Sunday Times Festive Book Guide 2016

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LIFE STORIES The certified National Treasure has written a terrific account of growing up poor — and naughty — in Soweto.

’ 1. His mother once threw him from a moving taxi — for his own safety. 2. He once filled the school piano with firehydrant foam. 3. He burnt down a house in Orange Grove playing with matches. 4. His mother was forced to steal food from the pigs growing up poor in Transkei. 5. He still longs for polony, margarine and brown bread sandwiches.

6. He could fully service a car by the age of 11. 7. His struggling mother used to feed him “sawdust� — the fragments of meat from the butcher’s floor. 8. He slept in a car for a year while at high school. 9. His mother was shot in the head by his stepfather and miraculously survived. 10. His favourite books growing up were Roald Dahl’s BFG and the Narnia series.

Out now Š JKR. TM WBEI

!"# No ghostwriter required for this candid memoir — The Boss wrote every word, remembering the dead-end neighbourhood he grew up in, the barnstorming stage shows, the ongoing battle with depression that runs in his family. The man’s a force of nature. ’ $ % & ' !( The heart-rending story of the Syrian teenager who taught herself to speak English by watching TV and made the journey from Syria to Germany in a wheelchair. ) * & ' !(

Schumer — she of the lacerating wit and outrÊ anecdotes — spins stories of her childhood and rise to the top of the comedy world. ! " ) + , - .+- + / %% !"# The story of a boy who dreamed big and became one of the world’s best cricketers. And a stirring study of decency, dignity, and selflessness — all too rare in the professional arena now.

# $ ! "

' ' * ! # You’ll be surprised to learn just how close to death the pop maestro came when he tipped into full-blown alcoholism in his 50s. His path from dull suburbia to the rarified air of superstardom is hugely entertaining.

% 0 . !1# Sex scandals, suicides, embezzlements and dead cats flung onto the stage: this is a riveting history of the cultural monolith that is the Bolshoi Ballet, but it casts a serious eye on Russian history too. % # % & ' (

, 2 - + ’ !3# Few people can truly be called “iconic� but the High Priestess of Punk is one of them. Combining tales of gadding and global activism, she lets us in on the sources of her constant innovation. ! ) + & 4 In

vlieg die Sabbatsreis-skrywer wĂŠĂŠr Engeland toe. DiĂŠ keer as die goewernante van vier onhebbelike bloubloedseuntjies. % # ( ' - ’ + & ! # Subtitled “A Writer’s Awakeningâ€?, the acclaimed Kenyan author reveals the nascence of his work as a playwright, journalist and novelist, which developed during some of the most turbulent times on the African continent. ) * & * + % 5 #3 One of South Africa’s most brilliant commentators squares up to her difficult upbringing: a Nazi father, a near-illiterate mother and the wild years that shaped her fearlessness.


STYLE, ART & DESIGN " # $ % ! )


F you thought Denmark was all about chunky Sarah Lundtype jumpers you’d be... well... right. The trend of the moment is hygge — pronounced “hoo-ga� — the Danish concept of cosy living. Think roaring fires, woolly socks and hot chocolate. Candles and a good book. Simple dinners at the table with family and friends. Linked to the idea of mindfulness, Hygge encompasses warmth, togetherness and peaceableness, and embraces the calming effect of nature. In this book, renowned Scandinavian cook and writer Signe Johansen shares the secrets of the lifestyle and gives suggestions on how to create your own haven, safe and shielded from the world. Next winter, light the candles and don your jumper, preferably handknitted. Hip, hip, hygge! Picture: GALLO/GETTY

It’s a privilege to glimpse inside these private homes — from mansions to more modest dwellings — that have been preserved with integrity and adapted to contemporary living. ! " # $ % & Two African art experts trace the history of the country through its artworks, beginning with the Makapansgat Pebble, thought to be the oldest art object ever to have been found, up to the vibrant scene of today. ' ( ) * A thick, elegant almanac for the bedside table, crammed with illuminating — but never schmaltzy — quotations.

+# , - , . / &0 More than telling celluloid stories, films have a major influence on how we dress. Fashion historian Butchart dishes the glamour.


