Facilitator - Fall 2010

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r o t a t i l i c a F e Th Volume 2, Issue 4

Fall 2010

— George F. Stooks Facilities Services ~ Dedicated to a Spirit of Service CHANGE . . . . . . . 472 years worth!

Inside this edition:

Many times over the years people ask “what do you like about your job?” The answer is always the same. “I am never bored” is one half and the second is “working with the people.” Change, 1 a constant in Facilities, is nothing new to our campus. Every fall Demand Curtailment we greet the arrival of a new freshman class, and every spring Happy Retirement 2-3 we graduate a class of seniors that have been part of our comNew Hires munity for the past four years. Outside of those norms, the 4 Table Top Drill change we experienced as a campus this fall and especially within Facilities was unequivocally different than any other Move-In Day 5 Construction Update year. Due to the Early Retirement Incentive (ERI), Facilities saw 19 people benefit from the incentive and step into the next Grounds Update 6 Omissions phase of their lives, retirement. Our co-workers took with them Contact Information approximately 472 years of service and institutional memory as they left with our best wishes for their futures. Many of you worked with the retirees far longer than I had the privilege to, and I consider that my loss. A Word from Assistant Vice-President for Facilities & Planning


With every change however, there is the opportunity for a new beginning. For some positions we may be challenged in finding skilled trades people to replace those lost, in others we have people waiting to step up and fill a role. How we emerge from these times will be substantially changed from how we entered, unwillingly as that was. Yes, the fall of 2010 is a semester of change. We will carry from it memories of our extended family with which we worked. We will look forward to inviting them back and seeing them at functions in the future. We look forward to rebuilding those areas depleted by retirements as we serve the needs of the larger Geneseo campus community. Please enjoy the comments from the retirees in this issue of “The Facilitator” and welcome fresh faces to our ranks.

You have the POWER to turn it off. For the past few years SUNY Geneseo has been participating in the Special Case Resource (SCR) Demand Response Program. Participation in this program significantly contributes to the state’s power reliability which helps to avoid blackouts. There is also a monetary reward for our campus’ commitment to electric load reduction. Over the past few years our one hour electric load reduction tests have resulted in payments averaging $9,000 per year. With information gathered from this summer’s one hour test we are able to increase our commitment to this program and anticipate payments 50% higher than in the past. This commitment depends largely on the campus’ participation and patience when we are called upon to curtail our electric usage. For energy saving tips and information, visit www.geneseo.edu/sustainability.

The Facilitator

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HAPPY RETIREMENT! The following nineteen individuals from Facilities Services and Planning will be entering their retirement years after a combined grand total of 472 years of service with SUNY Geneseo. We wish them well and congratulate them all for their hard work, commitment, and dedication to the College community. Deb Abbott, Supervising Janitor Number of Years employed with SUNY Geneseo? 21 (27 total with the State) What are you looking forward to during retirement? “I look forward to be able to enjoy time with my grandchildren and myself and visiting with friends I never get a chance to.” What will you miss the most about working for the College? “I will miss working with all the people, and the campus as a whole, and everyone I had the opportunity to have been a part of their lives.”

Top Row from the left— Joe Ferrero, Ron Morsch, Sam Maggio, Mike Ellis, Beaver Rider, John Carney, Roy Meissner. Bottom Row from left—Bruce Bennett, Marge Cox, Jim Goodell

Lillian Agosto, Cleaner

Marge Cox, Secretary I

Number of years employed with SUNY Geneseo: 21

Number of years employed with SUNY Geneseo: 17 plus

What are you looking forward to during retirement? “I’m looking forward to spending time with my grandchildren and doing some volunteer work.”

What are you looking forward to during retirement? “Free time and some traveling.”

What will you miss the most about working for the College? “I have met many people in my time spent at SUNY Geneseo and will miss them and the students.”

