Sunshine Surf Girls Edition 1 Summer 2014/15

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Thank you for picking up the very first issue of Sunshine Surf Girls - The Freesurf Magazine.

Question: What do Kim Kardashian, Lara Bingle and Justin Bieber have in common? Answer: You won’t find them in this magazine. But keep on reading and we promise that feeling of disappointment you may be harbouring will very quickly be replaced with feelings of inspiration and motivation. Sunshine Surf Girls is for active chicks that love the ocean and love life. Real life, not a life that is spent sitting around reading about ‘celebrities’ lives. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but let’s face it, the feeling of sheer joy and adrenalin that you get from racing across the face of a glassy, peeling wave absolutely craps on the whimsical satisfaction that you get from pulling out the magnifying glass and finding that bump of cellulite on Jennifer Hawkins’ upper thighs. In the following pages you WILL find inspiring, talented, real women from the surf community. Women who are surfing perfect waves in exotic locations, designing their own fashionable and functional surf products because they weren’t happy with the status quo, sailing solo across the ocean while surviving off the natural environment, and living real, surf-centric lifestyles.

You will notice that our first issue is mainly focussed on our beloved home town, the Sunshine Coast. In future issues we will be spreading our wings and searching for surfers, surf breaks, products and tips from further afield as we believe that all women of the sea have a unique and inspiring story to tell. Share the love and drop us a line at to contribute. Please take a look inside, we hope you enjoy the mag as much as we enjoyed putting it together.



Sick and tired of being a subsidiary of the men’s surf industry, more female surfers are seeking the opportunity to take ownership of their own surf industry by building it from the ground up. The purpose of Sunshine Surf Girls is to provide a platform that supports the people who are pushing the industry in a direction which meets the needs of female surfers.





SURFERPRENEUR Interview: Danny Clayton, Salt Gypsy




SLIDING SIREN: KAT HUGHES A Lady of the Longboard




TRAIN LIKE A GURFER Surfing specific fitness tips from the Ocean Performance Centre


SUP STYLE With Wendy King


PRODUCT REVIEWS Fab finds for you


A FINE ART Ella Preston


CARBS, PROTEINS & FATS A Surf Girls’ 3 Best Friends


SISTERS DOING IT FOR THEMSELVES Sunshine Coast Girls’ Boardriders Club


JALEESA VINCENT Shortboarder Extrodinaire




LIZ CLARK And the voyage of Swell

Editor: Liz Davison Advertising: Publisher: Sunshine Surf Girls Emma Krusic & Gemma MacKenzie


Graphic Design: Crisp Graphics Ltd

ABN 14 452 593 792 Contributors opinions are not necessarily those of Sunshine Surf Girls © All rights reserved



Imagine this… living in the Maldives surfing epic waves, taking the occasional boat trip around Indo with a bunch of mates searching for more epic waves (cause you can’t get enough in the Maldives!), while blogging and designing your own popular indie surf fashion label. Sounds like a surf girl’s dream right? Well, this is the lifestyle of Danny Clayton, the creator of Salt Gypsy.

So we hear that you left your job with Billabong in New Zealand and moved to the Maldives. What motivated you to make such a bold move? A broken heart! Truly - I was in the middle of a personal upheaval in March 2010 when the opportunity to work on a tropical island that happened to have a pumping left-hander came up. So it came at a very pivotal time in my life where I thought, “why the hell not??” One month later I was slugging back Singapore Slings on a one-way ticket to the Maldives to be a snorkel guide (and in the end it got even better as I was groomed to be a surf guide). Another motivation, and one that’s determined my life choices so far, is that I (and my family) have a congenital heart arrhythmia that can cause sudden death (Prolonged QT Syndrome). Living with a condition like this definitely influences the way you think about how short and random life is so why not pursue any opportunity to live your dreams.

Describe a typical day as a surf guide in the Maldives: Wake up at anchor pull around 5.30am, coffee, surf, eat brekky, surf, eat lunch, maybe sneak in a cheeky beer, surf, beer o’clock, eat dinner, sleep. Repeat. Not much deviation from this but of course, in amongst it all, is continuous weather forecasting online and in real time; shooting photos of our guests’ surf sessions; ‘guest entertainment’ aka beer consumption; liaising with Kapi (the Captain) and local boat crew; determining boat movements and where to put our guests in the best, uncrowded waves throughout the trip; sorting/editing photos; guiding our guests on any snippets of info on each surf spot; and everything else involved in ensuring a successful boat charter. Do you run surf trips for those women wanting a taste of the Maldivian surf? Yes! At this stage, Salt Gypsy is focusing on women-only trips. I want to share and help provide the super epic surf experiences I’ve had (on boat charters in particular) with other like-minded women – those who like to drink beer, talk shit and chase waves. It is a very unique experience to surf with a group of women and so far I’ve met really awesome individuals who all share a common surf-centric lifestyle no matter where in the world they live. Our next Maldives boat trip with the Liquid Destination crew is in June 2015, give us a holler: →


At first we thought she was a myth, surely no one could carve out such a dream-like existence in this day and age! But oh we found her, and we caught up with this sassy, inspiring lady to find out if the life of a Salt Gypsy is as perfect as it sounds…


- A person who sets up a surf-industry related business or businesses, willing to risk it all for the possibility of living the dream. A surf-centric lifestyle with time to chase epic waves.



with my boutique production team who I am proud to say I work closely with. Rest assured your surf leggings are individually handmade by some really lovely humans.