& # - , # .. *1 Subtitled Interiors That Bring The World Home, this reads as a gorgeous Greatest Hits collection from one of America’s most sought-after decorators. ' # - , + )1 The book of the wildly popular blog where Slatalla showcases striking gardens with useful, hands-on advice on how to recreate them.


( 2 % ,3 / " # $ % 4 The great artist joins esteemed critic Martin Gayford to explore art “From the cave to the computer screen�. Hailed as the art book of the decade, it’s a lavishly illustrated and enlightening collection. ## ) ( 2 , 3 5 / 1 ) In its hustle and ambition it may still be a mining town but Duncan — and matchless photographer Alain Proust — reveal the grace and refinement beneath the city’s tough facade. ( * # + $ ( 6 3 ( 0 0&1 The New York State Design Library is the world’s largest archive of pattern and ornament, a dazzling repository of flair that draws designers and admirers from around the world.



N ENGAGING examination of the techniques, tricks and consciousness of some of the world’s greatest writers, including Nabokov, Fitzgerald and Joyce, as well as Fay Weldon and Kate Atkinson. A great present for aspiring writers. The publisher, Oneworld, offers a Reading Guide to kickstart discussion: • Cohen makes reference to the “ice chip in the heartâ€? which Graham Greene explains is a trait which allows a novelist to borrow from loved ones’ lived experiences and personalities. Greene thinks this is an essential trait of a good writer. Do you agree? Do you “possess such a splinterâ€?, and, if so, to what degree? Pavement specials, Monkey Gland sauce and “Howzit, ou swaerâ€?, this entertaining compendium is jam-packed with the South Africanisms ! "


" # " $ The award-winning author presents his first collection of essays; acute, erudite observations on politics, literature, travel and photography. # $ % &

% ' ( % && " & ' (% ) Twenty great writers on the museums that have engrossed them the most: think Jacqueline Wilson on the dolls of Le MusĂŠe de la PoupĂŠe, William Boyd at the Egon Schiele museum in Vienna and Neil Gaiman in the Pre-Raphaelite rooms of Tate Britain. A treasure trove indeed. ) ' * + * + , $ . A photographic homage to the ritual of reading across the world. McCurry captures moments in war zones and on park benches, in art galleries and on beaches. With a foreword by Paul Theroux. , / & # 0 ) For the bibliophiles in your life, a grand tour of bookstores around the world, from Barcelona to Paris to Sydney, with history and anecdote in between. ' ( $ ( - . ( / # 1 . . A collection of essays on culture may sound dry, but Conrad leavens his learning with wry observation as he explores the nature of contemporary culture. Kardashians, cronuts and the Large Hadron Collider are all here.

0 # $ 1 2345 2 3 / 4 5 What would Christmas be without a new Zapiro collection? Dull.

% . $ ’ ’

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' 0 8 Based on the massively popular blog on The Economist’s website, the book explains such conundrums as which James Bond drinks the most martinis, how bitcoin mining works, and why half of the Korean population is called Kim. Hours of reading here.

# # , $ 6 # 7 6 7

55 The authors penetrate the impenetrable in this hilarious romp through the great philosophical questions. A New York Times bestseller.

FINE FOOD AND WINE * + . / & 00 - Nicky Stubbs calls her book “a love song� to the family and friends who have fed her and in turn have eaten at her table. A collection of classics, it would make a brilliant gift for a young couple or a student starting out in the kitchen. ' , -

& + , - A glorious blend of cultural heritage and trusted recipes, this truly is “a food and memory cookbook�, imbued with the warmth of the community. # %

# . . 1 2 3 4 3 ( 5"- Billed as the bible of the world’s oldest cuisine, the authors have collected more than 600 recipes from this vast nation. The range is staggering, from a 6th-century recipe for lion’s head meatballs to sweet & sour spare ribs and dim sum. & , / ’ 0 6 )) A splendid collection of recipes from the French master folded into a personal tour of his glorious country house hotel in Oxfordshire.

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ARDIM is the grande dame of Portuguese cooking in this country and this is more than a collection of her faultless recipes. She mixes in old family photographs and anecdotes, cooking lore and sound advice. Peri-peri, Port & Fig Ice Cream, anyone?

