Business Day Legal Notices (April 12 2024)

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10 BusinessDay www businessday co za Friday 12 Apr l 2024 FOR ALL YOUR LEGAL ADVERTISING Contact: KZN: Nontobeko Ntombela 031 250 8640 Email: ntombelan@arena africa GAUTENG: Vasie Naidoo 011 280 5553 Email: naidoovas@arena africa AUC TION IN THE HIGH CO UR T OF SOUTH AFRIC A KW AZ ULU-N AT AL DIVISION PIETERM ARI TZBU RG Case Numbe r: 8157/23 P In the mat er bet ween F RSTR AND B ANK L M TED App ic ant And CRYS TAL WEND Y ROBER TS Respond ent NOT CE OF S ALE (The sa e shal be subj ec to the terms and cond t ons of the H gh C our Ac No 59 of 1959 and he Consumer Pro ect on Ac No 68 of 2 008 and the rules promu gated thereunder) KINDL Y TAK E NO T CE TH AT th s s a e s a sa e in execu ion pursuan to a udgment obta ned in the above Honourab e Court in the above ma ter o n the 13 December 2023 a nd in Execut on of the Wr t of Execut on o Imm ovab e Proper y ssued on t he 24 January 2024 the o low ng mmovable proper y w l be sold by he Ac ing She r ff of the High Court for the di str ct of Por Shepston e on Monda y the 29th da y of Apr l 20 24 at 10 :00 at the Mgaz Avenue U mtentw en Port Shepstone A Un t Consist ng of: (A)Sect on No 8 as sh own and more u ly describ ed on Sec ional P an No SS153 1999 n the scheme known as Uvongo Squ are in respec of the land and bu ld ng or bu ldings s tuate at Uvongo n the H b scus Coast Munic pal ty of wh ch sec ion the loor area accord ng to the sa d Sect ona P an is 80 (eigh y) sq uare me res n exten ; and (B) An undiv de d share in the common property in the scheme apport oned o the said sec ion in accordance wi h the part c pat on quota as endorsed on the said Sec ional P an Held b y Deed of Tran sfer Numb er S T4026 /2016 AND SUBJECT TO SUCH CONDITIONS AS SET OUT IN THE AFORES AID DEED ZONING : Reside ntia (NOT GUARANTE ED) The property s s tuated at UNIT 8 UVONGO SQU ARE, 84 COLIN S TREE T ST MICH AE LS ON THE SE A UVONG O, M ARG ATE and consists of IMPROVEMEN TS : Ma n Dwel ng: S ngle -st orey plastered wal s t e loors cons s ing o : 1 x ounge and dining room comb ne d 2 x bedrooms 1 x k tc hen 1 x bathroom and to let combined 1x garage separa e O her Boundary enced The aforementi oned pro perty wi l be sold on the Condi t on of Sa e which cond t on s and rules of this auct on c an be nspected 24 hours before the sa e at the off ces of the said Act ng Sher f of the High Court for the dis r ct of Por Sheps one s tua ed at No 17A Mgazi Avenue Um entwen Port Shepst one or at he off ces of the At orneys acting on beh al o the Execut on Cred tor at t he address men i oned her eunder The Auction w l be conducted by either MAB Mah angu h e du y appoi nted Sher ff for Acting Sheri f Port Sheps one n ter ms of Sec ion 2 of t he Sheri fs Act 90 of 1986 as amended or P her du y appo n e d deputy Advert sing cos at current publ ca ion rate and sa e cost accord ng to Court ru es apply Reg s rat on as a buyer is a pre -requ s te sub ect to cond ti on inter a a a In accordance to the Consumer Pro ect on Act 68 of 2008 (http :/ www n o gov za/v ew/ Down oad Fi es Ac t on? d 9961) b Fica leg slat on: requ rement proof o ID res de nt a address c Payment of a reg s ra t on of R15000-00 in cas h for mmovable propert y d Registrat on Co ndi ions e STRICT COVID -19 GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS A PPLY WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO DISALLOW PER SONS THAT DO NOT ADHERE TO REGULATIONS Dated at D urban on