Fun Times issue 2

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こんにちは Hey friend, welcome back! It’s great to see you again! Welcome to the 2nd issue! We have some amazing people Throughout these pages! We hope you enjoy their work As much as we do! Hope you have a FUN time! And always remember THE FUN TIMES!

Dil Withers

Hi, who are you? D aka Dil Withers. What do you do? Loop scholar. Dig through crates in hopes of finding something that resonates with me in that moment, then I begin my thievery, as in the rearranging of lost sounds. What is your favourite food? Man, I’m from Birmingham Alabama so I’m guilty of a love for soul food, though I know the history... It’s a close tie between Candied Yams and Collard greens. When did you start making music and why? Started in grade school playing woodwinds in band, switched to percussion in junior high and played throughout high school. Around that time picked up a guitar which was my introduction actually making my own music. Sample based music came later, around 2009. What are you main motivations for making music? Love, really. I love life, love living and have even more love for music. Also in love with the idea of progression and growth which I feel that music is a great medium to continue building upon. If you could be any inanimate object what would it be? Would a star count? I mean, they’re technically fixed though they do orbit the universe...

Who are some of your favourite musicians and bands and do you think that they influence you in your own music? A Tribe Called Quest, Bill Evans, Ella Fitzgerald, Erics Trip, Billie Holiday, Black Sheep, Sonic Youth, the Impressions, Digable Planets, Nina Simone, Prince, Sun Ra, Kenny Drew, Sean Price, James Brown... and the list goes on... These artists amongst amass of others have shaped my ears growing up so they definitely have influenced my sound. What do you do for fun outside of your music making? Been Skateboarding for 11 years. Also enjoy running and staying healthy. Cooking. Reading. Writing. Making visual collages. Sometimes I chill with human beings too.. What are you currently working on and do you have anything planned for the near future? Life, really. Becoming a balanced, healthy and happy adult. Musically, definitely planning to release some newness in the next few months, as in a cohesive beat tape that will showcase my growth over the past year or so.

Do you have any stories you would like to share music related or not? 1. My first ever run in with the law was in New York City with Uplift of Dirty Tapes. Long story beat short beat the case but will never forget the experience. 2. Was held a gunpoint at a job during highschool in an armed robbery. One of the wildest experiences in my life. Lastly, if you were stuck on a desert island for approximately 2 years, one month and five days and you could have 5 items and one person you’ve never met, what and who would they be? Shoot, I’d learn to live off the land and purify ocean water. I would bring an sp4oh4, 2 years worth of double A batteries. Solar rigged turntable+a crate full of gems & 2 years worth of good books. For my accomplice, I’m stuck between Rosario Dawson & Sade...


Hi, Who are you? Dkaf/Dkafs/Deekaf/Dcaf of the IVM 4MS friends Where are you from? Originally from Wollongong, now living in Sydney. What do you do? Paint and draw letters on most surfaces when I’m not lazy, otherwise I’m playing music or studying or something? Probably watching Arrested Development most days. What is your favorite food? EATING WORLD FOODCOURT CHINATOWN, SYDNEY. STAY OUT. When and why did you start making art? I wouldn’t say making ‘art’ so to speak, but when I was young I wanted to do graffiti for some unknown reason (no psychologist or social worker can give a reason why contrary to all their thought-provoking analyses of childhood self-consciousness or low self-esteem). I tried all sports and none were for me, so I somehow I ended up painting freight tracks in my sleepy, mountain suburb at the age of like 15 or something. I always liked walking the tracks up to swimming spots and I never took notice of the awesome untouched walls around me, but when I started graffiti I saw a new side to the world that I could become a part of.

What animal represents your spirit, and why? If Shawn Michaels (WWE) got a tattoo of Chris Farley (RIP) with eagle wings attached to his torso and it said FUCK COPS above it then what ever that animal is, I’d be. I can’t explain why this is. What motivates you in your art making? Paint ‘X’ number of spots by ‘Y’ date. Are there any artists in particular or anything else that influences your work? A lot of European writers. Living in Barcelona for a while really opened my eyes to authentic style, dudes like SAWE/IESK, NIMO, NIMEK, DIO, SEOR and ISER. Generally a lot of the new school writers like the PAL crew from Paris (Cony, Horfee, Skube) and 3YNY. Basically painters who are challenging the conventions of graffiti, such as the method of construction, the linking of letters, colours, etc.

If you could be any inanimate object what would it be? iMac 27” with Quadcore i7 and a high definition RIP Steve Jobs wallpaper What are you currently working on, and do you have any plans for the future? Nothing. I have no car and I don’t care about graffiti enough to walk and do it so I think I’m just going to wait for people to take me painting. As for the future, probably just going to be painting with ATOR of the 25TVC/IVM crews and will be releasing a zine with fellow crew mates. Lastly, if you were stuck on a desert island for approximately 2 years, one month and five days and you could have 5 items and one person you’ve never met, what and who would they be? Seriously, just give me an electric generator, my iMac, the complete first season of Entourage, a cast-iron pot, and a stool, then myself and Dustin Diamond will do the rest.

