Binghamton University / S3IP Publications 2019-20

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PUBLICATIONS LIST July 2019-June 2020 Center for Advanced Microelectronics Manufacturing (CAMM) Center for Autonomous Solar Power (CASP) Center for Energy-Smart Electronic Systems (ES2) Center for Heterogeneous Integration Research in Packaging (CHIRP) Integrated Electronics Engineering Center (IEEC) NorthEast Center for Chemical Energy Storage (NECCES) Analytical and Diagnostics Laboratory (ADL) Health Sciences Core Facility (HSCF)

S3IP Publication List • July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020 Publications: Thaer Alghoul, Luke Wentlent, Rajesh S. Sivasubramony, Christopher M. Greene, Patrick F. Thompson, Peter Borgesen, “Diffusion Creep of Realistic SnAgCu Solder Joints at Times and Stresses of Relevance to Thermal Fatigue,” IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 10, issue 2, pp. 288-295, July 2019. (IEEC)

In-Tae Bae, Shintaro Yasui, Tomohiro Ichinose, Mitsuru Itoh, Takahisa Shiraishi, Takanori Kiguchi and Hiroshi Naganuma, “Growth Mechanism and Domain Structure Study on Epitaxial BeFeO3 film grown on (La0.3Sr0.7) (Al0.65Ta0.35)O3,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 127, issue 24, published online June 25, 2020. (ADL)

Mohammed Alhendi, Rajesh S. Sivasubramony, Darshana L. Weerawarne, Joseph Iannotti, Peter Borgesen, Mark D. Poliks, “Assessing Current-Carrying Capacity of Aerosol Jet Printed Conductors,” Advanced Engineering Materials, June 29, 2020. (CAMM)

Nupur Bajad, D.L. Santos, K. Hari Srihari, V. Venkatadri, “An FEA and DOE Analysis to Predict Deformation and Warpage of Optoelectronics Package Lids,” Proceedings of the SMTA PanPacific Microelectronics Conference, Hawaii, Feb. 10-13, 2020. (IEEC)

Mohammed Alhendi, Ashraf Umar, El Mehdi Abbara, Ryan Cadwell, Nancy Huang, Darshana L. Weerawarne, Peter Borgesen, Joseph Iannotti, Nancy Stoffel, Mark D. Poliks, “A Comparative Study of Aerosol Jet Printing on Polyimide and Liquid Crystal Polymer Substrates for RF Applications,” Proceedings of the IEEE 70th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), pp. 1579-1585, June 3-30, 2020. (CAMM)

Huanjing Bi, Soujanya S. Karanth, Kaiming Ye, Roland Stein, Sha Jin, “Decellularized Tissue Matrix Enhances Self-Assembly of Islet Organoids from Pluripotent Stem Cell Differentiation,” ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering, vol. 6, issue 7, pp. 4155-4165, May 21, 2020. (HSCF) Huanjing Bi, Kaiming Ye, Sha Jin, “Proteomic Analysis of Decellularized Pancreatic Matrix Identifies Collagen V as a Critical Regulator for Islet Organogenesis from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells,” Biomaterials, vol. 233, article 119673, March 2020. (HSCF)

Kawsar Ali, Sunil Kumar Dube, Pritam Das, Jimmy Chih-Hsien Peng and Daniel J. Rogers, “Improvement of ZVS Range and Current Quality of the Nine-Switch Single-Stage AC– DC Converter,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 35, issue 5, pp. 4658-4668, May 2020. (ES2, IEEC)

Sylvia Britto, Ieuan D. Seymour, David M. Halat, Marc F. V. Hidalgo, Carrie Siu, Philip J. Reeves, Hui Zhou, Natasha A. Chernova, M. Stanley Whittingham and Clare P. Grey, “Evolution of Lithium Ordering with (de)-Lithiation in Β-LiVPO4: Insights through Solid-State NMR and First Principles DFT Calculations,” Journal of Materials Chemistry A, vol. 8, pp.5546-5557, Feb. 27, 2020. (NECCES)

Rawan Alkhasawneh and D.L. Santos, “A Qualitative and Quantitative Inspection Analysis of 3D Printed Prototype Parts,” Proceedings of the Society for Industrial and Systems Engineering (SISE) Industrial Engineering World Conference, Baltimore, Md., Oct. 18-19, 2019. (IEEC)

Matthew S. Brown, Melissa Mendoza, Poorya Chavoshnejad, Mir Jalil Razavi, Gretchen J. Mahler, Ahyeon Koh, “Electronic-ECM: A Permeable Microporous Elastomer for an Advanced Bio-Integrated Continuous Sensing Platform,” Advanced Materials Technologies, vol. 5, issue 7, May 25, 2020. (IEEC, ADL, HSCF)

Farshad Azadian and Alok C. Rastogi, “Energy Storage Performance of Thin Film NanoCrystalline Vanadium Oxide with Fluorinated Tin Oxide Current Carrier Electrode for SolidState Transparent Supercapacitors Based on Ionic Liquid Gel Electrolyte,” Electrochemica Acta, vol. 330, issue 10, January 2020. (CASP) 1

Shun Cao, Irandokht Parvizomran, Haeyong Yang, Seungbae Park, Daehan Won, “Prediction of Component Shifts in Pick and Place Process of Surface Mount Technology Using Support Vector Regression,” Procedia Manufacturing, proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Production Research Manufacturing Innovation: Cyber Physical Manufacturing, vol. 39, pp. 210-217, Aug. 9-14, 2019. (IEEC)

Sebastian Freeman, Rafael Ramos, Paul Alexis Chando, Luxi Zhou, Kyle Reeser, Sha Jin, Pranav Soman, Kaiming Ye, “A Bioink Blend for Rotatory 3D Bioprinting Tissue Engineered Small-Diameter Vascular Constructor,” Acta Biomaterialia, vol. 95, pp. 152-164, Sept. 1, 2019. (ADL) Mohammad A. Gharaibeh and James M. Pitarresi, “Random Vibration Fatigue Life Analysis of Electronic Packages by Analytical Solutions and Taguchi Method,” Microelectronic Reliability, vol. 102, Nov. 2019. (IEEC)

