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HISTORY I n 1 8 9 8 , M a x B l u m b e r g e s t a b l i s h e d a g l a s s factory in New York. His son Jack, founded F INE ART L AMPS

t r a d i t i o n of f i n e c r a f t s m a n s h i p and FINE ART L AMPS was intended to emphasize this from inception.

in 1941. The company has a long

artistry ,

and the name


Max Blumberg begun his glass-making

workmanship. In 1976, the company

Today our devoted team of in-house

manufactured in-house, from glass-

of the finishes require dozens of steps


factory in the late 19th century, and by

moved to Miami and expanded to a

design and development specialists

blowing to metalwork, under the strict

and applications to achieve the desired

Lamps and objects to contain light

1941 his son Jack founded Fine Art

state-of-the-art 400,000 square foot

continues to explore new concepts.

supervision of the industry’s foremost

effect. Each piece is handcrafted with

sources are among the earliest design

Lamps. He endeavored to gather the

facility. Fine Art Lamps is proud of its

But the past is always present:

craftsmen and engineers. And before

a unique finishing process, making it a

efforts, meeting a universal need with

finest designers, sculptors, artisans,

pledge to manufacture in the United

Fine Art Lamps’ collections from the

ever leaving our facilities, each piece is

one-of-a-kind work of art.

the human instinct to beautify and

and decorative artists, many of whose

States of America, based on the belief

1940s and 50s have been shown

pre-assembled and rigorously tested

decorate. Every age from prehistoric

talents had roots in the ancient crafts

that this insures design integrity, quality

around the country in museum

by Fine Art Lamps’ stringent quality

times has left behind its decorative

of Italy where they were born.

control, reliable delivery, and personal

retrospectives of the best decorative

control process.

lamps, torchieres, or lanterns made

From the beginning, Fine Art Lamps

service. Today there are Fine Art Lamps

products of the era, and all our new

to burn oil, wood, or wax, usually the

has been a design leader, creating

galleries in over sixty countries around

designs continue to uphold the

work of individual craftsmen working

true works of art – innovative designs,

the globe.

company’s original mission.

in clay, metal, glass, or stone. In our

beautifully crafted forms of metal,

times lighting designs are made by

glass, and unique materials with

organized industrial efforts. But when

exquisite finishes. In the process,

Fine Art Lamps has been honored


our company came into existence,

the company developed an artistic

with numerous design awards,


unique works of art – an intricate blend

Beauty is nothing without quality

the founders chose the name Fine

standard that has come to symbolize

including the prestigious ARTS®

of Old World tradition melded with

Art Lamps to highlight a dedication

the Fine Art Lamps name today.

Manufacturer of the Year Award an

– and for over a century, Fine Art

New World innovation.

unprecedented nine of the last nineteen

Lamps has adhered to the highest

years, and the company was recently

standards of craftsmanship and

Since 1965 Jack’s son Max has carried

inducted into the ARTS® Hall of Fame.

durability to provide a product worthy

on the commitment of grandfather and

Our unique designs are copyrighted

of our customers’ confidence. All

father to design excellence and superb

and protected by several patents.

principal design components are


to lighting design as an art form, an ancient tradition that would again be practiced by creative designers, artisans, and craftsmen.

Fine art Lamps’ History

© 2008 Fine Art Lamps

Through Fine Art Lamps’ exclusive Customization Program, many of our products can be tailored to create your

In all, Fine Art Lamps represents the

very own work of art. The Program

singular vision of over 700 skilled

allows you to select the finish, choose

designers, craftspeople, artists, and

the shade type and make minor design

associates, working together to create

modifications. The Fine Art Lamps Customization Program offers added range and flexibility to enhance the décor of


discerning Fine Art Lamps’ owners


around the world. Ensuring that

Exquisite finishes are the trademark of

the human instinct to beautify and

all Fine Art Lamps collections; many

decorate will be satisfied once again.

© 2008 Fine Art Lamps | w w w. f i n e a r t l a m p s . c o m |

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