Funny and Bizarre
ICD-10 Codes ICD-10 codes have already gained a reputation for being detailed. Here’s a list of 15 new codes that are detailed to the point of being hilarious/bizarre.
R46.1 Bizarre personal appearance Even after all the facts on the case have been investigated, no specific diagnosis could be made? Go ahead and diagnose as ‘bizarre personal appearance’ because ICD-10 code R46.1 has got it covered. The ICD-9 equivalent for this code is 799.89 which represents ‘other ill-defined conditions’.
S30.867A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of anus, initial encounter ICD-10 code S30.867A is for ‘insect bite (nonvenomous) of anus, initial encounter’. This code includes injuries to the anus, buttock, external genitalia, flank, and groin. The ICD-9 equivalent for this code is 911.4 ‘trunk, insect bite, nonvenomous, without mention of infection’.
Y33.XXXA Other specified events, undetermined intent, initial encounter hat the hell happened? There is an ICD-10 code (Y33.XXXA) for an unspecified event and W undetermined intent. The ICD-9 equivalents for this code are the E988 series codes. We are still looking for a scenario where we could use this code, do let us know if you find one.
V80.730A Animal-rider injured in collision with streetcar, initial encounter Riding a horse down a busy street is not a very good idea. However, if there happens to be a collision with a car, use ICD-10 code V80.730A (animal-rider injured in collision with streetcar, initial encounter). This code should be used secondary to another code from a different chapter. The ICD-9 equivalent for this code is E828.2 ‘accident involving animal being ridden injuring rider of animal’.
V91.07XA Burn due to water-skis on fire, initial encounter Code V91.07XA represents ‘burn due to water-skis on fire, initial encounter’. This code should be used secondary to another code from a different chapter. The ICD-9 equivalent for this code is E831.9, which is for ‘accident to watercraft causing other injury to unspecified person’.
V95.41XA Spacecraft crash injuring occupant, initial encounter ICD-10 code set has a specific code for ‘spacecraft crash injuring occupant’. Report code V95.41XA for the ‘initial encounter’ post a spacecraft crash. ICD-9 for equivalent for this code is E845.0, which represents ‘accident involving spacecraft injuring occupant of spacecraft’.
V97.33XD Sucked into jet engine, subsequent encounter Sucked into a jet engine, walked out, and encountered again? There is ICD-10 code (V97.33XD) for that. Only ‘subsequent encounter’ here refers to an encounter with the provider rather than the jet engine. There is a less specific ICD-9 equivalent for this code (E844.9) which represents ‘other specified air transport accidents injuring other person’.
W22.02XD Walked into lamppost, subsequent encounter People do get bumped against lamp-posts, but who intentionally walks into one? If you happen to find someone, report ICD-10 code W22.02XD for him or her. The ICD-9 equivalent code, E917.4, represents ‘strike against or struck accidentally by other stationary object without subsequent fall’.
W49.01XA Hair causing external constriction, initial encounter ICD-10 code W49.01XA is for ‘hair causing external constriction, initial encounter’. This code should be used secondary to another code from a different chapter. ICD-9 equivalent for this code is E928.4, which represents, ‘external constriction caused by hair’. Though this code sounds spooky enough, just so you know, there are two more codes for subsequent encounter and sequel.
W51.XXXS Accidental striking against or bumped into by another person, sequela. What can be a ‘late effect’ of bumping ‘into’ another person? There are three ICD-10 codes for ‘accidental striking against or bumped into by another person’. The ICD-9 equivalent for W51 is E929.8, which represents, ‘late effects of other accidents’.
W55.21XA Bitten by cow, initial encounter Ever saw someone who was bitten by a cow? Use ICD-10 code W55.21XA (bitten by cow, initial encounter) for such an encounter. When that is not the case, there are more specific codes for struck by cow or ‘other contact’ with cow. We wonder what kind of contact would require a visit to the doctor.
W55.41XA Bitten by pig, initial encounter The ICD-10 code W55.41XA is for ‘bitten by pig, initial encounter’. This code should be used secondary to another code from a different chapter. ICD-9 equivalent for this code is E906.3, which represents ‘bite of other animal except arthropod’.
W56.12XA Struck by sea lion, initial encounter If a sea expedition goes wrong and a someone gets struck by a sea lion, keep calm and code W56.12. ICD-10 code-set has three different codes for ‘struck by sea lion’ and six other codes for ‘other contact with’ and ‘bitten by’ sea lion. ICD-9 equivalent code for W56.12XA is E906.8, which represents ‘other specified injury caused by animal’.
W61.62XA Struck by duck, initial encounter Being struck by a duck is rhyming and funny, but can it be bad enough to require a trip to the doctor? Whether the visit is for being struck by a duck or any other bird, there is going to be an ICD-10 code for that. The ICD-9 equivalent for this code is E906.8, which represents, ‘other specified injury caused by animal’.
X52.XXXS Prolonged stay in weightless environment, sequela This code must specifically be for doctors who treat NASA astronauts. Code X52.XXXS for late effects of ‘prolonged stay in weightless environment’. The closest match for this code in the ICD-9 code-set would be E929.8 (late effects of other accidents).