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By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Promotion or progress can fall into seven basic categories:


Regression means

that there are forces beyond you that are progressively pushing you backward.

In Mark 5 v 25-34, the Bible tells us the story of the woman with the issue of blood. She went to many doctors and she spent all she had but instead of getting better, she grew worse. Forces beyond her control kept on pushing her backwards. Physically, she grew worse; financially her money depleted until there was nothing left.


Repression means there

are forces pushing you down and trying to hold you down, and anytime you try to come up, there is a force that is saying No! Go back down,

In Judges 6 v 3-6 the Bible

tells us that a certain group of people decided to torture the children of Israel. When the Israelites were planting, these enemies didn’t bother them, but as soon as the Israelites harvested their crops, their enemies moved in like locusts, gathered everything and then left, which meant that the Israelites had to start all over again and the cycle would repeat.


Stagnation means that

there is no progress at all, no forward movement; no upward movement, just stagnant like a pond.

John 5 v 2 - 9 tells us about a man who was sick for thirty-eight years. He was always waiting for the stirring of the pool of Bethesda. When the angel will come down and stirred the water, the first person to jump in would be made whole. Despite his best efforts, he was never the first person into the water. Somebody else would always jump in and he would have to go back and wait for another year.

There are some of us who have so much hope at the beginning of each year but gradually January Has becomes December and they discover that they are still in the same place.

That is what is called stagnation. In the name of the One who made Heaven and earth, whatever force is holding you stagnant shall be destroyed in Jesus› name.


Retardation means

there is growth but it’s so slow that it becomes embarrassing. Another way of talking about retardation is to call it trapped destiny.

In Genesis 49 v 1-4 the Bible tells us that when Jacob was about to die, he called his children together and began to make pronouncements concerning each one.

He said concerning Reuben his first born: ‘even though you are my first born, even though you have energy, you have power, you have ev-



erything going for you, you will not excel, and from that day onward the destiny of Reuben was trapped.

I am praying for everyone who is suffering from any form of retardation: that spirit of retardation is destroyed in your life in Jesus’ name.


In other words, you are making

progress, steady and regular. As you work hard, progress is coming and at least every month they increase your salary. Maybe once in five years, they remember you to promote you a little.

The problem with normal promotion is that it is normal. For the child of God that is not the plan of God.

In John 10 v 10, Jesus Christ said, ‘I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly’. I decree that from this moment onward, you will leave the group of ‘all others’ in Jesus’ name.


This is a promotion that is completely unusual; you are at the bottom today but in the next moment you are at the top.

A very good example is in 1 Samuel 16 v 11- 13 where it tells us the story of David who was in the bush looking after goats and sheep and then suddenly, a messenger came and said, ‘David you are wanted at home”.

One moment, he was a shepherd boy and the next moment he was a king; that is what is called accelerated promotion.

Your promotion is already settled in the name of Jesus.

By the time your promotion is accelerated, all those who have been

mocking you will be bowing down before you.

Accelerated promotion can be applied to many areas of our lives. For example:

• Health

In Mark 2 v 1-12, there was a man who was completely helpless and paralysed from the neck downwards. His friends had to bathe him, clothe him and feed him.

One day they heard that Jesus was near and so they carried the man to where Jesus was. There was no room at the door or at the window but they were determined they wouldn’t go home; so they climbed the roof and lay the man at the feet of Jesus.

They carried him in but he walked back home! What they used to bring him in, he carried it back home!

There might be one or two people reading this, that doctors have told you there is nothing they can do for you; in the name that is above every other name, the doctors will get a surprise!

Healings can be in categories, you can be getting gradually better, but God can heal in an instant.

The Almighty God will accelerate your healing in Jesus’ name.

• Freedom from bondage to forces of darkness.

In Mark 5 v 1 – 20, the Bible tells us about the Mad Man of Gadara. He didn’t go for ten weeks of deliverance services, he didn’t spend all night with a deliverance minister but within an hour, not only was he completely delivered, he became an evangelist for God!

He switched over from under the power of the devil to the mountain top on the side of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I have good news for someone; it doesn’t matter how long the enemy had held you captive, simply because you are reading this now, receive your freedom in Jesus name.

Material possession When you read 2 Kings 4 v 1 -7, it tells you the story of a woman who was so heavily in debt that creditors wanted to sell her sons to recover their money because there was nothing in the house that they could sell.

She cried to the Man of God; the man of God prayed and gave instructions: ‘go home do this’ do this. By the time she returned, not only had her debt been cleared, she had enough money to last her for the rest of her life.

I don’t know who this one is for, but in the name that is above every other name, God is going to accelerate you financially so mightily that poverty will become a stranger to you.


In 2 Kings 2 v 9-15, in the morning,

Elisha was just a son of a farmer following a prophet around but by the evening he was the father of all sons of the prophets in the land.

Not only that, by the evening, he had doubled the power that Elijah ever had. Let somebody shout Hallelujah!!



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