owetan Lockdown Day
21 22
Fred Khumalo
In the know on the move
Khethile khethile Double Big up for Covid-19 blow Married to 2? Ntsiki’s in-depth Choose one wife for soccer stars back page for lockdown page 2 ‘research’ page 19
R5.70 (Eswatini, Bots 5.20 incl tax) Friday April 17, 2020 www.sowetanlive.co.za
Coronavirus Hotline: 0800 029 999 and WhatsApp Line: 060 012 3456 PHOTOS / THULANI MBELE / ALAISTER RUSSELL
More victims speak out...
Stop the brutality
Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula. / GA L LO I M AG E S
● A few rotten apples within the army and police patrols are continuing a reign of terror mainly in the townships as they go about enforcing the national lockdown ● We hang our heads in shame - minister pages 4 & 5