!"#$ "% !$&&"' ( "' #)& ) )!$ & ! * * Serves 4–6 $ * % 8–10 medium whole calamari (with heads, tentacles and wings) 50ml olive oil 2–3 cloves garlic, chopped 10ml chopped parsley salt and pepper, to taste 10ml lemon juice *% Clean the calamari. Remove the heads, tentacles and side wings and keep the tubes intact. Chop the wings and tentacles and mix with the olive oil, garlic, parsley, salt and pepper and lemon juice. Half-fill the tubes with the calamari filling and close with a toothpick, leaving an air space for expansion while cooking. Brush the calamari with olive oil and grill on an

open fire (the traditional method) or under the oven grill for 10 minutes on each side. Slice and serve with a vinaigrette dressing and boiled potatoes. ’ If the calamari are small, do not remove the wings — they will add to the appearance of the dish. If the calamari are too large to stuff, clean them as described above, then cut the sacs open and grill. Cut into strips and serve mixed with the stuffing ingredients.

Tuistafel prut met herinneringe en geure van regoor die wêreld. Probeer gerus Errieda se ma se melkkos, of ’n roomystoebroodjie uit Korea.

The popular food columnist for the Sunday Telegraph borrows from a pantheon of cultures to create easy dishes that burst with flavour.

! " The doyen of British wine writers is both entertaining and erudite, but what makes this book such a treasure is the stories he tells about this everchanging industry. # $ % &' ( )*) The darling of the contemporary food scene in London, HelyHutchinson has put the “posh� into porridge with her innovative use of ancient grains.

WONDERS OF THE WORLD * + ( ,- ' ./ ( $ )

$ 1 4 " 5 $ 0 0 6 0 $ 0

6 $ $ 7 $ & 6 ( *,,, ) 4 Chittenden writes: “Work began just over six years ago when we allocated new art ‘want’ lists to four specialist bird illustrators. We targeted difficult to identify families such as warblers, cisticolas and raptors. Only after the first spreads were done did we realise there was sufficient space that could be filled with biologically interesting photos to enhance the book. We also commissioned Guy Upfold to make an entire set of new maps based on the Bird Atlas project.�

BUSINESS & TECH BRILLIANCE The man behind the groundbreaking business theory of “disruptive innovation� presents dynamic new ideas of developing products and services that customers will pay a premium for.

! The eurozone is stagnating, the countries crippled by unemployment. Stiglitz blames much of the woes on the single currency and outlines three ways forward. ! " # $ % $ $ & ' & $ ( ) * +, Inspiring stories from top executives around South Africa that demonstrate the transformational leadership so urgently required to take the country further. " # - % . ( $ / & $ .(0 ) 1 As we increasingly outsource knowledge and memory to the Internet, we’re becoming more ignorant. An entertaining guide to succeeding in a culturally illiterate age. $ % & ' # ( 0 0 2 % 0( 3+3 This delivers what it promises: not only the story of Greenspan’s rise from humble origins to the seat of power in Washington, but a detailed overview of America’s economy over five decades. ) !

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) & ! From the author of The Big Short, the story of a friendship between two psychologists that created the field of behavioural economics and changed our understanding of the working of the human mind.

# 0 ( 8 - 9% .(0 ++ Billed as “An explorer’s guide to the world’s hidden wonders�, this lavishly illustrated collection packs in myriad people, places and odd facts. Riveting stuff. ’ % # !# 12

- # ! - * ) % . .(0 1 With a loving lens, Ramsay has captured the most pristine areas of the country, with a glorious array of animals and the rangers who look over them.

+ $ / ) -

5 $$ $ " 2 % 0( ! Why are eagles associated with victory and hummingbirds with paradise? Why is it said that storks bring babies? This magnificently illustrated book blends science with superstition and history.



4 5! . & # Best known for her landmark book , here Donoghue writes about another unusual child. In a 19th-century Irish village a young girl claims to be existing on “manna from heaven�. Crowds flock to the “miracle� while the church investigates. Deliciously Gothic.