Endless Heights

Who are you and where are you from? My name is Jem and I am from Sydney. My parents are from Malaysia. When did you guys form as a band? We’ve been jamming since the end of ‘08 and Endless Heights started in mid ‘09. We were all friends in highschool then. What type of music do you play and who would you say have influenced you? Labelling is hard. We’ve never been a band to limit ourselves into a genre or style, because at the end of the day we all listen to a lot of different music. We’re definitely inspired by lots of punk, rock, emo and even indie bands both old and modern. Pretty much, if it sounds good then that’s sick. But essentially we see ourselves as a punk hardcore band doing it our own way. What do you guys do for fun outside of the band? We enjoy real good food, eating together is always cool. Joel is still stuck in his Pokemon/digimon/full metal alchemist stage and that’s cool (I think). Chich just really loves his girlfriend. What have you released so far and do you have anything else planned for the near future? We put out a rough EP in 2010 and a more serious one at the end of ‘11 called Dream Strong. We started touring around then and have travelled around the country with some cool guys like Hopeless, Basement and Northlane and a bunch of others. In December ‘12 we put out the Lady Wisdom 7” and now we’re about to record our first LP which will be out this year, super excited about that. We’ve been big fans of Fun since day one so it’s real cool you guys could have us here, thanks!

The magic of dakimakuras

In Western society, a dakimakura or “love pillow” is a long, body cushion usually used for relieving back pain and help pregnant women sleep, but in Asia they have a much deeper meaning - not only used to relieve the pain of a slipped disc, but to provide cute and long last companionship for the lonely. A dakimakura, which comes from the word “daki” (to embrace or cling), can either be just one colour or have a print on it; this print is usually a cartoon character, either fully clothed or butt naked depending on the customer’s preference. Dakimakuras are pretty common in Japan and they are often used as ‘security blankets’ by children, helping them get to sleep. Occasionally though, Japanese adults will return to their childhood memories and buy a new dakimakura. However, instead of having it as a security blanket, it’ll often become a replacement for a relationship. And who can blame them? I can’t think of anything cooler than sleeping next to a giant pillow every night, especially if it means waking up next to Goku from Dragon Ball Z.

Buying a dakimakura is pretty easy once you jump on a computer, the most popular dakimakura website ( has some neat pillows for sale - and for those who have extra dedication, custom pillows are available. However I feel that custom pillow orders would mostly be used by fourteen year old girls who have decided to discover their sexuality with a member of One Direction or creeps so they can still sleep next to their ex-girlfriend, even though she walked out six months ago. Regardless, there is a reason for every person to buy a dakimakura; you may really like being the big spoon, or you just want to have a magical evening of love making with Sailor Moon. However, if you do choose to enter a relationship with a dakimakura (and I do wish you luck), it’s probably smart to keep in mind that your family and close pals may find it really weird that you fuck a huge pillow at night instead of going out and meeting real people. So unless you hang out with a bunch of people who also have dakimakura pillows (and I doubt it), you’re going to be given a hard time. But who cares, every night you get to hump a halfnaked drawing of Brock from Pokémon while listening to the sweet sounds of not having any friends.

Isabella Mason

Yarrum Llib

Adrian Hi, Who are you? Adrian, but my friends seem to like calling me Xenu. Where are you from? Melbourne’s inner north west. What do you do? I ride bikes a whole heap, I work as a courier, I terrorise the twitter community, and I dream of one day being a war photojournalist. What is your favourite food? Could never go past my Nonnas pasta. When and why did you start making art? I’d say during year 12 when I first tried my hand at drawing. After a while I realized I wasn’t as good as some of the other drawers in my class so I picked up a camera and started playing around with it and turns out it was fun. I guess I got into art because I totally suck at maths and science, so I didn’t really want to be wasting away my high school years. Even then I only really decided on actually giving photography a go in the last two or so years. What keeps you motivated? A range of things. My bikes, pretty girls, peoples stories and a broad range of different cultures, the hope that one day my work might mean there’s a few less xenophobic rants in the opinion pages of newspapers, and all the people that hate my twitter presence. Are there any artists in particular or anything else that influences your work? Artists I could quickly mention include David Burnett, Jose Cendon, Ben Lowy and Adam Ferguson. I don’t particularly focus on a particular group of photographers and artists, I’m more interested in the stories that are covered. There is some really great work coming out of western Africa over the last few years. Central America and places like east timor are really capturing my attention too.

If you could be any inanimate object what would it be? I’ll go with being a desk. That way I will hopefully be helping someone work towards something great. I don’t know where I’d be without mine. What are you currently working on, and do you have any plans for the future? At the moment I’m just taking photos of whatever adventures I’m finding myself on. I’m slowly working towards being able to head overseas and start putting together a solid body of work that one day I’ll be able to take in to an agency. Places I’m looking at taking a trip to are places like Israel, Algeria, Brazil and Sri Lanka. Do you have any stories you’d like to share, art related or not. Mel Gibson used to be my neighbour, I suppose that’s something. Oh, and I’ve had a gun pulled on me a bunch of times whilst at work, being a courier isn’t as glamorous as it seems…


Hi, Who are you? Hoy, I’m Blomtrog, $treet $wag canvas killo, un-professional artist. Where are you from? I’m from the Blue Mountains, which is an hour on a fast ridgey west of Sydney. What do you do? I’m a graphic designer, I design shit like high-end cookbooks, record covers and logos for companies, as well as my own magazine (just like this one!). I’m also a street art enthusiast, go-go dancer and Internet addict. What is your favorite food? Chicken Parmigiana – hands down. When and why did you start making art? I would have started making art when I was 17, that would be year eleven of high school, when they make you pick shit you want to do in the HSC. I did this because it would be fun to share a class with all my pals who were interested in weird shit and be able to hang out with the esh lads at school for an hour each day, which made high school heaps funnier and more chilled. What animal represents your spirit, and why? This goat... watch?v=XcKtBqxcTK4

