拥抱世界的色彩 To Embrace the Color of the World
第 16 届广州国际艺术博览会 THE 16th GUANGZHOU INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR 2011 年 12 月 8 日—12 月 12 日 8th -12th Dec.2011
邀 请 函 INVITATION 主办单位:中国美术家协会 广州市人民政府
Sponsor: China Artist Association and Guangzhou Municipality 承办单位:广州市文化广电新闻出版局
Undertaker: Administration of Press, Publication, Radio and Television of Guangzhou Municipality Copyright Bureau 承办执行:广州艺时代展览策划有限公司
Undertaker & Executive: Guangzhou Yi Times Exhibition Co., Ltd 1
展览场馆:广州白云国际会议中心 2、3、4 号楼一、二层 中国广东省广州市白云大道南 1039-1045 号
Exhibition venues: 1-2/F, Building 2,3,4,Guangzhou Baiyun International Convention Center(#10391045,Baiyun Avenue South, Guangzhou,Guangdong,P.R. China) 官方网站:www.gzartfair.com
Official website:www.gzartfair.com
亿元时代的中国艺术品市场 Billion yuan era of China art market 2010 年中国艺术品交易额近 600 亿,全年共有 20 件中国艺术品拍卖价格超 过 1 亿元人民币,几乎全部刷新了中国艺术品前十名的价格纪录。
There was nearly 600billion turnover in China art market , in 2010,the auction price of 20 pieces of Chinese artworks was more than RMB 1 billion , setting a new price record for the top 10 Chinese artworks. 2008 年金融危机成为中国艺术品争霸世界的转折点,中国书画异军突起, 成为带动艺术品市场攀升的板块。当欧美各国还处于危机的阴影中时,中国艺术 品市场却逆势上扬,国家房产调控与金融股市等方面的溢出资金、更多游资进入 艺术领域,在多元买家的推动下,整体提升了中国艺术品的价格,带领中国艺 术品进入“亿元时代”。
The 2008 financial crisis has set a new turn for Chinese artwork to contend for hegemony in artwork industry. Chinese calligraphy suddenly sprung up, becoming the driving force for the art industry. When Europe and the United States were still deeply into the shadows of economic setbacks, yet Chinese art market has a contrarian rise, with the
outflow of funds like national real regulatory polices, monetary market and others, more floating money was invested in art world. Meanwhile , by the motivation of multi-buyers, the price of Chinese artwork was raised as a whole, thus led Chinese artwork to “the era of billion yuan”. 中国艺术家张大千、徐悲鸿、傅抱石、林风眠、常玉、李可染、吴昌硕、赵无极、 吴冠中等艺术家进入全球艺术家成交前 50 的名额中,占据排行榜的近 1/4, 在 Artprice2010 年 10 月底公布的当代艺术家成交排行榜中,中国艺术家陈逸飞、 曾梵志等均在排行榜前 50 中,占据整个榜单的近 1/3。中国已继美国和英国后, 成为第三大艺术市场,艺术市场份额占全球的 14%,并将在未来 10 年内超过英 国,成为全球第二大艺术市场。
Chinese artists Zhang Daqian , Xu Beihong , Fu Baoshi, Lin Fengmian , Changyu , Li Keran, Wu Changshuo, Zhao Wuji, Wu Guanzhong ,ect. were listed in global artists of the top 50 based on volume of transaction, occupied nearly 1/4 of the list. Chinese artists like Chen Yifei, Zeng Fanzhi was in the top 50, almost occupied 1/3,occaoding to Artprice issued at late Oct.2010. China has become the 3rd leading art market and taken up 14% of the art market share of the globe, even will surpass England, being the 2nd one in 10years.
