13 minute read
Mind, Body & Soul
from OCTOBER 2021
by Sunil Kumar
Krishna Jeeja
(cEO MJ Physio)
Have you ever indulged yourself in yoga prac- tice? or Yoga based exercises. Well, if your answer is yes. Then, I am proud of you as you guys are well aware of the benefits of yoga. And, if your answer is no. Then, this blog is especially for all of you.
As we’re gonna discuss yoga, let’s just start it with a simple yoga technique. Take a deep breath and inhale. Pause for a second and then exhale. Just experience how you feel right after this yoga pose. You might have a feeling of instant relief from your worries and your mind may get re- freshed, say for a second or two. Imagine, if this single practice can benefit us for a second then how much the whole yoga ses- sion for about 1⁄2 or 1 hour can do wonders for us?
We at MJ physio use yoga based exercises to improve your flexibility and get the physical benefits of yoga. Our experi- enced Physiotherapist Mr. Ram has completed his PG Diploma in Yoga therapy along with his specialization in musculoskeletal physiotherapy. Being a Masters in Physio and using latest tech- niques like IMS/ Dry Needling Mr. Ram at MJ Physio Clinics ( Fraser Street Physio Vancouver , and Bear Creek Plaza Physio – Surrey ) explains the importance of yoga based exercises to enhance the healing of injuries. Yoga is a form of therapy done to ease your spiritual, mental and physical health since ages. With the passage of time, practitioners have discovered a number of health benefits of yoga. Yoga is very effective in burning calories and strengthening muscles while relaxing both body and mind by focusing on your breathing. When Yoga and yoga based exercises are administered at the right stage of rehabilitation it as- sist in complete recovery of your injuries . Additionally if done with guidance and supervision of a yoga therapist , you can minimise the incidence of injuries.
Let’s take a glance at the physical benefits of yoga
Yoga offers tremendous benefits to mankind. It’s various kind of poses are immensely helpful in myriad health problems like back pain, headache, arthritis, insom- nia, high blood pressure, weight loss, indigestion, breathing prob- lems, and many more.
This is not the end of the physical benefits of yoga, it also proves to be useful in increasing flexibility, improving posture and blood cir- culation, increasing joint lubrica- tion, build- ing muscle strength and tone, restor- ing energy and vitality, improving respiration function, balancing metabolism, improv- ing athletic performance, reducing pain of injury, and improving cardio health. noW have a look at mental benefItS of yoGa
Yoga is an- other name of meditation as it involves some of the meditative practices to relax and purify your inner soul and mind. It could be said that it aids in achieving emotional balance through detachment. For doing such prac- tices, you need a quiet & calm place where your concentration can- not get broken and you may get deeply involved in it. This creates an aura where you have no con- nection with the worldly affairs and you attain inner peace.
The ultimate goal of yoga is a self-realization, as per the tradi- tional yoga practitioners. There are countless mental benefits of yoga that it offers to us such as stress management, improved concentration, positive outlook towards life, selfconfidence, more focused, etc. With its huge impact on our over- all health, yoga should be made the part & parcel of one’s life as it can keep medicines at bay.
I hope this information might be useful for all yoga lovers as well as for those who are thinking to start yoga.

MJ Physio - Fraser Street Physio 5684 Fraser Street, Vancouver BC V5W 2Z4 Phone: 604.563.5684 Fax: 604.563.5685
Email: fraserstreetphysio.ca, care@mjphysio.ca
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MJ Physio - Bear Creek Plaza #202, 13588 88 Ave, Surrey BC V3W 3K8 Phone: 604.503.5682 Fax: 604.503.5683
nearcreekplazaphysio.ca, care@mjphysio.ca
MJ Physio - Fleetwood : #103-8488 160 St, Surrey, BC V4N 0V7 Phone: 604.547.2706, 604.547.2707 Fax: 604.547.2708
Thanksgiving day (canada)
Thanksgiving Day is an annual Canadian holiday. Initially it was decided to occurring on the second Monday in October, which celebrates the harvest and other blessings of the past year.
Thanksgiving in Canada isWW celebrated on the second Monday of October each year and it’s an official statutory holiday - except in PEI, Newfoundland, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia - however federally regulated institutions do observe Thanksgiving in those provinces too. In the US thanksgiving is the fourth Thursday in November.
The original idea is to give thanks for the past harvest season but for many Canadian families the tradition has changed over time and the focus is now to get together with family and eat a large turkey dinner. Apple cider is a must for any traditional thanksgiving celebration as well as turkey stuffing and pumpkin pie.
The first Thanksgiving holiday was held in Canada in 1872 to celebrate the recovery of the Prince of Wales from a serious illness. After 1879 celebrations were held every year but not always in October - it used to be observed around Armistice Day in November.

