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Exercise and Decontaminated Air
Essentials for Better Health outcomes in Aged Care Facilities.
Exercise options in Aged Care facilities are an important factor in the health of residents
Exercise options need to be simple and achievable for any user.
Total Gym is a cost effective, versatile line of products that enable clients of all fitness levels to achieve their fitness goals in a functional manner. Total Gym provides exercise solutions for individuals and for facilities, including specialist rehabilitation requirements.
Depending on floor space we can advise the optimum choices to allow your residents to improve their Strength and Mobility, and in turn better overall health.
The Elevate Circuit
pictured above offers 100’s of exercises to suit all fitness levels of users.

“Myself and my wife are aged 82 and we are both using the total gym with great results. I previously used a weight machine and found it not to be very helpful. We are both highly active and the gym just adds that extra bit of fitness and keeps everything strong and flexible.”
Bernie Dare
Reduce the risk of Covid-19 in your facility with 24/7 Continuous Disinfection
With the ongoing effect of Covid-19 in New Zealand, it is important to look at long term solutions to limit the spread of the virus.
Horyzen Labs delivers cost effective and sustainable disinfection solutions for improving indoor air quality allowing people to move safely and with confidence.
In general, the great majority of human infections are transmitted by direct (infected people coughing, sneezing or touching an infected person’s hands or face) and indirect contact (touching surfaces like doorknobs, elevator buttons, etc. then touching your nose, eyes, or mouth to provide conduits of entry into the body).
In relation to viral transmission, and specifically the well reported transmission characteristics of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 that is spread via direct and indirect contact, Horyzen Labs are providing a continuous indoor environmental sanitizing technology for commercial and residential buildings, hotels and casinos via a unique Bi-polar Ionisation (BPI) device delivered through existing heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to neutralise up to 99.9 percent of airborne and surface pathogens including Covid-19.

Contact us for more Scientific information and case studies
Call or email today for free consultation. 0800 552 878 sales@hqh.com