广州--南国活力之都 Guangzhou-vibrant capital city of the south 广州位于珠江三角洲中心位置,具 2200 多年建城史,常住人口 1100 多万, 国家五大中心城市之一。广州是中国商业和现代服务业最发达的城市,全市荟萃 了数百座国内最大、面向整个亚洲乃至全球的专业商品贸易中心,2011 年人均 社会消费品零售总额超越京沪,成为中国最能花钱的城市。2010 年第 16 届亚洲 运动会在广州成功举办。
Guangzhou, the center of Zhujiang River Delta and the fifth largest center city, has over 2200 construction history and permanent population of 11million. Being the most developed commercial and modern service city, Guangzhou assembles hundreds of professional commodities trading 3
centers which are the biggest in China and open to Asia even to the world. Per capita retail sales in 2011 will exceed Beijing and Shanghai, as a result, Guangzhou will become the biggest spender city. The 16th Asian Games was successfully held in Guangzhou in 2010. 《2010 胡润财富报告》显示,中国有 87.5 万名千万富豪和 5.5 万名亿万富豪, 其中广州市 4.92 万名千万富豪和 3810 名亿万富豪,千万富豪平均年龄 39 岁, 亿万富豪平均年龄 43 岁,成为世界最年轻的奢侈品消费群体,广州奢侈品年消 费额接近 100 亿元。
From the 2010 Hurun Fortune, there were 875thousand millionaires and 55thousand billionaires in China, 49.2thousand millionaires and 3.81thousand billionaires respectively in Guangzhou. The average age of millionaires was 39, and the the billionaires was 43, which proved to be the youngest luxury consuming groups. Annual consumption of luxury in Guangzhou reaches nearly 100billion. 岭南文化是中华文化中最年轻、最活跃的部分。它折衷中西、融合古今、勇于 创新的特点,充分反映在岭南艺术中。其突出代表有岭南画派、广绣、彩瓷、雕刻、 广东音乐等。2010 年广州出台“世界文化名城”战略部署,扶持文化产业发展 打造世界文化名城,增强国家中心城市的文化软实力。 Lingnan culture, the youngest and the most dynamic part in China, charactered with a compromise between China and the Western, syncretism of the ancient and the contemporary, high spirit of innovation. The outstanding representatives were Lingnan style, Cantonese (Guang) Embroidery, faience (painted porcelain), sculpture, and canton music. In 2010, Guangzhou strategic plan, The Famous City of World Culture, aimed to support the development of culture industry, to make Guangzhou the city of world culture and to strengthen the soft power of culture in central city.
广州国际艺术博览会 Guangzhou International Air Fair ----华南地区唯一官方正式主办的国际艺术博览会
The only officially sponsored by the international art exposition in South China region 广州国际艺术博览会是华南地区唯一经文化部批准、中国美术家协会与广
Guangzhou international Art Fair is the only one officially approved by Bureau of Culture, sponsored by Chinese Artist Association and Guangzhou Municipality. 【引导艺术市场
1993 年,中国最早的艺博会—中国艺术博览会在广州举办。1996 年在中国 艺术博览会的基础上举办首届广州国际艺术博览会。迄今已成功举办 15 届,不 论展商规模、作品层次还是交易量,在中国乃至亚洲处于领先地位,是中国内地 三大艺博会之一。 In 1993, the earliest art fair – China Art Exposition was held in Guangzhou, on base of which the 1st Guangzhou International Art Fair came into birth in 1996, and there have been 15 terms held successfully till this year. Regardless of exhibitor amount, levels of exhibits or transaction volume, it keeps the leading position in China and even in the world, and becomes one of the three art expositions in mainland China. 作为亚洲领先的艺术博览会及中国艺术领域最早的会展活动,广州艺博会 一直视“促进中外文化交流,繁荣中国艺术市场”为己任,是广州市重点支持 的大型文化活动,是广州精神文明建设和实施现代化中心城市发展战略目标的 重要组成部分,是广州市文化事业建设的重要内容;同时,也是中国美术家协 会唯一长期牵头主办的国际性艺术博览会。 As the advanced art expo in Asia and the earliest art exhibition activity in China, Guangzhou International Art Fair has been committed to “promote the Sino-foreign cultural communication and boost the Chinese art market”. Being a large-scaled cultural activity supported by Guangzhou Municipality, it is a key part of the cultural and ideological construction as well as the developing strategic objective of modernized central city in Guangzhou. It is not only an important part of cultural construction in Guangzhou, but also the only international art expo led by China Artist Association for long.