Fangfang Chang, Zhengyu Bai, Matthew Li, Mengyun Ren, Tongchao Liu, Lin Yang, Chuan-Jiang Zhong, Jun Lu, “Strain-modulated Platinum-Palladium Nanowires for Oxygen Reduction Reaction,” Nano Letters, 2020, vol. 20, issue 4, pp. 2416-2422, Feb. 11, 2020. (ADL, IEEC)

Ganesh Sainadh Gudavalli, James N. Turner, Tara P. Dhakal, “Pulse Electrodeposited Manganese Oxide on Carbon Fibers as Electrodes for High Capacity Supercapacitors,” Nanotechnology, Aug. 21, 2019, vol. 30, number 45. (CASP)

Guohao Dai and Kaiming Ye, editorial introduction to special issue on “Biomaterials for Cell Manufacturing and Tissue Biofabrication,” Acta Biomaterialia, vol. 95, issue 1-2, Sept. 1, 2019. (HSCF)

Yaser Hadad, Srikanth Rangararajan, Kourosh Nemati, Bharath Ramakrishnan, Reza Pejman, Paul R. Chiarot, Bahgat Sammakia, “Performance Analysis and Shape Optimization of a WaterCooled Impingement Micro-Channel Heat Sink Including Manifolds,” International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol. 148, page 106145, Feb. 1, 2020. (ES2)

Ali Davoodabadi, Jianlin Li, Hui Zhou, David Wood III, Timothy Singler, Congrui Jin, “Effect of Calendering and Temperature on Electrolyte Wetting in Lithium-Ion Battery Electrodes,” Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 26, December 2019. (ADL)

Chendong Han, James Goodwine, Nicholas Romero, Kyle S. Steck, Karin Sauer, Amber Doiron, “Enzyme-Encapsulating Polymeric Nanoparticles: A Potential Adjunctive Therapy in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Biofilm-associated Infection Treatment,” Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, vol. 184, p. 110512, Dec. 1, 2019. (HSCF)

Anuroop Desu, Udaya Puvvadi, Tyler Stachecki, Shane Case, Kanad Ghose, “AC vs. Hybrid AC/ DC Powered Data Centers: A Workload Based Perspective,” Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), July 22-25, 2019. (ES2) Zhixin Dong, Qi Wang, Ruibo Zhang, Natasha A. Chernova, Fredrick Omenya, Dongsheng Ji and M. Stanley Whittingham, “The Reaction Mechanism of Sn2Fe Anode in Lithium-Ion Batteries,” ACS Omega, vol. 4, issue 27, pp. 22345-22355, Dec. 18, 2019. (NECCES)

Marc Francis V. Hidalgo, Yuh-Chieh Lin, Antonin Grenier, Dongdong Xiao, Jatinkumar Rana, Richard Tran, Huolin Xin, Mateusz Zuba, Jennifer Donohue, Fredrick O. Omenya, Iek-Heng Chu, Zhenbin Wang, XiangGuo Li, Natasha A. Chernova, Karena W. Chapman, Guangwen Zhou, Louis Piper, Shyue Ping Ong, M. Stanley Whittingham, “Rational Synthesis and Electrochemical Performance of LiVOPO4 Polymorphs,” Journal of Materials Chemistry A., vol. 7, pp. 8423-8432, March 6, 2020. (NECCES)

Derek B. Dwyer, Daniel Cooke, Marc Francis Hidalgo, Boxiao Li, Jacob Stanton, Fredrick Omenya, William Bernier, Wayne Jones Jr., “Fluorine Doping of Nanostructured TiO2 using Microwave Irradiation and Polyvinylidene Fluoride,” Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, vol. 227, article 109375, November 2019. (ADL)


Faramarz Hadian, Mohammed Genanu, Eric Cotts, “Electromigration Behavior of SAC(305) / SnBiAg Mixed Solder Alloy Assemblies,” Proceedings of SMTA International, Rosemont, Ill., Sept. 22-26, 2019. (IEEC)

Gurvinder Singh Khinda, Ashraf Umar, Ryan J. Cadwell, Mohammed Alhendi, Nancy C. Stoffel, Peter Borgesen, Mark D. Poliks, “Flexible Inkjet-Printed Patch Antenna Array on Mesoporous PET Substrate For 5G Applications with Stable RF Performance after Mechanical Stress Cycling,” Proceedings of the IEEE 70th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), pp. 1824-1831, June 3-30, 2020. (CAMM)

Faramarz Hadian, Harry Schoeller, Eric Cotts, “Correlation Between the Growth of Voids and Ni3Sn4 Intermetallic Compounds at SnAg/Ni and SnAgCuBiSbNi/Ni Interfaces at Temperatures up to 200 C,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 49, pp. 226-240, Oct. 31, 2019. (IEEC)

Bryce Kingsley and Paul R. Chiarot, “Effect of Processing Conditions on the Formation and Microstructure of Electrospray Printed Polymer Films,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, vol. 65, issue 1, Denver, Colo., March 2-6, 2020. (ADL)

Cong Hiep Hoag, Sadegh Khalili, Bharath Ramakrishnan, Srikanth Rangarajan, Yaser Hadad, Vahideh Radmard, Kamal Sikka, Scott Schiffres, Bahgat Sammakia, “An Experimental Apparatus for Two-phase Cooling of High Heat Flux Application using an Impinging Cold Plate and Dielectric Coolant,” Proceedings of the 2020 36th Semiconductor Thermal Measurement, Modeling & Management Symposium (SEMITHERM), pp 32-38, March 16, 2020. (ES2)

Zhijie Kong, Yazan Maswadeh, Jorge A. Vargas, Shiyao Shan, Zhi-Peng Wu, Haval Kareem, Asher C. Leff, Dat. T. Tran, Fangfang Chang, Shan Yan, Sanghyun Nam, Xingfang Zhao, Jason M. Lee, Jin Luo, Sarvjit Shastri, Gang Yu, Valeri Petkov, Chuan-Jian Zhong, “Origin of High Activity and Durability of Twisty Nanowire Alloy Catalysts under Oxygen Reduction and Fuel Cell Operating Conditions,” Journal of the American Chemical Society., vol, 142, issue 3, pp. 1287-1299, Dec. 30, 2019. (ADL, IEEC)