" ! - ( ! ! #*# Smith arrests the reader on the first page of this superb study of friendship. Two young “brown girlsâ€? meet in a community dance class in London. They embark on a lifetime of competition and complex emotions shot through with themes of race, philanthropy and global politics. ĂŤ One of our most beloved performers presents 41 short, sharp stories, gleaned from his stage shows. Sly and deadpan funny, few hold a mirror to South Africa as skilfully as NataniĂŤl. The stories are in Afrikaans and English.

! ! ( +& , & ! #*# Like Donna Tartt, Foer does not rush his books. This, his third novel, has been 11 years in the writing and the result is a vast tangled drama that wrestles with the notions of home and belonging and the precarious power play in families. * * 6 7 ! ! $ The prequel to introduces Sophie and Edouard Lefevre who are living in Paris during WW1, and Liv and David Halston, honeymooning there a century later. Moyes is, as ever, on charming form.

Matlwa is steadily emerging as one of the most astute observers of contemporary South Africa. Here she charts the bewilderment of so many South Africans reeling through the ruins of the Mandela dream. " % &' ( ) & #*# Coetzee beguiles with this strange, allusive sequel to

. In stripped, cool prose he probes the questions of parenting and the inevitable conflict with a growing child.

! " #$# There’s always something new out of McEwan, in this case a narrator that is a foetus. Of course he pulls it off brilliantly: Hamlet meets contemporary Bohemian London, with a murder in the offing.

# # " . / ! , 0 & , 0 & $ One of the brightest stars on the African continent, Zimbabwean writer Gappah presents an immaculate collection of short stories that cast a caustic — but humane — eye on her fellow countrymen. One of them, “A Short History of Zaka the Zuluâ€?, was recently picked up by The New Yorker — the first time a Zimbabwean author has appeared in its illustrious pages. $ % & '( Âź ) *

& ) /& ! ! 1 An absolute joy of a book: Hendrik Groen is in the winter of his years but he’s not going quietly. Instead, he leads his fellow old-age home inmates in a merry dance as they rebel against the home’s rules.

+ , ! & 2& , 0 & , 0 & #*3 McBride follows up the prize-winning with another wise and perceptive story about a young woman testing the boundaries of a new sexual freedom.

. " ! ! 3 The megaselling author turns his hand to the life of Mata Hari, the storied courtesan and spy. During World War 1 she was the confidante of some of the richest and most powerful men in Europe, but was eventually executed in a French prison.

$ % . # &5 & 4& 00 " 5 #13 Dame Margaret Drabble is a giant on the UK literary landscape, known for her incisive, sardonic observations of life. This moving new novel questions what makes a good life, and ultimately a good death.

Set in a teeming Mumbai, this is an exuberant, satirical tale of two shantytown brothers hellbent on cricketing stardom. By the Booker Prizewinning author of Ryan slices open the underbelly of the green and pleasant Ireland in this savage novel of travellers, taboos and a vitriolic marriage. Immensely powerful.


+, -# $ . ,, / ()) An adult thriller from the author of the Twilight series is big news, and Meyer, pictured, pulls it off with a flourish. She’s swapped hemoglobin and teen libido for assassination and a gutsy action heroine. The unnamed heroine, an ex-agent for the US government, is on the run from her former employers. She has a secret and must be eliminated. Her former handler offers her a way out, but she must take one more case to clear her name and save her life. And if that sounds like a certain other spy franchise it’s because, as Meyer explains, “The Chemist is the love child created from the union of my romantic sensibilities and my obsession with Jason Bourne/Aaron Cross. I very much enjoyed spending time with a different kind of action hero, one whose primary weapon isn’t a gun or a knife or bulging muscles, but rather her brain.�

’ ’ " # $ % & ' ()* ’n Meesleurende roman deur ’n bekroonde skrywer: ’n Oud-onderwyser sit en luister na musiek, min wetende dat daar ’n lewensveranderende insident met ’n hond op hom wag.

! Between the exquisite covers of this book lies a story of high adventure in 19thcentury Alaska. Told through the journals of an explorer and his wife, it details the timeless fight of man against nature — both within and without. " ) " , % ' +, #, ( In this latest novel Picoult takes on racism in the form of a white supremacist whose baby dies in the care of a black nurse. As always, it is a thoughtprovoking, discussioninspiring read.

# " 00 # $ & 1! The powerful climax to

, the seven-book series that has ruled the bestseller lists around the world.