第 15 届广州国际艺术博览会回顾 Retrospect of the 15th Guangzhou international Air Fair 5
【最具规模的艺博会 成交额傲视海内】 The
transaction 2010 年 12 月 9 日—13 日,第 15 届广州国际艺术博览会在气势恢宏的广州 白云国际会议中心如期召开。本届艺博会在中国美协、广州市政府、广州市文化广 电新闻出版局的大力支持和指导下,参展团队精心策划、认真组织,本届艺博会 规模之大、展品之丰富、层次之高超过往届。本届艺博会展会面积 20000 平方米, 共设展位 550 个,其中国外画廊 80 多家、国内画廊 130 多家。汇聚众多世界各地 近万件优秀艺术作品,法国、德国、意大利、韩国、美国、日本、俄罗斯等 17 个国家 和地区的画廊与艺术家参展。本届艺博会共交易各类美术作品一万多件,现场交 易金额达到 1.1 亿元。吸引了来自国内外专业观众约 7 万人,更有近 15 万广州 市及珠三角地区市民参加了艺博会及各类活动。成为中国最具规模、影响力最大 的艺术博览会之一。 On 9th-13th Dec. 2010, the 15th Guangzhou International Art Fair was held in the grand Guangzhou Baiyun International Convention Center as scheduled. With the support and guide of Guangzhou Municipality, China Artist Association, and Administration of Press, Publication, Radio and Television of Guangzhou Municipality Copyright Bureau, as well as the elaborate planning and organization of the exhibitors, its popularity and transaction volume have broken the previous records in China. Its exhibition area had reached 20,000 sq.m, and 550 booths were set, which attracted more than 80 foreign galleries and over 130 domestic galleries, as well as many countries and regions with tens of thousands of excellent art works, such as France, Germany, Italy, South Korea, America, Japan, and Russia etc. Over
pieces of artwork were exchanged and the turnover had reached 1.1billion, attracting more than 70,000professional visitors from home and abroad, as well as 150,000 residents from Guangzhou and Zhujiang River Delta, which made the 15 th International Art Fair a most initial-driving and most influential art fair.
◆展会规模:20000 平方米
Exhibition Scale: 20,000 square meters
◆参展机构:210 多家
Exhibitors: over 210 units 6
◆展出作品:1 万多件
Exhibits: over 10 thousand pieces
◆观众数量:20 万人次
Visitors: 200 thousand people
◆成交金额:1.1 亿人民币
Total Turnover: RMB 1.1 billion
◆参展国家和地区:17 个
Participant Countries and Regions: 17
◆到会媒体:200 多家
Reports: over 200 media companies
第 16 届广州国际艺术博览会 The 16th Guangzhou International Art Fair 经国家文化部批准,由中国美术家协会、广州人民市政府主办,广州市文化 广播新闻出版局承办,广州艺时代展览策划有限公司承办执行的“第 16 届广州 国际艺术博览会”(16 届艺博会)定于 2011 年 12 月 8 日—12 日将在广州白云 国际会议中心盛大举行。 Approved by Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China, sponsored by China Artist Association and Guangzhou Municipality, undertaken by Administration of Press, Publication, Radio and Television of Guangzhou Municipality Copyright Bureau, and executed by Guangdong Yishidai Exhibition Planning Co., Ltd., the 16th Guangzhou International Art Fair (16th GIAF2010 for short) is going to be held in Guangzhou Baiyun International Convention Center on 8th – 12th December 2011. 16 届艺博会以“拥抱世界的色彩”为主题,继续突出广州艺博会的交易功 7
能、发现价值,在内容、场地、组织形式方面均比 15 届进一步提升和优化,并增 设多个分主题、特别展示单元及高品质的配套活动,为观众呈现富有艺术价值及 收藏价值的艺术精品,为来自全球的优质展商提供一个开放、实效的交易和展示 平台。 With the theme of “To embrace the color of the world”, GIAF2011 will keep giving prominence to the transaction and discovery value of Guangzhou Art Fair. With further improved content, enlarged place and better organization, it has set more secondary themes, special shows and high-quality supporting activities, to present the exquisite artworks with artistic and collector's value to the visitors, and provide an efficient open transacting and exhibiting platform for the best exhibitors all over the world.
1、 展区规划 Plan of Exhibition Zone (1) 精品画廊展区(二层) Delicate Gallery Exhibition Zone (2F) 1、油画雕塑:集中展示国内外油画、雕塑精品; Painting and sculpture: exhibit delicate painting and sculpture from home and abroad. 2、国画书法:集中展示国内外国画、书法精品; Traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy: exhibit delicate painting and handwriting from home and abroad. (2) 特邀推荐展区(一层) Specially Invited and Recommended Zone 1、 美协/美院联展:集中展示各地美协、美院绘画、书法、雕塑精品; Artist Association and Academies of Fine Arts: exhibit painting, calligraphy and sculpture of artist association and academies of fine art from various regions. 2、 艺术部落联展:集中展示各地艺术群落绘画、书法、雕塑精品; Artists Colony: exhibit painting, calligraphy and sculpture of art tribe in different places.
