 Kasteel Street, Bothasig Description of Account: First and Final Magistrate's Office: Cape Town Master's Office: Cape Town Advertiser Name and Address: STEVEN WRIGHT ATTORNEYS 60 Pinewood Crescent, Langeberge Ridge, Cape Town Email: Tel: 082 319 9791 02RB2V-00 LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the Liquidation and distribution Accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 4950/2020/DBN Surname: HOPE First Names: PAMELA MARY ID No: 450212 0079 18 2 Last Address: North Bay Lodge, 21 Uitsig Road, Durban Description of Account: Amended First and Final Magistrate's Office: DURBAN Master's Office: DURBAN Advertiser Name: RONICA NAIDOO & ASSOCIATES Address: 31 Parry Road Durban, 4001 Email: ronica@ Tel: 031 301 4542 02R93V-00 LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the Liquidation and Distribution Accounts (First and Final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No.: 1069/2022 Surname: NOSENZO First Names: IVANA ID No.: 6001110664184 Last Address: 46 William Younger Street, Hilton, KZN Description of Account: First Magistrate's Office: N/A Master's Office: Durban Advertiser Name and Address: M. C. WILKINSON & CO. P O Box 868, Hilton, KZN, 3245 Email: Tel: 033-343-3088 02RBFZ-00 IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE TREVOR MOODLEY ID No: 620411 5175 08 7 Date of Birth: 11-04-1962. Date of Death: 31-01-2021 Of: 89 Woodhurst Drive, Woodhurst, Chatsworth, 4092 Spouse: GWENDOLINE MARGARET MOODLEY ID No.: 610107 0134 08 5 Date of Birth: 07-01-1961 Estate No: 5268/2021(DBN) The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Durban (and at the office of the Magistrate Chatsworth) for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Westville on this 11th October 2022. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary ATTORNEY VINAY YETWARU 16A Harrison Road Westville, 3629 Tel: (031) 305 3822 Email: REF: VY/bp/M1858E 02RBER-00 IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE HENRY LAWRENCE TITUS ID No. 530804 5132 08 3 Date of Birth: 04-08-1953 Date of Death: 29-12-2020 Of: 30 San Remo Avenue, Strandfontein, Mitchells Plain, 7798 Estate No.: 005269/2021. The FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town (and at the office of the Magistrate, Mitchells Plain), for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. STANDARD TRUST LTD Ref: WG PO Box 5562 Cape Town, 8000 02RCJE-00 IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE SOMAROO DEEPA ID No: 3305085041085 Date of Birth: 08/05/1933 Date of Death: 03/07/2006 Of: 18 Pearl Road, Howick West Spouse: CHANDERMONY DEEPA ID No.: 3607160044086 Date of Birth: 16/07/1936 Estate No: 009828/2021 The First and final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg (and at the office of the Magistrate at Howick) for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Howick on this 28th day of September 2022 Attorneys for Executor Testamentary ATTORNEYS SYED & ASSOCIATES Suite 4, 20 Bell Street Howick Tel: 033-330-5786 Email: syedandassociates 02RAZO-00 IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE ROOKAYA SHAIK EMAM ID No: 720315 0029 08 3 Date of Birth: 15-03-1972 Date of Death: 15-08-2021 Of: 145 Wattle Grove, Unit 64, Sherwood, Durban Spouse: SALEEM SHEIK ESSOP EMAM ID No.: 720411 5210 081 Date of Birth: 11-04-1972 Estate No: 003442/2022 DBN The FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, DURBAN for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at DURBAN on the 11 day of OCTOBER 2022. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary Rumana Goolam Mahomed RUMANA MAHOMED ATTORNEYS 49 Berea Park Road Musgrave, Durban, 4001. 02RBET-00 LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION Friday 28 October 2022