Are there any artists in particular or anything else that influences your work? I’m a big sponge for inspiration and love my fellow art hoodlums to bits. I really dig shit from many street killers like Ha-Ha, Sean Morris, Lister, Eels, Terrible Horrible and Lush. In a more traditional art sense, I really get gee’d by the work of, Ben Quilty, Michael Peck, Michael Zavros and the masters with $tylez for milez; Egon Schiele and Dali. If you could be any inanimate object what would it be? Janet Jackson’s nipple ring, mane. What are you currently working on, and do you have any plans for the future? As I said earlier in the interview I’m working on achieving Instagram fame. Other than that I’m working on the next issue of my own magazine Knock Knock. I’m also preparing an artist talk at this year’s Vivid Festival in Sydney - which I’m co-curating with my sister under the banner of Knock Knock. We’re also working on a big arse group show in Sydney mid-year with loads of wild cats, sure to be a banger! In other news I’m off to Melburn in a couple of weeks to take pictures at a big design festival and hopefully find a job doing fun shit like playing Facebook, drawing on post-its and listening to gutter-rap through my headphones.

Do you have any stories you’d like to share, art related or not? It’d be probably funny to be all like ‘guilty as charged with the stories’ – you know from that movie? Ah man. I was recently chilling in Istanbul with some new friends and saw some kids playing imaginary soccer juggling on the main strip of the city. So we joined in and soon enough there was a full blown game going on. I’ve never seen/ heard of such crazy shit. Old people and everything. We were with some crazy Dutch dude called Kasper and he jumped on the bonnet of a car or something to do a fake header or a bicycle kick. Some popo were hanging on the other side of the car and it was heaps awkward. Lastly, if you were stuck on a desert island for approximately 2 years, one month and five days and you could have 5 items and one person you’ve never met, what and who would they be? I’d rather go nude anyway, it’s be more exotic and trivial. My five items would be: • Solar powered fan • Etch-a-sketch • Bongo drum or similar • Video Camera • Paw Paw cream If the person is allowed to be dead, it would be Biggie Smalls. If they had to be alive it would be Kerser.


Hi, Who are you? My name is HTMLflowers but also it’s Grant and lil wombat sometimes. Where are you from? Illinois middle America, but I have been living in Melbourne australia for 16 years more or less. What do you do? I make things and try to be happy/make others happy. What is your favorite food? I find it difficult to select a single food, but I enjoy things that subtlely meld sweet and savoury and fill me up alot. When and why did you start making art? Since before I can remember I have been making things, or at least that’s what my mother has told me. What animal represents your spirit, and why? I am not sure what the spirit of this question is but i would not say that I see myself or humyns as having spirits definetly and to my knowledge the idea of a spirit animal or animal guide as a source of strength/protection etc. Belongs to some really specific native american cultures and traditions (tho I would like to state that this point I can’t be sure of exactly which and would not like to act as though I do) also tho I have heard it is important to pagan cultures as well and I would feel uncomfortable saying i have a spirit animal or that an animal can represent my spirit. But I am ok with identifying traits i love about animals that i think reflect my persynality - bearcubs or wombats because of how they are furry and small and really like to cuddle and climb things and bite things. But just to re-iterate i do not have a spiritual relationship with the likeness of these little beings, tho I do feel inspired by there amazing traits as I do with most creatures humyn or animal.

What motivates you in your art making? As I understand my practice and the practice most of the artists I know it is very romantic to think that your motivation for creating things could come from one virtue or experience of belief you hold but if we Are being realistic it comes from many different places ranging from immense hopeless sadness to unabounding joy that must be honored. I consider all of my practices to be forms of witchcraft that I employ to influence my environment and I hope that generally I am trying to influence things for the better of everyone around me and myself and that i do not ever use my power to selfishly manifest the things that I want out of greed or childish need without considering my impact or it’s effect on those around me. Are there any artists in particular or anything else that influences your work? Marcel Dzama was a big influence on my drawing. Simon Hansellmann (girl mountain). Henry Darger. Junior Blue, Oscar Vincente Slorach Thorn, Oliver of the sky. all for drawing as well. Aruthur Russell, Aesop Rock, Bjork, Beyonce, Usher, Zapp!, Anti Pop Consortium, Mount Eerie, Juarez, Scissorlock, Aaron Wallace for my music. probly like Raymond Carver, Lydia Davis, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Carson Mccullers, Galway Kinell for my writing. If you could be any inanimate object what would it be? A candle to be burnt, to light the way for someone I love.

What are you currently working on, and do you have any plans for the future? I am working on a new e.p. with my friend Oscar in our group brothers hand mirror, I am working on a book of poems and drawings to release this year, I am writing a book about illness/recording an album about illness, I am filming a few music videos for my various projects, trying to compile a collection of comic work for release on a good comix label (koyama, space face i’m looking at you) and I am drawing and making prints for an art show with my best buddy girl mountain in two months in Madrid. I’m also considering travelling down to Tasmania in a few days to play some shows and help my GF, Lauren sell her pottery.