3.艺术应用联展:集中展示各类艺术用品; Art Supplies: exhibit various kinds of art supplies. 3、 国艺精品馆:集中展示民间木雕、根艺、广绣、广彩、艺术陶瓷、工艺品等 优秀艺术品。 Delicate Artistry Hall: exhibit wood and root carving, Guang embroidery, artwork ceramics, artware and other excellent artwork.
2、 同期配套活动 Supporting Activities
1. VIP Preview
Guangzhou International Air Fair VIP preview, Guangdong industry federation, Global Chinese Businessman Federation, Guangdong Oversea Enterprise Association, Guangdong Oversea Charity Association, Association of Guangdong Province Collectors, Celebrities of Commercial Circle of Zhujiang River Delta and Hong Kong, Macao and Australia, as well as other entrepreneur were invited. 2 .Famous painters and young art talents gave live extemporaneous performances which deserved big applause. Mr.Xuqinsong, president of the Artist Association, was writing with brush.
3. Art Collection and Identification Guangzhou Art Fair, Art Trading Fair and Palace Museum in Beijing jointly held art collection and identification, the state experts Shan Guoqiang, Ye Peilan, Zhang Guangwen ,LiuMing ect. came together and provided guidance to collection lovers. 4. Symposium for Art Collection and Identification Chinese Artist Association, association of collectors and other experts were invited to hold Academy of exchange Tour in terms of artwork collection, art value evaluation principles, and causes of appreciation, forms of exchange.
5. Auction of Artwork The auction price of the 15th Art Fair was over 10million, thus attracted almost 600 collectors and investors. In inflation circumstances, the value of artwork and the feature of beauty were deeply ador6
6. Academy of Exchange Tour and Art Salon 2011 Guangzhou International Art Fair is going to project excellent 11
exhibition and international art salon, planning to build Guangzhou International Art Fair to a great celebration of art that never ends which will bring art into high-end crowd and establish wider cooperation. 三、参展要素 Exhibition Notice 【参展对象】 Exhibitors: 国内外画廊、艺术品公司、美术院校、美术团体、艺术部落、美术出版社、艺术 机构。 Art institutes like national and international art galleries, artwork companies, art colleges, art groups, arts publishing houses. 【参展范围】
Scope of Exhibition 国画、油画、版画、雕塑、摄影、视频、多媒体、装置等。 Including
video, multimedia, integrated material and other equipment, etc. 【参展费用】 Exhibition Expense 品牌画廊展区(二层):RMB 1600 元/㎡ Gallery Zone(2F):RMB 1600 元/㎡ 特邀推荐展区(一层):RMB 1200 元/㎡ Specially Recommended Zone(1F):RMB 1200 元/㎡ 光地:Bare Stand RMB 1200 元/㎡(二层) RMB 1200 元/㎡(2F) RMB 1000 元/㎡(一层) RMB 1000 元/㎡(1F)
展位规格:品牌画廊展区展板为双面乳白色 PVC 贴面木制展板,展板规 格:高度为 3.6 米;一楼特邀推荐展区为 2.5 M。
Spec of stand: The wall in gallery zone is double-side milky PVC wooden panel,3M or 3.6M in height.
展位设施:展板、楣板、地毯,每个标准展位(36㎡)配射灯 16 支、 洽 谈桌 1 张、地柜 1 个、椅子 4 把。
Facilities for stand: panel, fascia board, carpet, 16spotlights for standard booth,1 business desk, 1 locker and 4 collapsible chairs. 【专业观众】 Professional Visitors 收藏家、美术馆馆长、博物馆馆长、艺术批评家、艺术家、策展人、艺术经纪人、 艺术顾问、艺术爱好者、理论家、社会名流、明星、企业家、财富精英、媒体记者。
Collectors, art museum directors, museum directors, air critics, artists, exhibition planners, art brokers, art consultants, art enthusiasts, theoreticians, celebrities, famous stars, enterprisers, financial elites, news reporters 【展会日程】 ●布展时间: Exhibition Schedule 2011 年 12 月 6 日 6th Dec.2011 2011 年 12 月 7 日 7th Dec.2011 2011 年 12 月 8 日 8th Dec.2011
15:00-17:30 15:00-17:30 08:30-17:30 08:30-17:30 08:30-12:00 08:30-12:00
●VIP 预展:2011 年 12 月 8 日
