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The Songs that Made Us
The Songs That Made Us Art & Article by Kristen Roberts

We all know that music can have a massive impact on our lives and how we view the world, but what about the songs that stick with us through an entire decade? Through the late nights, the heartbreaks, the bonfires, and road trips, these songs make up the soundtrack to at least half of my life. For many of us, the end of this decade marks the end of our childhoods. So as we step into a new chapter of our lives, let’s reflect on the songs that have been there for us over the past ten years. These five songs were released over the past decade and have been a great success, viral hit, started conversations, or defined the era as a whole. Music has power and these, along with many others, are the songs that made us.
This decade featured many happy-sad anthems and it seems like it all started with Robyn. The Swedish singer-songwriter started a pop revolution with her album Body Talk, which featured “Dancing On My Own” and “Call Your Girlfriend.” Her success and courage gave other artists the freedom to branch out and be more authentic in both lyrics and sound. Singer-songwriter, Lorde, has even spoken about how Robyn has heavily influenced her most recent album, Melodrama. Robyn’s breakout single “Dancing On My Own” was originally released in June 2010 at the very beginning of the decade. This song is a perfect representation of the phrase “crying in the club.” With a blend of independence, sadness, and funk, this is a tune for any occasion. The sweet-sad mix quickly became the anthem of millions. In 2016, several years after its debut, the song was covered by Calum Scott, which gave the song a whole new life and audience.
Wouter “Wally” De Backer, also known as Gotye, present me cannot get enough. This band brought a originally released his viral hit “Somebody That I Used blue-rock style to the mainstream and I am forever To Know” in July of 2011. The song is a collaboration grateful. The anger and passion and power of Brittany with New Zealand artist Kimbra and it is an absolute Howard is unmatched in the current music scene. smash. The song uniquely displays a breakup from In “Gimme All Your Love,” Howard’s vocals relay so two points of view, a rarity in the romantic song much emotion and capability, it is unbelievable. Even department. The famous instrumental portion of the the instrumentals in this song are wild. It begins by song actually samples Luiz Bonfa’s “Seville.” Gotye moving in steady waves and complimenting Howard’s focused on the guitar from “Seville” to open his song verses then builds up to a final storm to close out the and then added other instruments and beats to create song. Although Alabama Shakes has not released any a whole new track. ”Somebody That I Used To Know” new music since 2015, Brittany Howard released her had a bit of a resurgence in 2019 thanks to musical first solo album in late 2019. apps like Tik Tok and Spotify, which frequently feature the song. Although many think Gotye has left Iconic line: “You say, the world, it doesn’t fit with you” the music world behind due to mainstream inactivity, full of social commentary on wealth and status and always had a very vulnerable style of writing and that is basically a beautifully presented threat. Alabama Shakes was my introduction to the modern blues scene and although 2015 me was not ready for it, the artist has actually been working with his band The In 2018, the revolutionary song “This Is America” Basics. There have been rumors of the artist releasing was released. Donald Glover, also known as Childish another album under the Gotye name, but we’ll have Gambino, has the ability to relay both fight and facts to wait until the next decade to see if these whispers so magnificently when speaking about the lack of gun come to fruition. control and blatant racism in America. In 2019 alone, there have been forty-five school shootings in America Iconic line: “Make out like it never happened and that and yet no changes have been made to stop these we were nothing” tragedies. It is amazing to see artists, such as Childish “Royals” was New Zealand artist, Lorde's first major and hate that persist all throughout America. “This hit. The single was a viral sensation almost overnight. Is America” not only struck a chord with millions, From the beginning Lorde has put her fans first, but also earned multiply Grammy awards, including releasing her debut EP for free on Soundcloud because song of the year. While the song itself is powerful, young people most likely would not have access to a the visuals in the music video are especially striking. credit card. However, by 2013 the song was being sold The video is an incredibly well thought out piece of online and played on radio stations around the world. art. Each prop, dance move, and costume choice is “Royals” is an infectious song, with the hard snaps strategic. I’ve watched this video countless times and keeping a steady beat and Lorde’s unique tone pulling each time I have noticed another one of the intricate you into the song from the first second. The lyrics are details within the video. how it can affect one’s lifestyle and actions. Lorde has Iconic line: “This is America, guns in my area” Gambino, continue creating while facing the violence is why so many fans can easily connect with her music. Obviously this collection of songs is completely Luckily, “Royals” was just the first taste of Lorde’s subjective, but luckily these tunes are just a taste of unique style and wondrous lyricism and the artist is all of the amazing music we were blessed with over currently working on her third studio album. the last ten years. Take a moment to listen to some of your favorite songs from the past ten years because Iconic line: “Let me live that fantasy.” you might be surprised with what has stuck with After finding success with their first album Boys & the guilty pleasures have changed us all one way or Girls, Alabama Shakes took a three year gap to write another. As of right now, who knows what will stick and record their bold album Sound & Color. The with us for the next ten years? Probably something standout single on this album, “Gimme All Your Love,” from Harry Styles’ new album. you through it all. The pop hits, the deep cuts, and