Cameron Boucher

Hi, who are you? Hi, my name is Cameron Boucher What do you do? Musician by day///Crime Fighter by night What is your favourite food? Yesterday I really wanted to eat a sheet cake but they were too expensive at Whole Foods so I bought some Biscoff cookies, so probably Biscoff cookies. When did you start making music and why? When I was in 4th Grade, I started playing the saxophone because my parents made me. I know go to The Hartt School of Music for Jazz Saxophone performance and Music Production. What are your main motivations for making music? There are a lot of reasons I like to keep to myself but I guess most importantly it’s a way to release all of the shit that happens in my life so its not just bottled up inside me//eating away at me, etc. What animal represents your spirit, and why? Probably a bird because there’s that one Nelly Furtado song where she says “I’m like a bird, I want to fly away, i don’t know where my home is, I don’t know where my soul is” and that describes me pretty well.

We noticed you’re in a number of bands as well as doing your own solo work, how many are you in exactly and what’re their names? WELL: Old Gray (emo/screamo) White Lodge (indie/pop) Madeliene (acousitc/pop) SPF 420 (weed/punk) Our Foliage (emo) Cameron Boucher (sad) I think these are the active ones, I have three others i’m currently working with so in time you’ll hear those as well... Is it challenging being involved in so many different projects at the same time and do you find yourself having to prioritize? I definitely prioritize. Old Gray is probably the one that I do the most with but this summer I really hope to be doing more with SPF 420, Madeliene, and a new punk band i’m working on. If you could be any inanimate object what would it be? A Pineapple Who are some of your favourite musicians and bands and do you think that they influence you in your own music? My favorite bands/musicians are probably Sigur Ros, Regina Spektor, Brand New, and Carissa’s Wierd. (maybe Latterman too) I know that they influence me a lot, I really try and do my own thing though. My music often gets compared to other people, especially the stuff I write for Old Gray but I honestly don’t listen to that much screamo. Pianos Become the Teeth and L’Antietam are great, no questions about that, but if I’m writing, I’m not really trying to take from anyone before me, I’m trying to do my own thing, if that makes any sense?

What do you do for fun outside of your music making? I don’t really think I do anything other than music to be honest. I like going to shows and making pancakes in my george foreman. Old Gray is collectively buying new skateboards so that may be something I start doing again, WHO KNOWS! What are you currently working on and do you have anything planned for the near future. LOTS: future releases include: SPF 420 EP (06/2013), My Foolish Heart EP (06/2013), My solo LP (06/2013), new White Lodge (04/2013), something new with Old Gray this fall, and I have been writing for a Madeliene record which should be released this summer. Lastly, if you were stuck on a desert island for approximately 2 years, one month and five days and you could have 5 items and one person you’ve never met, what and who would they be? (Food, water and clothing are included.) I’d say: like hella sun tan lotion, a guitar of some type, lots of pens and paper, maybe like an iPhone with unlimited battery and service, and wings. I think wings would be cool to have. Also, probably trying to hang out with Ryan Gosling.


Where are you from? I’m from manies places but i’ve raised in the south of france, MONTPELLIER 34000!!! What do you do? Nothing, I’ve worked before but now i take this year for painting, drawing and trainning myself (push ups,pull ups,running…).I’m living with the gouvernement money now. What is your favorite food? My favorite food is pepper, all kind of pepper and my favorite dish is lasagna with red pepper. When and why did you start making art? When I was twelve years old, my cousin and me past all the summer for reproduced the DBZ trading cards after that I’v never stop drawing really. I’v never be in a school art and something. well I don’t say it’s a bad thing or what I don’t have any idea on this but it’s too expensive for me anyway. What motivates you in your art making? My first motivation, it’s fun, making joke. if someone smile when he/she see my stuff i’ve done my job. I’m not really smart, defently not a man of reflexion.

Are there any artists in particular or anything else that influences your work? An artist, actually I don’t know anything about real art, well I know basics stuff like Joconde… But I can’t say why the Jconde is so famous, that’s a good resume of my knowledge in art :) ho yes, actually, the only artist I know and who can influence my style, the form, is FUZI, great guy really and I really knows art. My reals influences, was the films, I’m always watching films, always. I can’t do anything in my house without a film. I’m probably a real specialist on DTD movie, this is my speciality. Cinema, all kind of cinema influence my works a lot. My roots influence me too, my father is a Spanish gypsi and my mum an eastern witch really hahaha she’s Polish. Two culture with the same base, the immediate joy, little joy. If I have to resume my work, it’s just manies smile it’s not an grandiose stuff, just a full of little joy. I don’t wanna waste my time with the pursuit of hapiness. hahaha If you could be any inanimate object what would it be? The lil Wayne skateboard because I can be one of the best joke in the world.

What are you currently working on, and do you have any plans for the future? I’m working on a lot of things. an animation with 2pac and a biddies wizard in a desert. A zine, i’m drawing the 10 most violent english soccer players. i’m writing SF novels and i’m illustrating then…manies different thing and graffiti, always graffiti! Lastly, if you were stuck on a desert island for approximately 2 years, one month and five days and you could have 5 items and one person you’ve never met, what and who would they be? 5 items: 1-a climping rope (10 meters) 2-crossbow. 3-silex (firestarter). 4-big knife. 5-little folder shovel, i d’ont know the name in english... and a person, maybe Adam Sandler he seems nice, he’s not fancy and not too precious. thangs for everything.

website: facebook: tumblr:


Hi, Who are you? Pseudoze because I like using pseudonyms Where are you from? Somewhere hidden in the metropolis of Sydney. What do you do? I try to create images of things that nobody has thought about yet. Even if it’s of a common object, I try to communicate it from an unseen angle. What is your favorite food? Been eating way too much Lebanese chicken from the Granville area. Also beef noodle soup from all over the west. When and why did you start making art? Probably since day dot, but I first started designing my own floor plans to dream houses when I was eight. My uncle who is an architect fuelled my passion but told me to not restrict myself. He gave me an old Nikon and after years of it sitting under my bed I took it out and just went wild with it. So drawing and photography have always been around in my life. I think it formed an escape from normal life, where people run around working the rat race I’d be searching for the essence of things - the truth. What animal represents your spirit, and why? Probably an owl. Likes to be up late, and contemplates life with a sharp eye. What motivates you in your art making? Basically seeing my friends do creative things and trying to push the envelope a little bit further.

