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Contents S.NO



April 2019


Feb- march 2019


January 2019


December 2018


November 2018




September 2018


August 2018


July 2018


June 2018


May 2018


April 2018


March 2018


February 2018


January 2018


September, 2017


August 2017

18 19

June 2017 May 2017


April 2017


February 2017


January 2017


December 2016


November 2016


October 2016


July 2015

Main hu kisan

Main hu kisan patrika presents all vital and valuable knowledge regarding agriculture and rural development. This patrika is devoted to current affairs in the field of agriculture. This patrika has latest update regarding news in agriculture. How the farmers develop self confidence and their business ideas Patrika published those data which is helpful for Indian farmer thinking and give them direction. Further the patrika is available in hard copy or in bunches of year packing The abstract of patrika year wise as

April 2019 On earth we have beautiful creature like cow of our mother land. Our body is made up of five things as soil, water, air, fire and sky when in body disturbance is present; our cow gives beautiful cure in form of dung. Cow milk is also full of important nutritious value. This was also discovered in the ancient age. Product of milk is very

useful especially for children or new born baby. In ayruveda it was described as in cow body all Hindu mythodological devi devta were lived that’s why worship of cow is equal to worship of god. In this patrika session we have discussed about  Indian breed cow’s importance their maintains, preservation and benefits  Dairy business, explains in briefly prospects and its set up unit.  How government polices help in establishment of dairy farm

Feb- march 2019 Due to excessive use of chemical fertilizer and pesticides the soil losses its fertility property. This is directly affect the farmers income, due to this many suicide case is comes in news. This also create a mental stress on farmer hence it has very negative impact on the young farmer and agriculture as well. Due to excessive use of urea the land become infertile and crop has also low life span with no nutrition value. In this section of patrika we have discussed about    

Harmful effect of chemicals uses. Urea is slow poison we have taken every day. Jobs prospects of farmers how they double their income and sailing of chemical fertilizers is banned but it is used in agriculture with no restriction.

January 2019 The farmer has done lots of hard work in their land but it was success full only after they get their right amount of grow crop. The government has many schemes for the betterment of farmer but due to lack of knowledge the farmer has not get full benefits. Some

government schemes as rashtriya krishi bazaar (e- agriculture), pradhanmantri fasl bima yojana, and soil health card scheme, pradhanmantri krishi irrigation schemes, krishi yantrikikaran or prodhukikaran yojana or gardening. In this section main points are  government policies for benefits of farmer,  national schemes for development of agriculture,  how they get benefits from government subsides and loan facility.  How they get profit from palm oil business.

December 2018 From research it was cleared that the food produced form organic cultivation methods are rich in antioxidant. Antioxidants are the molecule which removes impurity form our body without any harm to body cells. The organic cultures are more used in practices in European country. But in India this system is not commercialized properly, the farmers have not full information of organic farming prospects. The products of organic farming need better marketing to sale, it can be increase by spreading more awareness programme of organic culture benefits. Highlights  The European country gets benefits from organic culture  Organic culture famous in other countries like Europe, Switzerland and other  Indian organic farmer struggling globally  Farmer production organization (FPO)

November 2018 The government is also concerned about the decrease in land vitality and how difficult the situation is formed in future for farming. The organic farming gives one of the best solutions for this traditional farming. It’s not harmful for our land, no side effect and crop is full of nourishment ingredients. In this section the contents are,  For sustainable agriculture organic farming is must and its statistics in 2017-18 were described.  How Indian breed cows helpful in organic culture.  How many types of cows present in india and their benefits.  How the farmers use organic manure to nourish their motherland.  Benefits of amla and national horticulture board schemes.

October 2018 The damage of agriculture land it’s the reason behind suicide case of farmers. Due to more expense and less income the farmer becomes more and more poor. The government should have taken stronger step towards this direction. Our country is agriculture based and the heartbroken condition of farmers is break the backbone of country. There is need of more schemes which can improve the farmer economic condition.

Highlights        

How to start business of organic food store Organic food keeps you healthy The labeling of organic products is compulsory Training of organic cultivation Organic manure utilization Mains organic store in india Which fruit/ vegetable will helpful in which disease What is organic culture and companies

September 2018 Organic farming is beneficial and need of todays aspect. Due to excessive use of chemicals the government banned the entire chemical fertilizers and pesticide in market. One of the issue is, the banned chemical are available in market for sale. Because of lack of information in farmers they are used these chemical fertilizers. The contents of patrika were,    

organic farming is in demand and their future prospects, use of organic manure, Use of organic farming in India. Benefits of wheat grass discussed

August 2018 The establishment of national board of medicine plant was helpful step in the organic farming. The farmer gets benefits by knowing the market aspects of medicinal farming. They know about trading, managing and their packaging. The export import business of medicinal herbs. The main highlights are