What will you miss the most about working for the College? “My job and the people I work with.” Mark Drum, Janitor

Terry Bovee, Cleaner

Number of Years employed with SUNY Geneseo: 30 plus

Number of years employed with SUNY Geneseo: 24

What are you looking forward to during retirement? “Relaxing with family, traveling, reading.”

What are you looking forward to during retirement? “Keeping active, spending time with family, traveling.” What will you miss the most about working for the College? “The people.”

What will you miss the most about working for the College? “The beloved co-workers.” Mike Ellis, General Mechanic

Bruce Bennett, Carpenter

Number of years employed with SUNY Geneseo: 25 plus

Number of years employed with SUNY Geneseo: 36 plus

What are you looking forward to during retirement? Relaxing, working around my house and spending time with my grandchildren.”

What are you looking forward to during retirement? “Honey-do list, hiking, back packing.” What will you miss the most about working for the College? “I will miss the people and the guys I work with.”

What will you miss the most about working for the College? "The people I work with." Joe Ferrero, Locksmith

John Carney, General Mechanic

Number of years employed with SUNY Geneseo: 29

Number of years employed with SUNY Geneseo: 24

What are you looking forward to during retirement? “Working only 40 hours a week, and spending time with my grandchildren.”

What are you looking forward to during retirement? “Sleeping in, watching TV (Westerns), relaxing, working in the garage.” What will you miss the most about working for the College? “I will miss my co-workers.”

What will you miss the most about working for the College? “I like my job and I like the people.”

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Fall 2010

Nancy Genova, Janitor Number of years employed with SUNY Geneseo: 29 What are you looking forward to during retirement? “I’m looking forward to relaxing and doing whatever I would like to do, biking, walking, going to the park and hiking.” What will you miss the most about working for the College? “SUNY Geneseo has been very good to me, and I will miss the people. There are a lot of very good people here at SUNY Geneseo, it’s like family here.” Thomas Gibson, Cleaner Number of years employed with SUNY Geneseo: 18 What are you looking forward to during retirement? “Family time, fishing, cutting wood.”

From the Left — Mark Drum, Pam Little, John Carney, Roy Meissner, Terry Bovee

What will you miss the most about working for the College? “The people, we had a lot of fun and laughs.” Roy Meissner, General Mechanic Jim Goodell, Electrician

Number of years employed with SUNY Geneseo: 20 plus

Number of years employed with SUNY Geneseo: 30

What are you looking forward to during retirement? “Traveling, working around the house, gardening, relaxing, fishing, hunting, camping, see what else comes up to occupy my time.”

What are you looking forward to during retirement? “Projects at home, riding my motorcycle, playing golf, helping friends and neighbors, working on my house, hiking and fishing.” What will you miss the most about working for the College? “All the people I work with and the comradery with guys in the shop.”

What will you miss the most about working for the College? “Working for the students and keeping them happy was always my goal.” Ron Morsch, Maintenance Supervisor 2

Jeff Hopkins, Cleaner

Number of years employed with SUNY Geneseo: 22

Number of years employed at SUNY Geneseo: 11 (State service 29 yrs)

What are you looking forward to during retirement? “I’m looking forward to spending time in the Islands at my beach house, motorcycle riding, fishing, and golfing.”

What are you looking forward to during retirement? “Spending time with my wife.” What will you miss the most about working for the College? “The people.”

What will you miss the most about working for the College? “All the people I worked with over the years.” Beaver Rider, Electronic Equipment Mechanic

Pam Little, Janitor Number of Years employed with SUNY Geneseo: 24 What are you looking forward to during retirement? “Relaxing at home, enjoying grandchildren.”

Number of years employed with SUNY Geneseo? 24 plus What are you looking forward to during retirement? “I’m looking forward to catching up on all the work around the house that I never had the time to do.”

What will you miss the most about working for the College? “The co-workers.”

What will you miss the most about working for the College? “The pride of feeling I did something good for the students and the College community.”

