6 minute read
How self improvement can change your life
from NOVEMBER 2021
by Sunil Kumar
Facing obstacles and overcoming them is a part of life. We grow and mature by learning lessons from our mistakes and that process is called selfimprovement. However, that is only possible when we are aware of our strengths and weakness.
A How Self-Improvement Can Change Your Life
Ritika Tiwari
Freelance writer/ blogger/ Content Strategist
Here are a few things that can help you through your self-improvement journey: 1. build a momentum
There are times during the day when you are the most attentive.
Utilize that time to get the major chunk of your work done, which might include homework, research or anything that requires complete attention and concentration.
Over time, this period of high concentration will increase, so you can get more things done quickly. 2. take responsibility
Embrace the mistakes you commit and take full responsibility for them. Don’t resist and fight off negative emotions that come along with it. Convert sad feelings and disappointments into lessons and use them to avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future. 3. aCCept yourself
Every person is different and so are their strengths and weaknesses. Being jealous of someone for being better at managing people or doing their work isn’t going to do you any good. Instead, accept your strengths and shortcomings and work on improving them to become a better person. 4. stay motivated
Motivated attitude and selfimprovement go hand in hand. If a person isn’t motivated enough to become a better person, then self-improvement may not work for them at all. It’s important to remember that being motivated doesn’t mean you have to constantly perform tasks and be on your toes 24/7. It means creating a routine to stay on track, and understanding when to let go of it 5. keep a journal
Writing your thoughts at the end of the day in a journal can help give you clarity and improve as a person in the process. If you have a tendency to get into fights and speak hastily without giving any thought, then you should write down the words you said and the things you should have said instead.
Add a planner section to the journal where you can write down your goals and divide them into smaller ones. Make sure you strike off every goal whenever you achieve it. 6. daily self-refleCtion
Reflect how your day was every night for at least five minutes. Question yourself if there were ways you could have handled some particular situations differently. Once in a while, read things you wrote a couple months ago in your journal and analyse if you have improved. You should also check how far along are you in achieving goals that are approaching their deadlines. 7. engage in mindful aCtivities If you like to run, go on a jog once in a day. You can also do yoga, if you find it relaxing. In case you have been feeling too stressed, you should let yourself go and relax a bit, only to get back to your work feeling rejuvenated and more productive.
Engage in activities that make you feel good about yourself, whether it’s drawing, cycling, or even visiting the beach. You can also include meditation as part of your daily routine. 8. ask for feedbaCk
Ask friends and colleagues at work what they think about you and if there’s something you should change. Make sure you tell them that they can be completely honest with you because you are looking for an opportunity to grow.
Remember, self-improvement is a part growing up, so don’t give up without a fight.
Actress Taapsee Pannu, who plays a sprinter in her latest film ‘Rashmi Rocket’, says that she is always in awe of sports personalities and that she feels they are the real heroes.
She candidly revealed that squash is her favourite sport to play and when it comes to her favourite sportsperson she said, “I don’t think I can choose because I am in so much awe of these sportspeople, they are actually the real heroes for me. I follow them more than I follow any other profession, or I don’t think I consider any other profession as heroic as representing the country!”
Taapsee also confessed that running comes naturally to her, since she was an athlete in school and would run in 100, 200 and 400-metre races. For her role, she had to learn some professional sprinting techniques. Next, she had to unlearn and readopt the right technique to keep her free of injuries.
She shared these anecdotes in an exclusive chat with IMDb.
When asked about her most favourite memory on sets, she reminisces, “Once when I was sprinting during shots and there were real athletes, we had called who were there running with me, who were probably watching the training...the compliments from them that I did really look like a real athlete were the most cherished ones coming from the people who do it as a profession.”
Source: IANS

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