Are there any artists in particular or anything else that influences your work? I’ve always looked up to the work of Australian painter Jeffrey Smart. His urban scenes are starkly beautiful. Eerily alone but not lonely. I’m always inspired by photojournalists who venture into conflicts as millions of people attempt to flee them. What have you witnessed in your recent travels to the Middle East? A couple of friends and I decided to venture to the rogue state of Iran, among other countries. After weeks of stress abroad trying to get the right entry requirements we spent a nervous hour at the Airport Immigration Bureau in the capital of Tehran. We had prepared ourselves to such an extent, they even asked if we were Muslim. As we headed from the cool mountainous north down to the desert heart of the country, we met hundreds of the most friendly and loving people. We had to refuse countless offers to come to people’s house for dinner, to meet their families, or to receive goods and services free of charge. Because the economy was crashing, we could only trade money on the black market, which gave us fat stacks of rials. We travelled lavishly and ate like kings for only a handful of dollars. The most incredible thing about Iran is the people. Their welcoming and open nature is nothing like what the media paints Iran to be. It is heartbreaking to think they could be at war yet again. What are you currently working on, and do you have any plans for the future? I am saving to head overseas again with the intent to document it more thoroughly and hopefully get some of it published somewhere.


Who are you and what do you do? Girl from Sydney - I study humanities at uni, I draw in pencil and ink, and I sometimes make collages and very rarely now take photos. What is your favorite food? Not exactly a food, but coconut water in a whole coconut when it’s cut open enough and you have a spoon or a very sturdy straw so you can scoop out the insides and eat it. When and why did you start making art? From a very young age, I’ve loved doing crafty/creative things. the ‘why’ part of this question has always been changing. Visual arts in high school was a good opportunity to experiment with other forms and media, and I got a lot of encouragement from my teachers. So now, without the deadlines and the marks (and the facilities), I do it because I think it’s important to be creative and/ or because I enjoy it. It’s hard for me to think of what I do now as art because my reasons for making things are pretty selfish and individualistic What animal represents your spirit, and why? Maybe a jellyfish. I can relate to its reliance on ocean currents. What inspires your work? I’m inspired by interesting shapes, textures, light/shadow, lines, patterns, how I feel, boredom, other people and what they are doing. Also, just trying to stay creatively active and not falling into ruts. If you could be any inanimate object what would it be? I would be a strobe light on an unmanned deep-ocean sub.

What are you currently working on, and do you have any plans for the future? I’m planning a trip at the end of this year to Europe definitely and the US hopefully (and Canada maybe). I’m aiming to do honours and to finish uni next year, and then to move out the year after that. I’m currently fixing up a chair that I picked up in the council clean up pile across the road. but other than that, I’m not working on anything in particular, just trying to \\\ Do Something Creative Every Day ///. I keep putting off plans to make linoprints. I’ve thought about drawing or painting frames to make really short gif animations. I want to start painting again. Do you have any stories you’d like to share, art related or not? I have a lot of secondhand books that were very cheap or that I picked up for free or got as a gift; most of which I haven’t read but I can appreciate each one because of how or where I got it. One of these books is about self discovery, and I got it after having a great chat with a guy about my ‘calm aura’. Talk to strangers. It’s fun.

Beach Slut

Who are you and where are you from? I’m Gus and I play guitar and sing in a band called Beach Slut, though I play everything on the recordings. I live in Canberra which is pretty boring but its good to raise families and be a public servant in. I’m not raising a family or a public servant, so not too great for me. When did you guys form as a band? I’ve been playing in bands since I started high school, but Beach Slut started last year when I decided I was gonna teach myself guitar and play surf music. I tried as a one man band for a while which was cool but then I really wanted a full band cause it sounded better and was more fun, so I got some guys from a post rock band I play drums in, so those dudes were keen and now play bass and drums in the band. What type of music do you play and who would you say have influenced you? This is super long winded and kinda ridiculous, but I think the best way to describe it is wigged-out surf-pop noise-rock garage-punk for romantics and idiots, and I listen to lots of different kinds of music and draw influence from lots of places. Some influences are really out there, like one song is inspired by Liturgy and One Direction, but there are 2 bands that I think are the biggest and strongest influences. The first is Bleeding Knees Club cause I started the band after hearing their first EP, Virginity, which I’m pretty sure is my favourite release by any band ever. I’ve seen them 3 times and even got the name from one of their songs, though there’s also a Howler song called Beach Sluts which rules. The other influence is Sonic Youth. They always end up influencing all music I ever do and half the time it just accidentally happens. Thurston Moore is tooootally my idol and I can’t listen to Sonic Youth without getting really excited about music. Its also really nice to know that there are so many Sonic Youth albums that I’ll always have something to look for and hear.

