2016 Annual Report

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SUNY SCCC Annual Report | 2016


SUNY Schenectady County Community College is truly the people’s college, and over the past 47 years has earned an outstanding reputation in the community. I have, on numerous occasions, shared my core belief that education transforms lives and generations. This latest report of our collective accomplishments is testimony of the power of education and how the College is changing lives, sometimes one life at a time. We, however, want to be better than yesterday as we continue the implementation of numerous improvements throughout our College by continuing to update our academic programs and student services and by refreshing our Facilities Master Plan. The Foundation Office continues to attract new donors, and the Workforce Development and Community Education Division is making great strides with business partnerships. In the coming year, our journey to excellence will continue as we participate in a self-reflection through the Middle States Self-Study, and Achieving the Dream with the Student Success Initiative. All these will lead us to fulfill our promise to our students and community, which is clearly stated in our Mission Statement: We are an inclusive, collaborative community, built on a foundation of excellence in teaching and learning, quality support services, and a personalized approach to education, which empowers our students and engages our communities. I am thankful to our faculty, staff, and administration for their commitment to our students and the community. I remain truly humbled by the support of our County and State Legislatures, our Board of Trustees, and our Foundation Board. My pledge remains unchanged in that I will continue to be tireless in my efforts to ensure that the leadership I provide will enrich and transform the lives of all SUNY Schenectady County Community College students and their families. Sincerely,

Steady H. Moono, Ed. D. President

Schenectady County Community College Board of Trustees Ann Fleming Brown, Chair Raymond R. Gillen Director of Admissions, Chair, Schenectady County Union College Metroplex Development Authority Dr. William Levering, Vice Chair Pastor, First Reformed Church Gary E. Hughes Renee Bradley, Secretary Independent Communications Bureau Manager, Office of Consultant, Gary Hughes Program and Community Communications, Schenectady County Legislator Development, NYS Office of Michael W. Karl Children and Family Services Dr. Alton Brisport Executive Vice President, First Occupational Therapist/Certified Niagara Risk Management Hand Therapist (OTD, OTR/L, CHT), Tina Chericoni Versaci, Esq. Hand and Upper Quadrant Tracy Brundege, Student Trustee Rehabilitation Specialist, Albany (Stratton) Veterans Affairs Medical Center


Operating Under the Auspices of the State University of New York Nancy L. Zimpher, Chancellor Supported by the State of New York Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor Hugh T. Farley, Senator, 49th Senate District George Amedore, 46th Senate District James Tedisco, Assemblyman, 112th Assembly District Angelo Santabarbara, Assemblyman, 111th Assembly District Phil Steck, Assemblyman, 110th Assembly District Sponsored by the County of Schenectady Schenectady County Legislature Anthony Jasenski, Sr., Chair Cathy Gatta Karen B. Johnson, Vice Chair Jeffrey M. McDonald Philip Fields, Deputy Chair Brian McGarry Gary Hughes, Majority Leader Randy Pascarella James Buhrmaster, Minority Richard Patierne Leader Richard Ruzzo Thomas Constantine Grant Socha Rory Fluman Holly Vellano College Administration - President’s Council Dr. Steady H. Moono, President Dr. Martha Asselin, Vice President of Student Affairs Steve Fragale, Dean of Enrollment Management and Student Success Antoine Harrison, Chief Information Officer Dr. Penny Haynes, Vice President of Academic Affairs Dr. DeShawn McGarrity, Executive Director of SUNY College and Career Counseling Center Dale Miller, Director of Institutional Research Paula Ohlhous, Chief of Staff Charles J. Richardson, Vice President of Administration Marcia Steiner, Vice President of Development and External Affairs David Regan White, Director of Marketing and Public Relations Dr. Jalisa Williams, Executive Director of Human Resources Denise Zieske, Vice President of Workforce Development and Community Education SCCC Foundation Board of Directors Richard G. Kotlow, Chair Margaret (Peggy) King, Ed.D. Jamison R. Flora, Chair-elect Ceil Mack Lynn D. Manning Michael Tobin, Treasurer Steady Moono, Ed.D., College Angelicia Morris President, Secretary Terry Phillips Jeanne Maloy, Immediate Past Yono Purnomo, CEC, CFBE Chair Tina Chericoni Versaci, Esq. Patti Vitale Valerie Bleser Ann Fleming Brown David T. Wallingford Kenneth Countermine Barbara Bishop Ward Robin Wiley Vera Dordick Diane Smith Faubion Susan Zongrone Martin S. Finn, Esq. Marcia M. Steiner, Vice President Peter L. Gregory of Development and External Affairs Michael Hoffman Just as the contents of this report are for 2016, so too are the lists above. The Schenectady County Community College Annual Report is published annually for alumni, students, faculty, staff, parents and friends of the College by the Office of Planning, Marketing and Public Relations. Schenectady County Community College Office of Planning, Marketing and Public Relations 78 Washington Avenue, Schenectady, NY 12305 P: 518-381-1323 | pr@sunysccc.edu

Members of the Student Volunteer Organization show off the blankets they created. Read more on page 13.

Academics. . ............................................................................... 4-8 Partnerships........................................................................... 9-10 Student Awards...................................................................11-12 In the Community/Applied Learning................................... 13 Events......................................................................................... 14 Athletics................................................................................14-15 Faculty News and Awards..................................................16-18 Workforce Development and Community Education.. ......................................................19-20 Foundation...........................................................................23-30 List of Donors.......................................................................26-29 Commencement............................................Inside Back Cover On the cover: Wandel Perez, Aviation Science major, and Brooke Battige, Aviation Science and Air Traffic Control major, are members of the Flight Team. They’re shown with a Cessna Cutlass RG at Richmor Aviation at the Schenectady County Airport. This fall, the Flight Team hosted the Region VII NIFA (National Intercollegiate Flying Association) SAFECON competition at the airport. The Flight Team and teams from Bridgewater State University, Delaware State University, the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and SUNY Farmingdale competed in a variety of ground and flight events.

ACADEMICS New Programs Bring New Opportunities Craft Beer Brewing, Degree and Certificate Programs The number of breweries in New York State increased by 153 percent from 2012 to 2015, the state’s craft beer industry has an economic impact of $3.5 billion, and New York is the fifth-largest beer-producing state in the country, according to the New York State Brewers Association. These are well-known facts to the faculty and students involved in two of the newest programs on campus: the Craft Beer Brewing A.A.S. degree program and the Craft Beer Brewing certificate program, both of which debuted this fall. From a raspberry sour and imperial stout to a lager and gose, craft brews are vastly different and students in both programs learn what goes into them, as well as craft brewing operations and production, sales and merchandising. The degree program provides more in-depth production courses and an internship at a local brewery.

Between Classes with Samantha Alber, Craft Beer Brewing Degree Major

This summer, Samantha Alber visited Belgium by way of Cooperstown. It was during the “Belgium Comes to Cooperstown Festival” at the Ommegang Brewery that she met people from across the country, all of whom had one thing in common – their passion for craft beer. “That inspired me more to get into the Craft Beer Brewing degree program here,” she said. “I met a lot of women in the brewing industry which was great.” Samantha is interested in learning more about the history of this popular beverage in her Beverage Management Course, but she has her eye on one course in particular. “I’m looking forward to the internship – to actually getting my hands into it and brewing beer,” she said. She plans to go into either brewing or sales after she completes the program.


Between Classes with Stephen Digiovanni, Craft Beer Brewing Certificate Major

L. to R.: Stephen DiGiovanni, Craft Beer Brewing certificate program student, with Jay Larkin, Assistant Professor, and Dr. David Brough, Dean, both of the School of Hotel, Culinary Arts and Tourism, and Matthew Zerphey and Tracy Brundege, both students in the Craft Beer Brewing degree program.

After earning a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and English from Utica College of Syracuse University, Stephen DiGiovanni worked in television news as a producer. After several years in the news business, he decided to leave the reporting to someone else and began working in a friend’s sushi restaurant in Albany. In 2008, he enrolled in the Culinary Arts A.O.S. degree program. He earned his A.O.S. and then his A.A.S. in Hotel and Restaurant Management. Now, he’s in the certificate program to learn more about craft beer. “I’m here to educate myself,” said Stephen, who’s been working as a server at Druther’s Brewery and Restaurant in Saratoga for the past two years. “Craft beer is growing at a proper rate and we’re in on the ground floor here – that’s a good feeling.”

Liberal Arts: Psychology Concentration The new concentration in Psychology, within the Liberal Arts A.A. degree program, provides seamless transfer to Psychology and related programs at four-year SUNY institutions, an excellent opportunity for students wishing to pursue a bachelor’s degree. The Psychology concentration, one of five concentrations within the Liberal Arts program, began this fall. It introduces students to theories of psychology, as well as to research and statistical methodologies. Students also take courses in the humanities including literature and writing, history, psychology, abnormal psychology and sociology.

Between Classes with Albert Smith and Donte Golson, Liberal Arts: Psychology Concentration Majors Albert Smith and Donte Golson are both in the College’s new Liberal Arts degree program with a concentration in Psychology and both have their sights set on graduating from SUNY SCCC and continuing on until they’ve earned their doctorates. For Albert, of Glenville, the decision to pursue the field of psychology was personal. After watching firsthand what happened when a family member’s mental illness went untreated, he decided that he wanted to start with the Psychology concentration. His goal is to go on to medical school for psychiatry. “I always liked to help people out,” Albert said. “When I was younger, whenever any of my friends needed help or advice, I always liked to help.” Donte, of Schenectady, reflects back on his four years at Schenectady High School, noting a difference in his commitment to school now. “I know now that I really want to come to school to have a career,” Donte said. He plans to earn his doctorate in psychology and perhaps become a high school guidance counselor or school psychologist. Right now, he’s interested in taking more classes within the concentration. “The brain’s a great thing,” he said. “It’s really complex and I just want to know more about it.”

Michael Washco, Assistant Professor in the Division of Liberal Arts (right), took the lead in developing the curriculum for the new Psychology concentration. He was instrumental in negotiating articulation agreements with four-year institutions in the area guaranteeing seamless transfer for SUNY SCCC graduates. He’s shown with Albert Smith (left) and Donte Golson (center), who are majoring in Liberal Arts: Psychology.

Avid Certification is Impressive The School of Music became an Avid Pro Tools Educational Partner, offering Avid user certification programs to students. “Being associated with the company Avid is beneficial because in addition to owning Pro Tools digital audio software, they have specialized software for video editing and music notation,” said Sten Isachsen, Assistant Professor, who is also an Avid Pro Tools Certified Instructor. “They are the major player in the media editing world, whether it be audio, music notation or video editing, and all of this software works together; therefore, this partnership offers the potential to grow our students’ skillsets even more in the future.” L. to R.: Sten Isachsen, Assistant Professor in the School of Music, with Andrew Steenburgh, Samantha Loucks Baer and Anthony Dubose, who are all Music Audio Technology majors.


