EPA Campaign Proposal

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NDD Campaign Proposal for the US Environmental Protection Agency


design team_ Maria Lee Sup Lee Marc Weiss client_ The US Environmental Protection Agency target audience_ Children, Teens, & Parents Living In Urban Areas project title_ Eat, Play, Rest budget_ $2 million time frame_ Launch May 2015


client_ The US Environmental Protection Agency EPA is an agency of the federal government of the United States charged with protecting human health and the environment, by writing and enforcing regulations based on laws passed by Congress. EPA uses their own strategic planning called Futures Analysis, which represents their effort to think ahead—to anticipate and plan for uncertain conditions and events. An awareness of the environmental consequences of potential social, economic, and technological changes can help EPA leaders make better-informed, strategic decisions about the Agency’s work in a rapidly changing world. The mission of EPA is to protect human health and the environment.

problem_ Nature Deficit Disorder A lack of routine contact with nature may result in stunted academic and developmental growth. This unwanted side-effect of the electronic age is called Nature Deficit Disorder (NDD).The term was coined by author Richard Louv in his book Last Child in the Woods in order to explain how our societal disconnect with nature is affecting today’s children. Louv warns that the symptoms of NDD include attention problems, obesity, anxiety, and depression. Nature Deficit Disorder is not a medical condition; it is a description of the human costs of alienation from nature. This alienation damages children and shapes adults, families, and communities. There are solutions, though, and they’re right in our own backyards.

NDD Campaign Proposal for the US Environmental Protection Agency


Outdoor activity in the natural environment has taken a back seat to television, video games, the computer, and a demanding schoolwork and extracurricular schedule.

facts_ Our children may be the first generation at risk of having a shorter lifespan than their parents. Chronic conditions such as childhood obesity, asthma, and attention-deficit disorder have all increased over the past few decades. Approximately 16% of US children (~ 9 million) aged 6-19 are overweight or obese. Childhood obesity has doubled over the past 30 years for preschoolers and adolescents and more than tripled for children aged 6-11. These chronic conditions may lead to pulmonary, cardiovascular, and mental health problems in adulthood.

Today’s youth are losing the contact with the natural environment that is potentially beneficial for their health and well-being.


industry setting_ EPA wants to bring NDD to the target audience’s attention. Their previous effort to prevent NDD (through suggestions of weekly family outdoor adventure, monthly outing with child’s school, limiting TV and video games to 1-2 hrs a day, etc) is proving to be ineffective. challenge_ In today’s fast-paced urban society, parents want to be able to keep their children and themselves healthy without feeling like they are investing too much time and effort. project description_ A branded campaign funded by EPA that aims to increase NDD awareness. strategy_ Focus on the daily routine around the target audience’s home and work environment. Find a solution that incorporates nature into what we do everyday: EAT, PLAY, and REST. The solution must be safe, easy, quick, and/or fun in order to have them participate without too much effort. Such solution will promote some of the most innovative design and technology available today.

NDD Campaign Proposal for the US Environmental Protection Agency



NDD Campaign Proposal for the US Environmental Protection Agency


Interpretant_ Brand a campaign backed by EPA that is committed to increasing NDD awareness. Why? EPA’s previous attempts failed. Traditional methods NOT working. People do not want to give up what they have now. Don’t know the seriousness of NDD/long term affects. Object (of communication)_ Nature can be part of our daily routines if we take one step at a time. How? Revolutionize our own lifestyle. Bring nature into our busy private lives, let it “invade” our space. Fund/initiate inspiring projects + design products, promote them to the public. Representamen_ Various solutions (see following pages). What? We can have fun—eat, play, rest—while being in touch with nature.



NDD Campaign Proposal for the US Environmental Protection Agency



NDD Campaign Proposal for the US Environmental Protection Agency


class_ Businessmen/women, middle-aged parents, couples, singles age_ 25-50 setting_ Office, public/private, interior/exterior space, home, commuting route lifestyle_ Fast-paced, urban, affordable, comfortable, growing family, future plans, work, stress



class_ pre-teen, kindergarten, preschool kids age_ 5-12 setting_ School, playground, home, car lifestyle_ Fast-paced, urban, overprotected, extra-curricular activities, TV, computer games

NDD Campaign Proposal for the US Environmental Protection Agency


class_ teen, young adults age_ 13-21 setting_ School, city, car, home lifestyle_ Rebellious, urban, comfortable, extra-curricular activities, TV, computer games, social networking



NDD Campaign Proposal for the US Environmental Protection Agency



Sidewalks and crosswalk are an important daily walking route to school and work. All types of pedestrian travel to schools as well as work, parks, shopping areas, transit stops and other destinations take place here. Moreover, these provide space for children to walk, run, skate and play. Although these are typically made of artificial materials such as concrete, less expensive walkways may be constructed of asphalt, crushed stone, or other materials. While thinking about using different materials for such essential route, we came up with the idea of treating the paths as natural playgrounds. By placing reflective surface on the sidewalk, imitating puddles, we will entice people to look up and be aware of the sky instead of just walking inattentively from point A to B. You will effortlessly notice the color of the sky, lights, air, wind, and eventually experience the wonder of nature.

media_ Mirror dimension_ 3D setting_ Sidewalks & crosswalks solution_ Treated paths that reflect natural surroundings act as a playground

In addition, we thought of the crosswalk as a connector or a bridge. We decided to collaborate with some of the most talented street 3D artists to paint beautiful rivers and use our campaign logo as stepping-stones. We expect people to jump or follow the logos, inviting them to play a game with no rules. Through this experience you will get different perspectives on nature and the artificial world around us.

