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Special Education

Who takes special education classes?

Special education courses are for students who have an IEP (Individualized Education Plan). Courses are designed to address specific student needs as determined by the IEP team and described in the student’s plan. The goal of the special education department is to teach the skills necessary to make progress in state standards, curriculum and toward IEP goals.

Course #

9867ENG 9872ENG


Foundations of Early Literacy

9698ENG 9699ENG Integrated Literacy

9964MTH 9965MTH Mathematical Thinking

9865MTH 9866MTH Mathematical Connections

9905ELE 9906ELE

9797VWK 9798VWK Employability

Vocational Work

9608ELE 9609ELE Study Skills

9905XXX 9906XXX

9907XXX 9908XXX Crossroads


9740ELE 9741ELE Adult Transition Program

Grades Prerequisites

9 - 12 Teacher recommendation

IEP instructional area listed in student’s IEP 9 - 12 Teacher recommendation

IEP instructional area listed in student’s IEP 9 - 12 Teacher recommendation

IEP instructional area listed in student’s IEP 9 - 12 Teacher recommendation

IEP instructional area listed in student’s IEP 9 - 12 Teacher recommendation

IEP instructional area listed in student’s IEP 9 - 12 Teacher recommendation

IEP instructional area listed in student’s IEP 9 - 12 Teacher recommendation

IEP instructional area listed in student’s IEP 9 - 10 Teacher recommendation

IEP instructional area listed in student’s IEP 10 - 12 Teacher recommendation

IEP instructional area listed in student’s IEP 12+ Teacher recommendation

IEP instructional area listed in student’s IEP

Length of Course/Credits Earned

Year / 1.0

Year / 1.0

Year / 1.0

Year / 1.0

Year / 1.0

Year / 1.0

Year / 1.0

Year / 1.0

Year / 1.0

Year / 1.0


Course 9867ENG, 9872ENG Special Education English Elective Course 1.0 credit Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation

Foundations of Early Literacy is a course for students who take the dynamic learning maps assessment in place of the Forward exam because they are educated in the Essential Elements Alternative English Standards. The course will focus on emerging literacy and communication.


Course: 9698ENG, 9699ENG Special Education English Elective Course 1.0 credit Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation, IEP instructional area listed in student’s IEP

Integrated literacy is a course for students who have completed Foundations of Early Literacy and are developing readers and/or students with complex communication needs or multiple disabilities who are anywhere from emergent to conventional readers. It is also for students who are enrolled in a grade level English course who are also developing readers in need of guided reading instruction and practice. The focus is on building literacy and background knowledge in multiple content areas.


Course: 9964MTH, 9965MTH Special Education Math Elective Course 1.0 credit Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation, IEP instructional area listed in student’s IEP

Mathematical Thinking is for students who have demonstrated understanding of number sense and rational numbers and are ready to begin algebra and geometry. The course focuses on concepts around algebra, scale drawing, graphs, measurements, and geometry.


Course: 9865MTH, 9866MTH Special Education Math Elective Course 1.0 credit Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation, IEP instructional area listed in student’s IEP

Mathematical Connections is a course for students who take the dynamic learning maps assessment in place of the Forward exam because they are educated in the essential elements of alternative math standards. The emphasis of this course is attending and exploring, patterns and algebra, data analysis and probability, numbers and operations, measurement, and geometry


Course:9905ELE, 9906ELE Elective Course 1.0 credit Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation, IEP instructional area listed in student’s IEP Note: This course can be taken for one semester or the full year

Special Education

The Employability course is for students who have needs and goals in preparing for obtaining and keeping employment, specifically for students who will require a level of adult support or job coach when they obtain employment. The curriculum is based on IEP goals with an emphasis on problem solving, critical thinking, reasoning, collaboration, social skills, and perseverance skill


Course:9797VWK, 9798VWK Elective Course 1.0 credit Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation, IEP instructional area listed in student’s IEP Note: This course can be taken for one semester or the full year

Vocational Work is for students who have needs and goals in preparing for obtaining and keeping employment, specifically for students who will require a level of adult support or job coach when they obtain employment. The curriculum is individualized based on IEP goals but will focus on job readiness skills that include following visuals, working with independently, discrete task analysis, problem solving and stamina (time on task)


Course:9608ELE, 9609ELE Elective Course 1.0 credit Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation, IEP instructional area listed in student’s IEP Note: This course can be taken for one semester or the full year

Study Skills class is individualized based on IEP goals in alignment with AVID strategies. The course will have an emphasis on planning and organizing time and materials; strategies that support reading comprehension, written expression and math application; targeted skills instruction identified through assessments


Course: 9905XXX, 9906XXX Elective Course 1.0 credit Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation, IEP instructional area listed in student’s IEP Note: This course can be taken for one semester or the full year

Crossroads is for students entering high school who need support in their transition into the building and their day. The curriculum is individualized based on IEP goals with an emphasis on emotional regulation, stamina for academics and successfully navigating social situations with peers


Course: 9907XXX, 9908XXX Elective Course 1.0 credit Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation, IEP instructional area listed in student’s IEP

Special Education


Course: 9740ELE, 9741ELE Elective Course 1.0 credit Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation, IEP instructional area listed in student’s IEP Note: This course can be taken for one semester or the full year

The Adult Transition Program is a community-based program that focuses on three main components of transition: Vocational/ Transition Services, Adult Daily Living and Recreational and Leisure. The curriculum is individualized based on IEP goals with an emphasis on vocational/ transition services, adult daily living and recreational and leisure skills.

Proficiency class is for students who are credit deficient and struggling to engage or have a sense of belonging in the general education environment. The curriculum is individualized based on IEP goals with an emphasis on regulation, problem solving, collaboration and Common Core standards.

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