At the Crawford Lake conservation area (Milton, ON) a path around the lake has pictures and short stories of native people and their celebrations. One of the stories is about thanksgiving; it starts with this sentence:
“Thanksgiving to native Indians was a way of everyday life rather than a one-day celebration.” Take a few minutes to think about this quote. Thank you.
Courtesy: Statutory holidays

don’T fear The Pandemic, celeBraTe halloWeen WiTh PrecauTions ensuring maXimum safeTy
The tradition originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts.
In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III designated November 1 as a time to honor all saints. Soon, All Saints Day incorporated some of the traditions of Samhain.
The evening before was known as All Hallows Eve, and later Halloween. Over time, Halloween evolved into a day of activities like trick-or-treating, carving jacko-lanterns, festive gatherings, donning costumes and eating treats. It is one the most awaited days of the year for kids who get to have loads of candy without any restrictions.
But, this year the scariest thing on Halloween night will not be people dressed up in costumes to scare you off, but, it will be the invisible threat of COVID-19, and adults and children should change their plans to minimize that danger, according to new guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The top U.S. health agency issued a new set of coronavirus safety recommendations on its website in what it described as a “supplement” to existing safety measures in various states and cities. The guidelines are some of the first to emerge on a national level ahead of the Halloween season in Canada and the United States.

“Many traditional Halloween activities can be high-risk for spreading viruses,” the agency says on its website. “There are several safer, alternative ways to participate in Halloween.”
The CDC is urging people to avoid some of the most beloved traditions of the spooky season, including trick-or-treating and indoor costume parties, due to the “high risk” they pose for spreading the virus.
It’s also labelled haunted houses, hayrides with strangers, fall festivals outside your community, drinking and “trunk or treating” as higher-risk activities during the pandemic. (Trunk-or-treating involves handing out candy from the trunk of a car).
The CDC recommended several lower-risk activities for celebrating the holiday with people in your immediate household, including carving pumpkins, watching movies and holding candy scavenger hunts.
The agency also described some activities that are moderately risky, such as attending an outdoor costume party in a mask, conducting one-way trickor-treating and visiting haunted forests while maintaining more than two meters of space from others. So, keeping all the risk factors in mind, it is only advisable to be careful, cautious and indulge in the fun but also follow all the precautions ensuring maximum safety.
We hope you enjoy all these festivals, but, with love, care, and a lot of safety.
With inputs from www.globalnews.ca

all you need To knoW aBouT viJayadashami
The name Vijayadashami is derived from the Sanskrit terms “Vijayadashami” which means victory on the day of Dashami. Dashami is tenth lunar day of a Hindu calendar month. All over India Hindus celebrate this auspicious day in many ways. In some parts, it’s the day Goddess Durga killed the demon Mahishasur. After nine days of Navratri, the festival culminates with the immersion of the idol of Durga. This was also the day King Rama, an avatar of Vishnu, killed Ravana, the 10-headed demon. To celebrate the legend huge effigies of Ravana are burned and with it burns all evil. hIStory Vijayadashami, or Dussehra, has several different stories related to it, with the common theme being the victory of good over evil.
It is often reported that the story of Rama’s victory over Ravana can be traced as far back as 5114 BC. This famous Hindu celebration says that the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, Lord Rama, killed the ten-headed devil Ravana. Lord Rama, along with his brother Larkshman and follower Hanuman, trekked to Ravana’s kingdom to fight him and bring back Sita, Rama’s wife. On their way Rama prayed to Durga and was eventually victorious.
It was from around 1500BC that the first Durga Puja celebrations are mentioned, with these in Dinajpur and Malda. These celebrations often draw upon Goddess Durga’s assassination of the demon Mahidhasur
For some, Vijayadashami marks the end of Durga Puja and they remember the goddess Durga’s victory Mahishasura to restore and protect dharma. For others Vijayadashami remembers god Rama’s victory over Ravan.
Traditional ways to celebrate include processions to a river or ocean, during which people carry statues of Surga, Lakshmi, and Ganesha as they chant and listen to music. The festival also starts the preparations for Diwali (the festival of lights) which comes twenty days after Vijayadashami. 5 enlIGhtenInG faCtS about vIJaydaShmI Why the IdolS are ImmerSed Immersing the idol on Vijaydashmi symbolizes how a deity moves from the formless (clay) to form (the idol) and then again to formlessness in water — bringing a balance to nature and cosmic energy. kullu duSShera IS famouS
The Kullu Dusshera of Himachal Pradesh in India is an international festival where 500,000 people from all over the world come to participate in the festivities.
the real battle IS InSIde uS Most importantly Vijaydashmi is about spiritual growth. There is a battle between good and evil inside each one of us and we must strive to conquer the inner negativity. aSoka beCame a buddhISt on thIS day
The great conqueror Asoka converted to Buddhism on Vijaydashmi — vowing never to lift a weapon again. Why ravana had 10 headS
Ravana’s 10 heads represent his knowledge of the six “Shastras” and the four “Vedas.” But some say they stand for the 10 human vices that we must symbolically burn in our quest for salvation.
By: Kriti Bhasin

