Dentures aredesigned to replace missing teeth and provide patientswith a waytoeat,talk,andsmile.Althoughtheydoagreatjob,itisnotuncommon forthemtobreakorbecomedamaged.Insuchcases,denturerepaircanhelp toextendthelifeofyourdentures.
The most common type of damage that can affect a denture repair west chesterohisacrackinthebase.Whenthishappens,itisimportanttohave itrepairedassoonaspossible.Itisbettertohaveadentistperformtherepair thantrytodoityourself.

Brokenorcrackeddenturesareoftennotcomfortabletowearandcancause discomfort when chewing or talking. In addition, they can cause dental infectionsifnottreatedproperly.
A cosmetic dentist can repair a broken denture with a variety of materials. Theycanalsorelinethedenturetomakeitmorecomfortableandfit.
Inadditionto theserepairs, thereareanumber of other thingsthatcanbe donetofixadamageddenture.Theserepairscanbeperformedbyadental professionalattheirofficeoratalaboratory.

In this type of repair, the material that is used to line the denture will be changed.Thisisanimportantsteptokeepinmindbecauseitcanpreventthe denturefrombecominglooseagain.
Another type of repair is rebasing, which is a procedure that involves replacingtheentirebaseofadenturewithanothermaterial.Thisisusually donewhenthedentureisgettingtoooldorweaktobeusedcomfortably. Themostcommonproblemthatcanarisefromadenturebreakisthefracture of the acrylic base. This can occur in a number of ways, including by being droppedorthroughnaturalwearandtearovertime.
AcrackinthedenturebasecanbeeasilyfixedwithanFDA-approveddenture repair kit. However, it is best to leave this kind of repair to a dental professional so that they can use the right bonding material and provide a long-termsolutionforyourbrokendenture.
CosmeticdentistryCincinnaticanbefixedusinganacrylic resin,butthisis onlyatemporarysolution.Itisimportanttorememberthattheacrylicresin thatis used in a denture repair mustbedurable, and it mustnot haveany chemicalsinitthatcanbeharmfultoyouroralhealth.
Choosing the right denture repair material is very important, as it can determine how long your repair will last and how comfortable it will be to wear.Agooddentistcanchoosearesinthatwillgiveyouthebestperformance whilealsolookingandfeelingnatural.
The most common denture repair west chester oh material is acrylic resin, which can be either heat cured or auto-polymerized. This material is commonly used for repairing broken dentures and can be found in most stores.
Astudyconductedbyadentaltechnicianinalabcomparedthefractureload valuesofcuboidalandmandibular denturesamplesrepairedwithdifferent materials. It was found that the repair joints of heat cure PMMA resin reinforced with polyethylene fiber had the highest mechanical properties.
This is because the material is more resistant to cyclic thermal stress than othercommonlyusedresins.