" # 2 # & % ' +, # , ()) A corrupt judge, a whistle-blower, a determined investigator. In other words, vintage Grisham.

& . 3# The 21st novel in the Jack Reacher series is actually a prequel. Reacher is 35 and still in the army when he’s moved to an emergency task force.

! ' , % % , # The Pope is dead and the cardinals are gathering to choose a successor. Cue intrigue, manoeuvring and venal plots.

' ’ ' 3# 4 , % & ' ( * ’n Storielyn wat die slimste leser sal fnuik: Karsten se topspeurder Ella Neser is weer op die spoor van ’n raaiselagtige moord.

( $ 6 % " # $ ) This clever spy novel is getting rave reviews in the UK. Disgraced MI5 operatives are dragged away from pushing paper into a conspiracy that will test their old talent.

$ %# . & % & ' (!( Op die spoor van ’n reeksmoordenaar: Hierdie aangrypende verhaal begin tydens die doodsnikke van apartheid en speel af in die hedendaagse Johannesburg.

& '

" 4 , 00 % - 5 ! Gripping adult fantasy. Three suns shine down on a menacing world of overlords, assassins and shadow creatures.

$ % & ' ()* ’n Aksiebelaaide nuwe rigting vir Deon Meyer: In vertel die volwasse Nico Storm die verhaal van die moord op sy pa.



A dazzling biography of Lady Anne Barnard, pictured, a woman way ahead of her time. An artist, writer and traveller, she railed against Georgian convention and lived for some time in Cape Town. Her husband, Andrew, was Secretary to the first British Governor of the Cape and Barnard was a legendary hostess at her home, now the Vineyard Hotel. Her ghost is said to haunt the ballroom of the Castle, dressed in an elaborate gown.

! #

! $%% This brave, frank book has been flying off the shelves and is bound to be found under many a Christmas tree this season. She answered our questions: " #

! # $ ! ! # # ! % My publishers persuaded me to strike while the iron was hot, just as I stepped down from the DA leadership. I’m so glad I did because the abuse of state institutions to oust me have a direct parallel in what is happening to Pravin Gordhan at the moment. So the recent history I wrote about has direct bearing on unfolding current events.

/ / # ) 51 ! 3

4 %* The latest volume in the Penguin History of Europe series is an authoritative account of industrialisation, the rise of science and medicine and the struggle for women’s emancipation.

+ . " ( * - ) (


4 " Winston Churchill was a vain and ambitious young man who believed that an act of heroism would launch his political career. The AngloBoer War handed him the chance. Millard brings fresh perspective on one of the most iconic figures in history.

+ 0 1

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)' $ % Blending science, history and philosophy, Harari casts a canny eye on our not-too-distant future. The next stage of our evolution faces dire challenges created by technology and the modern lifestyle.

! " Ace columnist Khumalo unsheathes his pen and tears into everything from Google to Grace Mugabe, and plenty in between.

"! # , & ' ( ! ' ( )

$*" The legal giant remembers his astonishing journey from Robben Island to the Constitutional Court, and the people who shaped his vision.

' - ! ) . ) " !) / # ( ) ! ( ' ! ) ! $+$ Two Washington Post reporters lay bare the greed, the ego and the aggression of this most unlikely President-elect ever.

0 2 0 6 ! Subtitled A History of Triumph and Tragedy, 1905-1953, this riveting story tells how Stalin gathered a motley crew of scientists around him who initially brought glory to the nation but eventually worldwide ridicule.

0 7 1 : ' 8 " Stories oor die hede en verlede uit die pen van ’n deurwinterde joernalis en skrywer. Hierdie bundel spreek universele temas aan en bring nuwe insigte oor die lewe.

& ' ( #

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' % No, not really. I have dealt with the issues and moved on. They were part of shaping who I am, and I think I emerged stronger on all fronts. * + # “ ’ # ! ' ' ' $� ! ( ! ' ' % This is a very profound insight. I did my level best not to adjust the lens at all (or as little as possible) and reflect what was happening at the time, and in the context, while being as fair as possible to my opponents. Readers will judge whether I succeeded or not.

