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Pink Ribbon Breakfast
Gina Henry and Richard Cooke have been holding Pink Ribbon Breakfasts at their Auckland restaurant, Grangers Taphouse and Kitchen, for the past eight years. From fashion shows to silent auctions, their events have hosted hundreds of guests and they’ve raised more than $60,000 for Breast Cancer Foundation NZ. But Gina says supporting this important cause doesn’t need to be an extravagant affair. She shares what they’re planning this year at their newest establishment, Wren Café.
“W ith such high rates of breast cancer in New Zealand, we all know someone who’s been we always find them to be incredibly generous. The guests are also very kindhearted, we’ve been blown away by how much people give. affected by this disease. That’s why we Since COVID-19 has slammed our feel so connected to this cause and why it industry so hard, it would be easy to keeps drawing us in to give back. say, ‘not this year’. But for us, it’s about Wren had only been open a few months remembering why we are in this game when Pink Ribbon Breakfasts were on last in the first place – for the love of being year. So, we decided to keep things simple hospitable. by creating a special pink strawberry Hosting Pink Ribbon Breakfasts is a donut and giving the proceeds to BCFNZ. no-brainer. We get to build connections This year we’re aiming a bit higher with our customers, it makes them feel like with a brunch-inspired high tea at Wren. they’re doing good, it gets our brand out We love connecting with businesses in the there, and we raise much-needed funds for area and Pink Ribbon Breakfast is the a charity doing inspiring work.” perfect way to engage. We’ll sell tickets Getting involved with Pink Ribbon for $40, which will get guests a high tea Breakfast can be as big or small as you and glass of pink bubbles on arrival. Even like and it’s an easy way to raise funds for though it’s a small café with only 30 seats, life-saving research and patient support. we know we can still make a difference – Everyone who registers will receive a free every little bit counts. host kit with information and goodies to We’ve found one of the easiest ways get you started. to fundraise is to hold a silent auction. Find out more at pinkribbonbreakfast. We ask suppliers to donate prizes and co.nz