top products 2021
COVID-19 Hasn’t Slowed NPD Innovation While the COVID-19 pandemic has been incredibly hard for almost every part of the foodservice sector, it has also been a time of innovative product development as brands pivoted their offerings and ramped up new ideas to reflect the needs of consumers during this time. Nowhere was this more evident than during this year’s Inspire+ New Zealand Artisan Awards which saw a record breaking 957 entries for the 2021 competition, making it the largest award of its kind in Aotearoa.
Well & Truly Artisan Pantry Well & Truly is a humble, Kiwi familyowned company located in the beautiful setting of rural Cambridge, New Zealand. “Everything we produce, we do with well-ness in mind, just whole nutritious food how nature intended, simply made special. No cutting corners, no fillers, no artificial stuff. Gourmet, 100% certified gluten-free always!” Why the name Well & Truly? It’s about who the company is. It’s about supporting others through this business to enable well-ness, from the products it makes to the everyday encounters the company has; it’s about being real, authentic, and always a work in progress. Email: or visit