The Negative Impacts of the COVID Vaccine Kristen Brown On March 19, 2020, President Donald Trump declared COVID-19 as a national emergency and the United States entered a pandemic (Staff, 2021). The pandemic lasted almost a year where people were forced to wear masks in all buildings, started working and doing school from home, only essential businesses were open, and the unemployment started to affect a lot of people throughout the country. The COVID vaccine was released December 11, 2020; the vaccine is available for anyone 12 years or older. There are three types of the vaccines available so far, the Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and the Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen, and all of these vaccines are FDA approved (FDA, 2021). President Joe Biden in 2021 is pushing all Americans to get the vaccine; now employers are enforcing the vaccine to workers or else they will be terminated. Many people, including myself, are against the vaccine and the government wanting to force us to put something into our bodies. This vaccine is destroying, and the government is dividing our country. No one should ever force someone else to put something into their body, that goes against our first amendment rights. Most places in the United States require a COVID vaccine due to government standards, but the government should not be forcing a vaccine onto people and pressuring them into getting it. The COVID-19 vaccine has some side effects with it. There are the common side effects which include, fever, body aches, headache, and tiredness for a few days after receiving the shot. There are more severe side effects as well that aren’t uncommon with the vaccine. These include heart issues, chest pain, and shortness of breath (Hopkins, 2021). FAIR Life has 15