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My friends are pretty sure I’ve smuggled at least three huskies out of Taupo.
Most photos posted on my weekend away feature tongue-lolling furry faces with me grinning goo ly alongside. Luckily, on my visit to Timberline Siberian Racing Huskies, owners Taniya and Steve Coxhead dispelled any dreams I have about becoming a husky owner.
“ ey’re a specialist working dog and need to be managed in a di erent way to your average pet,” explains Steve.
“ e Siberian Husky is quite excitable. ey’re not a placid companion dog.”
Our conversation is interrupted by rst one, then three, then all 16 huskies lifting their noses to the air and howling. “It’s a howl up,” says Taniya, raising her voice above the cacophony.
“It happens a couple of times a day.” e couple fell in love with husky sled racing more than 20 years ago. Today they have the largest Siberian Husky race kennel in NZ. “When we thought about inviting visitors to see the huskies, we wanted to be able to run them – because that’s what huskies are all about,” says Taniya.
“Welcome to Timberline,” laughs Steve.
Timberline’s tours o er live demonstrations of running the dogs, a ‘meet and cuddle’, plus you’ll learn the history of the Siberian husky and its introduction into New Zealand.

“We wanted to show the gear and the dogs getting harnessed up to the sled, which is a whole lot of crazy noise.”
Sure enough, the excited barking hypes our anticipation – so when the huskies race o down the track, the sudden absence of noise in the beautiful rural setting is a shock to the senses. e eight-dog team is a grey blur in the distance until they pass us with tongues lolloping, tails apping, e ortlessly galloping ahead of Steve’s quad bike. ey’re given time to cool down before what can only be called an adorable cuddle puddle. “We’re not sure who enjoys it more,” laughs Taniya. “ e visitors or the huskies.” e huskies con dently wander amongst us. Some drape themselves over a foot, or lean lazily against their chosen human; others roll over for a belly scratch. “ e cuddles at the end are really popular,” says Steve. Follow Deb’s travels on instagram @travelpresenterdeb Debbie Griffiths