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Cell Phone Policy
not be heard. Matters involving grades must be filed no more than three weeks after final grades are submitted.
Students may select their own advocate or ask for assistance in obtaining one on their behalf by contacting the Dean of Students, the Student Support Service Center, or the Student Success Center.
An advocate may assist the student with the informal or formal complaint process and or serve as a liaison during any meeting, discussion and or hearing.
Record Keeping:
All records of the informal and formal complaint process, including reports and other disposition documents, are the property of the college and will be tracked by the receiving academic and or student office for reporting purposes. No names or demographic data will be contained in the final aggregate Student Complaint Report.
Academic Complaint Workflow
Student Affairs Complaint Workflow
Student Formal Complaint Procedure
Radiation Therapy Department Policy on Cell Phone Use
Effective December 21st, 2009, the following measures were put in place for any student who is observed using a cell phone for any purpose other than clocking in or out using Trajecsys while in class or during a clinical rotation.
The first time, the observer should give the student a verbal warning.
The second time, the observer should send the student home for the day. The incident will be reported to the Radiation Therapy Department and the entire day will be recorded as an absence.
The third time that same student is observed using a cell phone, he/she will be dismissed from clinic and the incident will again be reported to the department.
If there should ever be a fourth time, the student will be terminated from the program immediately. This policy supersedes any SUNY Erie Community College policy.