3 minute read
from December 2020
by Sunil Kumar
Family First!
The fast pace of modern day family life can make it easy to forget that simply just spending time with our children is really important. Our time is one of the greatest things we can give them. The ongoing pandemic has given lots of opportunities to families to spend time together and some good old family bonding! Here’s why you should make quality time a priority:
It builds children’s selfesteem:
Children who spend time with their parents participating in activities together build a positive sense of selfworth. When children feel that they are valued by their parents, they feel more positive about themselves. Family activities don’t have to be expensive trips out to be meaningful, the important part is just being together. You could go for a bike ride or play a game together.
It strengthens family bonds:
Families who share everyday activities together form strong, emotional ties. Studies have found that families who enjoy group activities together share a stronger emotional bond as well as an ability to adapt well to situations as a family. Share your favourite hobbies, sports, books, movies or other favourite activities.
It develops positive behaviours:
Children and adolescents who spend more time with their parents are less likely to get involved in risky behaviour. Children who frequently eat with their families also usually have improved dietary intake compared to those who don’t eat as often with family members.
It encourages communication:
When you spend time with your children you are fostering an environment for open communication. Good communication is important for your children to feel comfortable with talking about anything. Simply asking your child how their day has gone can make a big difference.
It can help your children be a good friend:
Children learn by example. If you are setting a good example for them by spending quality time together, they are more likely to adopt those behaviours in other relationships in their lives.

Sports Physio Vancouver, Surrey & Fleetwood

Krishna Jeeja
(CEO MJ Physio)
Everything about the Laser Therapy
Deep Tissue Laser Therapy accelerates your body’s own natural healing process through photo-bio-stimulation. LASER stands for “Light Amplification for Stimulated Emission of Radiation”. Our Vancouver Physiotherapy and Sports Clinic involve in Class IV therapeutic LASER at 3 different locations of Canada i.e. Vancouver, Surrey, and Fleetwood deliver specific red and near-infrared wavelengths of light to induce a photochemical reaction and therapeutic effect. Laser therapy is effective in treating chronic conditions, acute conditions, and post-surgical pain. LASER Therapy treats the underlying condition or pathology to promote and accelerate healing resulting in effective and longlasting pain relief. MJPhysio provides class 4 therapy in Surrey & Vancouver location, and now also delivers service of Sports Physio in Fleetwood Surrey center. During each effortless treatment, laser vitality expands dissemination, drawing water, oxygen, and supplements to the harmed zone. This creates an optimal healing environment that reduces soreness, swelling, muscle spasms, firmness, and pain. As the affected part recovers, the function is restored and pain is relieved.
Indications include:
4Muscle, joint ache, pain, and stiffness 4Muscle spasm 4Arthritis 4Tendinitis 4Ligament Strain 4Thickened scar tissue 4Open wound
MJ Physio - Fraser Street Physio 5684 Fraser Street, Vancouver BC V5W 2Z4 Phone: 604.563.5684 Fax: 604.563.5685 Email: fraserstreetphysio.ca, care@mjphysio.ca
Three Locations

MJ Physio - Bear Creek Plaza #202, 13588 88 Ave, Surrey BC V3W 3K8 Phone: 604.503.5682 Fax: 604.503.5683 nearcreekplazaphysio.ca, care@mjphysio.ca
MJ Physio - Fleetwood : #103-8488 160 St, Surrey, BC V4N 0V7 Phone: 604.547.2706, 604.547.2707 Fax: 604.547.2708 mjphysiofleetwood@gmail.com, care@mjphysio.ca