2 minute read

Separation from Employment

the relationship conflicts with the best interests of Sun River Health. If it is determined that such a conflict or relationship exists and it cannot be satisfactorily resolved through reassignment, then one of the employees must resign. If neither employee voluntarily resigns, the organization will terminate the employment of one of the employees.

Relatives of, and those involved in a personal relationship with, a present employee may not be hired without the full knowledge and written approval of Human Resources. For the purposes of this policy, relatives are spouse, sibling, parent, child, grandparent, grandchild, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, first cousin, or step/in-law relations. Other members of your household or other relatives may be included depending upon the individual circumstances.

Separation from Employment

It is our sincerewish that you will enjoya successful careerwith Sun River Health. Since employmentis at-will and based on mutual consent, you and Sun River Health have the right to terminate employment at will, with or without cause at any time, with or without notice.If you decidetoleaveSun River Health,youarerequested togiveasmuch advance notice, in writing, as possible, but not less than the notice period designated below. This notice should indicate your last day of work and will allow us the ability to adjust working schedules and identify a replacementif necessary.

To receive payment for your accrued and unused PTO balance following resignation, you mustprovide and work satisfactorily through the following notice periods:

• Providers/Clinicians (including physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, dentists, dental hygienists –90 days’notice • Management and Professionals (All management positions including

Coordinators and Supervisor through Vice President; and professional positions including RNs, LPNs, Nutritionists) –4 weeks’notice • All Other staff not included in the first two categories –3 weeks’notice

Employees may not take PTO (unless previously approved) or SST during the notice period. Any employee who is out ill may be requested to extend theirnotice period by the number of days is out ill.

Final paychecksfor time worked willbe paid via direct deposit in accordance with the regular paycheck schedule. PTO balance payments will be paid via direct deposit with the pay date following your last regular pay for time worked.

Please remember your obligations regarding the safekeeping of Sun River Health and patient confidential and proprietary information once you leave Sun River Health. Separatedemployees are requiredto maintain the confidentialityof patient information and proprietary organizational information on-going. In addition, employees must

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