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Shaun Wallace is heading back to New Zealand and he wants to say hi!
Shaun Wallace is Heading Our Way
It’s 9pm on a Tuesday evening, and Shaun Wallace, the Dark Destroyer from The Chase, and arguably New Zealand’s favourite Chaser, is on the phone from London.
e’s keen to re-establish the links he created when last in New Zealand in 2019, when he visited twice, running a combined 15 “An Audience with Shaun Wallace” events over the 19 days he was in the country in both February and November.
“It was exhausting for me, I literally had an event every night, but I was determined to get across the whole country if I could, and Brendan, who represents me in New Zealand, put together an awesome itinerary for me. I think we visited around ten cities, but I have unfinished business, there are parts of New Zealand I didn’t get to see, that I would like to visit next time.”
‘Brendan’ is Brendan Lochead, the founder and sales manager of Believe it or Not, New Zealand’s premier quiz provider. He is very clear that Shaun loves New Zealand and New Zealand in return loves Shaun: “From the moment that Shaun arrived here, he gave 100% to anyone he met, and very quickly I realised that at his age, he would fade very quickly unless I tried to protect him. But he was relentless, nobody missed out; every photo was taken, every book was signed, he really did ensure that all of his fans enjoyed their meeting with him. Shaun even rang a couple of people for their birthdays – they got one heck of a fright! He truly is a really nice guy - he still calls to check in every week, and always wants to speak to my kids – H and Soph he calls them!”
Whilst in New Zealand Shaun visited several retirement villages, where there was standing room only, as he quizzed against selected residents, answered curly questions about The Chase, and signed copies of his autobiography Chasing the Dream. He also ran several charity events, and hosted the 2019 New Zealand Pub Quiz Championships in Auckland, where almost 700 people attended.
Shaun’s memories are very clear when asked about the best parts of his visit: “Listen, there were so many amazing things I did. I went white water rafting and bungee jumping in Queenstown, got taken on a three wheeler motorbike on a tour of Dunedin, visited Eden Park in Auckland and held the Rugby World Cup, commentated at the cricket test between England and New Zealand in Tauranga, saw Weta Workshop in Wellington and visited a wildlife sanctuary in Palmerston North. I also was a lolly runner on an Air New Zealand flight, I have the certificate they gave me on the wall behind me right now! I also got to meet two of my heroes, Sir Richard Hadlee and Dame Susan Devoy. Sir Richard brought along the mounted ball he took his nine wickets in an innings with, and Sue, she told me off for calling her Dame Susan by the way, took me out for lunch!”

When asked about how The Chase has changed his life, Shaun is very clear that his first love is law. “My proudest achievement is actually when I was admitted to the Bar. My teachers said I would amount to nothing, that drove me, and that is why that is why I rate that the highest. Being the first black man to enter, let alone win Mastermind, would be next on the list, but yes, being a Chaser is great fun too, and it has opened so many doors.”
Brendan has many fond memories about the time he spent with Shaun in 2019. “My favourite pic is one of him on the couch in my house on the day we first met. It’s 5.30pm, and he’s on my couch watching himself on the telly!” And of the man himself? ”He is very disciplined in all areas of his life. He exercises ruthlessly every morning. He studies trivia every day for an hour or two – he says it’s like anything in life, to be good at something, you have to practise, and that includes increasing his general knowledge. The other thing that struck me was that he has no airs and graces, he drives a 12 year old car, and lives in the same street he grew up in. He also doesn’t buy into celebrity culture – he has no famous friends, all of his mates are from his childhood – he knows he can trust them.”
And what of his impending return to New Zealand next March? Brendan says this time around it will be different. “Last time around I said yes to everything as that was what Shaun wanted. But he was shattered by the end of the trip. I think this time, we will do several larger events, and space them out better. Shaun knows his audience though, he identifies best with people in his own age bracket, so he will definitely be looking to catch up with his fans at retirement villages again. We have recently released an aged care quiz product which we run in around 50 villages already, so he will be keen to get to some of those potentially.”
Shaun dangles a carrot in front of me as we say our farewells: “You know, I am trying to convince Bradley to come with me. He’s always wanted to visit New Zealand, and we get on well, in fact our birthdays are literally two days apart! I think he will come with me if the stars align.”
Imagine that – New Zealand’s favourite Chaser and favourite quiz host – in the same room - what a hot ticket that would be!