 National medicine plant board organic farming, trading and export  Mehndi cultivation and their benfits  Anar cultivation  Indian spice board: research, marketing and export  Indian spices production and uses  Cow dung manufacturing wood is produce a better option of wood

July 2018 We have nourished our body by the feeding of healthy organic food. Due to consumption of healthy food we will able to fight against disease. They provide immunity booster to our body. They provide a wonderful solution to get rid of chemical consumption in our body. This section highlights are         

Demerits of chemicals on agriculture and health How to remove toxicity from body Use of organic food in diet Moringa: medicinal benefits Use of honey Alert for heart attack How to get certificate for organic farming Akarkara: ayurvedic medicine Exercise is better than medicine

June 2018 The water is most important gift by nature. Its usefull for human kind without this life is not possible on earth. For agriculture this is one of the important factor. The conservation of water is most important task of todays.

By the requirements of water this section is focused on     

We have to understand the importance of water: Rajasthan Water shortage in india The seed treatment Kalihari : medicinal plant, jatropha and brahmi benefits. Decrease level of water in india, insufficient government practices for water management.  The irrigation sources in india  How we certified our seed, types of seed  Important work in organic farming

May 2018 The need of consumer is good food full of nutrition, but because of chemical uses the crop is contaminated and not suitable for health. The need of organic farming must be understand by Indian farmer. Otherwise its harmful impact will be diminished the agriculture future of india. The highlights are     

How we proceed for organic milk farming Clay made utensils are more important for health Profitable business dairy Indian breed cow is useful for mankind Peppal, hybrid karela, aloevera, safed musali, medicinal plant importance  Organic manure helpful in health maintains  Training programme for farmers is helpful to understand organic farming  Benefits of cow machine

April 2018 For improvement of farmers condition the government started revolution as green revolution, white, blue, and yellow revolution. There is need of increasing white revolution again. Need of more application in dairy industries like Indian breed cow or less use of chemicals etc. demand is more and supply is less that’s why farmer used wrong path of synthetic milk processing which is more harmful than shortage of supply. Highlights are       

Why we need white revolution again Cow dung wood new source of income Deforestation has a harmful effect on environment Go for organic food Tulsi, neem, lemon grass, Ashwagandha: medicinal properties Eco friendly planting pots Tradition of roof top Organic farming is in demand

March 2018 Government launched schemes for farmers but there implementation was not full fill the need of farmers. To improve farmers condition all schemes should be correctly implemented, the knowledge correctly passes to farmers. When its not happen the farmers become more poor and at end he is under the stress of loan. Main highlights are    

Loan free farmers and job opportunities to young professionals Role of womens increase in agriculture Profitable contract farming Haldi, mushroom, horticulture prospects

 Subsidies on irrigation  Buyback agreement

February 2018 India is land of agriculture, need of make more profitable for farmers. Its happen when farmers more know about agriculture moderns techniques knowledge of market aspects of crops. The government has launched e village for farming information but is not sufficient. The highlights are      

Farmer towards happiness Aloevera surprising benefits Medicinal board of plant Organic and innovative farming Biogas Papaya,sharifa, stevia,lemon grass, baby corn, Ashwagandha, pista  Mixed cropping beneficial for farming  Nursery management

January 2018 One era of agriculture in terms of green revolution has not a good impact on commercial as well nutrional point. Demand is more and supply is less. Due to this farmers proceed for chemical fertilizers and then its bad effect on environment, crop and directly on human being. Agriculture dominated country now need to move on organic culture so that the soil is again rich in minerals. Highlights are  Organic food available in market (sunrise group of companies)

   

The direction of farming in india Indian breed cows milk; benefits Tulsi, pan, rose and medicinal plant benefits Hydroponics, herbal garden, organic Vermicomposting.  Water is life


September, 2017 Adulteration is root cause for harmful effect of food products in market. The people behind its has focused only on profit and they not think for product ingredients nutritional value. There is proper law for the food safety. To increase the food products quality the organic culture must be increased and more and more awareness for organic product is spread. Highlights are  Hahnemann charitable mission society dedicated to farmers training form 21 year  Women empowerment programme  Organic park at pinjerpool goshala  Organic product of sunrise  pH of soil and its importance in soil  haldi, shankhpusphi, methi: benefits  development is less in agriculture

August 2017

The milk of Indian breed cows is more powerful energy giving source according to ayurved. Many medicinal importances are reported in literature about milk. It’s full of nutrition value and digestible to new infant baby. Womens empowerment is one of the major task to develop country as more economical mature. Highlights are  Indian breed cow milk super value and important diet supplement  To promote Indian cows  For development in dairy industries government have policies  Exhibition of SHG group products  Sonamukhi, kalihari, vanilla: benefits  Cold storage  Harmful effects of chemically synthesized vegetables and fruit  Farmer in clutches of insurance company  At Pinjerpool goshala establishment of organic park