How good a surfer do you have to be to surf in the Maldives? You don’t have to be a competitive ripper to join us but we won’t shy away from bigger, more challenging waves so if you are confident surfing over reef and keen to hunt or try your hand at barrels, then we’re your crew. You won’t find beginners or princesses on our trips ;) Describe your worst wipeout... Quite a few but one that springs to mind is the time a one-piece surf-suit I was wearing unzipped all the way underwater and pulled off my torso up to my wrists, which then ballooned and held me under the whitewash. I struggled not to panic on that particular wipeout but was underwater awhile! Lesson learned – ensure your one-piece surf-suit has a sturdy and short zipper. If it’s all the way down your back, it might be best for the smaller days. Worst thing that has ever happened on a surf charter where you have been the guide… A few nasty fin chops requiring stitches and a complicated finger dislocation that required evacuation to Singapore for surgery. My boyfriend, Jade, has got a few good stories though! Any embarrassing moments? Probably just flashing my bum before I learned that, for me, bikini bottoms just don’t cut the mustard when it comes to surfing or duck diving punchy waves. Speaking of flashing your bum... tell us about the alternative to bikini bottoms! - Surf Leggings. Where did the idea of surf leggings come from? Going into my third season working in the tropics in 2012, I was, and still am, very sun conscious and concerned about the damage and changes happening to my skin. My perpetual bum tan left me wanting something functional and my style to cover up my pins. I could not find anything on the market that a) fitted within my surf guide budget and b) appealed to my personal taste. At the time, there were only two surf brands that I found who had one pair of surf leggings each in the marketplace, neither of which fitted my style or personality. So I made my own, started wearing them in the surf, uploading photos to my blog and not long after, started to accept bespoke orders. We noticed that people can design their own leggings on your website. How long will it take to get a pair made? Generally, it takes 2-4 weeks to produce and ship a bespoke pair. I’ve definitely had teething problems while I’ve worked hard to implement and streamline this made-to-order process over the last two years. To help improve efficiency as we grow, I now offer two bespoke production rounds in the first and third week of every month. It’s been a massive learning curve


Can you explain a little bit about ‘Salt Gypsy’ and how it evolved? Salt Gypsy is a surf lifestyle brand for women who crave style in the line up. It began life as a blog while I worked my third season as a surf guide in the Maldives with my boyfriend, Jade. Salt Gypsy now offers products and experiences for the discerning woman of the water; surf and après-surf* wear, boat trips for advanced female surfers, and curated surf and independent design news from around the world. *après-surf: after-surf wear eg. tank tops, travel wraps. What made you decide to start the Salt Gypsy blog? It’s very simple – I could not find anything of interest to me as an independent, everyday female surfer. Up until recently, mainstream surf media/industry has been very competitive/pro surfer focused or for complete beginners, neither of which fits my, or my friend’s, surfcentric and indie lifestyles. I wanted to hear the stories

‘We want to see style in the line-up ladies so be bold in your surfwear, keep charging when you surf, and support indie design.’ – Danny Clayton of everyday female surfers like myself – how they ended up doing what they do, the how’s and the why’s. I also wanted to showcase and support smaller brands who were creating some killer gear that were finding it hard to a) have their voice heard and b) reach their target market: core, discerning female surfers. Personally, we think it would be fantastic to see the women’s surf industry run by women! Where do you see the women’s surf industry heading? Great question as I think this is a really interesting and exciting time in the evolution of women’s surfing. A women’s surf industry run by women makes sense right?! As for where it is heading, I think it is really starting to come into its own and there are new groups, online mags/blogs, and indie brands popping up all over the globe these days. The sky is the limit in terms of what we, the collective of global water-women, want to make it.

How do you think the women’s surf industry can achieve this? Through collaboration and friendly competition - at least that’s my ideal way of operating and growing my business. It’s an inherent and universal law – humans need competition to push envelopes, develop new products and services, and create the drive to succeed and try new things. That is one of the positive things you can see in women’s competitive surfing and the indie brands that have popped up over the last few years. What are your views on the current women’s surf industry? It’s definitely changing, which is awesome – and about time. It is very evident the larger, mainstream brands are playing catch up to what indie surf labels/ designers have been leading the way in – though this is just my personal observation and experience from the last few years. Female surfers, of any age or era, are as diverse as the human race. Most core female surfers do not fit into the classic and passé stereotype that has permeated surf marketing over the last decade or so.

a dog-eat-dog world out there – no friends in business right?? But I was, and still am, surprised of the blatancy of some businesses. Creative collaboration is one of my core business values and forms the backbone of my growing business and brand. And it’s the “little guys” who are the most open to supporting each other professionally, creating really cool shit together, and reinvigorating the surf industry as a whole. Any advice for women wanting to start a business in the surf industry and future surferpreneurs? Be professional, don’t imitate others – find your own style then own it. Provide exceptional product and service. And remember – your customers are paying your rent: give them an epic experience and don’t let them down. So we are convinced that the lifestyle Danny has created as a surferpreneur IS a surf girls dream, but not without a lot of hard work. Kudos to you Danny. Hope to join you on your next all-girls surf trip so we can have a beer together! ※


