1 minute read

Tegen 2 Stockholm, Sweden

Tegen 2, Bjurholmsgatan 9B, 116 38 Stockholm, Sweden info@tegen2.se | www.tegen2.se

Tegen 2 – project place, stage and exhibition space spanning from art, sound and music to readings and political actions since 2006. Seeking the burning/turning point in a multiple field of expressions and techniques, political/social statements and interactions. Eyes Wide


The eyes are staring and see one single catastrophe which keeps piling wreckage around us. We would like to awaken the dead, and make whole what has been smashed. But a storm is blowing, it blows with such a violence that we can no longer stand. The storm irresistibly propels us into the future to which we stare, while the pile of debris before us grows skyward. This storm is what we call progress. (A variation on a text by Walter Benjamin)

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