June 2017, Education is one of the bases of our society. Education which gives self confidence to people and forward to activity which full of human welfare activity. Education is equal right to all sectors of society. Womens have equal right to education and the property of parents. But due to lack of knowledge they have suffer. The light of education is need to boost and spread more in rural or tribal area. Highlights    

The PM is concerned about organic farming Export and import of organic product in india Export and import of organic manure Training programme of ayurvedic and medicinal plant cultivation organized by Hahnemann charitable mission society

 In UP organic farming become popular  Mogars, amla, ashwagandha: cultivation

May 2017 The equal job opportunity for both mens and womens is right of women’s. In the rural area the percentage of women’s jobs is very low in compare to men’s and they also not get enough pay for work. The equal distribution of payment is also issue in rural area. The womens have done lots of work form home to work ground but according to their capabilities she got less payment Highlights  Tulsi, gudhal, bhrangraj, patherchur: important medicinal plant cultivation  Groundnut benefits  Innovation and technology involvement in organic farming  Bhungru farming in gujrat  Kheera cultivation  Stevia: cultivation and trading  Vermicomposting use full for farming

April 2017 To develop self confidence, respect, proud in rural women’s is one of the major task in women empowerment programme in SHG. In this

group the women’s are educated by skill development training as by crafting, stitching, dairy farming and other practices. Highlights        

SHG, innovative steps for women Running programme for women improvement Womens success is encouraged People concerned about organic farming Organic farming: increase income Koch, isbbol, arjin, giloy: cultivation Sustainable agriculture Soya bean cultivation increases self confidence

February 2017 The agriculture is giving many job opportunities in the area of horticulture, floriculture, exotic vegetable and nursery management. The role of women in agriculture is increased; she is equal partner in agriculture field work. Digital education is one of the important steps towards spreading knowledge in rural area. The girl and boy will equally benefited with this method Highlights        

Technology improves kisan condition Krishi and rural development possible with technology NABARD guide lines for small scale business Sustainable agriculture with organic farming Pest management in crops The anxiety relaxation is important in farming Rajasthan government schemes to farmer Biogas milestone in rural development

January 2017

With the use of technology we can make better agriculture facilities, which are easy to implement, low cost, and give better income to farmers. With the use scientific approach we can increase nutrional aspects of crop. The technology also help to spread knowledge about market aspects of crop, which crop has more beneficial, how they get rid of pest insect in natural way. Highlights      

The budget increases for agriculture Organic farming give economic support to farmers How to manage supplychain Irrigation methods Krishi clinc and krisihi business Safed musali, nagar podha, sarpgandha, gokhru, tulsi: medicinal properties

DECEMBER 2016 The improvement in economic condition of INDIA will be depend on agriculture area. For better condition in agriculture we should adopt organic cultivation method. Because as this is the only way to improve agriculture land quality. Better land will give better production in terms of yield and nutrition. Highlights:     

Successful pardhan mantri fasal bema yojana Farmer should be think for business option Icici bank offers HCMS Programme for women’s development The decrease in number of GEER cow Indian breed

November 2016

For development of kisan its important that government schemes should be according to kisan condition. The schemes and project implemented correctly according to condition of farmer. More knowledgeable programme for awareness of technology should be run. Means in front of farmer the question is many and helping hand is limited. Highlights  For income wise and health point of view the organic farming is best solution  For water conservation steps  Farmer’s establishment and Rajasthan government  NABARD schemes for farmer  Chemical fertilizers harm full effect  Agriculture farmer have low income  Hahnemann charitable mission society success story  Wheat cultivation  Organic manure goal and role

October 2016 In old civilization farmers become rich as they have sufficient resources and they do not need any thing form market. Today scenario is totally different farmers need everything from market. As result of this they depend on other and become a loan suffering. The techniques which is used in ancient time is more important to make farmer self income earner. Highlights     

Organic farming gift for farmers Water problems in Rajasthan or traditional sources Limited edition of agriculture land Younger village people moving to town Irrigation plays important role

 The jobs opportunities in rural area  Hydroponics  Govt. policies for village development

July 2015 The painful condition of farmer is deep point of concerned. The poor farmer does not make full profit and land business man take their advantage. They took land in low cost and use for their profit. The need of change of traditional farming is must be understand by farmers. Highlights          

The worst condition of farmers Farmer’s condition Interviews Krishi mantri: prabhu lal saini Dr. rajesh mann Director pashupalan vibahg NABARD krishi vikas yojana Jaton benefits Medicinal plant cultivation is cheap and easy HCMS success

The all magazines are wonderful collection of agriculture information. We should go through it to explore the information about agriculture scenario in India. My opinion for agribusiness is completely changed. The magazine provide valuable information for medicinal plant cultivation and other business aspects for rural people development.

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