ACADEMICS New Transfer Agreements with Prestigious Colleges and Universities The majority of students at SUNY SCCC this fall were enrolled in transfer degree programs, designed for students to complete their first two years toward a bachelor’s degree and then transfer to a SUNY school or private college or university. Transfer agreements that SUNY SCCC has established with four-year colleges and universities, allow students to transfer as juniors. This year, SUNY SCCC established transfer agreements with a renowned criminal justice institution and a university that opens up more possibilities for online learning.

Back row: Dr. Ric Curtis, Interim Chairperson, Department of Law, Police Science and Criminal Justice Administration; Dr. Jane Bowers, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs; and Dr. Raymond Patton, Director of Educational Partnerships and General Education, all from John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Front row: Dr. Penny Haynes, Vice President of Academic Affairs, and Dr. Michael Roggow, Dean of Business, Criminal Justice and Law, SUNY SCCC. Dr. Haynes signs a new transfer agreement between the two institutions.

Criminal Justice graduates who complete an A.S. degree will now be accepted into the John Jay College of Criminal Justice’s Department of Law, Police Science, and Criminal Justice Administration in Manhattan to pursue their bachelor’s degree and a career in law enforcement. Dr. Raymond Patton, the Director of Educational Partnerships and General Education at John Jay, noted, “SUNY SCCC has an impressive Criminal Justice program, and bringing our programs together provides the opportunity for students to build on the strong foundation that they receive there.”


L. to R.: Brigette Law Franklin, Regional Partnership Director, Bellevue University; Doug Stewart, Assistant Vice President, Premier Partnerships, Bellevue University; Dr. Steady Moono, President, SUNY SCCC; Dr. Penny Haynes, Vice President of Academic Affairs, SUNY SCCC.

SUNY SCCC and Bellevue University in Nebraska established an articulation agreement so that SUNY SCCC graduates who earn an associate’s degree or 60 credits will be accepted into Bellevue University to earn a bachelor’s degree online. There will also be an on-campus Bellevue representative at SCCC to work with students on course registration, scheduling and advising. “It is a privilege to be able to open a location on campus that will enable SUNY SCCC and Bellevue University to better serve students, faculty and staff, and provide a seamless pathway to help students reach their educational goals,” said Dr. Mary B. Hawkins, President of Bellevue University.

Firing Up the Brick Oven Professors Susan Hatalsky and Paul Krebs, of the School of Hotel, Culinary Arts and Tourism, bake delicious thin-crust pizza during the inaugural firing of the new brick oven this fall. The oven, created by Brick Stove Works in Washington, Maine, is complemented by a spacious patio, located outside Elston Hall near the Casola Dining Room. The School of Hotel, Culinary Arts and Tourism will be using the oven to bake bread and pizza, and to roast meats.

New Induction Technology in Culinary Arts Lab Chef Ron Ragucci, Adjunct Faculty Member in the School of Hotel, Culinary Arts and Tourism, teaches Victoria Hines, Culinary Arts major, how to properly cook sauce in the newly renovated Quantitative Foods Lab. The lab features induction technology used today in modern commercial kitchens. Foods can be cooked quickly and held at a constant temperature. Also, the temperature of the room remains comfortable and the process is energy efficient. The new induction equipment gives students exposure to another method of cooking that they will use in the workplace.

Response is Key During Hazmat Demo Communication was critical for Jake Champain, Emergency Management major, the Incident Commander during a hands-on drill last spring in the parking area. He was one of 24 students in Adjunct Faculty Member Pete Lattanzio’s Hazardous Materials II class. Each student played an important role in responding to the Hazmat simulated incident, many of them wearing Hazmat suits, as professional first responders guided them through the exercise. Pictured are Jake Champain (Incident Commander), Kayleigh Miles and Kevin Schultz.

Students Help to Market START-UP NY Company’s New App Students in Professor Matt Farron’s Marketing class (pictured) are in on the ground floor of a START-UP NY company’s launching of a mobile app. Reid Hislop, President and CEO of Furlocity, visited Professor Farron’s class asking students for input on how to market the app that Furlocity plans to launch to, “give pet parents the opportunity to discover, learn and engage in pet friendly services based on their location.” What Hislop heard from students impressed him so much that their suggestions made it into the company’s marketing strategy. “They had some great ideas on how to generate additional exposure for us with Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest,” Hislop said. Student Jacob Griffin (pictured, front row, right) was pleased with the result. “As a class we definitely helped him break things down,” Griffin said. “Knowing that somebody of his caliber actually looked toward our group of students for some recommendations…makes me feel as though my opinion actually matters.” ANNUAL REPORT 2016 | 7

ACADEMICS Climbing Their Way to a Career in Science With CSTEP Front row, l. to r.: Jayden Price, Kayla Hathaway, Zena Tulloch and Melissa Banish. Back row: Dr. Lorena Harris, Ilary Nicolas, Javier McHugh, Terence Cassidy, Bryan Mentor, Roberto Rikprashad and Leah Nemorin.


ore than 60 students in the Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) are getting a great start on their future careers in math, science, technology and healthrelated fields. Beginning in Spring 2016, the students showed their grit during “Challenge Week” with problems they had to solve for prizes. They also had tutoring and mini-reviews before midterms and finals. They visited Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School in Schenectady with a group from GE for “robotic camp,” shared information about science during a day of service at the Jewish Community Center in Niskayuna and 12 of the students interned at companies across the Capital Region. CSTEP aims to increase the success rate among students in under-represented groups and is funded by the New York State Education Department. Dr. Lorena Harris, who was a Grad-STEP student while pursuing her Ph.D. at Bowling Green State University, directs the new program. “It’s a gratifying feeling,” Dr. Harris said. “I let them know that what you do today can improve all your tomorrows. It can work if you want to put the work into it.”


Between Classes with Christina Velazquez, Science Major/CSTEP Student Christina Velazquez always had a lofty image of doctors and that becoming one was something unattainable. That changed when she was accepted into “Try On A White Coat,” a weeklong summer immersion program at Upstate Medical University in Syracuse through CSTEP. “In that program everyone was very welcoming, but they had high expectations for you, so it became contagious,” she said. “When you’re with doctors and med students for seven days straight, it opens you up a lot more and you see a clear vision to the future where it doesn’t seem as hard.” After sitting in on anatomy classes at the medical school, touring Upstate Medical Hospital with visits to pediatrics and cancer units, discussing the medical school application process and experiencing a day in the life of a med student, Christina has a vision for her future. She was inspired by the two women who started the internship program, Lamees Galal, Coordinator of Cross Cultural Programming and Awareness, and Sharon Huard, Associate Dean for Student and Multicultural Affairs, who oversee the program at SUNY Upstate Medical University, as well as Dr. Lorena Harris, Director of CSTEP at SUNY SCCC. Now, Christina plans to transfer for a bachelor’s degree in science and then apply to medical school. She’d like to study either internal or general medicine. “I think the human body is amazing – the way it works, it’s so specific and so different, but it all works,” she said.

PARTNERSHIPS First College in Area to Join Achieving the Dream SUNY SCCC joined Achieving the Dream (ATD) this summer, making it the first higher education institution in the Capital Region to be part of this innovative “national non-profit reform network dedicated to community college student success and completion, focused primarily on helping low-income students and students of color complete their education and obtain market-valued credentials.”

Pledging to Complete What They Started

During the Fall 2016 semester, coaches from ATD were on campus to provide the Student Success Initiative (SSI) team with coordinated, personalized advice to pinpoint strengths and areas for improvement across seven institutional capacities in areas such as leadership and vision, teaching and learning and data and technology. Through ATD, SUNY SCCC is part of a network of 200 community colleges from across the country including eight other New York colleges in the program. Leading the ATD partnership are Dr. Steady Moono, President, Dr. Penny Haynes, Vice President of Academic Affairs, with the Student Success Initiative Committee chaired by Assistant Professor Aaron Tolbert of the Division of Liberal Arts. Dr. Donna McKusick, Dean of Developmental Education and Special Academic Programs at Community College of Baltimore County, and Dr. Susan Meyer, Senior Partner with Student Achievement Initiatives - Miami Dade College in Florida, both coaches with Achieving the Dream, with Dr. Steady Moono, SUNY SCCC President.

Students signed a banner pledging to “complete their degree or certificate program and to seek out advisement on course selection, career planning and support services that will help me reach my goal” during Completion Day. Shown here are Henry Simon, Computer Science major, with Dr. Peggy King, Associate Dean for Student Development Emeritus. Faculty and staff wore sweatshirts from their alma maters with Dr. King proudly wearing hers from Ursinus College in Pennsylvania, where she earned her B.A. in History.

Scheduling for Student Success SUNY SCCC and Niskayuna Forge Agreement for International Students Dr. Steady H. Moono, President of SUNY SCCC, and Dr. Cosimo Tangorra Jr., Superintendent of the Niskayuna Central School District, charted a new course for international students when they signed an agreement that allows students to take courses at the high school and SUNY SCCC through concurrent enrollment. This partnership, the first of its kind in New York State, now provides a pathway to college education for international students who have completed one year of full-time study at Niskayuna High School through the school district’s International Scholars Program. Students can use the credits to earn an associate’s degree from SUNY SCCC or to transfer to another college or university.

SUNY SCCC is part of a five-campus consortium, Scheduling for Student Success, a project that seeks to improve course schedules so students have timely access to the courses they need to graduate. The State University of New York at Fredonia was granted $420,000 from SUNY to lead the initiative and work with Ad Astra Information Systems and four other SUNY partner institutions: SUNY SCCC, the College at Oneonta, the College of Technology at Alfred and Dutchess Community College. Together, they will conduct a comprehensive analysis that addresses course offerings, course capacity and space utilization. ANNUAL REPORT 2016 | 9

PARTNERSHIPS Smart Scholars Continue to Shine

When Garnett James, who’s in 11th grade at Schenectady High School, took a college-level Western Civilization class last year, and earned three college credits, something just clicked. “That class helped me with the Global Regents I took last year,” Garnett said. “I never really liked history, but I liked that class a lot and I got a 91 on the Regents.” He’s one of 532 students in the Schenectady Smart Scholars Early College High School program, taking college courses and learning the expectations of being on a college campus. This year marked the seventh that SUNY SCCC has partnered with Schenectady High School and SUNY on the innovative program. As for college, Garnett has already earned nine college credits but isn’t quite sure what he wants to study yet. “I just know I want to go to college and my parents expect me to go.”


Mentoring Program is Meaningful Addition for Students

Dr. Steady Moono, President, with his mentee Jonathan Murray, a Hotel and Restaurant Management major. Jonathan is part of the Minority Student Mentoring Initiative (MSMI), a new program Dr. Moono initiated last spring.