Chien-Yi Huang, Marvin Ruano, Ching-Hsiang Chen, Christopher Greene, “Applying Data Mining Methodology to Establish an Intelligent Decision System for PCBA Process,” Soldering and Surface Mount Technology, vol. 31, issue 4, Sept. 2, 2019. (IEEC)

Dongdon Lan, Pritam Das and Sanjib Kumar Sahoo, “A High-Frequency Link Matrix Rectifier With a Pure Capacitive Output Filter in a Discontinuous Conduction Mode,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 4-15, Jan. 2020. (ES2, IEEC)

Sooyeon Hwang, Xiaobo Chen, Guangwen Zhou, Dong Su, “In-situ Transmission Electron Microscopy on Energy-Related Catalysis,” Advanced Energy Materials, vol. 10 issue 11, Dec. 3, 2019. (NECCES) Congrui Jin, Zhen Yang, Jianlin Li, Yijing Zheng, Wilhelm Pfleging, Tian Tang, “BioInspired Interfaces for Easy-To-Recycle LithiumIon Batteries,” Extreme Mechanics Letters, vol. 34, January 2020. (ADL)

Dongdon Lan, Pritam Das, Cikai Ye, Sanjib Kumar Sahoo and Dipti Srinivasan, “High Frequency Link Matrix Rectifier in Discontinuous Conduction Mode With Reduced Input Current Distortion,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, p. 1, May 20, 2020. (ES2, IEEC)

Christopher Kapusta, Liang Yin, Kaustubh Nagarkar, Anisha Walwaikar, Krishnaswami Srihari, “Thermal Modeling and Experimental Analysis of High Power LED using POL-kw Packaging Technology,” Proceedings of the IMAPS 2019 Conference, Boston, Mass., Oct. 1, 2019. (IEEC)


Zachary Lebens-Higgins, Hyeseung Chung, Mateusz Zuba, Jatinkumar Rana, Yixuan Li, Nicholas Faenza, Nathalie Pereira, Bryan McCloskey, Fanny Rodolakis, Wanli Yang, M. Stanley Whittingham, Glenn Amatucci, Ying Shirley Meng, Tien-Lin Lee, Louis Piper, “How Bulk Sensitive is Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy: Accounting for the Cathode– Electrolyte Interface when Addressing Oxygen Redox,” Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, vol. 11, issue 6, pp. 2106-2112. Feb. 26, 2020. (NECCES)

Rhodesherdeline Limage, Elad Tako, Nikolai Kolba, Zhongyuan Guo, Alba Garcia-Rodriguez, Claudia N. H. Marques, Gretchen J. Mahler, “TiO2 Nanoparticles and Commensal Bacteria Alter Mucus Layer Thickness and Composition in a Gastrointestinal Tract Model,” Nano. Micro Small, vol. 16, issue 21, April 27, 2020. (HSCF) Zachary W. Lipsky, Claudia N. H. Marques, Guy K. German, “Lipid Depletion Enables Permeation of Staphylococcus aureus Bacteria through Human Stratum Corneum,” Tissue Barriers, published online, vol. 8, issue 2, April 26, 2020. (HSCF)

Boxiao Li, Hendrick Lopez-Beltran, Carrie Siu, Kenneth Skorenko, Hui Zhou, William Bernier, M. Stanley Whittingham, Wayne Jones Jr., “Vapor Phased Polymerized PEDOT/Cellulose Paper Composite for Flexible Solid-State Supercapacitor,” ACS Applied Energy Materials, vol. 3, issue 2, pp.1559-1568, Jan. 24, 2020. (NECCES)

Jaspreet Singh Nagi, Kenneth Skorenko, William Bernier, Wayne E. Jones, Amber L. Doiron, “Near Infrared-activated Dye-Linked ZnO Nanoparticles Release Reactive Oxygen Species for Potential Use in Photodynamic Therapy,” Materials, vol. 13, issue 1, Dec. 18, 2019. (ADL) Hongya Lu, Haifeng Wang, Qianqian Zhang, Sang Won Yoon, Daehan Won, “A 3D Convolutional Neural Network for Volumetric Image Semantic Segmentation,” Procedia Manufacturing, Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Production Research Manufacturing Innovation: Cyber Physical Manufacturing, vol. 39, pp. 422–428, Aug. 9-14, 2019. (IEEC)

Boxiao Li, Kenneth H. Skorenko, Haian Qiu, Jeffrey Mativetsky, Derek B. Dwyer, William E. Bernier, Wayne E. Jones Jr., “Effects of Interfacial and Post Acid Doping Enhanced Vapor Phase Polymerized PEDOT Thin Films,” Synthetic Metals, vol. 260, article 116293, February 2020. (ADL) Can Li, Yiliang Luan, Bo Zhao, Amar Kumbhar, Fan Zhang and Jiye Fang, “Facile Synthesis of Ceria Nanocrystals with Tuneable Size and Shape,” Material Research Society Advances, vol. 5, issue 11, pp. 523-529, 2, published online Jan. 21, 2020. (ADL)

Hongya Lu, Haifeng Wang, Sang Won Yoon, Daehan Won, “Real-time Stencil Printing Process Optimization Using a Hybrid Multi-Layer Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine and Evolutionary Search Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 9, issue 12, pp. 2490–2498, December 2019. (IEEC)

Can Li, Yiliang Luan, Bo Zhao, Amar Kumbhar, Xiaobo Chen, David Collins, Guangwen Zhou and Jiye Fang, “Facet-Dependent Catalysis of CuNi Nanocatalysts toward 4-Nitrophenyl Reduction Reaction,” Material Research Society Advances, vol. 5, issue 27-28, pp. 1491-1496, published online Jan. 9, 2020. (ADL)

