The Concise Sadhana of the Bodhisattva Vow

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1 Concise Sadhana by H. H. Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche


Through exhortation and prayer—all of it I dedicate to the enlightenment of all beings! The above concludes the preliminaries for receiving the bodhisattva vow.

The Main Practice According to the intent of Kunchen Longchen Rabjam and Jigme Lingpa, the three invocations and the three refuges are the basis for the main practice. Firstly, with the plea for the presence of witnesses, perform the invocation three times. In every round, the vajra master recites first and the disciples repeat after: All you buddhas who dwell in the ten directions, All you great bodhisattvas on the ten levels, All you great teachers, the vajra-holders, turn your mind towards me, I pray! Next is to take the three refuges with the determination that, “From now onwards until the attainment of Buddhahood, my sole teacher of refuge is the Bhagavan. My primary study is the Mahayana Dharma teachings with bodhicitta as the essence. My reliance on fellowship is the most supreme of all—the sangha of noble beings. By taking these as refuges, I practice for the fruition of full enlightenment.”

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