diliP kumar’s
TWiTTer accounT To shuT doWn, fans disaPPoinTed
Late legendary actor Dilip Kumar’s official Twitter account is all set to be closed. The announcement was made on his account.

Dilip Kumar’s spokesperson Faisal Farooqui last month informed via a tweet: “After much discussion and deliberation and with the consent of Saira Banu ji, I have decided to close this Twitter account of beloved Dilip Kumar Saab. Thank you for your continuous love and support.”
The announcement of shutting down the official Twitter account comes just a couple of months after the demise of Dilip Kumar, who passed away on July 7, aged 98.
The veteran actor was battling age-related illness for the past few years and breathed his last at the city’s Hinduja Hospital.
On September 15, reacting to the tweet announcing closure of Dilip Kumar’s official Twitter account, his fans and followers expressed their disappointment at the decision. A section of followers also suggested to use the account as a memorial of the late actor and keep sharing his old photos and videos through the same.
Source: IANS

5 PrinciPles of disciPline
By: Sandy Dosanjh
The process of transforming our bodies requires grit, dedication and sacrifice, because these are ingredients to build greatness habItS and dISCIplIne
Obtaining an ideal physique is not limited to physical effort alone. It also comprises establishing good habits through focus and discipline. There are five basic principles which will help you reach your fitness goals: prInCIple 1: breathe and learn to Control your StreSS When our bodies feel overwhelmed or “stressed out” it releases cortisol and endorphins. These chemicals cause our palms to sweat, our minds to race, our hearts to pound, and our bodily functions to malfunction. This is the body’s natural response to stress, developed over millions of years of human evolution. Learn to control this natural response to stress so that you are poised even under the most stressful of circumstances. Mental, emotional and physical stress can be controlled through deep, controlled and rhythmic breathing. prInCIple 2: poSItIve enerGy Pay attention to your energy. What you put into the universe comes back. This means positive affirmations throughout the day, especially your workouts. Its important block out all negative self-talk and constantly motivate yourselves to keep going. You must remind yourself to go on and not quit, no matter what. Have faith in yourself. prInCIple 3: vISualIzatIon There have been multiple studies which prove that visualization works. You can use visualization on multiple levels; You can visualize how you want to look, you can visualize completing a particular exercise, or reaching a particular goal. Using mental imagery to prepare yourself for a goal facilitates a better chance at succeeding. Once the mind is prepared, you will have full control over your mental and physical faculties. prInCIple 4: mICro GoalS
Set small goals for yourself; get through the week, and then focus on the next week. Before you know it, a month will have passed. One step at a time. Learn to focus on one thing at a time and avoiding all distractions. Do it by determining the overall objective, breaking it down into smaller pieces, and repeating as needed until you get it perfect. prInCIple 5: SuCk It up
To learn that when you're uncomfortable and discouraged, sometimes you just have to suck it up and get through it. The Navy Seals in the US is an elite military unit. Their training is tremendously difficult and intense. There is a large brass bell which sits in the middle of their training compound. All you have to do to quit--is ring the bell. Ring the bell and you no longer have to wake up at 5’o clock. Ring the bell and you no longer have to do the freezing cold swims. Ring the bell and you no longer have to do the runs, the obstacle course, the PT-and you no longer have to endure the hardships of training. Just ring the bell. The vast majority of trainees ring the bell. The very few that don’t become US Navy SEALS. If you want to change the world, never ring the bell.