Maedeh Mohammadifar, Mehdi Tahernia, Jihyun Yang, Ahyeon Koh, Seokheun Choi, “A Skinmountable Bacteria-powered Battery System for Self-powered Medical Devices,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on MicroElectro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS), pp. 72-75. Jan. 18-22, 2020. (IEEC)

Chaoran Li, Qianqian Liu, Jorge Anibal Boscoboinik, Guangwen Zhou, “Tuning the Surface Composition of Cu3Au Binary Alloy,” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 22, 3pp. 379-3389, Jan. 20, 2020. (NECCES)


Roshan Muralidharan, Arun Raj, Rajesh Sharma Sivasubramony, Manu Yadav, Mohammed Alhendi, Matthew Nilsson, Christopher Greene, Mark D. Poliks, Peter Borgesen, “Effect of Substrate Properties on Isothermal Fatigue of Aerosol Jet Printed nano-Ag Traces on Flex,” Journal of Materials Research, vol. 34, issue 26, pp. 2903-2910, Aug. 28, 2019. (IEEC)

Vahideh Radmard, Yaser Hadad, Arad Azizi, Srikanth Rangarajan, C. Hiep Hoang, Charles Arvin, Kamal Sikka, Scott N. Schiffres, Bahgat Sammakia, “Direct Micro-Pin Jet Impingement Cooling for High Heat Flux Applications,” in the Proceedings of the 2020 36th Semiconductor Thermal Measurement, Modeling & Management Symposium (SEMI-THERM), pp. 1-9, March 16, 2020. (ES2)

Ren Na, Yanbing Liu, Zhi-Peng Wu, Xu Cheng, Zhongqiang Shan, Chuan-Jian Zhong, Jianhua Tian, “Nano-Silicon Composite Materials with N-doped Graphene of Controllable and Optimal Pyridinic-to-Pyrrolic Structural Ratios for Lithium Ion Battery,” Electrochima Acta, vol. 321, article 134742, Oct. 20, 2019. (ADL, IEEC)

Pravakar P. Rajbhandari, Ashok Chaudhari, Tara P. Dhakal, “Substrate Independent Oriented 2D Growth of SnS Thin Films from Sputtering,” Materials Research Express, vol. 6, number 11, Oct. 4, 2019. (CASP) Pravakar P. Rajbhandari, Tara P. Dhakal, “Limit of Incorporating Cesium Cations into Formamidinium-Methylammonium Based Mixed Halide Perovskite Solar Cells,” Nanotechnology, vol. 31, number 13, Jan. 15, 2020. (CASP)

Barbara Poliks, Bahgat Sammakia. “Molecular Dynamics Study of the Influence of Aggregation and Percolation in Al2O3/polyethylene Oxide Nanofluids on the Effective Thermal Conductivity,” Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE 70th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), pp. 2033-2039, virtual conference, June 3, 2020. (ES2)

Bharath Ramakrishnan, Yaser Hadad, Sami Alkharabsheh, Paul R. Chiarot, Bahgat Sammakia, “Thermal Analysis of Cold Plate for Direct Liquid Cooling of High Performance Servers,” Journal of Electronics Packaging, vol. 141, issue 4, pp. 041005-041014, December 2019. (ES2)

Udaya Puvvadi, Anuroop Desu, Tyler Stachecki, Sami Alkharabsheh, Kanad Ghose, Bahgat Sammakia, “Flow Disruptions and Mitigation in Virtualized Water-Cooled Data Centers,” Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), July 22-25, 2019. (ES2)

Bharath Ramakrishnan, Mohammad Tradat, Yaser Hadad, Kanad Ghose, Bahgat Sammakia, “Characterization of Liquid Cooled Cold Plates for a Multi-Chip Module (MCM) and their Impact on Data Center Chiller Operation,” Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial Informatics, July 22-25, 2019. (ES2)

Udaya Puvvadi, Anuroop Desu, Tyler Stachecki, Kanad Ghose, Bahgat Sammakia, “An Adaptive Approach for Dealing with Flow Disruption Virtualized Water-Cooled Data Centers, Proceedings of 2019 IEEE 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), pp. 296-300, July 8-13, 2019. (ES2)

S. Manian Ramkumar, Andrew Stemmermann, Benny Mathew Rajan, Isabel Quelhas, Mohammed Alhendi, Mark Poliks, El Mehdi Abbara, Benson Chan., Toshiaki Ogiwara, Nori Saki, Masayoshi Otomo, Ken Araujo, “Development of Next Generation Stretchable Materials for Flexible Hybrid Electronics (FHE),” Proceedings of the IEEE 70th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), pp. 829-834. (CAMM)

Wenyang Qu, Soumendu Bagchi, Xiaoming Chen, Huck Beng Chew, Changhong Ke, “Bending and Interlayer Shear Moduli of Ultrathin Boron Nitride Nanosheet,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 52, issue 46, Aug. 29, 2019. (ADL)


Srikanth Rangarajan, Yaser Hadad, Leila Choobineh, Bahgat Sammakia, “Optimal Arrangement of Multiple Heat Sources in Vertically Stacked Two-Layer 3-D IC Using Genetic Algorithm,” Proceedings of ASME 2019 International Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Microsystems, Oct. 7-9, 2019. (ES2)

Benjamin G. Stewart, Gabriel Cahn, David Samet, Matthew J. Misner, Andrew Burns, Darshana L. Weerawarne, Mark D. Poliks, Carol Lapinski Shannon Dugan, Olivier Pierron, Antonia Antoniou, Samuel Graham, Azar Alizadeh, Suresh Sitaraman, “Mechanical Deformation Study of Flexible Leadset Components for Electromechanical Reliability of Wearable Electrocardiogram Sensors,” Proceedings of the IEEE 70th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), pp. 532-540, June 3-30, 2020. (CAMM)

Jatinkumar Rana, Joseph Papp, Zachary LebensHiggins, Mateusz Zuba, Lori Kaufman, Anshika Goel, Richard Schmuch, Martin Winter, M. Stanley Whittingham, Wanli Yang, Bryan McCloskey, Louis Piper, “Quantifying the Capacity Contributions During Activation of Li2MnO3,” ACS Energy Letters, vol. 5, issue 2, pp. 634-641, Jan. 27, 2020. (NECCES)