What do you guys do for fun outside of the band? We just kinda hang out, I don’t think we really do anything too exciting, like we don’t have a group hobby or anything. We’re all into music though and we all play in multiple bands and know people in bands, so we go to shows as much as we can. I’m in still in school, but the other guys are older than me and have graduated so they’re actually super busy with work cause renting a house and working 3 jobs isn’t easy, so props to them for actually being able to do things at all. What have you released so far and do you have anything else planned for the near future? I’ve recorded 2 EPs, the first is called R00D D00D and you can get it for free on my bandcamp, and the second is called Lucidity which you can get from the Cinnamon Records bandcamp, and while yr there, you should totally also check out the other bands on Cinnamon cause they all rule. R00D D00D is just me getting used to writing songs and having lame teenage feelings, and I got the idea for Lucidity when I was coming back from a Pond show (best show I went to in 2012) and lost sense of spacial perception while driving past Lake George cause I was super tired and maybe my brain is broken. I’m making some physical versions of Lucidity very soon which you’ll be able to get from the Cinnamon page if you want the cd. I’ve recorded demos for another EP which is going to get recorded as a full band hopefully very soon and it’s gonna be called Teen Idle.

Broken Hive Records

Who are you?

Have any big plans for this year?

Oliver Cation. Expert procrastinator and amatuer sleeper.

I have Break The Ice Fest in Melbourne in late April which is selling well and looking to be my single biggest show to date. I’m lining up some exciting tours and releases for the rest of the year and always looking to expand my scope and audience, whilst also attempting to maintain integrity and quality controls.

Where are you from? Sydney, Australia What is your favourite food? Pasta and Sushi. Combine them and ill be in your debt. What exactly is Broken Hive records? Broken Hive Records is my business that I run DIY out of my bedroom, I book tours by international bands like Trapped Under Ice, Cold World and Basement as well as distributing local releases for bands like Phantoms and Endless Heights and the occasional management and booking role for some bands as well. When did you start Broken Hive and what made you want to start it? December 2011, it was the result of the imminent closure of Strikehard Booking in Jan 2012 and my way of taking control of my future and the sort of music I was able to be involved with (or not as the case was more frequently). I like working with bands who have a bit of integrity and drive and potentially some longevity as well, so being able to handpick who to work with became important to me.

Favourite bands? My favourite bands are Remembering Never and Converge, but I have recently been jamming a lot of Mindset, Childish Gambino, Morning Again and Xibalba. Any last words or shout outs? sign up to the mailing list’s and support local independent DIY activities, whether it be Broken Hive, Fun, Life. Lair.Regret, Lacklustre, or whatever. Lastly, if you were stuck on a desert island for approximately 2 years, one month and five days and you could have 5 items and one person you’ve never met, what and who would they be? I have watched Survivor so I know how to do this. 1) Flint to start fires to stay warm, purify water, etc. 2) Solar powered generator. 3) Fridge. 4) International Phone/Laptop. 5) Camera crew to document my journey Castaway style. The person would be CM Punk.


Hi, Who are you? Alber, I am a cat. Where are you from? A mum cat. What do you do? Sleep, eat and play. What is your favoruite food Whiskers, tuna and KFC leftovers. When and why did you start making art? Since I was a kitten, and because I enjoy it. What animal represents your spirit and why? A snow leopard. What motivates you in your art making? People that I look up to. If you could be any inanimate object what would it be? Hello kitty. What are you currently working on, and do you have any plans for the future? Split zines with friends and no.. just to do more of it.

Ben Jones

Hi, Who are you? Ben Jones Where are you from? Melbourne, ive lived all over the city but currently resting in Coburg What do you do? I paint, build and film the things around me. What is your favorite food? French toast means the most to me When and why did you start making art? I guess like most people, ive drawn and doodled from a young age but i guess i didnt think i was any good so i didnt push myself. It wasnt until i lived with my friend Marc, 4 or 5 years ago. We would stay up all night smoking weed, watching movies. It inspired us to express what we were learning. It was a really fun period of my life. What animal represents your spirit, and why? Maybe my cat, Carl. I see myself in him a lot. He is moody, distant at times with crazy bursts of energy at 2 in the morning. But if not that maybe a Koala or sloth. Something lazy I spose... What motivates you in your art making? Current events and society motivates me. With the state the world is in at the moment its a endless supply of material. Other than that my fellow cronies and spouse motivate me.

Are there any artists in particular or anything else that influences your work? Yeah for sure. First off my friend Marc Holland, He was there in the beginning. The whole Zonk Vision family, in particular Jason Galea and Danny Wild influence me big time. The work ethic and direction they have really gives me confidence to keep doing what im doing. Big thanks to Joel Melrose aswell. He is a friend that constantly blows my mind. If you could be any inanimate object what would it be? A helium balloon What are you currently working on, and do you have any plans for the future? Currently working on a few things. I’m in the process of making a print zine with a real unique guy from France, Zulu. Also I’m the early stages of making a claymation movie with Jason Galea. And in about a month I’m releasing my first book of illustrations from the Zonk Vision 2012 exhibition ‘Well Wisher’ titled ‘Distractions’. Along with all of this, running a low brow skateboard company ‘Steady Bumpen’ with 3 buddies. It may seem im pretty busy. My not to distant future plan is to make an online store ‘No One Special’ , selling some arts and crafts from all types of people.

