OHYRA ‘Supernova Extravaganza’. Photo: David Andrén.
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SUPERMARKET – Stockholm Independent Art Fair is an annual artist-run art fair for artist-run galleries. The aim is to provide a showcase for artists’ initiatives from all over the world and to create opportunities for networks in the Swedish and international art scenes. Supermarket wants to offer the visitor an exhibition with unexpected meetings and experiences rather than focusing on sales. In recent years, Supermarket chose not to increase the number of participating galleries, but instead focused on other aspects of the programme, emphasising the non-commercial aspects of this art fair. Supermarket 2014 presents 83 artist-run initiatives from 30 countries. Georgia, Syria, Tibet and Brazil are examples of the countries represented. At Supermarket 2014, we examine the theme of Difference(s). Difference(s) focuses on diversity: geographic, economic, artistic and interpretive differences and similarities. In an increasingly globalised world one would think there would be more similarities than differences, but the value systems of art are in fact more complex today than ever before. Everything in our world can conceivably be hailed as art, and all the various players in the art scene have very different opinions regarding the value of that art. A growing number of voices can be heard today demanding that art must be allowed to function freely – without pressure from the government that it be useful to society – but politicians seem to value artists only in their role as entrepreneurs. Regardless of the era, there have always been people who have understood the importance of art being ‘unuseful’, or as Oscar Wilde once said, “all art is quite useless”. Surely there is value in these words? We at Supermarket focus on the encounter with the artist-run scene – which has never enjoyed a particularly high status. But alternative networks, and thinking outside of the box with regard to ideas, expression, marketing and project management are some of the areas that these self-organised initiatives have energetically engaged in. Welcome to Talks & Performance at Supermarket 2014!
Apply to take part in Supermarket 2015 straight after this year’s fair! The application process is done in two steps. After qualifying, your invitation from Supermarket can be used to apply for individual Arts funding. Final Deadline for applications is 15th September 2014. More info at: www.supermarketartfair.com
Acknowledgements: PROJECT MANAGERS AND CREATIVE DIRECTORS Pontus Raud Andreas Ribbung Meggi Sandell
Graphic Design Andreas Ribbung translation and editing James Foote for www.inte-lagom.se The seminar programme is made in cooperation with KRO – The Swedish Artists’ National Organisation, AIM – Artists’ Intitatives’ Meetings and with engagement from participating panelists. The performance programme is made in cooperation with Fylkingen, Grüntaler9, OK Corral and with generous support from participating artists. Many thanks to the staff of Kulturhuset Stadsteatern and SUPERMARKET’s team of volunteers.
ASSISTANTS Katarina Lindqvist, Björn Lindahl
PRESS OFFICER Mathilda Hogg, press@supermarketartfair.com SOCIAL MEDIA Christina Wenger PARTNERSHIPS AND MARKETING Andreas Ribbung, Meggi Sandell ECONOMY AND ADMINISTRATION Meggi Sandell, Molly Carnestedt WEBMASTER John W Fail MEETINGS PROGRAMME Sanna-Lisa Gesang Gottowt Írena Steindórsdóttir All rights to the photographs belong to the artists if nothing else is specified. © Supermarket Art Fair ek. för. 2014.
SUPERMARKET TALKS TALKS started in 2007 as an open space for talks, presentations, performances and debate on contemporary art. TALKS has over the years developed into a 3-day seminar on issues relating to the visual arts in general. The themes have been ‘Art of the Future’ (2009), ‘Documentation/Non-documentation’ (2010), ‘The Absent Hub’ (2011),‘The Waiting Room of Eternity’ (2012), and ‘Happiness’ (2013). This year’s Supermarket TALKS includes lectures, seminars and debates surrounding the concept of ‘Difference(s)’.
RED SPOT PERFORMANCE Performance art has been part of the fair since beginning, increasing year by year. Live Action Göteborg, Lokal_30, Warsaw, No Budget Performance, Stoff – Stockholm Fringe Fest and PAiN – Performance Art in Norrbotten have been important contributors to the programme. In 2012 a separate stage for performance art was created. This year’s RED SPOT is partly programmed in cooperation with Fylkingen.
SUPERMARKET MEETINGS Since 2010 Supermarket has arranged MEETINGS, a programme which allows participating artists and artists working as exhibition organisers, project managers and other professionals to meet and discuss various issues surrounding their gallery and the wider art world. The focus is to provide an opportunity to exchange ideas, compare experience and discuss issues related to self-organised projects.
SUPER TV In order to reach outside the venue, and to those who are unable to visit Stockholm, Supermarket has been experimenting with different kinds of web broadcasting. This year SUPER TV is produced in collaboration with Riksutställningar – the Swedish Exhibition Agency. Interviews with exhibitors and visitors will be published on the web during the fair.
SUPERMARKET ART MAGAZINE Since the first Supermarket, in 2007, an exhibition catalogue has been produced. In 2011 ‘Supermarket – artist-run art magazine’ was born, with submissions from our network around the world, always connected to the theme of the TALKS programme.