1 ’ 7 88 4 3

) $9% Forget the idea of Chaucer’s “parfit, gentil knyght�. The French knight Reynald de Chatillon was an infamous Crusader, depraved and extravagantly violent. He became a Christian hero of the Second Crusade and one of the most hated figures in Islamic history.

* / # ) *

( , - $%$ The concept of freedom is at the heart of our civilisation, but Martinez challenges this and presents instead a manifesto for radical change that transforms the way we think about democracy and equality. - & 0 1 " .

)' - )' . ! / A comprehensive, revealing analysis of the storm of conflicts that have gripped the Middle East and Africa since September 11 2001, in what the author calls the “age of chaos and war�.

POPULAR SCIENCE: THE WAY WE ARE ! "# $ !!" The New Scientist writers coat scientific fact in witty writing and handy infographics, examining life, the universe and ... bellybutton fluff.

" ’ & ' ( ( ) * + * , He was said to be “the greatest genius of all time� but Bodanis posits that his groundbreaking early discoveries were eventually overshadowed by his stubbornness and inability to keep up with the times.

# ( $ ) ( - . % / & ’n Keur uit die honderde vrae van nuuskierige luisteraars oor die natuur, fisieke wetenskap en die ruimte wat deur die jare op RSG se Hoe verklaar jy dit-program beantwoord is. * * ' + # + # 0 % 1 * $ , Stewart is an entertaining guide to the vivid extraterrestrial universe, explaining how it all began, and how it may end. He throws light on dark matter, and gives dimension to space and time in an accessible style.

"# % # $ % & ' The illustrations in this splendid book will stop your breath: Clark, a National Geographic photographer, translates the important tenets of evolution into ravishing images.

, $ "# $ - "# . # 2 / 1 3 , We are all African, originally. That’s the premise of this elegantly argued book that centres on The Human Genome Project. It’s loaded with intriguing stories of Neanderthals, Vikings, the Queen of Sheba. A scintillating read.

’ Kuljian is a smart, insightful writer and this is a watershed book on the subject of paleoanthropology, of particular interest in South Africa. She writes:


NE of the most fascinating things that I found while researching this book is that Raymond Dart — famous for describing the Taung child skull back in 1925 — has a lot in his papers that he had not shared with the world. In addition to his interest in hominid fossils, he established a human skeleton collection at the Department of Anatomy at Wits Medical School. Paging through his documents, I learned the disturbing story of how one of those skeletons came into his collection, a story that remained hidden in the archives for 75 years and which showed how scientific methods at the time treated human beings as specimens. Phillip Tobias was Dart’s successor as the head of the Department of Anatomy so it was very interesting to learn more about his relationship with Dart. I delved into Tobias’s papers as well, and it was surprising to see how much his thinking on race and human evolution shifted from his youth in the 1940s through to his death in 2012.�


This is not only the muchanticipated second book in the series, it features a new Percy Jackson short story as well. In this sequel, Magnus and friends have to track down Thor’s hammer before all hell breaks loose and the Nine Worlds are destroyed.

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"! ) ! + ! 45 Sequel to the bestselling This one will have children rolling with laughter as Frog has had enough. He is tired of the status quo and wants to make changes.

The amazing treehouse now has a pet-grooming salon, a birthday room where it's always your birthday, a room full of exploding eyeballs, a lollipop shop, a quicksand pit, and a time machine.

) * 7 1 .. Snuggle up to share 40 well-loved fairytales, classic rhymes, and contemporary stories.

!!" # $ ! " ! ## The author says: “In the 11th book, Greg sets out to discover what makes him unique in order to justify the grand vision he has of himself.� % !!" & & ' ! ! !! !

$ % $ ! # Of all the schools Nikki Maxwell could’ve been assigned to for the student exchange programme, she’s stuck at her arch nemesis MacKenzie Hollister’s new school.

( & ' (

) *! + Five children in a hospital go on an unmissable midnight adventure.


# - # & 0 + !

Ottoline and Mr Munroe meet an enigmatic purple fox, who offers to take them on a night-time urban safari. ' # ) # # 1' 2 3 $

&" # Packed with fun facts, bizarre-buttrue tales, and quirky insights into everyone's favorite Marvel comic characters — like why the Hulk is green, gray and red. $# 1 # ) #

&" 4 A closer look at the ever-evolving world of animals. Perfect for children aged 9 and up.