Do you have any stories you’d like to share, art related or not? Once my father in-law gave me a box of cigars and because i dont smoke cigars, I gave them to my neighbor. A couple of weeks later me and my partner went on a weekend away to her families Cabin. We got really lost on the way and by the time we got there the cabin was on fire. My neighbor had got to the cabin before us (uninvited) and left one of those very same cigars on a pile of newspapers before he took off for a swim. My partner’s family were devistated. It had been there since 1947. I didn’t offer to re-build the cabin. Lastly, if you were stuck on a desert island for approximately 2 years, one month and five days and you could have 5 items and one person you’ve never met, what and who would they be? The person would have to be Larry David. I’d like to say Jerry but I feel he may be more high maintenance 5 things would be: -TV -Back scratcher -Lipstick -Massage chair -Video camera (with endless battery and tape)

Tex Crick Who are you? Tex Crick Where are you from? Sydney, Australia What do you do? I try to make pictures of places you would go if you had problems. What is your favourite food? Homemade falafel and hommus When did you start making art and how did you first start? I first started when i was 14 making skate videos of my friends, then I started getting into making pictures and all my skate friends left town and in 2010 my mum made me move to a rich kid school and all the kids were stuck up so I sat by myself and had three years to think about things and a lot of headspace, my art teacher became my best friend and she taught me about artists and kept me going with projects. What animal represents your spirit, and why? I guess an owl, I like to observe anything and everything, and i like the night. What motivates you in your art making? European supermarkets, poorly made taxidermy and waiting rooms.

Are there any artists in particular or anything else that influences your work? Not really artists, but my parents both worked for the airlines so as a child i read a lot of european vogue magazines they would bring home, if you have ever looked at 90s fashion photography it really is something special. If you could be any inanimate object what would it be? I would like to be a poorly made taxidermy version of myself. What are you currently working on, and what are your plans for the future? Currently making pictures, making music videos and trying to get a job at Coles. I’m writing a feature length film, the photographs I make pretty much summarize what the film will be like. I wont say more. you know too much already. Got any good stories to share? art related or not? Once I was on the phone with Bob Sacramento and realised I had to return a pair of pants, so I went down to the subway and it was taking too long, so I ran down the tunnel, but then I tripped and fell into a puddle ruining the very pants I was about to return. Lastly, if you were stuck on a desert island for approximately 2 years, one month and five days and you could have 5 items and one person you’ve never met, what and who would they be? 5 mannequins and Clint Eastwood.

Pesté / Plague

Hi, Who are you? Pesté / Plague. Where are you from? Born of the Ouroboros What do you do? Live, breathe, create, destroy. What is your favourite food? Ravioli, Poutine, Burgers and fries from the motherland. When and why did you start making art? It was natural, I had always drawn a lot. My first documentation of a “trackside piece” was in 2001. I can remember earlier than 10 years old writing words in the tunnel on top of the slippery slide before I moved to the city. What animal represents your spirit, and why? The flea, they brought the plague. What motivates you in your art making? Difficult to say, personal drive to make the things I want to make, its just natural. I cant remember a day I haven’t drawn or left my name on something.

Are there any artists in particular or anything else that influences your work? Paul Murry, Tove Jansson, Don Rosa, Hayao Miyazaki and Carl Barks to name a few inspirational artists, but walking down the street can be influential too, as well as nature. Exploration and the likes. If you could be any inanimate object what would it be? A flail - being a medieval weapon, spiked ball and chain. What are you currently working on, and do you have any plans for the future? There’s a lot in the works, everything at the same time. I have been working on a large body of work with Molt, it would be nice to have a show soon. Lastly, if you were stuck on a desert island for approximately 2 years, one month and five days and you could have 5 items and one person you’ve never met, what and who would they be? Hahaha, this situation sucks. Well I can always draw in the sand and scratch with rocks so; Unlimited matches, kush seeds, OCB slims, a drum kit, and it’s cheating but an ipod but you only have to give me one Wolves in the throne room album... (I don’t care what one, all timeless) And the person i’ve never met, a wizard. Because then I probably wouldn’t need any of the above...

Just yr (below) average review “Norwegian Wood” Haruki Murakami “A five star book on love, loss, and yr typical teenage emotions.” Yr probably wondering what exactly is a review of a book doing in a mad zine full of arts and crafts... well books are cool too man, books are cool too. Sometimes there’s nothing better than kicking back next to two scantily clad women with large breasts and opening up yr favourite Clive Cussler novel. Real talk. Some of you reading this might be familiar with Haruki Murakami, a Japanese author who became overly famous in the mid-to-late 80’s and had to flee his country because of it. Many of his other books (kafka on the Shore, the Wind-Up Bird Chronicle) are wacky and somewhat surreal but Norwegian Wood seems to be a rather direct love story. Murakami first started writing when he went to a baseball game and spotted a home run hit right in front of him. Somewhat of an epiphany, norwegian wood was the book that really brought him widespread appeal. I first read this book when I was 14 or 15 maybe, I can’t really remember exactly... re-reading it recently is kind of like when you re-watch a Disney movie years later and find all these secret little jokes that you missed then. Except with this book it brings a whole new and relatable aura, of feelings and thoughts you don’t necessarily experience when you’re 14 or 15 – but rather when you’re a hopeless 20 year old university student. Toru Watanabe, the main male protagonist, spills out the novel as a recount of his childhood to university years, his memory stirred by the sound of one of his favourite songs... you guessed it, ‘Norwegian Wood’. Watanabe recounts the suicide of his best friend, the beginnings of his relationship with his now-dead best friend’s girlfriend and the subsequent downward spiral that begins to follow. Throughout the novel though, despite the somewhat sombre tone that is set in the first chapter, you only ever feel hopeful for Watanabe to end up somewhat content. The only real problem is the lack of substance to the characters – they seem to have no real purpose behind them. Watanabe goes to his lectures, works two or three shifts at his boring record store jobs and writes letters to Naoko on the weekend. So why does such a boring sounding book have the possibility of being so interesting? Even in such a blatant and linear love story, Murakami is somehow still able to add a major sense of uniqueness to his writing, and to the development of the characters – whilst they never truly flesh out, the narrator is completely reliable, and you as the reader can come to live vicariously through his romance. Well, i’m speaking for me here though. I’m a softie. There are twists and turns throughout every chapter that still manages to shake things up, and you never really know who is going to commit suicide next. The characters are all likeable, and that’s something that can be found in all of Murakami’s stories, with a few exceptions. If you’ve read this little boring article all the way to the end, you might be somewhat interested. So why not read the book? You can even borrow my copy.