Anand Subramanian, J. Fernandez, D.L. Santos, and P.F. Evangelista, eds., Proceedings of the SISE Industrial Engineering World Conference, Baltimore, Md., Oct. 18, 2019. (IEEC) Xianhu Sun, Wenhui Zhu, Dongxiang Wu, Chaoran Li, Jianyu Wang, Yaguang Zhu, Xiaobo Chen, Jorge Anibal Boscoboinik, Renu Sharma, Guangwen. Zhou, “Surface-Reaction Induced Structural Oscillations in the Subsurface,” Nature Communications, vol. 11, article 305, Jan. 16, 2020. (IEEC)

Gamal Refai-Ahmed, Brian Philofsky, Vadim Gektin, Bahgat Sammakia, Hoa Do, Srikanth Rangarajan, “Best Engineering Practices to Establish Cooling Limit for 375 W Add-in PCI-e Center Accelerator Card with Active Optical,” Proceedings of 2019 IEEE 21st Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC), Dec. 4, 2019. (ES2)

Xianhu Sun, Wenhui Zhu, Dongxiang Wu, Zhenyu Liu, Xiaobo Chen, Lu Yuan, Guofeng Wang, Renu Sharma, Guangwen Zhou, “AtomicScale Mechanism of Unidirectional Oxide Growth,” Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 30, issue 4, Nov. 14, 2019. (NECCES)

Subhadra Jayaraman Rukmini, Huanjing Bi, Puloma Sen, Benjamin Everhart, Sha Jin, Kaiming Ye, “Inducing Tumor Suppressive Microenvironments through Genome Edited CD47−/− Syngeneic Cell Vaccination,” Scientific Reports, vol. 9, article 20057, Dec. 27, 2019. (HSCF)

Mehdi Tahernia, Yang Gao, Maedeh Mohammadifar, Melissa R. Oefelein, Laura C. Cook, Seokheun Choi, “Characterizing Electrogenic Capabilities of Human Gut Microbes,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Micro-ElectroMechanical-Systems (MEMS), pp. 303-306, Jan. 18-22, 2020. (IEEC)

Yong Shi, Hui Zhou, Sylvia Britto, Ieuan D. Seymour, Kamila M. Wiaderek, Fredrick Omenya, Natasha A. Chernova, Karena W. Chapman, Clare P. Grey, and M. Stanley Whittingham, “A High-performance Solid-state Synthesized LiVOPO4 for Lithium-ion Batteries,” Electrochem. Commun., vol. 105, article 106491, August 2019. (NECCES)

Mehdi Tahernia, Maedeh Mohammadifar, Shuai Feng, Seokheun Choi, “Biogenic Palladium Nanoparticles for Improving Bioelectricity Generation in Microbial Fuel Cells,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS), pp. 425-428, Jan. 18-22, 2020. (IEEC)

Jacob C. Simmons, Xiaobo Chen, Arad Azizi, Matthias A. Daeumer, Peter Y. Zavalij, Guangwen Zhou, Scott N. Schiffres, “Influence of Processing and Microstructure on the Local and Bulk Thermal Conductivity of Selective Laser Melted 316L Stainless Steel,” Additive Manufacturing, vol. 32, article 100996, March 2020. (IEEC)


Mehdi Tahernia, Maedeh Mohammadifar, and Seokheun Choi, “Paper-supported Highthroughput 3-D Culturing, Trapping, and Monitoring of Caenorhabditis Elegans,” Micromachines, Special Issue: 10th Anniversary of Micromachines, vol. 11, issue 1, p. 99, Jan. 17, 2020. (IEEC)

Haifeng Wang, Qianqian Zhang, Hongya Lu, Daehan Won, Sang Won Yoon, “3D Medical Image Classification with Depth Wise Separable Networks,” Procedia Manufacturing, proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Production Research Manufacturing Innovation: Cyber Physical Manufacturing, vol. 39, pp. 349–356, Aug. 9-14, 2019. (IEEC)

Sanoop Thekkut, R. Das, M. Njuki, Jing Li, Rajesh S. Sivasubramony, F. W. Alshatnawi, M. Moise, Christopher M. Greene, Nikolay G. Dimitrov, Peter Borgesen, N. Shahane, Patrick F. Thompson, and K. Mirpuri, “Effect of Intermetallic Morphology Evolution on Void Formation in Ni/Sn/Ni Micro Joints,” Proceedings of the IEEE 70th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), pp. 485-491, June 3-30, 2020. (IEEC)

Bingbin Wu, Yang Yang, Dianying Liu, Chaojiang Niu, Mark Gross, Lorraine Seymour, Hongkyung Lee, Phung M. L. Le, Thanh D. Vo, Zhiqun Daniel Deng, Eric J. Dufek, M. Stanley Whittingham, Jun Liu, and Jie Xiao, “Good Practices for Rechargeable Lithium Metal Batteries,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, vol. 166, issue 16, pp. A4141-A4149, Dec. 16, 2019. (NECCES)

Ethan Tu, Lina. Begdache, Daehan Won, and Ahyeon Koh, “Sweat Cortisol Response to Stress, Macronutrient Consumption and Birth Control,” Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Research and Applications of Photonics in Defense Conference (RAPID), pp. 1-4, Miramar Beach, Fla., Aug 19, 2019. (HSCF)

Jie Xiao, Qiuyan Li, Yujing Bi, Mei Cai, Bruce Dunn, Tobias Glossmann, Jun Liu, Tetsuya Osaka, Ryuta Sugiura, Bingbin Wu, Jihui Yang, Ji-Guang Zhang and M. Stanley Whittingham, “Understanding and Applying Coulombic Efficiency in Lithium Metal Batteries,” Nature Energy, vol. 5, pp. 561-568, June 25, 2020. (NECCES)

