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ATSNZ Disability Expo 2022
The 2022 ATSNZ Disability Expo showcased products and services designed for the rehabilitation, aged care, home care markets and leisure and recreation markets.
The exhibition of assistive technology aimed to continue to enhance and expand the choices for people with disabilities and seniors across the country. The event showcased a broad range of assistive technology (AT) and lifestyle services to support choice and control for those with disability, seniors, and caregivers, with visitors experiencing the latest advances in AT and related services.
Assistive Technologies Suppliers New Zealand (ATSNZ) aims to help people improve their independence, dignity, mental health, physical health, and well-being through awareness of assistive technology product and service solutions.

Liberty Healthcare Gareth Davies

Mobility Manawatu Rob Stick and Leticia Stick

Mobility Engineering Laura Fletcher, Amin Akbarian, Ryan Lawler Permobil Hayden Wilson and Sam Macadaan

U-Plan Systems Peata Nuku and Kelly Jenkins

Custom Technologies Robert toller and Liam Nicholson Complete Mobile Bathrooms Eldon Martin

ABECCA Shannae Beatson

Morton & Perry Megan Ransle and Lemke Wapstra

Call Caroline on (09) 304 0142 ext 703 or caroline@reviewmags.com