9 minute read
Meet the Roaster
Rene Macauley
Head Roaster, People’s Coffee
A self-described ‘Mr Fix it’, Rene Macaulay from People’s Coffee, grew up in Miramar, Wellington skateboarding and playing as many different instruments as possible in local bands. The head roaster spent a year in India in 2004 working in a drug rehabilitation ashram, he makes jewellery, tattoos his own legs, and has never had a professional haircut. But today we’re here to talk about coffee.

“In the mid-2000s, on occasion, I would visit the owner of Peoples coffee, Matt Lamason, in my lunch break. While I did drink coffee, the drink on its own wasn’t all that interesting to me, I was more interested in the whole process and big picture of coffee,” Macaulay explained.
“I love the roasting machine and started roasting coffee at home, not because I thought I’d do a better job, but because I just enjoy the process. On one of my visits with Matt he said he was planning a trip to Colombia and was explaining that he needed to train someone to roast while he was away - we realised I could be that person.”
Macaulay was drawn to the new job prospect; he was very interested in the operation and maintenance of the large machines as well as the sensory aspect which gets into the deep end of tasting and evaluating coffee.
“Also, Peoples Coffee was an ethical business which, at its core, was trying to change the world by intentionally working with marginalised producers, which I found super interesting.”
The job of a production roaster is perhaps different to what people think, Macaulay often gets asked if he is experimenting all day to find new flavours like an artist might experiment with colour. The golden rule in coffee is consistency, however, not art or magic or smoke and mirrors.
“We now use computers to monitor the roasting which means we visually can track a roast and compare it to the intended profile to replicate it as perfectly as possible. So, each day I am trying hard to do exactly the same thing, as if I was a machine so each respective roast tastes the same.”
Air pressure, temperature, humidity, processing method and the altitude the coffee was grown at are some of the variables in roasting one must manage to achieve a consistent flavour. It takes some time to learn how to evaluate coffee, finding the right vocabulary can be hard, and understanding how to pick the negative and positive attributes of coffee is a learning journey.
The industry standard of evaluation is called cupping. It is a form of brewing coffee which eliminates most variables which change flavours. By immersion brewing at a fixed ratio 1:16 with just water and boiling coffee in a cup, it produces a predictable flavour every time. This is the method People’s use to taste coffee to see how a roast or a coffee is performing.
Macaulay has been involved with New Zealand’s coffee association and roasters guild for many years and was the chair of the roaster’s guild for three years (some time ago). During this time, he created many events which ran nationwide and hosted many events where he shared his experience and industry knowledge with his own competitors throughout the country.
“New Zealand has some amazing people working in coffee, I had some great times getting to know various people in the industry.”
Like many of us, Macaulay finds coffee a little hard on the stomach and so begins his day with a decaf, oat milk flat white, in fact, this roaster highly recommends not starting the day with caffeine – you read that right!
“Allow your body to naturally wake up unassisted and then have coffee a couple of hours after you wake,” advised Macaulay.
“I strongly dislike coffee snobbery and think decaf is great. I think ‘death before decaf’ is so childish, imagine someone who just enjoys coffee for its taste and cafe experience, as opposed to someone who just uses it as a drug and can’t function without it!”
Because Macaulay starts each day with a decaf, he makes sure People’s decaf tastes great.
“Currently we are using a Honduras water processed decaf which is beautiful, and I roast it for both filter and espresso to support all the noncaffeinated coffee lovers out there.”
Ethiopian coffees (and most African coffees for that matter) have been a favourite of Macaulay’s from the beginning as they all have such unique and distinct flavours, however, naturally processed coffees have the most potential interest for him.
“After visiting Rwanda and learning about its recent history and experiencing what is happening there now, coffee from the woman’s Kopakama co-operative is the closest to my heart. The people of Rwanda in the last 25 years have had their identities and cultures tampered with and have lived through un-imaginable times, however their lives now have undergone true restoration.”
While he loves roasting, after 14 years, it is the travel to meet the producers and see how the trade impacts their life that it the most inspiring part of the job for Macaulay.
“I have been traveling to the producing countries for 12 years, visited 10 producing countries, and some co-ops I have visited four or five times over the years. We don’t travel out of fear or to control the process, but because we are interested in documenting who, how and why, and while we do post this to social media, we are motivated to sell their coffee and tell their story for their benefit, not just our story to build our brand.”
Peoples Coffee has always used coffee bought with fair trade contracts and have been 100% organic from the beginning. Part of the fair-trade contracts which buy the coffee they use have an amount of money per kg set aside from the payment to the farmer, this is called the social premium.
With the fair trade social premium system Macaulay has seen first-hand the things that can be achieved which have an ongoing impact on many people. Heath clinics, woman’s programs, food security programs, seed and bean banks, midwife training, home gardening programs, income diversification programs, roads, bridges, schools, buildings, all coffee infrastructure, training, access to social services, financial literacy training, banks … the list goes on of programs running because of this trade.
“Our goal is to have long term trade relationships with these co-ops, so it is important we choose co-ops who are able to succeed.”
It would appear that this skateboarding, jewlerry making, instrument playing roaster has fallen into a deep passion when it comes to People’s Coffee, and don’t forget his sage advice:
“If you are a coffee fan, try to not start the day with coffee, if you can wait 1 -2 hours after waking your life will be much better, coffee will be a boost not a requirement to be alive.”

