1 minute read
Cordone, Roberto, Freedom
Roberto Cordone
What is it like to be free? Is it good or bad? Does it last a lifetime and go away with a snap? It has been too long I cannot remember too well How good it feels to walk around without a mask. Freedom is all we have and the biggestprice to pay. Freedom feels like finally escaping that mental maze, Freedom for me is not washing my hands a thousand times And it is not forgetting my mask and running back inside. Freedom for me is having a clear choice, good or bad And not keeping my thoughts stuck inside my head. These last few months have not been free Stuck inside my house with just the tv as a friend. It is just painful and unfair I will never believe That I will live the rest of my life this poorly, this bad!
The Year That Changed Life
Olivia Harrington
Stuck at home bored out of my mind, Lacked my motivation that made me behind. School online was a struggle, Students' grades began to fumble.
Finishing the long day on the screen, Frustrated others making them want to scream. The days flew by like they never existed, Causing many to get confused and get them twisted.
Many took advantage of the time they had. They found new interests and were glad. Not being able to leave our home Led many others to feel alone.
Jobs were cut from members of families. The money lost began many tragedies. Stress is the word to describe 2020. All in a nutshell, emotions felt empty.
Eating the same thing day by day, Changed my mood, I would say. As the boredom of life started abnormal, Now, it is actually the new normal.