The Procedure of Tooth Extraction

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Toothextractionocalaflisaprocedurethatcaninvolvetheremovalofoneor moreteeth.Itmaytakejustafewminutes,oruptoanhour.Thetimerequired depends on several factors. For example, how complicated the procedure is andhowwellthepatientrespondstotheanesthetic.

A dentist will numb the area with a local anesthetic. This numbs the tooth and gums so the person will not feel any pain during the tooth extraction ocalafl.

After the tooth isremoved, the dentist will place agauzepadover the area. Thiswillhelpstopbleeding.Oncethebleedinghasstopped,thegauzepadis removed.

After24hours,thepatientcanresumeeatingsoftfoods.However,donoteat or drink anything that can disturb the blood clot. Drink lots of fluids, but avoid drinking through a straw. You should also avoid hot liquids and alcoholicbeverages.

If you are a heavy smoker, you should quit for at least a week before your procedure.Ifyouuseabloodthinner,youshouldalsostopusingitatleasta weekbeforeyourprocedure.

Youmay also be given antibiotics. Theseantibiotics will help thebody fight offinfection.Youcanalsoaskyourdentistaboutapainkiller.

Youshouldavoiddrivingorworkingforatleast24hours.Infact,mostpeople shouldnotreturntoworkafteradental toothextractionocalafl.

Whenyou'rereadytogohome,youwillneedsomeonetodriveyou.Makesure youhaveabibtowearduringtheprocedure.

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