ALTEZANO BROTHERS was started by three brothers born and raised in Latin America during the days of platform shoes, bell-bottom pants and too much disco. Our school trips were to coffee farms which provided an early exposure to growing, harvesting, and preparing coffee. Fast forward a few years and we found ourselves in Tamaki Makaurau where lattes were served in bowls.
Altezano Brothers was born to rectify this, with the lofty goal of providing Kiwis with the most enjoyable cup of coffee. More than twenty years on, we’re older … but still on the same mission. Ay caramba!
Today we roast daily in Mt Eden and ship all over the country. Coffee roasting is part science, part sensory art. Through a process of experience, and ridiculous amounts of cupping, we maintain ideal roast profiles for each coffee. For the calibre of coffees that we are buying, it would be a sin to roast them too dark. The hallmark of our coffees are clean, distinctive notes that emphasise each origin’s characteristics. Call us on 08003021880 for an honest discussion about your requirements or visit www. altezanobrothers.co.nz
Coffee Equipment, training, and maintenance.

come a long way since 2013 when Steve Barrett (Coffee Guru) and Adrian Sole (Commercial Guru) decided to collaborate and create Red Rabbit, from its humble beginnings leasing part of the Leeds Street Bakery in Wellington. It quickly gained a reputation of innovation by sourcing/ using the best seasonal single origin green coffee sourced from all over the world, then lightly roasting it to perfection, even keeping that methodology for espresso, which was unheard of in New Zealand, all part of an international third-wave movement of micro roasting.
At Red Rabbit, we aren’t about conventional espresso and roasting methods, instead, crafting clean, sweet, seasonal single origin espresso and filter coffees passionately prepared for you. To share the labyrinth of flavour in the cup that you drink is what excites us. Because of this ethos, Red Rabbit continues to enjoy national, international, and social media acclaim for this bold approach.
Since 2016, Red Rabbit moved its headquarters and Roasting to Parnell, Auckland and continues to attract premium foodservice clients throughout the country, these café operators have all wanted to join the Red Rabbit third-wave movement and they are now some of our fiercest brand ambassadors that we have!
For more information, visit www. redrabbitcoffee.co.nz
heart of Nelson there’s a hum from a bunch of happy people pumping out some tasty beans to send out nationwide.
It is a specialty coffee roasting company established in 2005 and now has a team of around 40 people who together have an unflinching belief that quality should never be compromised. Exceptional Single Origin Coffees and Blends sourced from across the globe - there’s something for everyone here. From fruity, zingy, naturals to the moreish chocolatey Custom Deluxe blend, right through to the big guns: the dark and grunty 52 blend.
Not just about delicious coffee, Sublime is a champion for change towards ethical business practice and environmental impact, with fully compostable packaging, from bags to lids and cups they’re practicing what they preach.
Sublime Coffee Roasters is all about mutually beneficial relationships, from the grower through to the flat white drinker. Sublime can offer a tailored package of great product, equipment, training, and maintenance. The techies and trainers will come to you or you can come to the purpose-built training room.
Still owned and operated by the original founders, Sublime pride themselves on being great to deal with, whether it’s a super high use busy cafe right down to the home delivery website customer, Sublime wants to exceed expectations.
For more information, phone 0508 SUBLIME, or visit www.sublimecoffeeroasters.co.nz