Ethan Tu, Paul Pearlmutter, Michelle Tiangco, Gia Derose, Lina Begdache, Ahyeon Koh, “Comparison of Colorimetric Analyses to Determine Cortisol in Human Sweat,” ACS Omega, vol. 5, issue 14, pp. 8211-8218, March 31, 2020. (HSCF)

Yunxiang Xie, Can Li, Sara A. Razek, Jiye Fang and Nikolay Dimitrov, “Synthesis of Nanoporous Au-Cu-Pt Alloy as a Superior Catalyst for the Methanol Oxidation Reaction,” ChemElectroChem, vol. 7, issue 2, pp. 569-580, Jan. 10, 2020. (ADL)

Haifeng Wang, Daehan Won, Sang Won Yoon, “A Deep Separable Neural Network for Human Tissue Identification in Three-Dimensional Optical Coherence Tomography Images,” IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, vol. 9, issue 3, pp. 250–271, published online Sept. 6, 2019. (IEEC)

Fengxia Xin, Hui Zhou, Xiaobo Chen, Mateusz Zuba, Natasha Chernova, Guangwen Zhou, M. Stanley Whittingham, “Li-Nb-O Coating/ substitution Enhances the Electrochemical Performance of LiNi0.8Mn0.1Co0.1O2 (NMC 811) Cathode,” ACS Applied Material Interfaces, vol 11, issue 38, pp. 34889-34894, Aug. 30, 2019. (NECCES)

Haifeng Wang, Hongya Lu, Daehan Won, Sang Won Yoon, Krishnaswami Srihari, “A BoostingBased Intelligent Model for Stencil Cleaning Prediction in Surface Mount Technology,” Procedia Manufacturing, vol. 38, pp. 447–454, online Feb. 7, 2020. (IEEC)

Cikai Ye, Hao Wei Chan, Dongdong Lan, Pritam Das and Sanjib Kumar Sahoo, “Efficiency Improvement of Multichannel LED Driver with Selective Dimming,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 6280-6291, June 2020. (ES2, IEEC)


Cikai Ye, Pritam Das and Sanjib Kumar Sahoo, “Peak Current Control-Based Power Ripple Decoupling of AC–DC Multichannel LED Driver,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 66, no. 12, pp. 9248-9259, Dec. 2019. (ES2, IEEC)

Li Qin Zhou, Chen Ling, Hui Zhou, Xiang Wang, Joseph Liao, Gunugunuri K. Reddy, Liangzi Deng, Torin C. Peck, Ruigang Zhang, M. Stanley Whittingham, Chongmin Wang, Ching-Wu Chu, Yan Yao, Hongfei Jia, “A High-Performance Oxygen Evolution Catalyst in Neutral-pH for Sunlight-driven CO2 Reduction,” Nature Communication, vol. 10, article 4081, pp. 1-8. Sept. 9, 2019. (NECCES)

Liang Yin, Zhuo Li, Gerard S. Mattei, Jianming Zheng, Wengao Zhao, Fredrick Omenya, Chengcheng Fang, Wangda Li, Jianyu Li, Qiang Xie, Evan M. Erickson, Ji-Guang Zhang, M. Stanley Whittingham, Ying Shirley Meng, Arumugam Manthiram, Peter G. Khalifah, “Thermodynamics of Anti-site Defects in Layered NMC Cathodes: Systematic Insights from High-Precision Powder Diffraction Analyses,” Chemistry of Materials, vol. 32, issue 3, pp. 1002-1010, Dec. 23, 2019. (NECCES) Hanlei Zhang, Brian M. May, Fredrick Omenya, M. Stanley Whittingham, Jordi Cabana, Guangwen Zhou, “Layered Oxide Cathodes for Li-Ion Batteries: Oxygen Loss and Vacancy Evolution,” Chemistry of Materials, vol. 31, issue 18, pp.7790-7798, Aug. 15, 2019. (NECCES) Yaqun Zhu and Paul R. Chiarot, “Directed Assembly of Nanomaterials using Electrospray Deposition and Substrate-level Patterning,” Powder Technology, vol. 364, pp. 845-850, March 15, 2020. (ADL) Yaqun Zhu and Paul R. Chiarot “The Role of Surface Charging in Electrospray Printing of Thin Films” in the Bulletin of the American Physical Society, vol. 65, issue 1, March 2-6, 2020. (ADL) Huimin Zhou and Jia Deng, “Vibration Assisted Atomic Force Microscope-Based Nanomachining under Elevated Temperatures using Soft and Stiff Probes,” Procedia Manufacturing, vol. 48, pp. 508-513, online June 23, 2020. (ADL) Huimin Zhou, Christopher Dmuchowski, Changhong Ke, Jia Deng, “Externalenergy-assisted Nanomachining with Lowstiffness Atomic Force Microscopy Probes,” Manufacturing Letters, vol. 23, pages 1-4, January 2020. (ADL)


Presentations: Jia Deng, Huimin Zhou, Christopher Dmuchowski, Changhong Ke. “External-EnergyAssisted Nanomachining with Low-Stiffness AFM Probe,” invited keynote, at the second NanoScientific Symposium, Albany, Nov. 19, 2019. (ADL)

Xianhu Sun, Wenhui. Zhu, Dongxiang. Wu, Xiaobo Chen, Lu Yuan, Renu Sharma, Guangwen Zhou, “In-situ Atomic-Scale Visualization of Unidirectional Oxide Growth,” AVS 66th International Symposium and Exhibition, Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 20-25, 2019. (NECCES)

J. M. Gershon, Tracy A. Hookway “Enhancing the Formation of Cardiac Microtissues Using Extracellular Matrix,” presented at the Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 16-19, 2019. (HSCF)

Xianhu Sun, Wenhui Zhu, Dongxiang Wu, Zhenyu. Liu, Xiaobo Chen, Lu Yuan, Guofeng Wang, Renu Sharma, Guangwen Zhou, “AtomicScale Mechanism of Unidirectional Oxide Growth,” 12th International Workshop on Oxide Surfaces, Lake Placid, Jan. 5-10, 2020. (NECCES)