Sam Maggio, General Mechanic

Clair Voss, Plant Utilities Assistant

Number of years employed with SUNY Geneseo: 35

Number of years employed with SUNY Geneseo? 32 plus

What are you looking forward to during retirement? “Continue working for Mt. Morris Police Department and the Buffalo Bills games, build another car and possibly find another part time job.”

What are you looking forward to during retirement? “I’m looking forward to spending a lot of time camping and renovating my home.”

What will you miss the most about working for the College? “The people I work with (my extended family).”

What will you miss the most about working for the College? “All the people I work with on a daily basis.”

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The Facilitator

Facilities Hires Please join us in welcoming Jim Burdett who has been appointed Assistant Director for Sustainability and Campus Utilities for SUNY Geneseo. Jim comes to SUNY Geneseo from NYSEG after 18 years of service where he held several positions including Gas Engineering and Operation as well as the position of Gas Operations and Maintenance Supervisor. Jim’s educational achievements include a B.S. degree in Organizational Management from Keuka College, and an A.A.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Alfred State College. When asked what he hopes to accomplish during his career at the College, Jim stated “To continue the tradition of excellent heating plant operations, develop long term strategies for upgrading the campus utility infrastructure and find ways to improve energy consumption through technological upgrades and conservation measures.” Jim resides in Livonia with his wife Pam and their three children: Ashley, 16, James, 13 and Abby, 8. Facilities Services also welcomes Craig Ross as our new Business Manager. Craig began working for SUNY Geneseo in July of 1999 and spent 11 years as a Telecommunication Technician in the Telecommunications and C.I.T. Departments. Craig’s educational achievements include an A.S. degree in Computer Science from Niagara County Community College, a B.S. in Telecommunications Engineering Technology from RIT and an MBA from SUNY Institute of Technology. Craig is currently working towards a Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration at the University of Buffalo. “My number one goal is to guide Facilities Services through the current budget crisis without sacrificing our excellence in customer service” Craig says this will be his main agenda item and he is looking forward to the challenge. Craig resides in Canandaigua with his wife Heather and their two children: Sydney, 3 and Brady 1.

SUNY Geneseo’s Disaster Planning and Response Coordinating Task Force Holds an “Active Shooter Table Top” Drill In order to further the College’s emergency response, training and preparedness, the SUNY Geneseo Disaster Planning and Response Coordinating Task Force held an active shooter tabletop drill on October 12, 2010. A tabletop drill is a verbal walk through of responses to a specific emergency such as an active shooter. The drill was facilitated by Dave Hubeny, Emergency Manager, Matt Rossie, NYSUPD Investigator both from Binghamton University and Dave Lincoln who is the Emergency Manager from SUNY Oneonta. The following observers were invited to help review and critique the drill: Ed Giblin, Assistant Chief of University Police from the College at Brockport, Anne Podolak, Director of EHS from SUNY Fredonia and Sal Simonetti, Chief of University Police from SUNY Geneseo. Participants included members of the President’s Cabinet, University Police, NYS Police, Geneseo Police, Livingston County Sheriff Department, CIT, EHS, Facilities, Communications, CIT, and Residence Life. Coordinating the Emergency Operations Center was Kevin Niedermaier, Director of Livingston County Emergency Management. One of the major goals of the drill was to have outside agencies work collaboratively with College staff, using the National Incident Command System (NIMS) to achieve a positive outcome or at least to mitigate the impact of an active shooter. The Disaster Planning and Response & Coordinating Task Force members hold drills to develop and improve training, procedures and processes of the NIMS system.