Have you found the surf industry a hard nut to crack? For example, are people embracing of new ideas or is it a bit of a tight knit community? It definitely helps to know people in the industry or region you live in and that’s what landed me an interview (and subsequent awesome job) with Billabong NZ several years ago. But this happens organically when you live a surf-centric lifestyle and you are open to connecting and building rapport with people outside of your circles. With regards to my experience, I went direct to my community of female surfers and ignored traditional routes of launching a ‘brand’ and product, but I’m very aware of the era in which I am operating and the ease of starting a business in the digital world. As for surf industry collaboration, an experience earlier this year had me questioning the ethics around the surf and fashion industries. And now I’m right in amongst it, my eyes have been widely opened. It’s very apparent it’s

» Currently we use standard nylon lycra blends sourced from Indonesia and Australia. » 2 waistband options: Elastic or Fold-over. Elasticated is hands-down the best for surfing while fold-over is best for yoga and everyday wear. » Both waistband styles include an internal drawstring for extra security » Length of leggings is cut slightly shorter to sit just above the ankle (depending on your height of course). We don’t like wet, baggy lycra sagging around our ankles. » All products are handmade by our boutique production teams in Bali, Indonesia. » We have just started designing our own prints in collaboration with some talented female designers. You can get a pair of surf leggings ($89) and other cool products here:


Salt Gypsy is here to disrupt the status quo and build a female-centric company my younger self would have aspired to work with and for. We welcome you to join us.



Some days, you just have to make your own sunshine


– Sam Sundquist





Kat Hughes can’t imagine anywhere she’d rather be than sliding gracefully across the face of a wave on her purple 9’1 Peter White high performance longboard...

...except for maybe riding the waves of Indonesia, Mexico or the Maldives with her dad, Kassia Meador or CJ Nelson. This 23 year old from Moffat Beach in Queensland has been surfing since she was 8 and recently made the finals of the Australian Longboard Titles.

Although there are some women in the title race who are really competitive Kat sees herself as one of the more friendly and fun competitors. Her pre-comp routine involves relaxing, stretching and listening to music. Its not all fun and games though and Kat has had her fair share of wipeouts (including one where she nearly lost her swimmers while surfing Moffats on a 4-6’ day!). But wipeouts, and sharks, don’t bother this surfrat. While she does wish she could hear out of her left ear (she’s been deaf since birth) she’d also be happy as a sea turtle or being able to move objects with her mind or even just living in the country with her family doing art and craft. ※


For a semi-professional surfer, Kat’s pretty laidback. Her idea of a perfect day is driving up the beach in her 4WD to her favourite secret spot and surfing the perfect peelers coming off the point for hours with just her and her partner in the lineup. Actually, that sounds like my perfect day too!


TRAIN LIKE A GURFER! l need to work u’l yo st fir ll We ? pro a e lik f sur to nt wa u yo , So rets used by the sec g inin tra the of e som are re He e! on e lik t ou world’s best female surfers... Because females are typically stronger through certain muscle groups or muscle chains and weaker in others than males, a women’s surf training program should follow the same progression through training stages as a men’s but will be slightly different with regards to specific exercises. Let’s start where all good surf training programs should: the strength phase. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that stability is a major element to surfing however, what many people don’t realise is that to be stable you must be strong. The first basic functional movement that you need to master to improve your surfing is the squat. Being able to recruit the right muscle groups and obtain the right posture while completing this exercise will lay the foundation for many other more complex and surf specific exercises to follow. When squatting you must ensure the following:

SQUAT 1. Your femur (bone that runs from knee to hip) can get to an angle that places it parallel to the ground 2. Your feet are shoulder width apart 3. Your head remains in a neutral position 4. Your weight is placed over your heels 5. Your knees are tracking over, but not beyond your toes 6. Your torso remains upright (the angle from the tip of your head running down your spine should be the exact same angle as from the front of your shin bone at your ankle up to your knee)

You will find that you will have a tendency to hinge at your hips when squatting, placing your torso in a slightly forward-bending position, rather than being upright. To counteract this, face a wall and try squatting with your toes about an inch away from the wall. As you squat, run your hands up the wall until they are above your head. By doing this you simply can’t hinge forward at the hips. This exercise will force you into a good squatting position.


Once you have obtained a good squat position then you can start to add weight by holding barbells when you squat. But the minute you lose good form drop the weight immediately, an important rule to remember at all times is form over weight.

If you would like to train at the Ocean Performance Centre, check out for more information

on how you can WIN a 6 month membership!


a 6-month membership!

All good surf training programs should also focus on mobility and stability. Below is one of my go-to exercises, which is perfect for enhancing hip mobility and stability while strengthening your core. You’ll need a fitball for this one.


Remember the best surfer is the one with the biggest smile so get out there and enjoy yourselves. Until next time Aloha and see you in the water! ※

- Kerry Keightley BA Psych. Cert 3 & 4 Fitness. Level 1 Strength & Conditioning Ocean Performance Centre

ocean performance centre

The Ocean Performance Centre is the Sunshine Coast’s first high performance surf training facility and surf inspired fitness boutique located at 3/81 Wises Road, Maroochydore.


ted on the ground 1. Ensure hands stay firmly plan Fit Ball, so that it is 2. Start with your thighs on the just resting on only not resting on your hips and your knees. resisting the urge 3. The body stays in alignment for the hips to drop. t the leg lifting off 4. The legs remain apart so tha apse and rest on coll the fit ball does not simply the other leg Fit Ball resting 5. That the end position sees the h 6.The Knees thig completely on the side of the perform the to d nee remain bent You only k depending wee a es tim 3 to strength exercise 2 can perform on the load used, however you day, aim at 12 the hip mobility exercise every in between repetitions with 30 seconds rest and repeat three times.