NDD Campaign Proposal for the US Environmental Protection Agency



NDD Campaign Proposal for the US Environmental Protection Agency



NDD Campaign Proposal for the US Environmental Protection Agency



People have become so busy with their private routines, that they forget to just look at small wonders in nature. A field of grass growing in the city is overlooked all the time. By introducing the grass in a new way we are getting people to stop and take a second look. Instead of succumbing to standard benches or concrete ground as the go-to place to take a break, we are creating these grass towers to give a completely different experience of rest and relaxation. These grass towers will be set up throughout the city and will entice people to get outside and explore nature in a new and exciting way. You will be able to get up close to the grass (touch it, feel it and rest on the surface. While inside the tower you will feel like you are underground because the walls will be made out of wood and clay. Small windows are cut into the surface so that light can enter the tower. Stick your hand out of the window and wave to those below walking on the sidewalk. Peak through the window as if you are underground breaking through the surface.

media_ Grass, wood, clay dimension_ 3D setting_ Urban areas around workplace (courtyards, near buildings, etc) solution_ Grass towers that provide a resting place

Once you reach the top, you will be able to sit, become a part of the grass, and simply enjoy the beauty of nature.

NDD Campaign Proposal for the US Environmental Protection Agency



NDD Campaign Proposal for the US Environmental Protection Agency



NDD Campaign Proposal for the US Environmental Protection Agency



NDD Campaign Proposal for the US Environmental Protection Agency



Did you know that hunters attach odor sprays to trees to attract deer? A new, pleasant smell in a mundane environment can be ever so stimulating. Smell also gives us the ability to taste, which is an essential aspect of our being. Everyday we eat, seeking what is considered healthy or for some of us, just tasty. From our study of the relationship between smell and taste came this innovative idea. Installed in these attractive lampposts in the shape of a leaf or grass are air fresheners that spray healthy dose of minerals commonly found in the environment near the ocean. The odor is light and refreshing, and these will be programmed to spray at an interval of 3 minutes at a range of 8 ft. The air fresheners are located high enough to avoid spraying into people and cars, although they are completely harmless and stainless. We are taking the act of healthy eating, which is basically consuming energy to live long, and transforming it into a functional, effortless method. In urban areas there is an extremely high number of complaints of foul smells including garbage, urine and car exhaust. This solution will not only decrease such problem but also stress, which will encourage people to step outside and walk (rather than hopping on a taxi).

media_ Product, installation dimension_ 3D setting_ Lampposts around the city solution_ Air fresheners with motion sensors are installed in new lampposts around the city to create a pleasant-smelling atmosphere.

NDD Campaign Proposal for the US Environmental Protection Agency



NDD Campaign Proposal for the US Environmental Protection Agency




NDD Campaign Proposal for the US Environmental Protection Agency



How many electronics versus plants do we own at home? They both look nothing alike and serve different purposes. However with Biogrow, now you can have them working together to enhance your life. While watching TV, checking your email on your computer, simply resting at home, you can not only save hundreds of dollars and get free oil but also help conserve our nature. Using the advanced technology of Biogrow, you can provide a place for algae to grow by doing exactly what you do everyday. For instance, light and heat from your TV is enough to grow these cultures of algae which you then take to the local diesel company and get free biodegradable oil. Furthermore, algae develop a variety of fascinating colors as they expand, which adds a sort of natural beauty to your number one resting place.

media_ interior space, product dimension_ 2D, 3D setting_ Urban homes solution_ Use Biogrow to cultivate algae which provides biodiesel and home decor

NDD Campaign Proposal for the US Environmental Protection Agency



NDD Campaign Proposal for the US Environmental Protection Agency


Water is such a vital element to any living organism here on earth. Our body depends on it everyday and it is crucial that we drink clean water. So how can we get people to check out the local bodies of water and be reminded of how deeply it affects our personal lives? We can literally incorporate the element into our homes and live in a new type of natural environment. To encourage not just one household but an entire community, here is a solution where a designated water source in your neighborhood will run like streams through each home. This decorative element on the floor will have a layer of durable plexi that allows you to easily see the quality of the local water source. This allows each and everyone to have a personal responsibility for taking care of the environment as well as pique curiosity in terms of where it comes from. If contaminated, you will literally have tainted water running through your home!

media_ interior space, product dimension_ 2D, 3D setting_ Urban homes solution_ A real, natural stream in your home


NDD Campaign Proposal for the US Environmental Protection Agency



NDD Campaign Proposal for the US Environmental Protection Agency


Our relationship with nature can be seen as a one-sided, selfish one where we lack the effort to maintain a long, healthy connection. There are moments between our busy routines where nature finds itself back to us and unexpectedly gets us to appreciate its simple beauty. Taking inspiration from such experience, this solution is about initiating a nation-wide commercial campaign that illustrates the relationship, which should not be ignored, nonetheless overlooked. The commercial is short, under one minute to keep the audience’s attention and get straight to the point. The story is personal and sentimental to appeal to the general public. Moreover, our logo and slogan are pasted on to different and abundant elements of nature such as leaves, providing an easy way of communication using cheap and eco-friendly materials. These act as propaganda posters to educate the public of our mission and message.

media_ Time based, video, poster dimension_ 2D, 3D setting_ Local & nation-wide network solution_ A series of commercials where nature find ways to get ignorant people’s attention


NDD Campaign Proposal for the US Environmental Protection Agency



NDD Campaign Proposal for the US Environmental Protection Agency


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