Jia Deng, Huimin Zhou, M. Oefelein, L. Cook, A. Khoshkhoo, “Antibacterial Properties of 3D-Printed Surfaces with Coatings,” presented at the Solid Freeform Fabrication (SFF) Symposium, Austin, Texas, Aug. 12-14, 2019. (HSCF)

Xin Wen, Alan Lenef, Yiming Qian, David Klotzkin, “Optical Thin-film Filter Design with Bragg Pair Constraint and a Divide-and-conquer Approach for Reduction of the Brewster Hole,” Applied Optics, vol. 58, issue 28, pp. 7684-7687, Oct. 1, 2019. (ADL)

Bryce Kingsley and Paul Chiarot. “Influence of Humidity and Solution Conductivity on the Electrospray Printing of Polymer Films,” presented at the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 11-14, 2019. (ADL)

M. Stanley Whittingham, “What are the Chemistry and Materials Limitations to Advancing Lithium Batteries to the Next Level?” presented at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Sept. 16, 2019. (NECCES)

Jeffrey. M. Mativetsky, “A Nanoscale Perspective on Organic Electronics,” presented at the University of Vermont, Department of Physics, Burlington, Vt., Nov. 20, 2019. (ADL)

M. Stanley Whittingham, “Past, Present and Future of High Energy Batteries,” presented at BatteryNext, Boulder, Colo., Sept. 17, 2019. (NECCES)

H. Reid, H. Zhou, J. Deng, M. Jankauski, “Towards the Design of Dynamically Similar Isospectral Isomodal Artificial Insect Wings,” presented at The Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology (SICB) Annual Conference, Austin, Texas, Jan. 3-7, 2020. (ADL)

M. Stanley Whittingham, “What are the Chemistry and Materials Limitations to Advancing Lithium Batteries to the Next Level?” presented at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Va., Sept. 20, 2019. (NECCES) M. Stanley Whittingham, “What are the Ultimate Limitations of Intercalation-Based Cathodes for Lithium (or Sodium) Batteries?” presented at Advanced Batteries for Automotive Applications, Ulm, Germany, Oct. 9, 2019. (NECCES)

Guojun Shang, Shan Yan, Jing Li, Richard Robinson, Shan Wang, Kelvin Li, Jerry Hou, Kelly Hao, Iyanna Smith, Shiyao Shan, Darshana L Weerawarne, Mark Poliks, and Chuan-Jian Zhong, “Fabrication of Microelectrode Array Chip and Plug-and-Play Sensor Platform,” presented at the 31st Annual Electronics Packaging Symposium- Small Systems Integration, GE Research Center, Niskayuna, Sept. 5-6, 2019. (ADL, CAMM)

M. Stanley Whittingham, “Beta Alumina - Prelude to a Revolution in Solid State Electrochemistry,” presented at the Electro Chemical Society Fall Meeting, Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 16, 2019. (NECCES)


M. Stanley Whittingham, “From an Idea to Domination of Energy Storage: A Long but Satisfying Journey,” presented at Scialog, Tucson, Ariz., Nov. 16, 2019. (NECCES)

M. Stanley Whittingham, “Batteries and the Environment: Future Challenges/Opportunities,” presented at the Lindau Nobel Symposium (online), June 30, 2020. (NECCES)

M. Stanley Whittingham, “Multivalent Systems: The New Frontier in Battery Research,” presented at the National Academy Chemical Sciences Round Table, Washington, D.C. Nov. 18, 2019. (NECCES)

Shan Yan, Mark D. Poliks, C. Zhong, “Printable Nanomaterials on Flexible Substrates for Scalable Manufacturing of Wearable Electronics and Sensors,” presented at the 42nd Northeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Saratoga, June 23-26, 2019. (ADL, CAMM)

M. Stanley Whittingham, “From an Idea to Domination of Energy Storage,” presented at Materials Science, University of Washington, Nov. 19, 2019. (NECCES)

X. Wu, T. Yang, J. S. Mehta, S. Yan, J. Luo, C. J. Zhong, J. M. Mativetsky, “Depositing and Patterning Electronics on Three-Dimensional Substrates,” presented at the 31st Annual Electronics Packaging Symposium, Niskayuna, Sept. 5, 2019. (IEEC)

M. Stanley Whittingham, Nobel Lecture, “The Origins of the Lithium Battery,” presented in Stockholm, Sweden, Dec. 8, 2019. (NECCES) M. Stanley Whittingham, “The Origins of the Lithium Battery (From an Idea to Domination of Energy Storage),” presented at Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, Dec. 13, 2019. (NECCES)

Chuan-Jian Zhong, “The Dynamic Nature of Structures and Surface Sites of Nanoscale Catalysts and Electrocatalysts,” keynote at Nanomaterials for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Remediation conference, virtual conference, June 30, 2020. (ADL)

M. Stanley Whittingham (chief scientific officer), “Trends for the Future of High Energy Density Battery Technology,” presented at NAATBatt Annual Meeting, Pasadena, Calif., Feb. 11, 2020. (NECCES)

Guangwen Zhou, “Atomic-scale Phase Separation Induced Clustering of Solute Atoms,” invited presentation at Nanomaterials for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Remediation, May 2020. (NECCES)

M. Stanley Whittingham, “The Origins of the Lithium Battery and Future Chemistry and Materials Challenges,” presented at Applied Materials, Santa Clara, Calif., Feb. 28, 2020. (NECCES)

Guangwen Zhou, “Atomically Visualizing Elemental Segregation in Cu-Au Alloys,” invited presentation at TMS2020, San Diego, Calif., Feb. 23-27, 2020. (NECCES)

M. Stanley Whittingham, “The Origins of the Lithium Battery and Future Challenges,” presented at International Coalition for Energy Storage and Innovation (ICESI 2020) Conference, Sydney, Australia, March 2, 2020. (NECCES)

Guangwen Zhou, “In-situ Atomic-scale Probing of Surface Reaction Induced Structural Oscillations in the Subsurface,” presented at the 12th International Workshop on Oxide Surfaces, Lake Placid, Jan. 5-10, 2020. (NECCES) Yaqun Zhu and Paul R. Chiarot, “Electrospray Printing of Nanomaterials with Directed Assembly,” presented at the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 11-14, 2019. (ADL)