VIP Exhibition Preview: 8th Dec.2011 14:00-18:30 ●公众展期:2011 年 12 月 9 日至 12 月 12 日 Exhibition Period: 9th -12th Dec. 2011 ●参展报名截止日期:2011 年 09 月 30 日 Deadline for application: 30th Sep.2011 【展览场馆】 Exhibition Venues: 广州白云国际会议中心 2、3、4 号楼一、二层(中国广东省广州市白云大道南 13
1039-1045 号)
1-2/F, Building 2 , 3 , 4 , Guangzhou Baiyun International Convention
Center ( #1039-1045 , Baiyun
Guangzhou,Guangdong,P.R. China
强大的宣传攻势 构筑城市艺术长廊 2011 年,广州艺博会宣传规划战略性调整,配合广州市政府建设“世界文 化名城”的战略规划,在国内率先提出“城市艺术长廊”的概念。整合各类媒体 广告资源,优先推广画廊,将 90%各类广告资源直接宣传参展作品,为宣传艺 术佳作、营造城市艺术氛围起到更强有力的支持。 With Guangzhou municipal government strategic plan “City of World Culture”, Guangzhou Art Fair adjusts the publicity and takes the lead in putting forward the concept of “Urban Art Gallery”, integrating all kinds of media and advertisement, popularizing galleries and putting their works in ads to play a powerful support to promote masterpiece and create the atmosphere of urban art. 1. 推广计划步步为营 Overall promotion 通过展会邀请函、新闻发布会,展会快讯、行业报道等丰富的推广途径,针 对性的对国内外专业观众传递博览会信息,为海外及国内观众量身定做适合他 们的推广计划,以帮助他们和参展商得到广泛的交流机会。 We will broadcast the Art Fair information to professional audiences at home and abroad by varieties of promotions such as invitation,
report, and help them make proper promotion plan to assist them in communicating well with exhibitors. 2. 买家邀约全面周到 Considerate Invitation to Buyers 14
我们利用以往积累的海量买家资源,通过多种途径邀约来自中国、亚洲和全 球的大量高端买家参与广州艺博会,为特邀买家提供全程的贵宾服务,提供往 返机票以及酒店住宿。预计到场有效买家将达到 2 万人。 With
selectively invite the top buyers to GIAF2010 from China, Asia and all over the world, and provide them with VIP services including round-trip tickets and hotel accommodations. It is estimated that there will be up to 20,000 buyers present. 3. 科学可续合理的广告推广 Reasonable Advertising and Promotion 将在珠江三角洲的地铁、户外、报纸、高速公路、机场投放艺博会广告,扩大影 响力和号召力。 We will advertise through subways, outdoors, newspapers, highways, and airports in Pearl River Delta, to build up our presence and wide our appeal. 4. 直邮及短信推广 Direct Mail & Message Promotion 为邀请大量的收藏家、美术馆馆长、批评家、艺术家、策展人、政府官员、社会 名流、艺术经纪人、艺术爱好者、财富精英到会参观,我们准备了大量的 VIP 邀请 函及参观券,通过直邮或派送的方式送达目标观众。同时,短信推广中心也将不 间断地向珠三角地区目标观众发送艺博会信息。 In order to invite numbers of collectors, art museum directors, critics,
celebrities, art brokers, art enthusiasts and financial elites, we have prepared abundant VIP invitations and visiting tickets to mail directly or send to the potential buyers. Meanwhile, our Message Promotion Center will also unremittingly send messages about Art Fair Information to potential visitors in Pearl River Delta. 5. 主办单位鼎力组织 Best Efforts of Sponsor 主办单位中国美术家协会将积极、主动组织并发动旗下 5000 余会员出席博 览会。 The sponsor - China Artist Association will take active part in organizing all
members (more than 5000) to take part in the Fair. 6. 合作媒体
Cooperative Medium 电视:中央电视台、凤凰卫视、东方卫视、北京卫视、广东卫视、湖南卫视、旅 游卫视 TV Stations: CCTV, Phoenix Television, Dragon TV, BTV, GDTV, Hunan TV and Travel TV 报纸:中国日报、南华早报、文汇报、南方都市报、广州日报、中国证券报、人 民日报 Newspapers: China Daily, South China Morning Post, Wenhui Newspaper, Southern Metropolis Daily, Guangzhou Daily, China Securities Journal and People’s Daily 杂志:胡润百富、艺术财经、画廊、艺术家、世界艺术、艺术地图、生活元素、 时尚先生 Magazines: Hurun Report (Luxury Business Portal), Art Value, Gallery, Artist, Artron, Art Map, Life-Element, Hiesquire 网站:中国美协网、雅昌艺术网、东方视觉、艺术国际网、今日艺术网、当代 艺术新闻 Websites: China Artist Association, Artron.net, iONLY.com.cn, artintern.net, artnow.com.cn, cansart.com.cn 国
TV 、AAC 、eyemazing 、artlink 、flashart、artprice Foreign Mediums: artnet, artinasia, Bloomberg TV, AAC, eyemazing, artlink, flashart, artprice