“Rather than literally burning the midnight oil, which he judged to be unhealthy, John Adams advised his son to make the most of college by developing an inquisitive outlook that would prompt him to get to know the most exceptional scholars and question them closely. ‘Ask them about their tutors, manner of teaching. Observe what books lie on their tables. Fall into questions of literature, science, or what you will.’ ” David McCullough – Pulitzer Prize-winning author

More than 50 faculty and staff members are now mentors to students through the Minority Student Mentoring Initiative (MSMI). This new program, started in Spring 2016, connects students with caring mentors for guidance and support while providing opportunities for civic engagement, academic advisement, personal development and leadership development. Mentors support students in working through any obstacle to complete their degree, and challenge them to develop the mental toughness, academic discipline, and organizational skills necessary to succeed with career exploration and professional development workshops, student conferences and community service.

Strategic Plan Charts New Course The College’s Strategic Plan - 2015-2020 - Our College - Our Future hits the reset button on priorities for SUNY SCCC in a bold way with five key priority areas: expand access and increase student success; ensure a quality, relevant, coherent and innovative curriculum; invest in campus renewal; strengthen and expand community and strategic partnerships; and ensure the college’s financial sustainability. The plan articulates hopes, dreams, and aspirations to fully build upon the best of the College’s history while positioning the College to be open, flexible, and dynamic in responding to new opportunities. It reflects input from faculty and staff members.

STUDENT AWARDS Phi Theta Kappa Honors Students

Students Chosen for Statewide Awards

Three SUNY SCCC students were chosen for the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society’s All-New York Academic Awards based on their academics, leadership and engagement in community service. They are Tristian Banchs- Ponce, Criminal Justice major; Shaelei Butler, Teacher Education Transfer major; and Tracy Sweet, Chemical Dependency Counseling/Human Services major.

Christa Agans, Computer Information Systems major, and Tristian Banchs-Ponce, Criminal Justice major, were both recognized with the 2016 Chancellor’s Awards for Student Excellence, along with top SUNY students from across the state. The Chancellor’s Awards recognize students who have best demonstrated academic excellence with accomplishments in leadership, athletics, community service, creative and performing arts and campus involvement.

In addition to attending SCCC with a 3.84 GPA, Tristian worked full-time as a Guest Services Manager at McDonald’s. He was Treasurer of the Educational Opportunity Program Club and a Deacon at his church. He is currently working for the United States Postal Service. Shaelei was the recipient of an SCCC Foundation Scholar Award and had a 3.94 GPA. She has volunteered at Villa Fusco Child Day Care and is a counselor at Camp Veritas. She is currently pursuing her B.A. degree in English and History at the University at Albany. Tracy coordinated an expressive writing group at the Rotterdam Boys and Girls Club. She had a 3.95 GPA and volunteers as the Fundraising and Marketing Coordinator for the Emily Willey Foundation. She plans to earn her B.S. and M.S.W. and become a social worker.

An Emerging Artist Student artist Tayron Lopez (center), Liberal Arts major, had his artwork featured in the College’s new Academic Studio on the first floor of the Begley Library. With him is Stephen Tyson, accomplished artist and Adjunct Faculty Member, and Siu Ng, Director of Academic Services. “I felt as though abstract was one of my weak points as an artist,” said Tayron, who is now at Sage College of Albany pursuing his bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts. “He (Tyson) showed me images, books and magazines of all these great abstract drawings and artists. Seeing all these amazing drawings enticed me, so I wanted to do the same to others with my work.”

Christa had a 3.8 GPA and is a wife and mother of two children. She started an Adopt-A-Grandparent program by posting an idea on Facebook and she soon had a room full of parents and kids playing Bingo with residents of The Glendale Home. She graduated in May 2016 and plans to pursue her bachelor’s degree and start her career. For Tristian, graduating from SUNY SCCC in May 2016 marked the first time that anyone in his family earned a degree. “I’m the first generation to go to college, so that’s a big deal,” he said. “My mother has always been there pushing me and teaching me the importance of school.”


STUDENT AWARDS Jazz Students in Rhythm with DownBeat Award

The SCCC Jazz Ensemble, under the leadership of Dr. William Meckley, won DownBeat magazine’s 2016 Student Award for Outstanding Performance by a Large Jazz Ensemble, marking the second consecutive year that SUNY SCCC has been recognized by DownBeat. The Jazz Ensemble’s performances of “Afro Blue” by Mongo Santamaria and “Footprints” by Wayne Shorter separated them from the competition and earned the group this prestigious award. DownBeat is widely regarded as one of the nation’s premier music publications. Pictured are: (Front row) Mike Hugo, Marty Stone, Ryan Perrote, Joshua Nelson and Sophia Bescaglia. (Second row) Ben Martin and Cole Mead. (Third row) Dr. Bill Meckley (director), Madeline Civill, Chik Wai (James) Ng and Ron Gardner. (Fourth row) Elias Assimakopolous, Justin Taylor, Graham Wolfe and Jason Darnell. (Fifth row) Alex Marro, Alex Kovarovic and Peter Fitzgerald. (Sixth row) Zachary Frenger, Olivia Canavan and Jake DiMirra.


Entrepreneurs Blossom During Boot Camp It took about an hour for Jenn Dugan, (right) Business Administration major, to transform Professor Matt Farron (below), of the Division of Business, Criminal Justice and Law, into a zombie as part of her presentation for the Capital Region Chamber’s Entrepreneur Boot Camp competition. Her creativity and business plan earned her a second place finish in the competition, from among 18 aspiring entrepreneurs from throughout the Capital Region. She won marketing services and a desktop printer as she sets out to start Makeup Curio, a retail and service business that blends beauty and special effects makeup.


Through a partnership, now in its second year, between the College and the Chamber, Jenn and Tameeka Shirer (above), who is in the Entrepreneurship Certificate program, both attended the Boot Camp for 10 weeks and earned college credit for BUS 252, the Business Before Plan Development course.

A Tango in Texas Peter Fitzgerald, Performing Arts Music major, headed to San Antonio, Texas, as an award-winning composer to hear his piece Irish Tango brought to life by a group of professional musicians. He won the 2016 Jack Stone Award for New Music, through the only national competition for composers that is specifically limited to community college students. He earned a cash prize and an all-expense paid trip to San Antonio, where his piece was performed at Northwest Vista College. Peter, a trumpet player, was chosen from among students at colleges in New York, Texas and Washington state, by members of the Composers Alliance of San Antonio.

IN THE COMMUNITY / APPLIED LEARNING The SUNY system and SUNY SCCC have made a commitment to providing every student the opportunity to learn through various types of applied learning experiences including service learning, internships, field work, cooperative education and approved work experiences. The College has established an Applied Learning Task Force to support SUNY’s goals and position SCCC as a leader in the future.

Class Supports Brave Will Foundation

Joseph Paniccia, Business Administration/Accounting major (pictured above on right), and the other students in Assistant Professor Donna Corbisiero’s Integrated Reading/Writing Class, through the Division of Liberal Arts, presented donations to Matt and Tammy Hladun and their sons Max, 9, and Ben, 12, as part of an applied learning project. The Hladuns’ son, Will, passed away from cancer just short of his 7-month birthday in 2009. The family founded the Brave Will Foundation in his memory to be a driving force in the commitment to pediatric palliative care efforts in the Capital Region. Earlier in the semester, the students wrote letters requesting items including games and nonperishable snacks. The donations were placed in a room for families of children in palliative care and extensive treatment at Albany Medical Center.

Service Learning Becomes Valuable Lesson Elaine Houston, reporter/anchor from WNYT TV-13, interviews Erin Denison, Human Services major, for a special education segment. Erin and other students in Professor Renee Adamany’s SOC 127: Interpersonal and Group Dynamics class, visited a second grade class at Hamilton Elementary School in Schenectady. The group raised funds to buy T-shirts, tie-dye kits, markers, crayons, coloring books and other supplies for the classroom, all part of their service learning project. “It was fun and it was really rewarding to be able to help the children and do a good thing for the community,” Erin said.

Applied Learning Recognition There’s nothing quite like walking into a business or organization for the first time and becoming part of the team by applying what you’re learning in the classroom. That’s what the four students pictured: Kristin Gordon, Performing Arts – Music and Music Audio Technology major; Nicolette Brown, Mathematics and Science/ Nanoscale Science concentration major; Christina Cucinotta, Hotel and Restaurant Management major; and Jackie Servideo, Human Services major, spoke about during an event the College held to recognize community organizations/ businesses who have supported SUNY SCCC in its applied learning efforts by hosting students.

A Blanket of Hope A no-sew blanket, made by members of the Student Volunteer Organization (SVO), was raffled off with the proceeds used to purchase personal care items for guests at the City Mission of Schenectady. The SVO then presented the donations during a dinner at the City Mission that they prepared and served. (Pictured on the Table of Contents page.) ANNUAL REPORT 2016 | 13


ATHLETICS Women’s Crew Team Shows Strength on the Water






Clockwise from top, left: 1. Walter Simpkins presented “The Journey of a Slave Moses Viney,” which was both poignant and educational.

Top (novice): Katelyn Zebrowski, Emma Boersma, Rachel Rockwell and Anastasia Olsen.

2. The Empire Jazz Orchestra performed Rufus Reid’s Grammy-nominated composition Quiet Pride, with Reid, noted bass player and composer, joining the EJO on stage for its annual spring Jazz Master Series performance. Each of the five movements of Quiet Pride is based on a sculpture by artist Elizabeth Catlett, who is considered one of the great American artists of the 20th and 21st Centuries. An art exhibit in the School of Music atrium, curated by Adjunct Faculty Member Stephen Tyson, featured student work and limited-edition prints of Elizabeth Catlett.

Bottom (varsity): Juliana Struys, Morgan Winnie, Kayla Belschwinder and Natalie Pavelock.

3. The Chamber Music Series featured the Weilerstein Duo - Donald Weilerstein, violin, and Vivian Weilerstein, piano. 4/5. During an enthralling President’s Symposium, New York Times best-selling author Wes Moore spoke about his compelling memoir, The Other Wes Moore, based on two boys with the same name, born blocks apart within a year of each other. It poses the question, “How did one grow up to be a Rhodes Scholar and the other a convicted murderer serving a life sentence for killing a police officer?” 4. Students at SUNY SCCC and in the community read the book and then shared their own experiences with Moore during a book signing. One of them was Kyiana Velazquez, Early Childhood major (pictured), who gave him a copy of an essay she had written for a class, in which she shared her thoughts about the book. 5. Wes Moore with faculty in the Division of Liberal Arts, members of the Community and Cultural Events Committee and President’s Symposium. 14 | SCHENECTADY COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE

During the Spring 2016 season, the Women’s Crew Team’s novice squad celebrated two straight undefeated duels, beating Johnson & Wales University (on the Mohawk River) and RPI (on the Hudson River) and the Varsity Women’s 4+ made the Petite Finals at the New York State Collegiate Championships in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. In October 2016, the team earned a silver medal at the Textile River Regatta in Lowell, Mass., finishing just behind Worcester Polytechnic Institute and ahead of UMass Lowell, Clark University and Bryant University.