Hi, Who are you? I’m Darsh, or Dinny, or Dingles Where are you from? I’m from Sydney What do you do? I take photos, pat my cat, hang out with my girlfriend, drive, drink beer, occasionally paint, and make pizzas for a living. What is your favorite food? A perfectly made creamy seafood fettucini, or wonton noodles. With grape drink. When and why did you start making art? I’ve been taking photos for quite a number of years now, but I only started taking note of what I was actually doing about two years ago. I wanted to document all the stuff that I did, no matter whether it looked good or not. I’ve always enjoyed having documents and memoirs of past times, and I found taking photos of day-to-day stuff enjoyable. That then progressed to not only taking photos of stuff that happened every day, but me actually thinking about my photos and trying to compose shots entirely within the camera at first, whether it be digital or film. I don’t edit my photos unless I feel I really have to, and that’s why I try doing most of it on the camera. I also do a bit of painting, mainly large-scale canvases and wooden boards, where I literally slap the paint on and figure it out as I go. My paintings are usually based on what I feel to be aesthetically pleasing as I progress.

What animal represents your spirit, and why? Probably a koala; something that is lazy and would happily spend the entire day sleeping and eating.

What motivates you in your art making? A lot of things. I see photos by some of my favourite photographers, and I want to create photos like theirs. I see paintings and art pieces by amazing painters and I want to paint like them. Lately I’ve been obsessed with Gerhard Richter and his insane abstract works where he’s dragging a whole load of paint across a huge canvas, and just creating these amazing artworks, it’s mind-blowing.

Lastly, if you were stuck on a desert island for approximately 2 years, one month and five days and you could have 5 items and one person you’ve never met, what and who would they be? I’d have a tent to live in, a couch for comfort, a digital camera to take photos of absolutely nothing, a huge sombrero, and my cat. And if it was a person I’d never met, then I’d want them to be a mute so that I wouldn’t have to talk to them for 2 years, one month and five days.

Are there any artists in particular or anything else that influences your work? I’ve always taken inspiration from guys like Joel Birch who immerse themselves in many different mediums; so not just taking photos but also editing videos, painting, writing, playing music, even making pizzas at work I sometimes get edgy when they don’t look aesthetically pleasing. Which is a pain when it’s busy. I’ve been looking up a lot about signpainting; the Sign Painters Movie and the work and history those people have is amazing. If I could hold a brush steady, then I’d want to be painting signs for every shop in town. If you could be any inanimate object what would it be? A spire on a building in an interesting city, where I could watch everything all day and never get bored. What are you currently working on, and do you have any plans for the future? I currently don’t have time for much photo taking, because I’m working like a dooowg trying to rustle up my money to travel with my girlfriend in North America/Canada starting in August and going til I don’t know when. I am so ridiculously excited about this, you have no idea. Talk to me about it when I get back!

Holly Leonardson

Hi, Who are you? Hello! My name is Holly Leonardson and I like making things. Where are you from? Lived in Brisbane, Australia my whole life until last year, when I decided it would be neat to move down south to Tasmania for a change and to explore their national parks. What do you do? At the moment I hand make collages based around children, animals and nature with images sourced from vintage children’s encyclopedias, illustrated guides on rocks, minerals, insects etc and craft books. It’s also quite enjoyable to add childlike drawings and mark making to some pieces with faded felt tip markers, crayons, gel pens and stickers. What is your favorite food? Recently I discovered the taste sensation that is cottage cheese with homemade blackberry jam on toast. When and why did you start making art? I have always had the need to create, so if there has been a long period of nonmaking, I don’t feel like my usual self. Collage became a bit of an obsession at the start of 2012. What animal represents your spirit, and why? Definitely the humble guinea pig. They are spooked easily, like their privacy, love fresh fruit and vegetables and are quite shy.

What motivates you in your art making? New supplies. The need to create. To see my thoughts and feelings assembled onto a page from little more than paper cutouts and glue. Are there any artists in particular or anything else that influences your work? Colour is really important to me, so I am attracted to anything that is colourful and/or happy and artists/designers who use colour well make me feel giddy and excited. If you could be any inanimate object what would it be? Maybe an envelope. I love sending and receiving mail, especially if it means a bunch of confetti and stickers and lollies and other fun extras fall out. Plus, you’d get the chance to travel around and probably read some good stories from the letters. What are you currently working on, and do you have any plans for the future? I just started studying visual art at university but I am fascinated with contemporary jewellery, which is the direction I have decided to take but in the mean time I am happy enjoying the journey and making all sorts of fun things along the way.

Thank you for reading we hope you enjoyed it!

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