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a monthly publication for students, faculty, staff and friends

February 13, 2013

The men’s and women’s bowling teams are heading to regionals this weekend. The men and women are ranked number one and number two respectively among two-year colleges and universities in the nation.

Bowlers ranked one and two nationally This week the men’s bowling team reached the pinnacle among two-year college and university bowling programs, ranked number one according to, with the women’s team ranked number two. In addition to talent and great coaching, players on both teams say their success is due to one thing: no drama. “We all really like each other,” said Corey Buckley, a first-year bowler on the men’s team and Liberal Arts/Business Administration major. “Even those guys who were shy aren’t shy anymore,” he said. Stephanie Carson, a second-year bowler and captain, said the same is true of the women’s team. “We’re really close,” the Health Studies major said. “ We all get along and mesh really well together.” Tyler Mochrie, a second-year bowler, Liberal Arts/Business Administration major, and captain of the men’s team, discussed strengths of the team as they head into regional play this Sunday in Utica. Then there is the national championship in Buffalo

later this month. “We have really good bowling fundamentals,” he said. “Most of the bowlers are good spare shooters which contributes to our overall good finishes at tournaments.” The Royals are led by Head Coach Ray Ross, now in his 20th season and Assistant Coaches Will Coons (men) and Lou DeVoe (women). Coach Ross recruits from throughout the Capital Region during the fall semester, going to high school tournaments and talking to bowlers and their parents. “We spend a lot of hours recruiting and these are the fruits of our labor,” he said. Practices focus on something different each time from spare shooting to mini-tournament style play. “We work hard at practice, video the players, bowl on the most difficult oiled lanes you can have and that all helps,” Ross said. The number two national spot is the highest ranking the women’s team has ever had. The men have achieved the number one spot during two previous seasons.

Go on, ask anything

Coach who took on Nike to share truth about sweatshops

Nationally-recognized diversity expert Phillip Milano brings his no-holds-barred program to SCCC later this month. He invites audiences to ask anything they’ve ever wondered about someone of another race, gender or culture during I Can’t Believe You Asked That! When P.C. Is B.S. on Tuesday, Feb. 26, at 6:30 p.m., in the Stockade Building 101. Free. Milano is the founder of, the daring cyberspace cultural conversation site that invites users to ask and answer questions about differences of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability and more, without fear of judgment.

Jim Keady was a soccer coach with the St. John’s University Red Storm, the NCAA “Division One” National Champions, when he stood up against Nike and their sweatshops and lost his job for doing so. Since then, he has made ending sweatshop labor his life mission. He shares his stories of living with Nike’s factory workers and his decade long effort to end sweatshop abuses during Behind the Swoosh: Sweatshops and Social Justice on Monday, March 4, at 7 p.m., in the Stockade Building 101. He also shows audience members what they can do to get involved and join this fight for justice. Free.

Check out Black History Month events at www.sunysccc.bhm

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