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Physical Education and Health
Physical Education & Health
During their four years of high school, all students are required to take 1.5 credits of Physical Education for graduation and also for Wisconsin State Law. Credits must be earned over three separate years. Physical Education classes meet every day for one semester and grades earned are included in the overall grade point average. The physical education department encourages students to take a half credit each year of high school to help maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Foundations of Physical Education, Fitness for Life, Individual Sports, Team Sports, Strength and Conditioning, Unified Physical Education, Lifeguard Training, Water Safety Instruction, and Adventure Education are the courses offered at the high schools that are available for PE credit. In order to participate in Physical Education, students will be required to have a uniform consisting of a t-shirt, athletic shorts, sweatpants, sweatshirts, and tennis shoes. All Physical Education classes offered will be required to use the pool for activities, and therefore students will need appropriate swimwear and a towel.
Physical Education & Health
Click each course title to see a video from the teachers talking about the course.
Course # Title Grades Prerequisites
5101 PED 5102 PED Foundations of Physical Education 9-10 None
5120 PED Adventure Education 9-12 Foundations of Physical Education
5201 PED Fitness For Life 9-12 Foundations of Physical Education
5200 PED Strength and Conditioning 9-12 Foundations of Physical Education
5235 PED Individual Sports
5275 PED Team Sports 9-12 Foundations of Physical Education
9-12 Foundations of Physical Education
5301 PED Lifeguard Training
5303 PED Water Safety Instruction
5203 PED Unified Physical Education
5280 PED Sports Officiating 10-12 Foundations of Physical Education/ Read Course Description 10-12 Foundations of Physical Education/ Read Course Description 9-12 Foundations of Physical Education and Complete Application Semester / .5
9-12 Foundations of Physical Education
5701 HEA Health 9-12 None
5700 HEA Total Wellness 9-12 None
Length of Course/Credits Earned
Semester / .5
Semester / .5
Semester / .5
Semester / .5
Semester / .5
Semester / .5
Semester / .5
Semester / .5
Semester / .5
Semester / .5
Semester / .5
Click the u to see a video from Sun Prairie teachers talking about the course
FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION u Course 5101PED, 5102PED Required Course .5 PE credit Year Course
Students selecting this course will participate in various individual sports, team sports, and fitness-related activities. The activities selected are intended to prepare students for the elective courses offered at the high school level. They will also prepare students to make choices that reflect a healthy lifestyle outside of the school setting
ADVENTURE EDUCATION u Course 5120PED Elective Course .5 PE credit Prerequisite: Foundations of Physical Education
This course will allow students to progress through an experiential-based program that emphasizes interpersonal relationships and individual growth. This course encourages students to develop greater self-confidence and, at the same time, acquire a sense of trust and commitment in their classmates. Outdoor education is designed to expose students to a variety of outdoor skills.
FITNESS FOR LIFE u Course 5201PED Elective Course .5 PE credit Prerequisite: Foundations of Physical Education
This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to learn and participate in movement-based activities, as well as create a personal fitness plan. Activities may include aerobics, dance, yoga, water exercise, weight training, relaxation, Pilates, power walking, snowshoeing, x-country skiing, biking, fitness related activities, as well as self-defense concepts and skills. There will be a small classroom portion of this course for students to learn about good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. We will at times be using a textbook to enhance knowledge in combination with written work.
Physical Education & Health
STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING u Course 5200PED Elective Course .5 PE credit Prerequisite: Foundations of Physical Education
This course is designed to be a challenging strength and conditioning course. In this course the students will be expected to implement a personal fitness program. To assure the students reach their expected results, they will be measured weekly in different areas of achievement. Achievement will be based on personal fitness goals that are designed by the instructor and student together. This course includes strength, cardio, water resistance, and agility training.
INDIVIDUAL SPORTS u Course 5235PED Elective Course .5 PE credit Prerequisite: Foundations of Physical Education
This course offers students the opportunity to experience a variety of sports, which may provide lifelong fitness and wellness. These sports focus on individual achievement compared to activities that focus on team competition. Some activities offered may include: archery, badminton, bowling, tennis, fitness, golf, biking, table tennis, yard games, pickleball, x-country skiing, snow shoeing, ice skating, and water exercise.
TEAM SPORTS u Course 5275PED Elective Course .5 PE credit Prerequisite: Foundations of Physical Education
This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to experience a variety of sports in a team setting. In the future, these sports may be included in ones’ healthy lifestyle choices. Activities may include basketball, volleyball, flag football, floor hockey, lacrosse, softball, eclipse ball, ultimate frisbee, speedball, bowling, broomball, handball, and water polo.