ATHLETICS Bowlers are National/Regional Champs

Women’s Bowling Team - Front row: Carly Boyfair, Julie Collins, Janelle Irwin, Deanna Lee Back row: Aliyah Liberatore, Morgan Ruggeri, Kasey Kosier, Jordan Byrnes Men’s Bowling Team: Corey Hommel, Michael Kamm, Billy McGaffin, Patrick Hoey, Justin Carl, Nick Peckowitz

Who’s number one? We’re number one. The Women’s and Men’s Bowling Teams were victorious at the Region III Playoffs in Utica, N.Y. This was the third consecutive championship win for the women and fourth consecutive for the men. The women went on to be crowned NJCAA National Champions during competition in Buffalo, N.Y. They were led by Jordan Byrnes and Janelle Irwin. This is their second national championship victory. The men’s team, led by Justin Carl, finished third during the NJCAA National Championships. SUNY SCCC now has four NJCAA National Championship wins in bowling since 2013.

Athlete Named Player of the Year for First Time in College History Morgan Sullivan’s consistent shooting and hustle on the court as a member of the Women’s Basketball Team paid off…big time. Morgan, a Business Administration major, was named All-Conference Player of the Year, voted upon by coaches in the conference, marking the first time a Royal has earned that distinction. She ended the season as the leading scorer for Region III, breaking the 1,000-point career barrier with 1,022. She also broke regional and College records for most points during a single game with 43.

Father and Son Lead Royals

Bill Creighton, Head Coach of the Men’s Baseball Team, and his son Billy Creighton ’11, Assistant Coach. Billy was a standout pitcher while an SCCC Royal during the 2010 and 2011 seasons.

The Men’s Baseball Team coaching staff kept it all in the family with Bill Creighton taking the reigns as the new Head Coach. Coach Creighton has 20 years of coaching experience and has been the Manager of the Capital City Kings for the past 12 seasons. Coaching alongside him was his son Billy Creighton, Assistant Coach, who was on the Royals as pitcher and catcher during the 2010 and 2011 seasons. Billy was first team All-American Pitcher during the 2011 season and after graduating from SCCC in 2011 with his degree in Liberal Arts, played two seasons at the University of North Carolina at Asheville in the Big South Conference. He also played professionally last season for the Watertown Bucks of the North Country Baseball League.

Morgan, who had a 3.8 GPA, is now majoring in Marketing at the College of Saint Rose, and is a guard on the Golden Knights Women’s Basketball Team. She’s the first female athlete to go D2 out of the Royals basketball program. ANNUAL REPORT 2016 | 15

FACULTY NEWS AND AWARDS Theatre Professor Pens Original Work

Joy Roberts, Julia Jaster, both Liberal Arts: Drama concentration majors, and Terrell White, Casino and Gaming Hospitality major, perform in Alienation.

Aliens infiltrated SCCC - well, sort of. Students in the Drama concentration, part of the Liberal Arts degree program, performed Alienation at the John Sayles School of Fine Arts Black Box Theatre, at Schenectady High School. The play is an original piece created by director Jonathan Beller, Assistant Professor in the Division of Liberal Arts, and some of his theatre students. Drawing inspiration from 1950s science fiction films, local stories of UFO sightings, and age-old alien conspiracy theories, Alienation follows a group of characters who are caught somewhere between fact and fantasy, desperately looking far outside themselves for proof that intelligent life exists.

Investing in Leaders

(Front row, l. to r.) Dr. Steady Moono, President; Mary Kohan, Program Coordinator, Health Profession Opportunity Grant; Lynn Trudell, Educational Aide, Career and Transfer Services; Pamela McCall, Director of College and High School Partnerships; Brett Wery, Professor, School of Music; Sarah Wilson Sparrow, Coordinator of the Office of Workforce Development. (Back row, l. to r.) Paula Ohlhous, Chief of Staff; Christopher M. DelVecchio, Admissions Advisor; Eileen Abrahams, Associate Professor, Division of Liberal Arts; Samantha Legere, Coordinator of Development (Scholarships); Sandra Troiano, Recruitment Specialist; Amiee Warfield, Controller; and Michelle Ragucci, Coordinator for Testing Center.

A group of ambitious and talented faculty and staff accepted membership into the new President’s Leadership Academy. Through the 10-month program, participants seek to strengthen individual leadership capacity, broaden their understanding of the context of the work of the College and higher education, and build their competency to lead positive change within the College and community. 16 | SUNY SCHENECTADY COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE

Faculty Published Dr. Moira Maguire, Dean of the Division of Liberal Arts, had her article, “Male Infanticide Defendants in Twentieth Century Ireland,” published in the Fall 2016 issue of New Hibernia Review, the leading refereed scholarly journal in the field of Irish Studies in the United States. Her article analyzes court cases involving male defendants in 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s Ireland. Scholarly analyses of infanticide tend to portray it as a distinctly female crime driven by the temporary insanity and shame of illegitimate childbirth. Adding male defendants into the mix essentially challenges that traditional view, instead arguing that families became involved in the murder of illegitimate children primarily to protect their status and reputation in the community. Megan Cassidy, Assistant Professor in the Division of Liberal Arts, had her novel Always, Jessie published by Saguaro Books and her novella The Trial of Arthur A. Westcott published in Silver Blade Novellas. A prolific writer, her following short stories were also published: “The Thanksgiving of the Purple Gravy” (Pilcrow & Dagger); “Feeling Blue” (A Story in 100 Words); “Teddy” (WordHaus Literary Magazine); “Notes from a First-World Battlefront” (FICTION on the WEB); “Paper Cranes” (WordHaus Literary Magazine); “New License” (The Citron Review); and “Keys” (One Hundred Voices Anthology), as well as her poems “Alice and Jane” (Asinine Poetry) and “Cups” (Dying Dahlia Review) and article “Belly Dance and the Art of Healing” (Gilded Serpent Magazine).

Inauguration 2016 The Inauguration of Dr. Steady H. Moono as the College’s seventh President was a celebration of his commitment to the students of SUNY SCCC and higher education in general. The ceremony, held at Proctors in May 2016, featured remarks by student Shantal Plass, Business Administration major, and Dr. Karen Stout, President/CEO of Achieving the Dream. The ceremony was marked by the investiture and presentation of the insignia of office to Dr. Moono by Johanna Duncan-Poitier, Senior Vice Chancellor for Community Colleges and the Education Pipeline for the State University of New York; Ann Fleming Brown, Chair of the Board of Trustees; Paula Ohlhous, Chief of Staff; and Kelly Moono, CPA, Dr. Moono’s spouse. An Inaugural Ball took place the following evening at the Schenectady Armory with guests supporting the new Minority Student Mentoring Initiative.

SUNY Chancellor Recognizes Faculty and Staff

Congratulations to the recipients of the prestigious 2016 SUNY Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence. Bravo on your dedication to the students of SUNY SCCC and your commitment to higher education. SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Classified Service Patricia DiCarlo, Information Processing Specialist II, Division of Liberal Arts SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching Harry Buffardi, Associate Professor, Division of Business, Criminal Justice and Law SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Adjunct Teaching Stephen Tyson, Adjunct Faculty Member, Division of Liberal Arts SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities Dr. Babette Faehmel, Associate Professor, Division of Liberal Arts SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Faculty Service Matthew Farron, Professor, Division of Business, Criminal Justice and Law SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Professional Service Dr. William Meckley, Dean, School of Music

Dr. Steady Moono, President (second from right), with Trustees Dr. William Levering, Vice Chair; Tina Chericoni Versaci; Ann Fleming Brown, Chair; Gary Hughes; Dr. Alton Brisport; and William Pattee, Student Trustee. Dr. Moono and Johanna Duncan-Poitier, SUNY Senior Vice Chancellor for Community Colleges and the Education Pipeline, listen to remarks by Keynote Speaker Dr. Karen A. Stout, President/CEO of Achieving the Dream.

Dr. Moono Appointed to National Commission Dr. Steady H. Moono, President, was appointed to the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Commission on Academic, Student and Community Development for a term through June 30, 2019. He joined leaders of institutions from across the country who provide advice to the AACC Board and staff; encourage collaboration among community college entities and organizations; provide a forum for focused conversation about important community college issues and priorities of the day; provide for increased involvement in the Association by AACC member CEOs and other professional staff; and provide leadership opportunities for members of the AACC Board of Directors.


FACULTY NEWS AND AWARDS Faculty Member Coaches Aspiring Chefs

Michael Stamets, CEC, Assistant Professor, coached students in the Culinary Competition Class as the School of Hotel, Culinary Arts and Tourism hosted the Seventh Annual Spring Culinary Classic, an American Culinary Federation (ACF) sanctioned competition with ACF judges from New York State and Rhode Island. The students showed off their skills in contemporary cooking techniques and classical cooking. Left to right are: Chef Stamets, Robert Snell, Valentino Federio-Maietta, Floyd Anderson, Rachel Gauthier, Samantha Gliganic, Sebastian Marro, Sahar Darwish, Justin Tran, James Buhrmaster, Jacob Lynch and Davis Louis Jr., SUNY Delhi LEAP student. They all medaled in at least one of the categories. Not pictured: Giovanni Lontoc.

New Leader for College Marketing Efforts David Regan White is making his mark as the Director of Marketing and Public Relations, a new job title at the College. David oversees the website, social media, publications, public relations and advertising. He previously worked as a Digital Marketing Strategist for local businesses and organizations and as a Marketing Manager for Excelsior College.

College Launches New Website The College unveiled a new website that is modern, bold and dynamic with navigation, features and options that all make it easier for prospective students and visitors to find out all they need to know about SUNY SCCC. Before the redesign began, the Office of Marketing and Public Relations held focus groups comprised of students, faculty, staff and friends of the College and benefitted from a myriad of suggestions that were incorporated into the new site. 18 | SUNY SCHENECTADY COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE

Promoting Women in Technology

Dr. Syeda Munaim, Professor; Christa Agans, Computer Information Systems major; and Don Riggs, Assistant Professor, attended the New York Celebration of Women in Computing Conference in Lake George. Each year the conference seeks to promote the “academic, social and professional growth of technical women in New York.”

New CD from Empire Jazz Orchestra The Empire Jazz Orchestra, professional jazz ensemble in residence, released its sixth CD, Out Of The Mist. Reviewer Jack Bowers, of AllAboutjazz.com, wrote, “The soloists are admirable, the rhythm section…unflappable, the ensemble as a whole sagacious and self-assured. An agreeable hour of high-caliber big-band jazz.” The EJO is directed by Dr. William Meckley, Dean of the School of Music, with talented SCCC Music faculty in the ensemble. The new CD features compositions by SCCC Music faculty Keith Pray ’93 and Brian Patneaude, and performances by renowned musicians Ray Vega, trumpet, and Colleen Pratt, vocals.