this 19th Day of March 202 4 At orneys for the P a n if GLOVER K ANNIE APP AN INCORPOR ATED Tel 031 301 15 39 Ref MAT102343 / KZN 02UHOG- 26 AUC TION NOTI CE OF S ALE Th s is a sale in execu ion pursuant o a judgement obta ned n the above Honourab e Court n erms of wh ch the fol ow ng property l be sold in e ec t o n on 16 April 20 24 o be he d at 10h00 at he Mag strates Court or the Distr ct of Mtunz ni 10 Hel y Hutchinson Stree t Mtunz ni to he h ghest B dder ERF 916 M AND NI (EXTENS ON NO 6) Reg s rat on D vis on FU P o i ce of K aZulu -N a a n E ten 1088 ( one housand and e ghty eigh ) square metres He d b y Deed of Tran s fer No T3 3926/201 2 Physical Address 5 DUIKER RO AD M AN DINI EXTE NS ON 6 The Property s ZONED : RESIDEN TI AL (NOTHING GUARANT EED) MPROVEMEN TS : The fol owing informat on is urnished but no guaran ee d: s ng e storey with plastered nter or and ex er or wa ls under t led roof a dw e ing cons st ng of lounge d n ng room k tchen 3 bedro oms 2 bathrooms 1 g arage f at et: 1 bedroom 1 b a hroom 1 k tchen (The nature ex ent condi ion and ex stence of he mprovements are not guaranteed and are so d sha n add tion o the Aucioneer s com m ssion pa y a depos t of 10% o the purchase pr ce in cash or EFT o the day of th e sa e a d he ba ance against ransfer wh ch shal be secured by a Bank or Bu lding Soc ety guarantee n a form acce ptab e o P a n if s convey ancers wh ch guar antee sha l be del vered by th e Purchaser o he Sheri f wi h n twen y one (21) days rom the date of he sa e a nd sha prov de for he payment o he fu l balance and any s uch nt erest payab e as provided for hereunder The ru es of this auc ion are ava able 24hours pr or to the auct on a t the of ice of th e Sher ff Un t 6 Down ng P ace 62 Piet Re ief Street Melmo h The of ice of the Sher ff for Ac ing she ff Du ba South l conduc he sale w th aucioneers Mr S Chet y or his Depu y Advert s ng costs at current publ ca ion rates and sale costs according to court ru es app y Reg stra ion as a buyer s a pre -req u si e sub ec to condi ions nter a ia: (a)Reg st a io as a b uye is a pre-requ s te sub ec o condi ions inter a ia: D rect ve of the Consumer Protec ion A ct 68 of 2 008 (URLh tp //www inf o gov za v ew/Down oadF e Act on? d 99961) (b)FICA To prov d e an or g nal RSA IDEN TITY DOCUMENT AND PR OOF OF RESIDEN CE (m ni c pal accoun or bank sta ement not older han 3 months) (c) A l b dders phys ca ly at end ng the auction are requ red to pay R15000 00 (refundable) reg stra i on fee pr or to the commencement of the auct on n ord er o (d) A l i bidd requ red to pay R40000 00 (refundable) reg stra i on fee pr or to he commencement of the auct on n ord er o (e) The 10% deposi p us auc ion comm ssion s payab e n cash or by way o bank guaranteed cheque on the d y h Th b sha be pa d against tra nsfer an shal be secur ed by a guarantee iss ued by a f nanc a insti ut on approved by he execut on credi or or his or her a torney and sh al be urnished o the sherif wi h n 21 days af er the sa e The proper y maybe taken possession of a ter s gna ure of he condit ons of sale paymen of he deposit and upon he balance of the purch ase pr ce be ng se cured n t erms of c ause 4 of the condi ions of sale Should the purch aser rece ve possession o the proper y the purchaser sha l be able for occupat onal ren a a the ra e of 1% o the p rchase pr ce per month Pro-rata occupa ion al rental sha be payab e by the purchaser o n the date of possess on and there a ter mon h y on or be ore th e 1st of each month unt the