LIFEGUARD TRAINING u Course 5301PED Elective Course .5 PE credit Course fee: $35 is for the American Red Cross certification
This course is designed for students to become trained lifeguards. To complete this training, students will have days in the water and also in the classroom. Attendance is mandatory as the Red Cross specifies you must complete 32 hours of coursework during scheduled class time. Skills developed will help students to recognize and prevent injuries. They will be trained in rescue skills on land and in the water, and also in First Aid and CPR. In addition to mandatory attendance, certification is based on skill/written test completion. Participants will also learn how to interact with school-age children, community members, and address uncooperative patrons using the facilities. Successful completion of this course will give the student an opportunity to provide a health-related service to the community.
Students must be able to successfully complete criteria 1-4 below: 1. Must be 15 years old. 2. Must be able to complete 300 yards of freestyle (front crawl) or breaststroke demonstrating breath control and rhythmic breathing. 3. Tread water for 2 minutes using only the legs.
Candidates should place their hands under the armpits. 4. Must be able to swim 20 yards and perform brick retrieval from 7-10 feet of water and return to the starting point within Red Cross guidelines established time limit. 5. Score at least 80% on all written material.
Physical Education & Health
WATER SAFETY INSTRUCTION u Course 5303PED Elective Course .5 PE credit Course Fee: $37 for certification
The purpose of the Water Safety Instructor course is to train instructor candidates to teach Parent and Child Aquatics, Preschool Aquatics, Learn-to-Swim, Adult Swim and Water Safety Courses and Presentations. Water Safety Instructor candidates must be at least 16 years old on or before the last scheduled day of the Water Safety Instructor course.
Pre-requisite skills: Swim the following strokes consistent with the stroke performance charts in Level 4: 1. Front Crawl: 25 yards 2. Back Crawl: 25 yards 3. Breaststroke: 25 yards 4. Elementary Backstroke: 25 yards 5. Sidestroke: 25 yards 6. Butterfly: 15 yards 7. Maintain Position on back for 1 minute in deep water (floating or sculling) 8. Tread Water for 1 minute.
UNIFIED PHYSICAL EDUCATION u Course 5203PED Elective Course .5 PE credit Prerequisite: Foundations of Physical Education and Complete Application
This course combines students of all abilities to participate in developmentally appropriate activities including lifetime activities, physical fitness, and sport. Students will work together to increase competence and confidence in a variety of physical activities. Through ongoing leadership opportunities, participants in this course will be empowered to help create a more inclusive and accepting school environment for all students.
Expected learning outcomes include increasing physical fitness, Improving activity-specific skills, cooperating and working together with classmates, learning how to make better health & lifestyle choices, and understanding each other’s differences.
Students will learn and participate in units including outdoor pursuits, swimming, kayaking, fitness, archery, and biking. Assessments for mastery will be given in a variety of ways including skill checks using rubrics and student projects for each unit.
SPORTS OFFICIATING u Course 5280PED Elective Course .5 General elective credit Prerequisite: Foundations of Physical Education
NOTE: This course does not count toward required Physical Education credits for graduation.
Sports Officiating is a course designed to provide students training and practical experiences officiating in 1-2 WIAA sports of their choice.
The course will to provide students the knowledge and expertise necessary to officiate as restricted officials with the Wisconsin High School Athletic Association (WIAA). The course is based on practices pertaining to the National Federation Officials Manual and the Wisconsin High School Athletic Association Officials Rules Regulations.
Upon successful completion of the course, students have the option of becoming a certified restricted official with the WIAA by obtaining an 80% on the written exam. HEALTH u Course 5701HEA Required Course .5 Health credit
This is a Skill Based Health Course which allows students to practice health based skills through participatory approaches. The emphasis of this course is: • Provide functional health knowledge that is basic, accurate and directly contributes to health-promoting decisions and behaviors. • To build personal competence, social competence, and self-efficacy by addressing skills. • Provide opportunities to reinforce skills and positive health behaviors .
Successful completion of Health is a graduation requirement.
Physical Education & Health
As an option, students may pay the Red Cross fee of $5.00 for certification in CPR. Certification is not offered during Distance Learning.
TOTAL WELLNESS u Course 5700HEA .5 General elective credit Semester Course
Total Wellness offers students an opportunity to expand their learning about personal and societal health and wellness through a hybrid environment. Learning will occur in the classroom, gymnasium, outside, in the weight room, and online. This course will focus on 21st century learning skills such as communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. Units are centered around all areas of wellness: physical, financial, occupational, emotional, intellectual, social, environmental, and spiritual. Students will explore current events around health and wellness topics and be physically active every class.