50% of men over the age of 65 have benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). How can a dietary supplement containing soy and astragalus reduce the symptoms?
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) manifests itself as an enlargement of the prostate and its prevalence is in older men. In fact it’s so prevalent that studies have determined that half of men over 65 have this condition.
Fortunately this affliction is not linked to cancer. However, men with enlarged prostates may experience a reduced quality of life. In some cases, symptoms do not appear, but in other patients it becomes a reason to have emergency surgery.
It is possible to reduce the symptoms of BPH using a dietary supplement made of soy and astragalus, two plants recognized for their benefits to the prostate and general health.
Prostate enlargement
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is characterized as a pathology that deviates from the natural development of males. In this case of this condition, the size of the prostate increases with