Here are some great products we have come across in our recent travels...




COCONUT GYPSY CANDLES Do you ever think to yourself - I like coconuts, and I like gypsies! Personally, I like pina coladas but I don’t like getting caught in the rain. I would much rather sit on the couch and play with fire. Thank God the lovely people at Coconut Gyspy Candles have combined fire with pina coladas and some other yummy flavours to create these wicked little doozies. Whether you’re planning a wedding, need a great gift idea, or simply need to satiate your pyromaniac tendencies these gorgeous little packages will tick all the boxes! My only gripe is that with scents including coconut.pineapple. vanilla, lemongrass.vanilla.lime and... I can’t eat them. Check them out here:


My pre-surf training regime used to involve rolling out of bed blurry eyed on the back of a wicked dream of pulling into the perfect barrel. A wrestle with the wettie and stumble down the beach later and I would be flopping around out the back wondering why I wasn’t more surf-fit. It seems just dreaming doesn’t actually work to improve your surfing. Who knew? If you actually want to train to improve your surfing, then the Surf Stronger DVD is for you! This pack of DVD’s includes pre-surf warm ups, core sessions and stretching all tucked neatly into three 45 minute surf specific workouts. Volume 2 even features Serena Brooke at her peak, showing us what a fit surfer can actually do. What more motivation could you need! All that’s required is a Fit ball and dumbbells and you’re on your way to a killer core your surfing will thank you for. The only downside? It’ll get you so pumped for surfing you’ll have to take the rest of the day off to catch some waves! You can pick up the Surf Stronger DVD pack at



The Essential Guide for Surf Chicks Everywhere Edited by Louise Searle Forward by Sally Fitzgibbons Did you know that the main reason Kelly Slater and Sally Fitzgibbons are two of the best surfers in the world is because they read? I just made that up. But seriously, reading is good for you and it is fun, especially when it’s about surfing! This little treasure covers nearly every surf topic you can think of – from surf travel to the anatomy of fins to surf-specific eating and exercising. Whether you are preparing for your first ever surf experience or you are at the point of trying to land airs, this book has tips that will get you pumped to paddle out and improve your mad surfboard-riding skills, plus some fantastic images for your viewing pleasure. Get yourself prepared for the next no-surf day and buy a copy now from your favourite online bookstore for about $25. Thank you very much ※

YOUR AD HERE “paddle, paddle, paddle...”

Direct exposure to thousands of surfers and surf related businesses. LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE.


Contact us for more details: Email Phone Emma 0404 266 694 or Gemma 0405 981 598


Shae Dingle (Bachelor in Nutrition and Dietetics) is an avid surfer, artist, traveller and health nut. As a practicing dietician, she has

combined her career expertise with her passion for surfing by collaborating with the team at 23 Surfboards. Just like surfing, the food we choose is a way of life. Our diet contributes to how we feel, how we think and what we can get out of each day. Eating for surfing is about choosing a balanced, healthy and varied diet by including carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats in the right portions. CARBOHYDRATES


Carbohydrates provide our bodies with its main energy source and should make up the majority of our diet. Despite diet fads and negative connotations around carbohydrates, it is this food group that will keep you surfing all day and promote healthy brain function to stay focused for those critical wave sections. Carbohydrates also provide a large portion of essential micronutrients, vitamins and fibre and should be eaten before and after surfing to provide energy and assist with recovery. Carbohydrates are found in grains, cereals, and fruit.

Fats provide us with essential vitamins and protective effects for our heart and brain. The best types of fat are from plant-based sources, which contain minimal saturated fats, and fish for our omega-3s. Small amounts of fats throughout the day will ensure we are getting the nutrients we require. The best sources come from nuts, seeds, olive oil, and avocado. The key thing to remember is to eat a varied diet of natural fresh foods, concentrating on carbohydrates for energy, protein for muscle repair and healthy fats for essential vitamins.



Protein is essential for muscle repair, strength, and it makes us feel fuller for longer. Too much protein or fat before surfing can leave us feeling very full, and sluggish so the majority of our protein intake should be at night once our muscles are at rest, to promote repair and recovery. Protein also provides healthy skin, hair and nails. When choosing protein foods choose quality produce, lean cuts of meat, and try to use legumes a minimum of 2-3times per week. Protein includes all meats, eggs, nuts, legumes, and dairy.

Morning pre-surf carb snacks –raisin toast, fruit smoothie, muesli with fresh fruit, soy milk, nuts and seeds. PERFECT POST-SURF PICK-UPS Poached eggs on toast, salmon patties with salad & quinoa, grilled fish burger with salad & avocado, chickpea curry with vegetables & rice, bolognaise pasta made with lean cuts of beef & lots of vegetables. Banana & ricotta pancakes, or banana crepes with greek yogurt, porridge with fresh fruit & seeds, poached eggs on toast with spinach & mushrooms. ※ ES BANANA AND RICOTTA PANCAK


INGREDIENTS 1 cup plain flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup whole-milk ricotta 1 large egg 1/2 cup milk ed & cooled 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melt 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 small ripe banana, mashed other favourite Optional: sliced banana and/or nuts or n amo cinn s, fruit

PREPARATION ng powder and Whisk together flour, sugar, baki bowl, whisk large a In . salt in a medium bowl er, vanilla and butt , milk egg, ta, ricot ther toge into ricotta banana. Gently stir flour mixture se a large nonmixture until just blended. Grea cooking spray or stick pan over medium heat with into pan. Cook er batt melted butter. Pour some en brown on gold until , once ing turn , akes panc . total tes minu 4 t both sides, abou your favourite Stack pancakes and top with optional extras.