Lieutenant Governor Visits Youth Build Youth Build students and staff shared their stories and the latest project they were working on with Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul when she visited them in the Kindl Building for a casual conversation.

Students and instructors in the Community Archaeology Program (CAP) had a fruitful dig that brought together not only budding archaeologists and seasoned veterans, but also members of the First Reformed Church and the community. During a months-long dig at the church in the heart of the Stockade Historic District, the group, which also included students from the University at Albany, located part of the foundation and a kitchen midden (garbage pit) for one of two houses that stood on the site prior to the 1861 fire that destroyed the fourth church. They also discovered the cobblestone carriage way between the two houses that stood there (the former 107 and 105 Union St.) and located the edge of 105 Union’s foundation.

Beekman Boys Come to Town

Beekman 1802 became the Electric City Innovation Center’s first START-UP NY tenant in partnership with SUNY SCCC. Beekman is opening its headquarters in downtown Schenectady, leasing space at the Electric City Innovation Center in Center City on State Street. CEO Brent Ridge and Josh Kilmer-Purcell became well known because of their reality TV show, “The Fabulous Beekman Boys.” The company produces and distributes local, farm-sourced products. Through START-UP NY, eligible businesses have the opportunity to operate state, and local tax-free and new employees may pay no state or local personal income taxes for up to 10 years when they locate in designated areas and align with a school’s core academic mission.

Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul with Dr. Steady Moono, President, Jennifer Lawrence, Executive Program Director of Career Services for Northeast Parent and Child Society, and Honorable Gary McCarthy, Mayor of Schenectady and SCCC alumnus.

Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul with Youth Build staff Rebecca Paavola and Derek Westbrook, and Youth Build participants Jonathan Murray, Jacob Olds, Nathan Taylor and Demetrius Lewis, as well as SUNY SCCC, city, county and state officials.



Graduation Day for Craft Brewing Class The first group of students graduated from the non-credit Introduction to Craft Brewing course. Also, students and instructors in the non-credit Introduction to Craft Brewing course won a silver medal in the U.S. Open College Beer Championship, a competition for colleges and universities that teach brewing courses to help determine the best future brewers in North America.

Legislative Open House Highlights Successes To further educate the community about the importance of grant funding, Workforce Development and Community Education held a Legislative Open House for legislative leaders to learn more about workforce programs and speak with participants. L. to R. are: Lorraine Hobart, Director of Human Resources at Kingsway Community; Christine Canavan, Program Coordinator; Dr. Steady Moono, President; Denise Zieske, Vice President for Workforce Development and Community Education; Jennifer Lawrence, Executive Director of Social Enterprise and Training Center; David Gardell, Proprietor of The Ruck; Honorable James Tedisco, New York State Assemblyman; and Honorable Karen Johnson, Schenectady County Legislator. Right: Lorraine Hobart, Director of Human Resources at Kingsway Community, addresses the crowd. Kingsway has hired more than 140 students who have completed SUNY SCCC’s HPOG courses. Kingsway partnered with Workforce Development and Community Education on Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) and Home Health Aide (HHA) training in addition to a series of workshops on communication and teamwork between Licensed Practical Nurses and CNAs. 20 | SUNY SCHENECTADY COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE

Grant Program Will Train Nurses Growth and leadership development for nurses are the goals of a new training program made possible through two grants, totaling $60,000, from the SUNY Community College Workforce Development Training Grant Program. Two local area hospitals, Albany Medical Center (AMC) and St. Peter’s Hospital, a member of St. Peter’s Health Partners, will partner with the College to enable nurses to upgrade their skills, take on more responsibilities and advance in their nursing careers. Each hospital’s grant is in the amount of $30,000 and training will take place in 2017.

Fall 2016 Student Demographics Gender F M

Full-time Part-time Total 1023 (52%) 945 (48%)

Race Asian 117 (6%) Black 430 (22%) Multi-Racial 62 (3%) Native American and Alaskan 22 (1%) Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander 15 (1%) Unknown 62 (3%) White 1240 (63%) Ethnicity Non-Hispanic Hispanic

1811 (92%) 157 (8%)

826 (59%) 567 (41%)

1849 (55%) 1512 (45%)

The College’s operating budget was $29,317,686 for 2015-2016 and decreased to $28,662,010 for 2016/2017.

Expenditures 86 (6%) 233 (17%) 37 (3%)

206 (6%) 663 (20%) 99 (3%)

18 (1%)

40 (1%)

15 (1%) 37 (3%) 937 (67%)

30 (1%) 99 (3%) 2177 (65%)

1285 (92%) 108 (8%)

3096 (92%) 265 (8%)

Age Distribution Under 18 89 (5%) 25 (2%) 114 (3%) 18-21 1157 (59%) 364 (26%) 1521 (45%) 22-24 236 (12%) 216 (16%) 452 (13%) 25-29 197 (10%) 260 (19%) 457 (14%) 30-34 103 (5%) 153 (11%) 256 (8%) 35-39 60 (3%) 113 (8%) 173 (5%) 40-49 81 (4%) 136 (10%) 217 (6%) 50-64 42 (2%) 99 (7%) 141 (4%) 65 and up 3 (0%) 27 (2%) 30 (1%) Median 20.4 26.5 22.2 Mean 23.7 30.6 26.6 Matriculated 1927 1077 3004 Non-Matriculated 41 316 357 County of Residence Schenectady County 1048 (53%) Albany County 338 (17%) Saratoga County 215 (11%) Rensselaer County 92 (5%) Montgomery County 71 (4%) Schoharie County 25 (1%) Fulton County 32 (2%) Other 147 (7%)


803 (58%) 250 (18%) 175 (13%) 44 (3%) 34 (2%) 18 (1%) 17 (1%) 52 (4%)

2015/2016 2016/2017

Personnel Services Benefits Equipment Contractual Services

48.8% 48.7% 25.2% 25.3% 2.0% 1.0% 24.0% 25.0%


100.0% 100.0%

Revenues Tuition and Fees County Chargeback State Aid Other

2015/2016 2016/2017 48.4% 46.5% 7.3% 7.6% 8.8% 9.3% 34.1% 34.5% 1.4% 2.1%

(including fund balance)




1851 (55%) 588 (17%) 390 (12%) 136 (4%) 105 (3%) 43 (1%) 49 (1%) 199 (6%)

Note: SCCC had 3,043 University in the High School (full- and part-time) students in Fall 2016 not included in the total.

Total Students



3361 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 | 21

Internships in the Community 2016 SUNY SCCC partners with community agencies and businesses, listed below, providing opportunities for students to gain invaluable experience during internships, fieldwork assignments and workplace observations. Accounting Louis F. Nicolella, Income Tax Service Business Administration Empire State Aerosciences Museum Lia Toyota of Colonie Roarke Custom Builders Walt Disney World - Florida Wealth Advisory Group Chemical Dependency Counseling Conifer Park Hope House New Choices Peter Young HYT St. Mary’s Hospital (Addiction Services) St. Peters Addiction Recovery Services (SPARC) Transitional Services Association, Inc. Trinity Alliance Communications 104.5 The Team ESPN Radio Office of the Albany County Executive Criminal Justice Albany Police Department Amsterdam Police Department Rotterdam Police Department Rotterdam Town Court Schenectady County Sheriff’s Office Schenectady Department of Probation Schenectady Police Department Schoharie County Sheriff’s Office Scotia Village Court SUNY SCCC Administrative Office Victim’s Advocacy, Schenectady County District Attorney’s Office Drama Hydrant Theater Company Saratoga Central Catholic School Siena College Times Union Youth Musical Theater Conservatory Early Childhood Bethlehem Preschool Berne-Knox-Westerlo School Fulton Community Action Agency Head Start Gateway Montessori Preschool Glenville Cooperative Preschool Home Away from Home Child Care

Howe Early Childhood Center Our World Montessori Parson’s Early Head Start Schenectady Day Nursery Schenectady Day Nursery @ SCCC Montessori Rosa Venerini Early Childhood Center Tendercare Child Care Center YWCA Children’s Center Hotel, Culinary Arts and Tourism Albany County Convention & Visitors Bureau Albany Marriott American Automobile Association BBL Hospitality Centerplate at Belmont and Saratoga Race Course Chartwells Desmond Hotel Disneyland (Anaheim, Calif.) Embassy Suites, Saratoga Springs Empire Meeting Solutions Golub Corporation – Market Bistro Hilton Garden Inn, Albany, N.Y. Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs, Louisville, Ky. KeyBank Mazzone Hospitality Meeting Industry Experts NYS Veterinary Medical Society NYS Bar Association NYS Department of Tourism NYS Hospitality and Tourism Association Otesaga Resort Hotel Price Chopper Proctors Saratoga and Belmont, N.Y. State Racing Association Saratoga Casino Hotel Saratoga Convention and Tourism Board ShopRite Site Solutions Worldwide Sodexo Spectrum Concessions TGI Fridays Turning Stone Resort Casino Valley Cats Walt Disney World (Orlando, Fla.) Yankee Trails Human Services Alternative Living Group - Capital District Arbor Hill Elementary School


Baptist Health and Rehabilitation Home Bethesda House of Schenectady Boys and Girls Clubs Brown School Catholic Charities Senior Services The Center for Community Justice Center for Disability Services City Mission of Schenectady Men’s Program City Mission of Schenectady Family Life Center Community Loan Fund of the Capital Region Craig Elementary School/Niskayuna Central School District Crossroads Center for Children Dayhaven Social Adult Day Care Ellis Hospital Girls Incorporated of the Greater Capital Region Headstart Schenectady Heritage Home for Women Kingsway Nursing Home Living Resources Mohawk Opportunities Northeast Parent and Child Society Parsons Family and Child Center Safe Inc. Saratoga Bridges Saratoga Catholic Central High School Schenectady County Career Center Schenectady Advocacy, Resources and Choices (ARC) Schenectady City School District Schenectady Community Action Program (SCAP) Schenectady County Department of Social Services Schenectady County District AttorneyVictim/Witness Program Schenectady County Probation Department Schenectady County Public Health Services Schenectady County Senior and Long Term Care Service St. Catherine’s Center For Children Albany St. Mary’s Hospital Amsterdam Wesley Healthcare Center-Saratoga Wildwood Program Yates Elementary School Youth and Family Services YMCA of The Greater Capital Region YWCA of Northeastern New York Domestic Violence Shelter YWCA of Northeastern New York Children’s Center

Medical Coding and Billing Baptist Health Nursing and Rehabilitation The Center for Disability Services Ellis Hospital Malta Emergent Care NYSDOH- Congenital Registry Dr. Venkateswararao Voleti Music and Music Audio Technology Albany Audio Associates American Concert & Entertainment Services, Inc. Brown School Capital Repertory Theater Fingerpaint Productions High Peaks Sound Hollow Bar + Kitchen The Linda, WAMC’s Performing Arts Studio The Lowbeat Niskayuna Central School District North Colonie School District Overit Studios Parish Public House Parkway Music Rock Camp at NAS Schenectady City School District Scotia-Glenville School District Specialized Audio-Visual Inc. SUNY SCCC WEXT White Lake Music and Post Nanoscale Materials Technology College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Paralegal Capital District law firms Conflict Defender’s Office, Schenectady NYS Assembly NYS Attorney General’s Office U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants YWCA, Schenectady Supply Chain Management General Electric Distribution Unlimited Snyder-Lance Target Distribution

FOUNDATION Richard Kotlow New Chair of Foundation Richard G. Kotlow, Senior Consultant, UHY Advisors NY Inc., was elected Chair of the Schenectady County Community College Foundation. Active in the community, Dick has served on several boards including the Albany Colonie Chamber of Commerce, Center for Economic Growth and the Albany County Convention and Visitors Bureau. “SUNY SCCC is an exceptional school and I look forward to working with the dedicated and dynamic Foundation board to connect with the community in ways to support our students and the College,” Dick said.