da e of rans er The aforesa d sale sha be s ubject to the Cond t ons of Sa e wh ch ay be spec ed a the of ice of t he Sheri f of the H gh Court Un i 6 Dow n ng P ace 63 Piet Ret ef Str eet Melmoth STR AU SS D AL Y I NC 9th F oor S rauss Da y Pl ace 41 R chefond C rcl e R dges de Of ice Park Umh anga 4320 0 2UHOF-21 AUC TION NOT CE OF S ALE N THE REGION AL COUR T FOR THE REG ON AL DIVISION OF KW AZ ULU-N AT AL HELD AT DURB AN C ASE No 2087/2020 CH ANG ING TIDE S 17 (P TY) L TD N O (Reg stration No 2001 009766/ 07) / JEEV AR ATHN AM GOVENDER Ident it y Numb er 75120 6 5102 0 8 6 and ASHIN TH A GOVENDER Ident it y Numb er 770 124 01 50 08 2 Th s is a sa e in execut on pursuant o a udgement ob a ned in he above Honourab e Court n terms of wh ch the fol owing property wi be sold n executio n on 30 April 20 24 at 1 0 :00 a the Sher ff s Of i ce being 293 Lenn y Naidu Dri ve Bayv ew Chatsw orth To the hi ghest b dder wit hout reserve nam e y cert ain: PORTION 8920 (OF 8803) OF ERF 107 CH ATSWOR TH Regis rat on Div sion FT Prov nce of KwaZulu -N a a Meas r ng 618 ( S H ndred and E ghteen) sq uare Metres He d b y Deed of Tran sfer No T52873/200 7 SUBJECT TO TH E CONDIT ONS THE REIN CONTA NED OR REFERRED TO The property is improved i hout a ythi g a a ted by a sing e storey p as ered under t le roof dwe l ng compris ng of 3 bedroo ms 2 ba hrooms 1 TV/l v ng room 1 dining room 1 lounge 1 carport 1 k tchen pavement tar fenc ng concr ete nner f oor f n sh ng t les Phys ca address s 25 S AM AR A PL AC E MOOR TON CH ATSWO R TH (Mag ster a D strictChatsworth) ZONING : RESIDE N T AL (NOTH NG GUARANT EED) he ma er a erms are 10% depos t ba ance payab e on rans er guar antees wi th n 21 days of sa e The ru es of h s auct o s a ai ab e 24ho rs before the a c io n at he o fice o the Sher ff or Chatsworth 293 Le nny Na du Drive Bayv ew Chatsworth The of ice of the Sher ff for Chatsworth 293 Lenny Na du Dr ve Bayv ew Chatsworth w l conduc the sale w th auct oneers Ms L T Hlophe Mrs P Chetty and N N ma o Ad ert sing cos s at current publ cat on rates and sale costs according to court rules app y Reg strat on as a buyer s a pre -req u site sub ect o condi ions n er al a: A) D rec ive of th e Cons umer Protect on Act 68 o 2008 (URLht p //www inf o gov za/ e /Do n oadF le Action? d 99961) B) F CA - egis at on r o proof of dent ty and add ress par iculars C) Payment of a Reg stra t on Fee o R15000 0 0 n cash D) Registrat on co nd t ons Any person b dd ng or a property on beha f o ano ther person or body s re qu red by aw to produce such person ion to do so Suc h Power of At orney s to b e subm tte d n wri ing pr or to start ng the bid When s gn ng the C ondiions o Sale the ind vidual representat ve mu st s gn his name and pa rt cu lars and state on whose beha f he p rchased he prop erty Power o A torneys wi form par of the sig ned agree ment of sa e If buy ng on behalf of another an or g na Po wer of At orney mus be subm tted be ore b dding starts This Power of At orney must n er al a contain: 1 The fu names of name of he i st tu io g i g Po e of At orney toge her with D number of CK nu mber wh chever s appl c able 2 The ful address o f the person/ ns i ut on men io ned n point 1 above; 3 The ful n ame and D Number of the person gi ven he Power of A ttorney who i pu chase at the auc t o on behal o the principa ; 4 The ful address o f the person ment on ed n po n t 3 above 5 The ful descr p ion (t t e deed) o the property on wh ch the Power of At orney may be exerc sed The nd v dual who w l