Meet 16 year old Jaleesa Vincent: dancer, State Oz Tag representative, artist and a talented competitive surfer.

Jaleesa has enjoyed surfing for 10 years out of her 16 on this planet - to say she knows her stuff would be an understatement! The naturally athletic Coolum local gets out in the waves every day, spurred on by her dream to one day compete on the world circuit. Hey Jaleesa, we imagine that it can be a bit nerve wracking preparing for a surf comp. How do you get yourself pumped up beforehand? I imagine myself ripping and how I want to surf the waves in my heat. It gets me excited.

Do you think that girl’s surfing is gaining steam? Definitely, girl’s surfing at the moment is the best it’s ever been. Girls are stepping up and trying airs and are more powerful. There are also so many girls ripping and surfing competitively.

Do you have a theme song or any music that gets you amped? I listen to songs that are off my favourite surf movies, like ‘Nike 6.0 : Leave a Message’.

How do you motivate yourself to go surfing when you don’t feel like it? I usually feel like surfing. If the surf is terrible I imagine all the comps that are held in terrible waves and practice for that.

So you’ve achieved quite a bit in your competitive surf career. Tell us about your proudest moment… Making it on to the Queensland team. There were two events in a series and in the first event I got knocked out, so I thought I had no chance of making it, as they only take two girls. I was considering pulling out of the second series, but I went anyway. I won the second series and just got enough points to make it on the team and got to surf at the Australian titles. That was my goal for the year and I was proud to have achieved it. Have you ever had to overcome any fears to progress your surfing? I have had to overcome the fear of wipe outs. I hated being held under the water. I still do, but I have learnt to relax from doing breath training in a pool at the Ocean Performance Centre. I now know that I have enough oxygen in my lungs to last me for ages under water without needing a breath. I am calm now. If you could surf against anyone, who would it be? Stephanie Gilmore. I love her style and would love to surf against her to know the standard I need to be surfing at for the future.



What do you do when you can’t surf? I draw or create things! I love being creative, whether it’s painting or drawing, crocheting, sewing and making dream catchers. I also love to read. What is your daily routine? I wake up at 5:30am for a surf or to train at the Ocean Performance Centre (OPC) where I work on my surf fitness and strength. I then go to school. Then after school I go for another surf. Who is your favourite person to surf with? My brother, Jake. He is really good at airs and pushes me to try them. What’s your favourite board to ride at the moment? My new Weir Surf board 5’3. What advice would you give to women who are thinking of taking up surfing? Give it a try more than once. The more you surf, the better you get and the better you get the more fun it is! Most girls decide they can’t surf or don’t like it after one surf. Try again. ※




Despite a day of grey, the sun refuses to depart unnoticed, surprising me and the thickly-clouded sky with a lavish splash of reds and pinks... The heavens then toss the light down onto the sea, where it warps into a hypnotising tango with the water’s evening shadows. A dark line appears ahead. I study its form and decide to paddle over it. It lifts me up, and then I fall softly down its brilliant, berry-colored back. The second of the set is bigger, fuller – its arm reaching farther to the south… I calculate my placement as it nears, turning just before it’s upon me, and stroking twice. I rise to my feet as it picks me up. Two quick, extended pumps and I’m high-lining along a blossoming, neonlipped water wall. A moment later, the wall stretches out well beyond me. With one more high-toed pump I think I can make it, and crouch under a translucent-pink water roof. Bracing toes, surreal excitement, all of me aimed for the exit. Briefly there is no confusion, nothing out of place – just trim and bliss behind the waterfall… After years of dreaming to succeed as a captain in search of remote waves, Liz Clark is realizing her dream and inspiring thousands to do the same. Since 2006 she’s been sailing her 40’ sailboat, appropriately named Swell, around the globe in search of waves, and of herself.

Liz believes that we are each born with a great, unique potential, that all of us have a different call or purpose in this life that cultivates a deep yearning to be fulfilled through physical experience. We tell ourselves a thousand reasons why we should not move towards our dreams and goals, says Liz. “There’s too much risk…” “I’m comfortable…” “I don’t want to fail…” “I have a family to support…” I say the risk of regret is much riskier. I say that comfortable is caustic and that the only failure is having never tried. And for the noble householder, I say, what better example, what more important message could you pass along to your children and/or partner, than: ‘Become the greatest You!’, and ‘Live a life you Love!’?? The joy and peace transmitted through this example are worth more than all the material things you could ever provide. While the first steps are the surely the hardest, the steps start getting easier until one day you find yourself striding right along–strong and confident that your feelings, instinct, and innate knowing can be trusted.


...the risk of regret is much riskier. I say that comfortable is caustic and that the only failure is having never tried.