参展须知 Notes of Exhibitor 一、报名须知 Notes of application (一)报名参加广州艺博会的参展商,应在截止日期前向艺博会组委会办 公室提出参展申请,提交申请材料。并且必须确保材料的真实、准确、完整,并确 保所有展出的艺术品为原作。如展商在申请过程中提供虚假信息或展出伪作,本 会有权要求展商采取措施予以改正,直至取消参展资格,展商预交的展位费将 16
不予退还。造成其他损害的,参展商应负赔偿责任。如参展商的行为造成第三方 损失,参展商应独自承担一切责任。 1.1. Exhibitors who want to participate in the Fair shall submit the application form and related documents to Art Fair Organizing Committee Office before the deadline. Exhibitors shall ensure the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the documents, and guarantee all the exhibits are original and genuine articles. If an exhibitor provides false information and fake exhibit, the Fair are authorized to request you to take corrective measures, or cancel your application without returning the prepaid exhibition fees, and you shall take the sole responsibilities for any other damages. If an exhibitor causes damage to a third party, you shall take sole responsibilities for all the damages. (二)参展商须向本会提供参展作品的详细、完整的资料和信息,本会有权 将以上资料和信息用于任何形式的非赢利目的的宣传。同时,本会有权禁止任何 不符合展会要求的展品展出。 1.2 Exhibitors shall submit detailed and complete data and information of exhibits to the Fair. The Fair has the right to use the above data and information in nonprofit propaganda in any forms. Meanwhile, the Fair has the right to prohibit the display of any disapproved exhibits. (三)展位安排:本会按照展品类别、参展商报名和缴纳展位费的时间先后顺 序,参照参展商的选择并结合展览的整体布局来确定展位。本会有权对展位的整 体布局进行调整(调整前与参展商进行沟通)。 1.3 Booth Planning: The Fair will distribute the booth according to the exhibitor's choice together with the overall layout of the exhibition hall, based on exhibit category, and chronological order of the exhibitors' application and payment. The Fair has the right to adjust the overall layout of the booths (the adjustment is based on communication with exhibitors). (四)展位使用:参展商在支付全额参展费用后,即获得展位的使用权。参展 商无权将展位全部或部份,有偿或无偿转让他人;参展商在展览期间展出的展 品必须与申请材料一致。参展商如发生上述行为的任一种都将被视为违约,本会
有权取消其参展资格,已缴所有参展费用不予退还,造成其他损害的,参展商 应负赔偿责任。
1.4 Usage of Booth: An exhibitor has the right to use a booth only after paying all the exhibition fees. Exhibitors have no right to transfer the whole or part of booth to any third party for value or for free; the exhibits displayed in the booth shall be consistent with those applied. For any disobey of the above regulations, the Fair has the right to cancel the exhibitor's application without returning any exhibition fees. And the exhibitors shall take sole responsibilities for any other damages. 二、参展申请资料 2. Application Information for Exhibitors
现场展位图 (附件一) Booth Site Map (Table 12)
展位申请表(附件二) Booth Application Form (Table 2)
Sales of Exhibits 参展作品在展览现场由展商直接销售,并按照国家相关规定缴纳相应的税款。 展出作品摆放在租用展位内,不得摆在地上或占用通道;不得现场作画及表演 (本会统一安排除外),否则本会有权清理且展位费不予退回。
The exhibits can be sold directly by exhibitors during the exhibition, and corresponding taxes shall be paid according to the related national regulations. The exhibits shall only be displayed within the rented booth, and not allowed to place on the ground or occupy any passages; the exhibitor shall not paint or perform in site (except the unified arrangement by the Fair), or the Fair has the right to clear up the booth without returning the exhibition fees. 4、
Contact information: 广州国际艺术博览会组织委员会办公室
Guangzhou International Art Fair Organizing Committee Office 地址:广州市天河区天河北路 177 号祥龙花园祥龙阁 708 室 邮编:510620
Address: Rm.708, Xianglong Ge, XiangLong Garden, No.177, North TianHe Road, Guangzhou City Post Code: 510620