1HYDRO PRO BOTTLE FILTRATION SYSTEM – HYDRATION SERIES !! The 1HYDROPRO Bottle Filtration System is selling for 75% off the normal price! So it’s a good time to get them at a discounted price. If you want to make sure you and your loved ones are always prepared for the worst, this filter bottle system is a great start. It has our vote! Clean and hygienic lifestyle doesn’t arrive every time with the cleanliness methods you adopt, but moreover requires the consumption of clean water and foods. Definitely you would be considering that water you drink is clean and free from germs & bacteria, but in actual it is not. Bacterial germs frequently attack water base and are neither visible nor they impact the taste however; they are enough to disturb your health seriously. Individuals do consider water filter systems in their households and office premises but actually filtration devices aren’t cleaning imbalanced water completely. There is little percentage left with various bacterial particles that may disturb your present health. According to reports in United States around 60% of individual suffer from illness caused due to impure water and common diseases caused due to water include diarrheal disease, cholera, typhoid fever, Jaundice, gastroenteritis, guinea worm, cyclosporiasis, cryptosporidium, dysentery, giardiasis and legionella bacteria. There is a perception that mineral waters sold in market are 100% pure and safe to drink, which is usually purchased mostly while you travel or move anywhere. The time has come when you need to change your perception and carry a potable water bottle, which is itself a filter device and cleans water perfectly. 1Hydro Pro is a bottle filtration system that could be used to clean water with no hassles, and is movable everywhere, as it could be kept in your car, school or college bag or duffle bag. The filtration system has been a buzz on internet and is being sold in thousands of orders every day because its exclusive properties make it different from other filter systems. Let’s find out a few details about the product in a short review mentioned below… 1HYDRO PRO: An Introduction 1Hydro Pro bottle filtration system is a portable device that could be carried anywhere and ensures every user to deliver a clean and fresh water to drink always. It’s usually characterized as a life saving equipment and has potential to remove up to 99.9999% of bacteria from water, and 99.9% of parasites from water completely. The bottle is durable and most suited for carrying it while travelling, hiking and for emergency situations. Filter system can include of 650ml of water at a time and has capacity to clean up to 1500 liters of water, which counts up to 400 gallons of water. Apart from these properties the bottle requires no assembling or any fitting of battery as you only need to fill the water and carry it easily, taking no efforts or hassles. It is constructed with BPA