Culinary Wing Named for Toby Strianese

Special Brew Raises Funds for New Program

“Brewers Wanted,” a special brew by Shmaltz Brewery, resulted not only in happy customers, but also in support for the Office of Workforce Development and Community Education’s non-credit Craft Brewing course and development of the new Craft Beer Brewing degree program. Shmaltz presented a $1,500 check to the SCCC Foundation at their brewery headquartered in Clifton Park (above).

A Royal Affair

Ann Fleming Brown, Chair of the Board of Trustees; Toby’s wife Pam Strianese with son Larry and his wife Alicia; and Dr. David Brough ’81 Dean of the School of Hotel, Culinary Arts and Tourism.

Members of the Strianese family, friends, alumni, students, colleagues, and College officials gathered at the entrance of the Culinary Wing for a special ceremony as a sign was unveiled honoring Anthony “Toby” Strianese, an expert in the pairing of wine and food, longtime professor and chair of the School of Hotel, Culinary Arts and Tourism, who passed away in December 2015. Toby influenced thousands of students during his 40 years at SUNY SCCC. His legacy will be known by future students when they pass through the “Anthony J. ‘Toby’ Strianese Wing of Culinary Arts and Hospitality” in Elston Hall, following an official resolution passed by the College’s Board of Trustees in February 2016 to name the wing in his honor.

More than 300 guests attended the Foundation’s Royal Gala at Glen Sanders Mansion in Scotia in November. The 2016 honorees were: Michael Sacoccio and the City Mission of Schenectady, Distinguished Community Partner; Karen Brown Johnson, Distinguished Community Volunteer; and George Goldhoff ’84, Distinguished Alumnus (pictured left to right). The gala provides important resources for the funding of scholarships for current and future SCCC students. ANNUAL REPORT 2016 | 23

FOUNDATION Foundation Introduces New Scholarships Driscoll Foods’ Chefs of Tomorrow Scholarship

Grattidge Competition Tests Knowledge

Driscoll Foods representatives Brian McCarron, Director of Marketing, and John Humphrey, Capital Region Sales Manager, present the Driscoll Foods Chefs of Tomorrow Scholarship to Jibril Edwards, Culinary Arts major.

Driscoll Foods, a family-owned, customer-centric food service distributor for the Tri-State region, presented the first Driscoll Foods’ Chefs of Tomorrow Scholarship for students enrolled in the Culinary Arts degree program. The new scholarship supports students with more than 25 percent of tuition costs for a year - each of the three recipients is awarded $1,000. This year’s scholarship recipients were Anne Bronchetti, Jibril Edwards, and Elizabeth Gaffney.

Jenson E. Merriam Memorial Scholarship Through a generous donation, the Merriam Insurance Agency in Schenectady established a new scholarship which aligns with the company’s ideals of assisting those less fortunate. Designed to support under-resourced students seeking degrees at SUNY SCCC, the Jenson E. Merriam Memorial Scholarship is named in memory of Jenson Merriam, November 5, 1993 – December 23, 2011. Jenson, a former student, was a gifted writer, illustrator and filmmaker. He won several awards for his animation, films, and acting, and was recognized for his “Excellence in Writing” by SCCC when he was only 17. The scholarship is open to students entering their first year, and awards $1,000 to a recipient each year. 24 | SUNY SCHENECTADY COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE

James Mariani (top photo), Math and Science major with a Nanoscale Science concentration, was the winner of the 2016 Grattidge-Ohnstad Science Competition held in the Center for Science and Technology, earning a $500 prize. The goal of the annual competition is to determine the best value for the number of particles in a mole of material (Avogadro’s number) using the Electrochemical Method. James’s measurement was closest to the accepted value for the Avogadro’s number. The annual science competition was established by Dr. Walter Grattidge, a longtime friend of the College and Foundation. Dr. Grattidge is shown above, second from left, with Richard Simons, Assistant Professor, and Dr. Ben Placek, Instructor, both from the Division of Math, Science, Technology and Health; and Marcy Steiner, Vice President of Development and External Affairs.

Honors Convocation Links Donors and Students

Hayden Paneth (right), Science: Biology concentration major and recipient of the Women’s Fund of the Capital Region Scholarship, is shown with her donor Paula Marshman (left), Co-Chair of the Women’s Fund of the Capital Region.

The 2016 Honors Convocation celebrated student accomplishments and donor-supported scholarships with a special ceremony and reception. The annual event is an important opportunity for donors to meet their scholarship recipients and see firsthand the meaningful impact their generosity has had on students working toward achieving their educational goals.

Food for Thought and All That Jazz Dazzles Again

The 25th Annual Food for Thought and All That Jazz had 250 guests in attendance and more than $76,000 raised in support of SUNY SCCC. Guests were dazzled with performances by the Jazz Ensemble, part of the nationally-accredited School of Music, followed by delicious cuisine prepared and served by students in the renowned School of Hotel, Culinary Arts and Tourism. Serving as the 2016 Honorary Co-Chairs were Susan ’78 and Chet Watson. The event also paid a special tribute to the late Anthony J. “Toby” Strianese, longtime Professor and Chair of the School of Hotel, Culinary Arts and Tourism. Joseph Carr spoke about Professor Strianese during the event and shared stories about Toby’s meaningful interactions with students and alumni. Clockwise from top: Dr. William Meckley, Dean of the School of Music, with his very talented Jazz Ensemble. Delicious cuisine prepared and served by students and faculty from the School of Hotel, Culinary Arts and Tourism. Congressman Paul Tonko, Napa Valley Vintner Joseph Carr, Chef Yono Purnomo and Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara. Honorary Co-Chairs Susan ’78 and Chet Watson. ANNUAL REPORT 2016 | 25

FOUNDATION Thank you! The SCCC Foundation gratefully acknowledges the following individuals, businesses, civic and professional organizations, and local foundations for their Annual Fund and scholarship gifts, as well as their participation in special events. For the period September 1, 2015 – August 31, 2016

PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE Anonymous The Honorable Karen B. Johnson Catherine Kindl* The Schenectady Foundation LEGACY SOCIETY The Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region Mr. & Mrs. George C. Gould, III Chef Yono & Donna Purnomo SCCC Hotel, Culinary Arts and Tourism Department FOUNDER’S SOCIETY College Publications Confrerie De La Chaine Des Rotisseurs Foundation Galesi Group General Electric Foundation Judkins Trust Fund Merriam Insurance Agency Charles J. Richardson SCCC Student Government Association Watson, Peterson and Company, CPA’s, PLLC Whiteman Osterman & Hanna LLP EMERITI Ballston Spa National Bank Bechtel Marine Propulsion Corporation Berkshire Bank Foundation, Inc. CSArch Architecture/Construction Management Evelyn M. Currie Driscoll Foods Diane Smith Faubion & Bill Faubion Fenimore Asset Management Inc. David A. Harris KeyBank Marshall & Sterling Upstate, Inc. MVP Health Care Price Chopper Rush Street Gaming Saratoga Casino Hotel Schenectady County Community College Faculty Association Joshua Schwartz Stewart’s Shops Sunmark Federal Credit Union Diana Vianna-Brignola Michael & Stephanie Wollman LAUREATES 1st National Bank of Scotia Adirondack Trust Company AKW Consulting, Inc. Albany County Convention & Visitors Bureau Anonymous A.J. & Susan Baker Betty Carol Barlyn


Gabe & Diane Basil BBL Hospitality Capital District Physicians Health Plan CapitalCare Medical Group, LLC. Diana O. Carter Michael J. Della Rocco Dimension Fabricators Ellis Medicine First New York Federal Credit Union Michael Brown & Ann Fleming Brown Lawrence & Mary Ann Gioia George R. Goldhoff ’84 Dr. Penny Haynes John C. and Susan K. Hubbard Foundation Inc. Richard & Kathy Kotlow Lessing’s Food Service Management Jim & Ceil Mack Jeanne M. Maloy Lynn D. Manning Victor & Liz Mazzotti Maie Mills Dr. & Mrs. Steady Moono Joshua W. Murphy ’00 National Grid New York Propane Gas Association Anne & Terry Phillips Pioneer Bank Dr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Rauschi Richmor Aviation Rotary Club of Schenectady Schenectady County Bar Association Schenectady Kiwanis Foundation Inc. Shmaltz Brewing Company Allen & Anna Slaterpryce Synthesis Architects, LLP Michael & Betsy Tobin Transfinder Tri-County Council of Vietnam Era Veterans Trustco Bank UHY Advisors NY, Inc. United Group of Companies, Inc. Tina Chericoni Versaci, Esq. James & Carolyn Williams Yono’s Bridge to Indonesia Zonta Club of Schenectady Inc. SCHOLARS A Place for Jazz, LTD AAUW, Inc. Eileen Abrahams Adirondack Beverages Albany Marriott American Culinary Federation AOW Associates, Inc. Dr. Martha Asselin Elmer & Olga Bertsch Raymond & Valerie Bleser