5 " +## " : 1 ! 3 " - 3 ..# Prepare to be spellbound by Kay’s full-colour illustrations and get to know the characters and magical story all over again. ) # * % , '! ! !

( ! - ./ A lyrical picture book about the power of storytelling. A girl sails across a sea of words, arriving at the house of a small boy and calling him away on an adventure

) & #/ Over 20 Julia Donaldson songs, including fun-filled action rhymes, Aesop’s fables, and songs based on her best-loved picture books, from Room on the Broom to The Gruffalo. %# &" 6 5# ’n Ideale eerste naslaanboek vir jong slimkoppe wat gretig is om die wêreld rondom hulle te verken.

+ % 0 1 ! ! 2 ! 3! 1 4. A captivating picture book for readers aged four years and older.

, ’ - " -#

- 45 Grocery shopping has never been this fun! With puzzle pieces.

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6 4/ Hierdie lawwe lekkerlagboek bevat 365 rympies (en ’n bonusrympie vir ’n skrikkeljaar) wat kinders (Ên grootmense!) heeljaar sal laat skaterlag. # + ' ( This beloved book by Chris Van Wyk is one of the last he wrote. Mr Hare finds a R200 note. When he turns the note over he sees Mr Mandela’s face and decides to brave the big city of Johannesburg to return Mr Mandela’s property.




6 4/ Wat lees kinders in Soedan, Benin, BelgiĂŤ of Rusland? Towertapyt bevat 33 klassieke stories wat al eeue lank in verskillende lande vertel word. ) 4

7! ! ! 6 . 'n Boeiende storie vir tieners oor verslawing, tweede kanse en wat dit beteken om jouself waarlik te vind. 1# - 4 8 9 3! ( !

2 ! 3! 1 .. Emma wen ’n studiereis na Parys en spandeer haar sestiende verjaarsdag in die stad van liefde. 4 ! * 1

& ' ; 1 - .. A special Christmas story with a strong message from one of the world’s greatest storytellers.



! 5 5 0 . * , -1 Heartbreaking and poignant, Niven delivers two unforgettable teen characters — Libby Strout once dubbed “America’s Fattest Teen� and the popular Jack Masselin, whose secret is that he can’t recognise people’s faces. " , +-+ A companion book to Rigg’s bestseller ’ . It’s a beautiful collection of fairytales about the peculiar world with illustrations from worldrenowned woodcut artist Andrew Davidson. (See left.)

+, - # ’ . / 012 ' ( . / - & Kwezi, which means “star� in Xhosa and Zulu, is the brainchild of Mkize, who got his start as an illustrator for Supa Strikas. Mkize describes Kwezi as “a coming of age story about finding one’s heritage�. The comic follows a narcissistic teenage boy named Kwezi as he discovers his superhuman abilities amid the daily hustle of the fictional Gold City.

!" #$ ’ ! " # $ % % & & ' ( ) * ' ( ) # * + "

3 $ 4 3 0$ / ' / && This is the screenplay of the film (out now) that Rowling wrote, which was based on the book that she wrote in 2001 as a companion piece to the Harry Potter novels. It doesn’t feature Harry, rather a Magizoologist named Newt Scamander back in 1926 New York. # " / 4 2 4 5 - " Set in the future, people worship Icarus — buried in a labyrinth below the city. Every year children are chosen to make it to the centre of the labyrinth and become angels. Few survive. Now it’s Clara and her best friend’s turn.

' 20 $ 2 3 2 -&" A bloody, sci-fi young adult adventure. A Diabolic is bred to be the ultimate bodyguard, killing any threat to the person it serves. They have been banned, but Nemesis’s “family� fakes her death.

! -1 A gripping prequel to

, this is about how the Queen of Hearts lost her heart.

$ 6 7. 4 * + + A new era begins for Black Panther with award-winning writer Ta-Nahesi Coates. He shakes up the story of the superhero T’Challa, with plenty of questions about our society, but also stays true to the plot, where Black Panther has to once again save Wakanda, a mythical and technologically advanced African country, from disaster.

NB Publishers’ selection for Exclusive Books’ Christmas list 2016



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