16 16


writing and documenting the voyage in hopes of inspiring others to live out their passions, face fears, discover the unlimited benefits of self-awareness, and explore our connection to all of life on Earth so that we as individuals can collectively change the world for the better! ※



And for Liz, well, she’s living her dream and plans to continue exploring in the Pacific, not only for waves, but opportunities for personal growth, to work on local environmental projects, make presentations on pollution and conservation issues in schools, and to continue

Reproduced with permission. Follow Liz’s voyage at


Coconut Scented Candles For Daydreamers

Bees Knees Surf Wax Contains only natural sustainable organic ingredients No petrochemicals paraffin or soy wax Available online and in independent shops



Photo: Team Rider Kirra Innes

YOGA FOR SURFING BY LIZ DAVISON All of us know that stretching of some sort is meant to be good for us and for our surfing, but where do we start? What do we do? When do we do it? We’re here to help! It’s best to begin by getting into a regular yoga routine. It doesn’t have to be a long time and it doesn’t have to cost a lot, all you really need is some time and space. Surfing uses a huge variety of muscle groups so it’s important that you work on increasing your overall flexibility to reduce the risk of injury and increase the time you can spend in the water. It’s a good idea to find a yoga teacher in your area and go to some classes to make sure you are doing the poses correctly. In the meantime, these next few poses will help get you started. CHAIR POSE - Strengthens back and thigh muscles, improves posture and builds endurance and concentration. Standing with you feet hip width apart, exhale your hips down as you bring your arms up to eye level. Hands should be shoulder width apart with palms facing each other. Make sure your weight is evenly balanced over your feet, not just on your toes or heels. Hold for 5 – 7 deep breaths then release to standing. EAGLE POSE - Releases shoulders, opens the upper back and stretches the rotator cuff muscles. In either a sitting or standing position, inhale, opening your arms to the sides. Exhale, bringing your arms in front, cross the right over the left. Bend your elbows and aim to get the back of you palms together. Inhale, gently raising your elbows (for more flexible people draw your little fingers away from you). Hold for 5-7 deep breaths before exhaling down and repeating on the other side. DOWN DOG/UPDOG FLOW - Increases spinal flexibility, strengthens abdominals, arms, shoulder, leg and back muscles, develops core stability. Come into a triangle position with your hips forming the top of the triangle and your hands and feet the bottom angles. Hands should be shoulder width apart, feet hip width. This is your down dog. Inhale to the top of a push-up, then exhale halfway down. Your elbows should be in close to the sides of your body and at right angles. It’s hard!

JATHARA PAVRITA (AKA SPINAL TWIST) - Releases tension and increases flexibility in the spine and hips. Opens shoulders, chest and ribcage to improve breathing. Lying on your back, hug both legs in toward your chest as you exhale. Inhale your arms out to a T position. Exhale both legs over to the right as you look out over your left shoulder and hold for 5-7 deep breaths. Try to keep your knees together. Inhale to centre then exhale to the left while looking out over the right shoulder. Hold for 5-7 breaths. --------These few poses, done regularly, will get you on the way to better all-round flexibility but remember to ALWAYS check with a doctor before attempting them if you have any injuries or illnesses and to go to a class if you need clarification. Otherwise, enjoy!!! ※

- Liz Davison

certified yoga teacher (since 2000) and surf instructor



Inhale as you roll over your toes, bring your chest forward and straighten your arms. The parts of your body touching the ground now are the tops of your feet and the palms of your hands. This is up dog. Exhale back to down dog and repeat the flow 3-5 times.

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She studies journalism, enters longboard comps whenever she has the spare coin, and her Nan is a mean cook. Meet Lucy Cantori. She doesn’t discriminate against finless boards, longboards or little monkeys. On any given day you might catch this talented little lady styling across the face of some Noosa sliders.

“I haven’t ridden this board yet, but when I do it will probably be my favourite” 5’ MONKEY

5’6” QUAD

“I ride thi cause it ’s s board the least just so dam n hard” 4’11” FINLESS

“There is nothing wrong with trimming a straight line across the face of a wave on a 9 footer and just taking the time to appreciate this piece of water that mother nature created” “Chris Clark from See-Sea at Noosa shapes most of my boards” Instagram: _see_sea_ Facebo ok: See-Sea

9’4” MAL


“This is my Noosa board” Jump on Instagram and hashtag

#ssgquiver and

tag @sunshinesurfgirls on a pic of yourself with your boards.

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That’s Wendy

Although I’ve spent most of my life around beaches, first in Sydney then for the last 12 years here on the Sunshine Coast, I feel like I never really “succeeded” at surfing. In my generation it was rare for girls to surf. I body surfed, body boarded and even rode a wave ski for a few years but it was only after my friend, Jayne, lent me her SUP that I got hooked. Even so, it took another year to get my husband, John, to share his beach break and roof racks with a SUP - with charm and persistence from me and my new SUP mates!

SUP boarding allows a few options when the conditions make surfing unviable. If there’s no surf we can do a river paddle or race. If it’s howling 20 knots we can do a downwinder offshore. Mooloolaba bay can be crossed in in SE or NW winds and we ride the swells, always going in groups for safety. My favourite part is the surfing, but I had my worst wipeout on my 12’6” race board in only small waves when the tail tipped up and I fell heavily onto the board, cracking it in 3 places and bruising my ribs.