M. Stanley Whittingham, “The Li-Ion Battery and its Global Impact,” presented at the Battery Materials Supply Chains Seminar, Toronto, Canada, March 2, 2020. (NECCES) M. Stanley Whittingham, “The Origins of the Lithium Battery and Future Challenges/ Opportunities,” inaugural lecture, Stanford University Online StorageX Seminar Series, May 21, 2020. (NECCES) 10

Poster Presentations: Anisha Walwaikar, Christopher Kapusta, Liang Yin, Kaustubh Nagarkar, Krishnaswami Srihari, Daryl Santos, “Evaluation of the Thermal Performance of a Light Emitting Diode (LED) Package Manufactured using POL-kW Packaging Technology,” poster presentation at IMAPS 2019, Boston, Mass., October 2019. (IEEC)

S. Alelaumi, H. Wang, S.W. Yoon, “Dynamic Stencil Cleaning Prediction and Cleaning Profiles Decision Making in Surface Mount Technology,” poster presentation at the 31st Annual Electronics Packaging Symposium, Niskayuna, Sept. 5, 2019. (IEEC) S. Alelaumi, H. Wang, S.W. Yoon, “Dynamic Stencil Cleaning Prediction and Cleaning Profiles Decision Making in Surface Mount Technology,” poster presentation at the IPC APEX Expo 2020, San Diego, Calif., Feb. 2020. (IEEC) Y. Cen, Irandokht Parvizomran, Seungbae Park, Sang Won Yoon, Daehan Won, “Pick and Placement Machine Defects Diagnosis,” poster presentation at the 31st Annual Electronics Packaging Symposium, Niskayuna, Sept. 5, 2019. (IEEC) Aolin Lu, Chuan-Jiang Zhong, “Toluene Oxidation on Charged Pt/TiO2 Catalysts,” poster presentation at the Joint symposium of the Catalysis Society of Metropolitan New York and Catalysis Club of Philadelphia, Lehigh University, Nov. 6, 2019. (ADL, IEEC) Irandokht Parvizomran, Y. Cen, Seungbae Park, Sang Won Yoon, and Daehan Won, “Pick and Placement Machine Parameter Optimization with Self-Alignment Effect,” poster presentation at the 31st Annual Electronics Packaging Symposium, Niskayuna, Sept. 5, 2019. (IEEC) Shiyao Shan, Chuan-Jiang Zhong, “Oxygenated Oxidation Catalysts,” poster presentation at the Joint symposium of the Catalysis Society of Metropolitan New York and Catalysis Club of Philadelphia, Lehigh University, Nov. 6, 2019. (ADL, IEEC) Shan Wang and Chuan-Jiang Zhong, “Platinum-based Nanocatalysts for Emission Control Systems,” poster presentation at the Joint symposium of the Catalysis Society of Metropolitan New York and Catalysis Club of Philadelphia, Lehigh University, Nov. 6, 2019. (ADL, IEEC)




Alan Lenef, David Klotzkin, Xin Wen, current assignee Osram Opto Semiconductors GmbH and Research Foundation of State University of New York, “Optoelectronic Semiconductor Light Source and Bragg Mirror,” U.S. Patent Application 16,291,679, status: pending. (ADL)

“Novel Underfloor Air-Directors for Data Center Performance Improvement,” inventors Bahgat Sammakia and Mohammad Tradat, ID number RB-636, disclosure date: May 21, 2020. (ES2) “Electronic-ECM: A Permeable Microporous Elastomer for an Advanced Bio-integrated Continuous Sensing Platform,” inventors Ayheon Koh and Matthew Brown, ID number: RB-633, submitted in spring 2020. (HSCF)

Wayne E. Jones, Jian Liu, William E. Bernier, Julia B. Tollin, Danielle McCarthy, Emilly Obuya, Jared DeCoste, current assignee: Research Foundation of the State University of New York, Leidos Inc. Patent No. U.S. 10,661,261 “Metal Oxide Nanofibrous Materials for Photodegradation of Environmental Toxins,” issued May 26, 2010. (ADL)

“Improved Capacitive Sensing for Arrays of Narrow, Wide-Gap Micro-beams for Acoustic MEMS Sensors,” inventors Ron Miles and Mahdi Farahikia, ID number: RB-627, submitted in spring 2020. (ADL) “Battery Management System for a Flow Battery,” inventor Pritam Das, ID number: RB-624, submitted in spring 2020. (ES2)

William E. Bernier, Megan Fegley, Bradley Galusha, Francis D. Goroleski, Wayne E. Jones, Kenneth H. Skorenko, current assignee: Crysta-Lyn Chemical Company Inc., Research Foundation of the State University of New York. Patent No. US 10,459,121 “Increased Thermal Stabilization of Optical Absorbers,” issued Oct. 29, 2019. (ADL)

“Synthesis and Electrochemical Performance of Nb Coated/Substituted Nickel-Rich Layered Oxide Cathodes in Lithium Ion Batteries,” inventor M. Stanley Whittingham and Fengxia Xin, ID number RB-637, disclosure date: May 30, 2020. (NECCES) “Self-contained Wearable ECG Device Supporting On-board Signal Processing and Analysis and Supporting Aggressive PowerSaving Operating Modes,” inventor Kanad Ghose, ID number RB-628, disclosure date: March 9, 2020. (CAMM) “Regenerative Preheater for Two-Phase Cooling Applications,” inventors Bahgat Sammakia and Sadegh Khalili, ID number RB-623, disclosure date: Feb. 6, 2020. (ES2)


Awards: M. Stanley Whittingham, Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2019. (NECCES) Bahgat Sammakia: 2020 Heat Transfer Memorial Art Award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). (ES2) Faramarz Hadian, Eric Cotts, Mohammed Genanu, Randy Owen, Best Student Presentation “Study of SnBi/SAC mixed assemblies,” SMTA International 2019. (IEEC)


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