Karen Bradley Dr. David Brough David Buicko & Christine Mallozzi Canada Cutlery, Inc. Robert & Karin Carreau Heather ’13 & Andy Chestnut Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Chicoski, Jr. Mark ’74 & Deborah Cieslak ’73 Dr. & Mrs. Thomas D’Andrea Christopher M. Del Vecchio ’11 Vera ’04 & Jonathan Dordick First Niagara Bank FirstLight Fiber Jamison & Sarah Flora Wallace A. Graham Griffith Dardanelli Architects, PC William Harris & Holly Katz Leonard A. Herman Analine Hicks Michael & Susana Hoffman Junior League of Schenectady and Saratoga Michael & Sharon Karl Lois J. Keefrider ’11 Dr. Peggy King Kingsway Community Isabel Krempa Legere Restorations, LLC Revs. Bill & Abigail Norton Levering Mr. & Mrs. Henry F. Lind, Jr. M/E Engineering, PC Mazzone Hospitality Mayor & Mrs. Gary R. McCarthy ’77 Sabrina McGinty Christina Meier NBT Bank NYS Restaurant Association, Greater Capital District Chapter Dr. Carlos G. Penaloza Proctors Theatre Todd Reichelt Janet P. Robbins Dr. Michael J. Roggow Gene & Ellie Rowland Schenectady County Initiative Program Charles & Annmarie Schwartz Robert & Rosemary Sullivan Sysco Albany, LLC Congressman Paul D. Tonko Chuck & Marcy Steiner Troy Uniformed Fire Fighter’s Association David T. Wallingford EDUCATORS Don & Kay Ackerman American Culinary Federation of Greater Buffalo Dr. Stephen K. Astmann James V. Bigley ’76

L. Ann Bish C.T. Male Associates Gerald Christie The College Foundation at Delhi, Inc. The College of Saint Rose Ken ’93 & Kate ’93 Countermine Carmine DeCrescente, III DeCrescente Distributing Company, Inc. Mary Jane Dike Mary D. Dornbush Downtown Schenectady Improvement Corporation Bernice Dunn Mark & Maggie Felthousen David Frederick Friendship Baptist Church Raymond R. Gillen Ginsberg’s Goldman Sachs & Co. Neil & Jane Golub Neil – Jane, William – Estelle Golub Family Foundation Ellen J. Heekin ’98 John & Lucille ’94 Heid Christopher G. Henry ’92 Dr. Karen R. Hitchcock Hudson Valley Community College Sharon A. Jordan Robyn King Raymond J. Legere Samantha Legere Les Chateaux De France Logical Net Douglas & Susan Lohnas Thomas B. Lyons Dr. Moira Maguire Art & Carol Malary Christopher C. Marney ’13 Judith McIlduff Dr. William Meckley Monroe College, Ltd. Paula Ohlhous ’87 Chet & Karen Opalka Alicia Osur James T. Parent Carmel Patrick Marilyn A. Pendergast Joseph Porter & Laurie Nagelsmith Ashley Posner John & Heather Quaintance Thomas & Barbara Rider Ralf Schauer Schenectady ARC Schenectady County Disabled Veterans, Inc. George C. Schwab ’06 Lee E. Schwartz Rahul Sharma Stanley Strauss Renato & Cecilia Tameta Donna Tessitore ’92 Aaron Tolbert F. M. Tucker Michele L. Vennard Barbara L. Walton Tony Ward & Barbara Bishop Ward Steven & Shari Wayne Margaret & Richard Wickerham

Drs. John & Jean Wilkinson Kimberly S. Williams Ray & Melody Yoder Denise Zieske ASSOCIATES Dr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Ainlay Association Development Group Richard & Susan Baker Thomas J. Baker Dr. Richard F. Balsam James & Rose Barba Victoria R. Barber Patricia Barker Mary Claire C. Bauer Alan & Andrea Baum Susan E. Beaudoin, Esq. Marian L. Beckett Vladia Boniewski ’71 & Daniel Vallely ’76 Maxine Borom Renee Bradley Susan A. Braidwood Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers, Local Union #2 Kevin S. Brown Jean N. Buckwalter Louis & Judith Buhrmaster Kathleen M. Burke ’99 Burnt Hills Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Burnt Hills/Ballston Lake Rotary Club Odo Butler James A. Campone Capital Region Chamber Anita S. Carleo Michael & Sheryl Carnevale Richard H. Carrier ’80 Sandra Cawley ’89 The Century House Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Chicoski, III Emily J. Childers ’90 Eunice M. Chouffi Lisa G. Clarke Werner & MaryLou Classen Dianna L. Clifford ’97 Clifton Park Soccer Club, Inc. Patrick Collier Randolph Collins Reverend Leonard Comithier, Jr. Justine Connelly Charlene M. Cornell Dr. & Mrs. Peter Cospito Michael Cowles Crush & Cask Wines & Spirits Linda D. Czub Lawrence & Linda Daignault Arthur & Maryalice De Moree Philip J. DeCocco Gretchen DeKalb Chef Mark A. Delos ’85 Patricia M. DiCarlo Vincent B. Dinallo Elizabeth Doviak Dr. Joseph Dragone Marcia Dudden Jamelyn Dyer Dr. & Mrs. Clifford Elson Peter & Jean Endryck

Equinox, Inc. Experience & Creative Design, Ltd Susan C. Ferris Kevin & Lisa Flatley Fort Orange Wine Society, Inc. Stephen & Linda Fragale Richard Frank Fred and Gertrude England Hospitality Education Foundation Merry A. Frey Friends of the Schenectady County Public Library Suzanne Gagan Robert & Sally Gaugler Dr. Ivar Giaever & Mrs. Inger Giaever ’79 Dr. Gerard A. Gioia Joanne B. Giordano Richard L. Golding Diane Goldthorpe Sandra K. Gonzalez Richard Goode Gramercy Communications, LLC Matthew Grattan Marion M. Grimes Ana L. Guzman ’95 Thomas & Jane Hanley Deborah L. Harpine ’03 Nancy Harrigan Marc Harris Antoine Harrison Susan Hatalsky ’92 Bernard & Nancy Heller Toni Hemerka Michael B. Henderson Bruce & Doris Hering H. Leon Hill Kathleen A. Hollingsworth Wesley L. Holloway Stuart Horn Constance M. Hosterman David M. Hughes Dr. Roger Hull Carol A. Hyde & Sanjay M. Correa Damian Irizarry Amanda L. Jeffes ’12 John & Mary Kalas Dorothy R. Kelly Lynne O. King Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Kreifels ’72 Nicholas Laccetti Dr. Wright L. Lassiter, Jr. Jennifer A. Lawrence Dr. & Mrs. Bradley G. Lewis Lois ‘89 & David Linster George E. Lockyer Virginia Loffredo Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lowenski ’05 Helen MacDonald Make It Fit, LLC Wayne & June Malary Daria Mallin Joe Mancini Joseph Mancini Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Massaro ’83 Margaret Mastrianni Dr. Andrew Matonak Catherine A. Mayak


FOUNDATION Thearse B. McCalmon ’12 Bruce McConnelee Dr. & Mrs. Bernard F. McEvoy Dr. DeShawn McGarrity Bart & Stacy McIlduff William S. McMillan Robert J. McNamara Doug McPhee Heather L. Meaney John & Judith ’90 Middlekoop Sarah T. Miller David S. Moore Arlene Moran Philip & Kathleen Morris Timothy & Carmelina Morrison Darcy Murphy Sharon Nania Margaret M. Neilson Thomas J. Nelson New York State United Teachers John J. Nigro Harris & Sandra Oberlander Paul Mitchell - The School Robert L. Payne ’85 Leesa L. Perazzo Edward & Donna Pfeifer Jasmine V. Pinn ’05 Constance S. Pollock Shannon L. Popp Frank & Dorothea Potochnik Harold & Jeanne Qualters Kathleen M. Quandt Steve Ram Robert W. Redmond, Esq. Judge Vincent J. Reilly, Jr. Pamela C. Rew ’03 Alicia M. Richardson Juliana Riebel Sarah Robbins Patrick Romain Dr. Richard A. Rose Terry L. Ross ’71 Dr. Tiziana Rota ’03 Daniel M. Round John & Mary Ryan David G. Sampson Thomas & Barbara Sauer Jennifer L. Savino Helga A. Schroeter Ellen Seaver Mark L. Seth Professor Leonard A. Slade, Jr. Barbara M. Smith Rebecca Smith Assemblyman Phil Steck Rick Stegmann ’99 Dr. Karen A. Stout Anne M. Strianese M. C. Strianese Nancy Strianese Pamela Strianese Steven & Kathrine Swanson Martha Szuminskyj Dr. Cosimo Tangorra, Jr. Sandra M. Troiano University at Albany Foundation


Rocco G. Verrigni J. C. Viana Amiee Warfield ’91 Susan ’78 & Chet Watson Lori Weil Ann Wendth Angela West-Davis ’94 Robin Wiley Jalisa D. Williams Peter N. Wilson Katherine M. Wolfram Douglas & Tammi Woodward Kate Yates Andy Zheng FRIENDS Jeffrey Allen AmazonSmile Foundation Alan E. Angelo ’73 Theresa Anzano Karen Arena-Spoleti Kenneth C. Ashe David A. Ashley ’87 Lois Atkinson Audio and Video Labs, Inc. Michael & Diane Babin Edward S. Baker Jean Bambury Tristian Banch-Ponce Molly Bango Lavida S. Barkley ’99 Michael & Adrienne Bautista Jack Benintende Casey Benson Leanne Bentley Sheri L. Bergeron Kent Blair Thomas J. Blau ’13 Kenneth & Natalie Bollerud Domenica Bonacquist Brent’s Express Stop @ The Capital Anthony Brooks Clifford & Denise Brucker Tracy T. Brundege Amelia Bryans Paul F. Bryant Professor Grayce Burian James & Judith Burns Christine J. Canavan William Canova ’88 Capparullo Designs Dr. Susan Carleo Amelia R. Carter Sharon Carter Michael & Joan Celentano M.V.K. & Padma Chari Joan F. Cheesman George B. Christian Theodore & Mary Cillis Shelia V. Coleman ’11 Lexus A. Coleman College of Mount Saint Vincent Mary Beth Collins Anneliese S. Conley Victoria C. Corbo Patrick & Sarah Corcione

Arleen H. Corino Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Crowley ’06 Tim P. Curran ’82 Thomas A. Davenport Lois A. Davis Sandra L. De Waal Malefyt Joseph & Claire DeChants Charleen DeLorenzo Ellyn Delos Jeffrey Desnoyers David J. DeVito Pasquale DeVito Daniel & Theresa Dicerce Michelene J. Diggins Takis Dikas Deborah A. Dobbins Peter & Carol Dobreff John D. Dohring John & Susan Donahue Angela Dugan Patricia A. Durham Omawatie N. Dwarka ’95 Pamela E. Enser Carol A. Eto ’13 Cynthia F. Farmer Judith A. Farrell Kenneth T. Fichtel Patricia A. Finnigan Sheena V. Fisher ’10 Therese C. Fitzgerald Mark Fleischer & Jasmine Elridge-Fleischer Catherine R. Foley Mary Fontana Patrick & Barbara Foti Eileen A. Fox ’07 Patricia A. Fox Judith R. Fruiterman Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Fuschino ’75 Dr. Vincent F. Fuschino Brett M. Gatta ’11 Hope Geisler ’94 Robert A. Gioia Mildred E. Gittinger Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer F. Glock, Jr. Patricia J. Godlewski Arthur & Deborah Goedeke Gerrilynn Goggin ’90 James & Joanne Grande Paul & Charlotte Grenier Bernard & Christine Grossman Grossman & Grossman LLP, CPA’s Marco M. Guillaume Lynn B. Harkness Frank A. Harris Lorena B. Harris Yolanda G. Harrison Eman Hassan Richard & Ann Hegney Nancy M. Heller Stephen & Doreen Hennessey Catherine M. Hesler Paul & Irena Hiatt High Pointe Church of Christ Thelma P. Hill ’75 Robert J. Hoff Tracey L. Holland-Norment ’97