My first SUP was a Fanatic Allwave, which was great for beginners, but now my two boards are a Naish Hokua 9’0” for surfing and a Coreban 12’6” for long distance paddling. It took time and lots of spills but now I love the thrill of riding waves - it’s smooth and free and who doesn’t love the ocean? My adult sons also surf so it’s really special when we can all be out there together. I only get to surf three times a week in between working & playing golf.

It’s great to see more women in surfing at all levels - it’s about time! I’d encourage us all to get out there, have a go, start small and persist if you’re keen. I was stoked recently to represent our club at Coast of Origin even though I’m not really competitive and I got penalised! Noosa Festival of Surfing is my favourite all-round event to watch and enter.

The SC SUP club has really amped my enthusiasm for the sport. It’s a small, friendly club with some dedicated fitness nuts and they’re so encouraging and supportive. Ocean Addicts are also a big part of our local scene and we often share events. Weekends away with mates are fun, too. For the last three years we’ve gone camping at Byron Bay to paddle in the Mullum2Bruns river paddle, which is about 10 km, and there are lots of other flatwater events that my friends and I participate in.

My motto in life is to have an “attitude of gratitude”. We are blessed in Australia in so many ways: wealth, fresh food, clean environment, & of course miles of ocean. If I could persuade people to reduce their footprint on earth & the oceans I’d be an even happier SUP surfing girl. A perfect day for me would be to surf in no wind at Maroochydore or Noosa for an hour or two, have coffee & muffins with John & friends, then play nine holes of golf after lunch. Heaven on a stick! ※

- Wendy King


I’m delighted to have learnt to surf a couple of years ago at the grand age of 55!



We first saw Ella Preston’s artwork on Instagram.

Her intricate hand-drawn pieces were appearing on skateboard decks and surfboard fins, beautifying the otherwise purely functional canvases. While cool artwork is not an unusual sight on the social media app, what really got our attention was that the person producing this amazing artwork was only 13 years old! We were keen to meet this young lady who had piqued our curiosity. Inspired by the TV show Blue Water High, Ella took up surfing when her family moved to the Sunshine Coast in 2013. “I got into surfing because whenever I was at the beach I would always watch the surfers and it looked like heaps of fun. When I caught my first unbroken wave at Coolum last year, it was my proudest moment. My family was watching from the beach and I was talking about it for ages!” As a relative newcomer to surfing, Ella has overcome her fear of big waves… by making sure she heads out with her friends whenever the swell picks up. It’s always a lot of fun watching each other get smashed. “I got into art because one day there was no surf and I was really bored so I just started to draw. I really liked it and thought it was very relaxing. I usually spend around two to three hours on each piece.

I’m in year 9 so school is my first priority, then in my spare time I like to draw, go surfing, shopping or hang out with my friends.” With her work appearing in more and more places, people have begun asking where they can get their hands on some of Ella’s fins, decks or drawings. In response, Ella is in the process of making a website. For now, however, you can find her on Instagram @ellaprestonart By turning otherwise average fins and skaties into functional works of art, Ella is sure to have a future making waves within the surf industry. ※




IDERS CLUB SUNSHINE COAST GIRLS BOARDR ‘Our main intentions are to nurture and help grow the women’s surfing community on the Sunshine Coast. We want the girls and women to support each other and develop their skills, whether it be for fun or competition.’ – Felicia Kerr, President of the Sunshine Coast Girls Boardriders Club.

What made Felicia decide to take on this role in addition to studying at uni and working full time? “The club was about to fold if no one took over,” says Felicia, “I took on the role as it was struggling big time but I saw the potential in the club and thought I would have a crack at improving it.” And improve it she did! We caught up with Felicia to get the lowdown…. What sets the Sunshine Coast Girls Boardriders Club apart from other boardriders clubs? Our club likes to focus more on the fun and development of the girls surf skills more so than the competitive side of things. It is for all ages and abilities. Don’t get me wrong, we have a lot of competitive girls in the club and it is fantastic for them, but we like to make sure all the girls get acknowledged for their efforts and improvements, not just heat winners. It helps with your own development when surfing with friends because you tend to push

yourself and take off on waves you would not usually take off on if you were surfing by yourself. Describe a typical club meet, what should we expect if we join? Everyone arrives early to help set up. We then run heats pretty much from 6:30am onwards. While the comp is running, depending if we have coaches on that day we will also run short coaching sessions. We have the music playing and it is a great family friendly vibe. Do you organise any special events? We have a theme day once a year. This year was fluoro madness it was lots of fun, we had heaps of inflatables to play on and prizes for best dressed. We also just recently went to Broken Head on a camping trip and scored amazing surf! We had about 45-50 of us on that trip. Are the guys welcome to come along to the club days or is it chicks only? We encourage men to come down to help out and support women’s surfing. We have lots of guys as our on-beach helpers. They also help by taking photos and judging. They are a fantastic help! Where do you think women’s surfing is heading? Do you see the SCBRC being a part in that? Women’s surfing is only going to grow, it is such a fantastic sport for all women to be a part of. It is more than just a sport, it is a lifestyle. I’m hoping the girls Boardriders will be a starting platform to help nurture future pro surfers from the Sunshine Coast. ※

Felicia Swaps her sunscreen for some shade The SCGBC meets at their home beach of Currimundi on the last Sunday of every month and runs coaching days in-between. Check out their Facebook page to keep up to date Current club sponsors are My Weekly Preview, Capricorn Roofing, Metroll, Sillva protection, Wurtulla Butcher, Wurtulla Fruit and Veg. Anyone interested in sponsoring us should email Felicia at If you want to find out more about the club check out their website at


As this is the first edition of Sunshine Surf Girls: the Freesurf Magazine, we thought it would be fitting to include an article on the only all-girls boardriders club in Queensland. This club of frothing, excitable surfers was established in the 1980’s and with the arrival of club President Felicia Kerr, membership and participation has grown significantly. On club days it is common for around 50 to 60 surfers to congregate at the club’s home beach in Currimundi.