purchase at he auct o o beha f of he principa i s req red o produce his dent ty document at he sa e The ful Cond t ons can be nspected at the off ce s o th e Sher f of he High Cour Chatsworth 293 Lenny Na du Drive Bayv ew Chatswo rth STR AU SS D AL Y I NC 9th Floor Strauss Da y P ace 41 R chefond C rcl e Ridgeside Off ce Park Umh anga MRS CHETTY/ SOU27/2010/SM 02UHOH- 24 AUC TION S ALE IN EXECU T ON IN THE H GH CO UR T OF SOUTH AFR C A KW AZ ULU N AT AL LO C AL D V SION DU RB AN C ASE NUMBER : D5039 /2021 NEDB ANK LIMI TE D / LUKU YE DEVEL OPMEN T PROJEC TS CC REG S TR ATION N O 2006/011486 23 AND NONKULULEKO NG UBO Identit y Nu mber 790806 0442 08 1 This s a sa e n execut on pursuan to a udgmen obtained n the above Honourable Cour in terms o wh ch the o low ng property w l be so d n execut o n on the 24th da y of April 2 024 at 10h00 at th e Office Pinetow n 18 Suz uka Road West mead Pinetow n sub ect to a reserve price o R1 550 000 00: REM A NDER OF ERF 1429 WESTVILLE Reg stration D vis o n FT Prov nce o KwaZu u -N atal In Extent 2862 (two thous and e ght hundred and sixt y two) square me res Held b y Deed of Tran sfer No T10108/17 SUBJECT TO TH E COND TIONS CONTAI NED THEREIN (MAGIS TERIAL D STRICT PINET OWN) Phys ca Address: 15 RIBS TON PL AC E WESTVILLE, KW AZ ULU-N AT AL ZONING : RESID EN T AL (NOTHING GUARANT EED) IMPROVEMEN TS : The o low ng nformat on s furn shed bu not guarant eed street leve doub e storey house ti ed ro o brick wa s ma n house: t ed and w ooden loor 4x be drooms 1x ensu te, bui t- n cupbo ards 3x separate to ets 3x fu bathrooms (shower & bath) 2x lounge 1x d n n g room 1x ki chen outbu lding gra nny f a bath other: swimm ng poo a rcon boundary fenced e ectron c ga tes doub e garage property has a thatch (Th e natu re ext ent cond t on and existence o the improvements are no guaran eed and are so d voetstoots )T he Purch aser shal in add t on to he Auct oneer s com miss on pa y a deposi o 10% of he purchase pr ce n cash o n he day of the sale and he ba ance aga nst tra nsfer wh ch sha l be secured by a Bank guaran e e n a form acceptab e to P ainti f s conveyancers wh ch gu arantee shal be del vered b y he Purchaser to the Sherif w thin Twenty one (21) days from he da e of th e sa e and shal provide for t he pay men o the ful ba ance and any such nterest payable as provided for hereunder The ru es of h s auction and a fu advert semen s ava able 24 hours before he auct on a the off ce of he Sheri f for Pine own 18 Suzuka Road Wes mead P ne own The o f ce of the She r f for Pine own w l conduct he sa e w th auct one ers N B Nxuma o and/or M rs S Raghoo Adver is ng cos s a current pub icat on ra es and sa e costs accord ng o cour ru es apply Registrat on as a buyer is a pre -req uis te subject to cond t ons inter a a: A) D rect ve o th e Cons umer Protect on Act 68 of 2008 (URLhttp:/ www n o gov za/ view DownloadFi e Act on? d 99961) B) FICA - leg slat on i r o proo of i denti y and add ress part cu ars C) Payment of a Registra t on Fee of R15000 0 0 in cash D) Reg stra ion co ndi ions The aforesai d sale sha l be subject to the Cond ti ons o Sa e wh ch may be inspe c ed a the of ice o the Sher f o the H gh Court (15 days pr or o he date of sale) Pine own 18 Su zuka Road Wes mead, P net own STR AU SS D AL Y NC 9 h F oor Strauss Daly P ace 41 Richefond Cir c e R dges de O f ce Park Umhlanga MRS ADAMS/RRB 1 0067 02UHRF- 25 SALE IN EXECUTION SALE IN EXECUTION SALE IN EXECUTION SALE IN EXECUTION

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