Fall 2010

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Construction Update Facilities Planning & Construction had another successful summer construction season. Fire alarm upgrades and a sprinkler system installation at Steuben Residence Hall completed the safety upgrade program for all our residence halls. The College prides itself in the fact that all occupied residence halls are now fully sprinklered. The North Village Entry Circle project is nearing completion and represents another element of improvement at our North Village residence complex. This work will make Seneca Hall more accessible and cleans up the vehicular and pedestrian mix in front of Erie Hall. The ADA Accessibility project resulted in five new, fully accessible elevators on campus replacing those in Welles, Fraser, and Sturges Halls, Milne Library, and Brodie Fine Arts Building. Looking forward we anticipate the College Union New Sturges Elevator Starbucks to be operational by November, and the Doty Hall Renovation project to commence within weeks. Doty Hall will be a construction site very soon! Starbucks (Under Construction)

Move-In Day 2010 Kudos to Facilities staff that participated in yet another successful "MoveIn" of our new and returning students on August 27th and 28th. It all began with preparations such as servicing vehicles to be utilized to insure proper operation, installation of tents for drop off of student items, the distribution of directional signs, and yes, the "always interesting" training of volunteer student drivers on the operation of utility vehicles to be deployed for Move-In day. It concluded late Saturday afternoon with the majority of our student body comfortably settled into their rooms. In cooperation with Residence Life and University Police, incoming students were welcomed by staff and assisted with their belongings through curbside service/drop off and from there to the student’s room. We have refined this process over the years and receive favorable comments each and every year from the parents as well as students themselves. For many, it's their first experience upon arriving to our beautiful campus and if things go according to plan, we hope a pleasant and pleasing first impression. Again, kudos to ALL that participated in greeting and welcoming our students to Geneseo.

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The Facilitator

Grounds Update The Grounds crew is preparing for the fall leaf season. This entails preventative maintenance on leaf vacuums and trailers for leaf collection. Leading up to this point in the year, the crew has been engaged in aerial tree pruning for the last few weeks in addition to the normal seasonal tasks of lawn maintenance and athletic game preparations. Future weeks will have us no doubt preparing the campus for the arrival of the "s" word.

Omission from our April Newsletter Facilities Pays Tribute to Military Family-Members SSG Jason Weaver, son of Mary Weaver, 3rd shift Janitor, is a member of the New Hampshire National Guard. Jason is currently on his 2nd tour of duty in Kuwait. He received a Purple Heart for injuries he sustained during his 1st tour 5 years ago.

Facilities & Planning Management & Support Staff In light of the significant number of retirements and the new hires since our last issue of the facilitator, we feel that it would be prudent to provide an updated contact list including each individual’s responsibilities. George Stooks, AVP Facilities & Planning stooks@geneseo.edu, ext. 5663

Chuck Reyes, Env. Health & Safety Director reyes@geneseo.edu, ext. 5512

Dawn Rowe, Secretary 2 rowe@geneseo.edu, ext. 5663

Darlene Necaster, Env. Health & Safety Officer necaster@geneseo.edu, ext. 5812

Kirk Spangler, Associate Director of Facilities Services spangler@geneseo.edu, ext. 5662 Areas of Responsibility—Custodial, Zone Maintenance, & Core Trades

Jeffrey Kaplan, R.A., Dir., Fac. Planning & Const. kaplan@geneseo.edu, ext. 5511 Areas of Responsibility— Capital Construction/Management

Bill McDevitt, Asst. Dir. Grounds and Landscaping mcdevitt@geneseo.edu, ext. 5681 Areas of Responsibility— Grounds and Garage

Dave Norton, Project Manager norton@geneseo.edu, ext. 5511 Areas of Responsibility— Construction Contract Administration.

Jim Burdett, Asst. Dir. for Sustainability & Campus Utilities burdett@geneseo.edu, ext. 5662 Areas of Responsibility— Heating Plant and Sustainability Co-Chair

Bryan Jackson, Site Representative jacksonb@geneseo.edu, ext. 5511 Areas of Responsibility—Construction Site Rep.

Craig Ross, Business Manager rossc@geneseo.edu, ext. 5918 Areas of Responsibility— Customer Service, Fleet Vehicles, and Central Stores

Diane Cuozzo, Sec. 1— cuozzo@geneseo.edu Beth Standish, KBSII— standish@geneseo.edu

Customer Service Center - ext. 5662

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