ROOKIE TIPS THE BREAK UP One day the waves will be really fun and the next day it can be hard to find something to paddle for! What happens out in the ocean and the local conditions makes or breaks the waves that we can ride. First, let’s have a look at where a wave comes from... Waves are actually created by the movement of energy, not the movement of water. The energy that creates a wave is from wind blowing far offshore which causes ripples from friction on the ocean surface. As the wind continues to push against the ripples, the snowball effect takes place and the waves build, creating what is called a ‘ground swell’. The stronger the wind and the longer the distance over which is pushes, the bigger the waves. The waves travel across the ocean through deep water. As the water depth decreases closer to shore there is friction at the bottom of the wave, while energy at the top of the wave continues ahead and is what causes a wave to ‘break’.

Why do waves actually break? Why do they break the way that they do?

The friction at the bottom of the wave can be caused by a sand bank, a reef or a rocky point; and means that we have different types of breaks. Here is a quick run-down of the different types… BEACH BREAKS are where the waves break on sandbanks in front of the beach. Beach breaks are great for beginners to practise standing up as they can catch broken waves in front of the sandbank and the sandy sea floor makes for a softer landing if you fall off. The quality of waves on a beach break depends on the sandbanks which are always changing. Sand is constantly moving around, especially with a big swell. The sandbanks affect how the waves break, and the tide and wind conditions play a big role as well. You might hear someone say, “Wurtulla has some great banks at the moment!” meaning that the waves that are breaking are great to surf! Or if you hear, “The banks are crap at the moment”, means that banks aren’t producing nice

breaking waves and waves that do break are inconsistent and hard to predict. Definitely not like some of the beautiful waves in the magazine images! Most beach breaks on the coast have a little shorey you have to pass through on your way to the sandbank further offshore. SHORE BREAKS (SHOREYS) are a type of beach break where the waves break directly on the sand or rocks on the shore. Shoreys are pretty hard to surf, and you don’t want to surf these if you’re a beginner. You will often see the more experienced surfers throwing themselves into the shorey (and getting sand in their pants) for a bit of fun. The broken shoreys with a bit of push are good for practicing quick pop-ups as you have to get to your feet fast to avoid getting smashed on the sand. REEF BREAKS as you probably guessed, are where the waves break on coral reefs. They are often located a bit further from the shoreline. Unlike





sand, reefs don’t move around so the waves tend to break consistently and predictably in the one spot. On a reef break the swell comes out of deeper water and suddenly encounters the reef - this makes the breaking of the wave faster and gives more punch to the wave. These are the perfect mechanical waves you see in magazines and are loved by surfers around the world! Waves on reef breaks are usually stronger and more powerful than beach breaks. Reef breaks are generally not ideal for beginners as you’ve got to be really quick to your feet and you will land on the sharp coral if you stack it. Having said that, once you are up on your feet you are usually in for a fast and long ride! If you are lucky enough to find a gentle reef break, it can be easier to ride than a beach break due to its predictability. On the Sunny Coast, Dicky Beach has a reef break, but it’s a long paddle to get there and the shallow reef makes the wave fast and hollow so it’s suited to more experienced

surfers. If you don’t mind a bit of travel, most surfers will be able to find a reef break somewhere in Indo to suit their level of surfing. The Maldives also have amazing reef waves for intermediate to experienced surfers where you can really practice turning and barrel riding. You would be insane (unless of course you are Keala Kennelly!), but you could to try yourself on a wave like Teahupoʻo in Tahiti– which is considered one of THE most dangerous reef breaks in the world! Lastly, POINT BREAKS are where waves generally break along a headland not far off shore. The waves at a point break only peel in one direction; left or right. Like reef breaks, more experienced surfers love point breaks because the waves break consistently and you can get a super long ride! Some point breaks are gentler than others, for example, Medewi in Bali is a super gentle, loooong left-hander. It’s a longboarder’s paradise and is epic fun for beginners. Then there are breaks

like Tea Tree Bay at Noosa which is a fairly gentle, consistent righthander, which makes it a mal rider’s paradise! For the more experienced surfer, Jeffrey’s Bay (J-Bay) in South Africa is one of the most famous point breaks in the world. It is an amazing right-hander but you need to be an experienced surfer to get in some rides there. --------Now you know a little more about how and why waves break what are you waiting for?! Get out there and catch some! ※


Adapted from Breaking (Bad) Good by Claudia Hirschberger, Founder of Venus Goes Gidget \ \ Instagram + Twitter @venusgoesgidget Venus Goes Gidget believes every woman can have a surf experience that will enrich her life. It’s our mission to help women experience the joy of surfing. We are the only surf lifestyle company run by experts in personal surf coaching, empowering women to dance on the waves – and through life.





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