Friday 14/2
Studio 3 / Marionetteatern, 3rd floor
13.00 Konstsoffan – sex samtal med politiker och konstnärer om konstpolitik Panel discussion in Swedish I september ringlar köerna till valurnorna. Då är det riksdagsval. Därför tar vi pulsen på partiledare och kulturpolitiska talespersoner. Vilka kultur- och konstpolitiska utmaningar ser partierna? Kan kultursamhället vara ett alternativ till konsumtionssamhället och dess miljöproblem? Vad vill partierna göra för att Sverige ska vara en stark konstnation? Hur vill de förbättra förutsättningarna för att konstnärernas kompetens och kreativitet ska komma till sin rätt i samhället och att fler konstnärer ska kunna vara yrkesverksamma som just konstnärer? Välkommen till samtalen i Konstsoffan! 13.00–13.25 Gustav Fridolin (MP), språkrör 13.30–13.55 Cecilia Magnusson (M), kulturpolitisk talesperson 14.00–14.25 Jonas Sjöstedt (V), partiledare 14.30–14.55 Ulf Nilsson (FP), kulturpolitisk talesperson 15.00–15.25 Isak From (S), riksdagsledamot i kulturutskottet 15.30–15.55 Per Lodenius (C), kulturpolitisk talesperson I Konstsoffan sitter också: Nina Bondeson, konstnär Katarina Jönsson Norling, konstnär och riksordförande för Konstnärernas Riksorganisation (KRO) Johan Wingestad, konsthantverkare och ordförande för Sveriges Konsthantverkare och Industriformgivare (KIF) Presenteras i samarbete med KRO/KIF. Samtalen bandas och sänds i efterhand av SVT Forum. Vänligen kom i tid, dörren stängs när varje nytt samtal börjar. Tid: 180 min.
17.00 Dror Feiler – Agitatorium Performance in Swedish Vad är ett Agitatorium? En form av stå-upp, en ”No Fun stand-up” där musik/konsert, politik, konst och ”agitation” blandas och interagerar. Ett grus i maskineriet riktat mot ett politiskt kulturklimat där en populistisk, odemokratisk grundton tagit över scenen, med lyx, flärd, tom ”finkultur” och jippoevenemang som ledstjärnor. Om gränser och gränslöshet ur olika aspekter: noise, politik, Ship to Gaza, konst, Israel, Palestina, Colombia, musik, rättvisefrågor, fördjupad demokrati (även ekonomisk), aktivism, civil olydnad, kulturpolitik och konstkritik. Tid: 30–40 min.
EXOTIKDOT, photo: Ivan Molina Carmona
19.00 Exotikdot – Earth Proton Whistlers Electronics, vocals, light interactions. As she loses the sense of localness, Exotikdot observes humans from outer space, reflecting on the way they organise and regroup themselves in different lands with borders. Her work is somehow cosmic; cosmic as it intends to happen in a special dimension, which humans can aim to reach through her work. Cosmic in the sense of that which goes beyond political organisation and human pretension. ‘Earth Proton Whistlers’ is based on compositions that used, as a starting point, scientific sound archives capturing events happening on a quantum scale. The performance will be like jumping into some kind of wormhole. Exotikdot as in exotic particle. Presented in collaboration with Fylkingen. Duration: 40 min.
21.00 Maria Horn Maria W Horn is a composer of contemporary electronic music with a main focus on synthesis. With musical landscapes consisting of painfully slow changing clusters and digital punk, Horn’s music creates a both gloomy and aggressive dreamlike state. In live performances she works with visual improvisation and live projections using an old super-8 projector, video feedback and more. Presented in collaboration with Fylkingen. Duration: 30 min.
OHYRA, photo: David AndrĂŠn
PUMA SCENKONST, photo: Saskia Oljelund
Saturday 15/2
Studio 3 / Marionetteatern, 3rd floor
13.00 The Hub Of Contemporary Arts in Syria Abir Boukhari, Art Director and curator of AllArtNow, Damascus, presents and discusses contemporary art in Syria in recent years, the role of AllArtNow as a meeting point for artists, and how artists remain creative in a climate of unrest. The Syrian artist and co-founder of AllArtNow, Nisrine Boukhari, will also be present to talk about some selected artworks, how she developed her art and how the instability has affected her work. Duration: 90 min.
15.30 OHYRA Supernova Extravaganza Show is an explosion in a stylish package. Rebellious characters shifting appearance, styles and expressions. An energy-filled meeting that busts barriers, creating unexpected consequences in the quest for immortality and superiority. Experience a spectacular dance performance that provokes, relates and spreads stardust. Ohyra Danskompani consists of Rebekka Aldén and Julia Benon. They work with dance, film, performance and improvisation in different settings and contexts. With a symbiosis of catwalk vogue and modern dance as well as taking inspiration from cheerleading and kung fu, they invite you to a colourful space experience with a soundtrack of pumping electronic house. In fashionable suits, OHYRA challenges prejudices about eternal life and always makes sure to surprise the audience. Duration: 20 min.
