1 minute read

McCarthy, Mia, The Spread……………………………………………………………………………………………70 McNamara, Grace, Safe…………………………………………………………………………………………………63 Michlinski, Ben, Uncertainty…………………………………………………………………………………………66 Moore, Rashanai, The Pandemic Way

The Pandemic Way

Rashanai Moore

She lies on her bed sad and upset Wondering when she’ll go outside next Tossing and turning around the bed Counting down the hour she’ll go have fun instead Then she opens up her computer to work right away Scrolling up and down the laptop wondering what to say She finally gets up to stretch taking breath by breath On to another video call to learn a different way Quietness means hang up right away Even though there’s not much to say Here as a student she tries so much anyway


Mohammad Siddique

Tired of the smell Can't you tell Wishing it all ended with a spell The virus is spreading The mask is preventing The smell though Of hot breath behind all masks Reminds me of my morning tasks Brushing my teeth Cause mask breathis the last thing I wantto smell


Bizhan Shaban

Nothing seems normal as it used to be Nobody knows why, still it feels home.

Someone has all answers for all your questions But does anyone know how to question?

If anyone can become a somebody, There would be no sacrifice.

If you knew what it takes to get what you want, Nobody ever thinks twice to call it quits.

If you could bow down before your God, There would be nobody to afraid of.

Someone in the world is seeking For the blessings you are not grateful for today.

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