Emergency Guidelines for Erie Community College A Safe Campus is an Alert Campus Lock Downs A “lock down” is a procedure to follow when there is a report of violence/danger on or near campus. Lock down directives will be issued by the AVP of College Security and/or other appropriate college administrators utilizing the NY Alert Emergency System, College Telephone System, Loud Speakers and any other methods available. All faculty, staff, students and visitors should immediately vacate all hallways/public areas, and lock themselves inside the nearest classroom, office or room. Once inside a secure area, do not exit until you are requested to do so by a known security or emergency personnel. Fire Alarms Know the fire alarm procedures. Read the posted exit maps. Keep calm and assist others. When a fire alarmed is sounded please do the following: 1. Close all windows/doors (except exit doors) 2. Turn out lights 3. Leave the building by the nearest posted exit. Take your personal items. 4. Do not use the elevators. 5. Follow the directives given by College Fire Marshals, College Security, police and firemen. 6. Do not re-enter the building until the “All Clear” is given. 7. Disabled persons should proceed to the designated evacuation points. Other Evacuation Directives Follow the Fire Alarm procedures above.
Report Suspicious Individuals or Activities The best way to keep a campus safe is to be vigilant and alert. A safe campus is the responsibility of faculty, staff and students. Report all suspicious or unusual activity to campus security. All students are required to displaying an ECC Identification card at all times while on campus. College Safety Locations: North Campus
S Bldg.
Room S-115 851-1433
South Campus
Building 5
Room 5215
City Campus
Main Building
Room 102