17.00 PUMA scenkonst – Sophie – eller om uppfostran Performance in Swedish Detta är den del av föreställningen Sophie – eller om uppfostran som baseras på intervjuer med unga kvinnor. Alla texter har sin egen historia från idag, men en del är även sammanflätade med kvinnliga författares historier från 1700-talet och framåt. Den ursprungliga föreställningen är ett försök att skriva om det femte kapitlet i Émile, eller om uppfostran av Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Sophie är instängd i en glasbur, uppmickad och framför en livekamera. Text och regi: Elin Skärstrand På scen: Saskia Oljelund Ljudbild: Christoffer Karlsson Tid: 60 min.
Photo: Anders J Larsson
19.00 Kristal and Jonny Boy – The Movie Kristal and Jonny Boy – The Movie is a performance inspired by the film world, a world where an event can be shortened to a few minutes. The idea that a film can hold a whole life, a story or a second’s thought is fascinating. The duo mixes self-composed pop music, dance, performance and electromechanical props. The show includes several “shorts” that are based on the poetry in the songs that are performed. All created and performed by Kristina Hanses and Jonny Eriksson. Duration: 30 min
Sunday 16/2
Studio 3 / Marionetteatern, 3rd floor
12.00 Två korta föreläsningar om konstnärlig kunskapsbildning och ett samtal med hemliga gäster Nina Bondeson, konstnär: ”Ett trans-intellektuellt förslag” Hur utvidgat är egentligen det utvidgade fältet i konsten? Hur stärker vi konstens kunskapsbildningsvägar i en tid som sätter konsten under press? Vad behöver överenskommelser och vad blir bättre av att inte söka konsensus? Roland Ljungberg, konstnär och forskare: Hur kommuniceras den konstnärliga processen och dess resultat på ett relevant sätt när ramarna för den akademiska texten fortfarande är för smala för att kunna utforska konstnärliga processer? Behöver vi nya sätt att kommunicera den konstnärliga forskingen? Kan konstnärliga böcker fungera som kunskapsförmedlare? Presenteras i samarbete med Grafiska Sällskapet och Grafik i Väst. Tid: 60 min.
13.30 Life Beyond Budgets – a panel discussion about alternative financial strategies How can arts and culture initiatives look beyond traditional models of financial support? This panel will discuss methods of economic survival, brainstorming to find new methods of collaboration toward the creation of alternative structures which respond to changes in state policies, social trends and other cultural patterns. The audience is welcome to participate. On the panel: Nini Palavandishvili (GeoAIR, Tbilisi), Amy Fee (Dansens Hus, Stockholm) and Kaspars Lielgalvis (Totaldobze, Riga). Hosted by John W. Fail (Ptarmigan, Tallinn). Presented in collaboration with AIM Network. Duration: 60 min.
DOLANBAY, photo: Teena Lange
15.00 Going Public: studios, work and outreach AIM (Artists’ Initiatives’ Meetings) is a network of 11 partners from across Europe, consisting of different types of artist-run initiatives. The network is to exchange experiences and knowledge, exploring our similarities through what makes us different, with the goal of increasing mobility, cooperation, and professional development. This year, AIM has invited Jared Ginsburg (co-founder and resident artist at Atlantic House in Cape Town), Elisa Pessoa and Gabriela Maciel (resident artists/founder of TAL at Fabrica Bhering in Rio de Janeiro) for a discussion about collective workspaces and studio partnerships which make room for exhibitions and residencies. Moderator: Signe Vad, artist and independent curator from Copenhagen. Presented in collaboration with AIM Network. Duration: 60 min.
17.00 Dolanbay – Untitled Singular Act Untitled Singular Act is about examining the relationship between materiality and performability as well as the conditions of singularity as opposing and repetitive. The performance will constitute a repetitive singular act: it will take place on a large sheet of white paper where Dolanbay will be dressed in white and have numerous charcoal sticks attached to him. He will make repetitive moves on the spot which will leave diverse traces on the paper. During the performance Dolanbay will signify himself as material within the process of revealing occurrences. Dolanbay has studied 3D Design and Mixed Media Fine Art in the UK. He has been performing and exhibiting internationally since 2002 and is currently based in Berlin. Presented in collaboration with Grüntaler9. Duration 60 min.
19.00 Marie Edinger Plum – New Moon New Moon is a reproduction of Karen Blixen’s moon séance, performed by Marie Edinger Plum acting as a pop star in a music video. Blixen was occupied with male and female subjugations in relation to artistry. Plum wants to question contemporary gender roles and self-representation in social media; she examines the fragility, intensity and closeness that occur with an audience in contrast to the impersonal space of the Internet. New Moon contains mystery, humour and interesting clashes in the composition of installation, past and present, the personal and the impersonal space. In collaboration with OK Corral. Duration: 10 min.
Allt som behövs för konsten.
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