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Our Response To COVID-19
What We’ve Done
As always, the City will follow both the State and County Health Orders, and where there is a conflict between the two, the stricter rules must be followed. Check Sunnyvale.ca.gov/virus for possible activity changes.
Masks – When to Wear Them?
Masks are REQUIRED in some specific cases: • If you are not vaccinated • Youth, ages 2 to 17
Youth participants, parent/guardians and staff are
REQUIRED to wear a mask, regardless of vaccinations status as stated in the CDPH Mask Guidance related to
K-12 schools, childcare and other youth settings.
What is covered under “youth settings?”
“Youth settings” include K-12 schools, day camp, childcare, preschool, parent and child classes, youth sports and other youth activities or classes, including theater and music performances and band. • When entering Columbia Neighborhood
Center (CNC)
CNC is considered a healthcare setting because the
MayView Clinic (healthcare setting) shares the same building entrance and lobby area. Santa Clara County RECCOMMENDS to wear masks INDOORS regardless of vaccination status.
What Is Considered a Close Contact?
Close contact is someone who was 0 to 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes or more than within a 24 hour period regardless of whether both parties were wearing masks. The ≥15 minutes could be continuous contact with the positive case or someone who had repeated shortduration interactions with the infected person within the 24 hour period.
Health Screening Questions
Please answer the following questions, before arriving to every class, camp day or program. 1. Within the past 10 days, have you been diagnosed with
Covid-19 or had a positive Covid-19 (antigen or PCR) test result? 2. Within the past 10 days, have you had close contact with someone who has been in isolation for Covid-19 or had a positive Covid-19 (antigen or PCR) test result? 3. Within the past 3 days, have you had one or more of these symptoms? • Fever or Chills • Cough • Loss of taste or smell • Shortness of breath • Difficulty breathing 4. Within the past 3 days, have you had one more of these symptoms that are NEW or NOT EXPLAINED by any other reason? • Fatigue • Headache • Sore Throat • Diarrhea • Congestion • Nausea or vomiting • Body aches
If you answer YES to any of these questions above:
• STAY HOME • NOTIFY STAFF recreation@sunnyvale.ca.gov | 408-730-7350
Close Contacts and COVID-19 Positive Test Notifications:
If there is a reported close contact or positive COVID-19 antigen/PCR test, staff will notify participants via email and may give additional instructions on isolation/quarantine as directed by the Santa Clara County of Public Health. For youth programs, Sunnyvale Recreation is MANDATED to report positive test cases to the Santa Clara County of Public Health within 24 hours of notification.
Our Role
• Follow state/county health orders • Keep you informed as guidelines change • Conduct daily health & temperature screenings • Turn away staff/participants who answer YES • Wear and enforce wearing masks • Clean and sanitize equipment regularly • Conduct frequent hand washing • Keep cohorts the same (no switching participants once a session begins – see registration policies) • Inform staff/participants if there is an exposure to a close contact or a person who tests positive for COVID-19
Your Role
• Answer daily health screening questions (see above) • Stay home if you answer YES • Notify staff ASAP if you answer YES • Wear a mask (see mask requirements above) • Read and understand the City policies prior to first day • Manage your own equipment/supplies • Wash your hands frequently • Follow policies and staff instructions • Stay in the class cohort until the session ends