Charles D. Horowitz Diane K. Hosterman Dianne P. Hosterman Douglas & Kandy Hosterman Peter J. Houghton Jerome & Margaret Houle Donna M. Houley ’05 Imani Hutchinson IBM Corporation Freddy Ingleton Joan W. Ipsen Leona A. Jeffes De’Vajanae Jennings Michelle Jimenez ’08 Darren Johnson Dawn A. Jones Gregory W. Kichton ’83 Mr. & Mrs. K. Scott Kilbourn ’97 L. S. Kitchings Dennis & Mary Ann Kling Mr. Edward F. Kurtik ’97 Jill A. Laboissiere ’88 Barbara J. Laccetti Jacqueline A. Lake Mary T. Law ’83 William J. Lawrence Melissa A. Lee Kristin Legere David & Teresa Leon Karen V. Lloyd Tayron K. Lopez Mark & Erika Magnone Edmond G. Massa Capt. David Massaro ’05 Norma Mastropietro Vincent P. Mautone John Mazzone Deryle A. McCann ’13 Mary Ellen McCarthy Brian & Patricia McGarry Brian F. McGarvey Brooke McGough Aimee McKegney Anne McKegney Peter McKenna Lee S. Miller Luann Miller-Meeks Patricia Mogro ’83 Rozanne M. Monteparo Kristine M. Moore ’08 Angelicia Morris Patrick & Lisa Morris Debbie W. Morrison Marsha Mortimore Charles Mosher Carolyn C. Moshier Richard W. Mulvey Syeda A. Munaim Michael & Barbara Naumoff Nickie Nicholas-Virgin Karen Nowak-Marsh Sean O’Connell Marian A. O’Connor ’82 James E. O’Hare ’94 Kimberly Otis Deneen Palmateer

Philip & Donna Palmer Dawn ‘73 & Jack Parisi Regina Dix Parsons Geraldine A. Patneaude ’86 David A. Patterson ’98 Roberta A. Pecora Emily L. Pethic Sandra Petronis Matthew J. Popa ’12 Angela M. Prestigiacomo Charlotte R. Prior Evelyn Prodafikas ’12 Thomas J. Puszkarczuk Chad E. Putman Minnie K. Rahman Richard & Mary ’77 Rainey Shirley A. Ratajak Carol W. Reynolds Shirley Rivest Naomi A. Romano Jeanne Romps Margaret E. Rosenfield ’77 Elaine Rozniewski ’91 Jeffrey Rueger David & Patricia Rugar Alisha Russo Ellen Russo Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Salvo, Jr. Alexandra M. Sauer Schell ’08 Dorothea A. Sawyer ’11 Donna M. Scavullo Kim M. Scheuerman Stephen & Michelle Schifley William H. Schmitt, Jr. ’77 Cynthia W. Seacord Patricia A. Shapiro ’86 Mary Ann Sheehy Shell Oil Company Foundation Ruth V. Shiebler Gayle R. Simidian Michael Simone Walter Simpkins Livia B. Singh Bernard L. Socha Salvatore Sofia Anton M. Solomon & Jane Meader Nye Judith D. Spitz Donald & Andrea ’85 Stalpinski James & Elizabeth ’05 Sullivan Cynthia A. Taber Jay & Tricia Taylor Shaakura C. Taylor Randolph S. Thomas ’79 Theodore & Katie Toskaner Carianne Trotta William & Noreen Underhill Dr. Richard J. Van Ness Mary B. VanPatten ’94 Thomas & Susan ’87 Van Wert Katie Vasilev Phyllis A. Verdile Kristin Vigneron Angela C. Volpe Anne M. Wasserstrom ’92 Barbara Wengrovius Dr. Ellen C. Wertlieb

Sharon Wesley Thomas & Stephanie West Andrew M. Wexler Brent & Donna Wheat Irene ‘92 & Robert Wickham Dawn Winkler Mr. & Mrs. Darryl J. Wisniewski ’90 Frances G. Wolf Barbara A. Wood Sheraqua Woodard Stephanie D. Woodard J. Richard & Ann Wyles Christopher & Dana Zeppieri In Honor of Nicholas Barbaro Mark Fleischer & Jasmine Elridge-Fleischer In Memory of Mary Beaudoin Susan E. Beaudoin, Esq. In Honor of Daniel Gioia Anne McKegney In Memory of Mary Gioia Theresa Anzano Jack Benintende Kent Blair Patrick Collier Suzanne Gagan Dr. Gerard A. Gioia Lawrence & Mary Ann Gioia Marc Harris Barbara J. Laccetti Nicholas Laccetti Aimee McKegney Peter McKenna Margaret M. Neilson Ellen Seaver Rahul Sharma Michael Simone Salvatore Sofia Jay & Tricia Taylor Kristin Vigneron Steven & Shari Wayne Lori Weil Kate Yates In Memory of Richard Grattan Sysco Albany, LLC In Honor of Dr. Steady Moono Joe Mancini Joshua Schwartz In Memory of Malinda Myers Mildred E. Gittinger The Honorable Karen B. Johnson Sharon A. Jordan In Memory of Adam Ochshorn Schenectady County Community College Faculty Association Dr. & Mrs. Clifford Elson In Memory of Frank J. Rossi Michael & Diane Babin


FOUNDATION Peter & Carol Dobreff Omawatie N. Dwarka ’95 Mary Fontana Mark & Erika Magnone Vincent P. Mautone John Mazzone Roberta A. Pecora Joshua Schwartz Chuck & Marcy Steiner Sandra M. Troiano Carianne Trotta In Memory of Lois Smith-Law Ashley Posner In Memory of Anthony J. “Toby” Strianese Karen Arena-Spoleti Association Development Group Susan H. Baker Jean Bambury Molly Bango James & Rose Barba Michael & Adrienne Bautista Marian L. Beckett Canada Cutlery, Inc. Dr. Susan Carleo Century House, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Chicoski, III Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Chicoski, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Theodore J. Cillis Werner & MaryLou Classen Clifton Park Soccer Club, Inc. College of Mount Saint Vincent Mary Beth Collins Victoria C. Corbo Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Corcione Joseph & Claire DeChants Philip J. DeCocco Pasquale DeVito Daniel & Theresa Dicerce Michelene J. Diggins Vincent B. Dinallo Mr. & Mrs. John Donahue Angela Dugan Judith A. Farrell Patricia A. Finnigan Kevin & Lisa Flatley Michael Brown & Ann Fleming Brown Catherine R. Foley Patricia A. Fox Fred and Gertrude England Hospitality Education Foundation, Dr. Vincent F. Fuschino Joanne B. Giordano Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer F. Glock, Jr. Arthur & Deborah Goedeke James & Joanne Grande Paul & Charlotte Grenier Grossman & Grossman LLP, CPA’s Constance M. Hosterman Diane K. Hosterman Dianne P. Hosterman Douglas & Kandy Hosterman Peter J. Houghton Mr. & Mrs. Jerome L. Houle Mr. & Mrs. R. M. Keefrider, Jr. Dorothy R. Kelly 30 | SUNY SCHENECTADY COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE

Lessing’s Food Service Management Karen V. Lloyd Doug & Susan Lohnas Thomas B. Lyons Art & Carol Malary Wayne & June Malary Margaret Mastrianni Norma Mastropietro Mary Ellen McCarthy Doug McPhee Timothy & Carmelina Morrison Richard W. Mulvey Michael & Barbara Naumoff Nickie Nicholas-Virgin John J. Nigro Karen Nowak-Marsh NYS Restaurant Association, Greater Capital District Chapter Sean O’Connell Marilyn A. Pendergast Emily L. Pethic Mr. & Mrs. Edward Pfeifer Harold & Jeanne Qualters Kathleen M. Quandt Robert W. Redmond, Esq. Jeanne Romps Jeffrey Rueger David & Patricia Rugar John & Mary Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Salvo, Jr. Jennifer L. Savino Schenectady County Community College Faculty Association Shell Oil Company Foundation Ruth V. Shiebler Gayle R. Simidian, Ed.D. Barbara M. Smith Anne M. Strianese M. Corinne Strianese Nancy Strianese Pamela Strianese William & Noreen Underhill Michele L. Vennard Phyllis A. Verdile Angela C. Volpe Christopher & Dana Zeppieri In-Kind Gifts Anthology Design Studio Capital Repertory Theatre Crush & Cask Wines & Spirits Ed Lewi Associates Empire Jazz Orchestra Five Star Frame & Art Shops Hartz Family Cleaners Honest Weight Food Co-op J & S Watkins Desserts Johnny’s Restaurant Lamar Companies Make It Fit, LLC MiSci Northeastern Fine Jewelry Pavilion Grand Hotel Pete’s Auto Parts Saratoga National Golf Club Saratoga Performing Arts Center Schenectady JCC

Schenectady Municipal Golf Course SGS Rowing Club Shmaltz Brewing Company ShopRite of Niskayuna Times Union Tri-City ValleyCats Turf Hotels Villa Italia Bakery Western Turnpike Golf Club Workforce Development *In memoriam We are so grateful for each gift given in support of the SCCC Foundation, and we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this list. Please excuse any errors and notify us of any inaccuracies by calling (518) 381-1324 or e-mailing moranac@sunysccc.edu.

Commencement 2016 Graduates and their families celebrated with friends and the SUNY SCCC community during the College’s 46th Commencement on May 19, 2016, at Proctors. Clockwise from top right. 1. Dani Nicholson, SUNY Delhi graduate, with Kim Otis, Assistant Professor in the School of Hotel, Culinary Arts and Tourism.


2. Shantal Plass, Business Administration graduate, is congratulated by her brother Rawle Thomas. 3. Dr. Robert Jones, President of the University at Albany, delivers the Commencement Address.


4. Faculty from the Division of Math, Science, Technology and Health, prepare for the ceremony. 5. Daniel Pierce, Emergency Management graduate and President of the Student Government Association, addresses the Class of 2016. 6. Dr. Steady Moono with Adrian Trollip, Fire Protection Technology graduate. 7. A grateful graduate’s mortarboard.


8. Kristin Gordon, Performing Arts – Music and Music Audio Technology graduate, celebrates.






Schenectady County Community College 78 Washington Avenue Schenectady, NY 12305 www.sunysccc.edu

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